{Chapter Thirty-Four}

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⚠️ Warning: This chapter contains scenes depicting heavy drug addiction and overdose. If affected, please read with caution. ⚠️



Some time passed since we found out Nikki was using heroin.

Tommy had every right to be worried when he had a gut feeling. We've done some heavy drugs from time to time, but never started shooting up anything like this.

This shit can kill at any hit, even the first.

We've tried getting Nikki off the stuff, but it doesn't always last long.

MJ's been worrying about it a lot, but trying to get her mind off of it.

She got her job at the strip club back, and she's been considering on moving back with the lady she used to live with before meeting Nikki, a waitress named Dottie, I think.

Mick doesn't mind her staying at his place, though, (probably since she's the only one out of us all that doesn't empty his fridge).

Right now I was with her and Tommy at Mick's while he did some errands. She was upstairs resting or something.

Nikki was probably home, or getting more gear.

Sharise was out with Heather and Skylar shopping.

"What's gonna happen if Nikki overdoses?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know..." I said, trying to come up with a straight answer.

Tommy was quiet as he tried to focus on the TV.

"You don't think... MJ would leave...right?" he asked me.

I sighed. "T-Bone, I.... I really don't know," I said.

He sighed. "She was going to move to London...."

I frowned and looked at him. "What?"

"MJ, she... She and Razz were gonna move to London...." he said. "She decided after we helped Nikki with that song...."

I pursed my lips.

"She was considering moving in with some lady, umm... Dottie, I think...." I said.

He nodded. "Would... Would she be gone forever?"

Before I can say anything, a blood curdling scream echoes throughout the house, making us both jump.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed

"That sounded like MJ!!" He said worriedly, and we immediately rush upstairs.

We find MJ's room and I ran in first and I'm shocked by what I find.

A bunch if plastic bags and vials, most of them empty and with the familiar white residue on then, scattered on the ground covered in the familiar white dust, and not far away, Mal was huddled in the corner of her room, hugging her legs and sobbing, blood streaming down her nose, which was also red, white dust around her nose and mouth, wearing her bra and some black leggings.

"MJ!!" i said, running up to her. "MJ, hey, what's wrong, what happened?!!"

She just sobbed hysterically as she gripped to the roots of her hair. "M-Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop make it stooooooppp!!!"

I reach over and felt her pulse on her chest.

Her heart was practically vibrating!!

"Tommy, call an ambulance!!!!!!" I shouted as she sobbed and laid on her side, hyperventilating as I held her, and tried calming her down.

Tommy quickly ran out of the room to call 911.

All of a sudden, MJ start to shake and convulsing on the ground, her eyes rolling to the back of my head as she began to foam at the mouth.

"HURRY, TOMMY, OH GOD!!!" I shouted, panicking as I held my best friend.


"It was a panic attack, induced by a bad reaction to the supply, the seizure also played a part, but she also had a large amount of cocaine in her system... Its a miracle she didn't enter cardiac arrest," the doctor explained.

I let out a shaky breath as I looked back at MJ, seeing she was sleeping on the hospital, the heart monitor next to her let out a steady beat and the respirator she was attached to also helping her breath. Mick stayed by her side with Sharise, holding Mallory's hand. Heather was also there, sitting next to Sharise. They left Skylar with Sharise's parents once they got the call.

Ambulance had arrived to the house and took MJ away, where they had stablized her they best they could.

"Is she going to be okay, though?" Tommy asked.

"She's stable now, and we can have her in detox for a while," he said. "However, if this happens again... She may not be as lucky..."

I gulped and looked over at Tommy nervously, who seemed equally troubled.

"We've tried to contact her husband, but he didn't answer," the doctor said. "Is there any other way he can be reached?"

"Ex-husband.... We'll try to get a hold of Nikki," Tommy assured.

The doctor nodded. "We can recommend a rehabilitation center for Mrs. Sixx, but its her choice."

We nodded.

"We'll have a nurse stop by to check her IVs," the doctor said before stepping out.

We then walked over to where everyone was.

I gulped as I looked nervously at MJ's sleeping face.

"There was a lot of blow in her room, Mick... A lot of pills too...... Almost enough to take out a fucking rhino..... Did you know it got this bad?" I asked him.

"I didn't even fucking know she was buying, Vince," he snapped. "Ever since she found out about Nikki, she's been worse than the mi-"

He stopped mid-sentence as Sharise and Heather looked up, along with Tommy.

I frowned. "Worse than what?"

He was quiet before Tommy spoke up.

"The accident," he said. "You know, loosing Razzle, she was obviously in a bad place, but seeing Nikki, well, you know.... It's been a lot for her."

I frowned as he said it.

"Maybe that's why she bought all that supply," Tommy added.

"I'll try and call Nikki again," Mick sighed as he got up, giving Tommy his place before stepping out.

I knew something was up, but my thoughts were pulled when we heard a groan and looked over, seeing MJ's brown eyes slowly open.

"Hey there, sweetheart," Sharise smiled as she gripped MJ's hand and I walked over, standing next to Heather  who moved MJ's hair from her face.

"W-Where am I?" she murmured, looking around as I walked over to her bedside. "Wha... W-What happened?"

"You're in the hospital, MJ...." I spoke. "Y-You... You had a lot of blow, you even had a seizure...."

Her eyes widen in shock.

"Mal, how long have you been dealing with this addiction?" Tommy asked.

She frowned and looked away. "I.... I don't know...."

"They're considering putting you in rehab," I said.

"No!" She said, sitting up but having Sharise and Tommy stop her. "N-No, please, please, no...!!"

"MJ, MJ, hey, calm down," Tommy said, calming her down. "We're not going to do that, we're not."

I sighed as Mick walked in.

"Thank goodness," he sighed, walking over, gripping her other hand. "Don't you ever scare me like that again, you hear me?"

MJ gripped his hand back and looked down. "I-I'm sorry..."

He sighed as then Sharise spoke.

"Any luck with Nikki?" She asked Mick.

"Nothing..." he sighed. "Doc is on his way though."

"Why are you guys calling Nikki?" She asked, confused.

"He's still listed as an emergency contact," I said. "Hospital tried calling him once you arrived but no luck..."

MJ just sighed. "I doubt he cares... He's probably out getting his next high or something..." 

I sighed as Heather and Sharise curled up closer to her.

I frowned and looked down as Tommy gave Mick his seat, letting Mick hold MJ's hand as we watched over.

"When can I leave?" she asked.

"They're going to give you a detox," I said. "After that, they'll let you go."

She sighed and nodded.

"Get some rest... You'll need it," Mick said.

She nodded and got settled, Heather and Sharise her get comfortable before MJ was soon dozing off to sleep.


Leaving a little chapter here for you guys since its been a while. 🌻

🎧Currently on Sapph's playlist:

Carlos Vives "Como Tu"
(Translation: Like You")

♡~ sapphire.

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