{Chapter Thirty-One}

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》3 Months Later, 1985《


Just like Christmas, the new year didn't exactly shine any hope for anyone.

Time passed and we had sworn to keep the miscarriage between us all. Doc, however, learned about it (I had him listed as an emergency contact since he is technically my boss, too), but he swore to keep it quiet, especially from Vince.

I unfortunately suffer pains from time to time after the miscarriage, so was prescribed some medication for it. Its nothing serious and is thankfully been going away, but it still has its moments.

Nikki eventually signed the papers and we were officially divorced since last month. He also has no idea about the miscarriage.

Vince was released from jail 3 months ago, but stayed at home since Sharise finally gave birth to a baby girl, Skylar.

According to Sharise, she's the only thing keeping Vince sane after everything that's happened.

Part of me is happy, that he got his chance... Another part loathes and envies him...

I'm glad he has a chance... But why couldn't I have one, too?

Is it too much to ask? Give both me and also Razzle a second chance?

Then again, everything in this world is so messed up, especially for me. My kid probably wouldn't have ever lasted even a day..

Right now we were at the studio to record, but the energy around could only be described as depressing and a mess.

Doc, the sound tech and I sat in the controls room while I got another fix.

I snorted up the line I prepped on the mirror and sighed as I laid back on the seat.

"Is that really necessary?" Doc asked me.

"Just needed one more line to take the edge off," I sighed as I rubbed my nose.

"You said that four lines ago," He said.

"Doc, no offense, but shouldn't you be a little more worried about them?" I asked, motioning into the sound booth, where the guys were, Tommy pacing back and forth as he smoked.

He was about to say something when suddenly the door opened and Zutaut walked in.

"Hey," he asked as he approached us. "What's taking so long? Vince got out of jail like, three months ago. They should be on tour by now."

I looked at him like he grew a second hear.

"Seriously, Zutaut?" I snapped.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Doc scoffed. "Look at 'em."

We all then turned to see Mick laid back on the couch, a half-empty bottle of vodka in his hands, Nikki in the arm chair next to him staring blankly at the table, both of them looking exhausted.

Tommy was kicking and pounding on his drums with his hands, feet, and even his head.

"They're a fucking mess," Tom muttered as I grabbed a cigarette from the box nearby, putting it between my lips.

"No shit," Doc muttered as I lit it with my lighter.

"Look, man, my boss is killing me," Tom said. "We need them to finish that record and get back on the road."

I blew out smoke into the air as I glared up at him. "Did you miss the part where my boyfriend got his head obliterated in a fucking car crash? Or did that blow over your stupid fucking haircut!?"

"Mallory!!" Doc scolded as Zutaut went quiet.

I grunt and looked away, seeing Nikki downing more Jack before motioning over at us with it.

"Yeah," he scoffed at Tom. "I'll get 'em on tour... But you guys, you think you own them, because you own their music, right?"

I watched with a stern look as Tom pursed his lips.

"Well, then, it's on you and your fucking label if one of those idiots comes back in a body bag," Doc snapped.

Tom was quiet before he sighed quietly.

"Just..." Tom hesitated. "Just... Get them back on the road. All right?"

And with that, he walked out.

I sighed and rubbed my temple as Doc sighed.

"I know you're hurting, and I understand, but even if he's an idiot you can't take it out on him for it," he said.

"The maybe he shouldn't be coming in here expecting things to just go on smoothly after everything," I snapped.

Suddenly the door opened and I look to saw Vince walk in.

"Hey," he said awkwardly, standing there.

"Welcome back," Doc said as they shook hands, then looked at me as I got up, putting my cigarette out.

I gave him a blank smile as stood in front of him.

"MJ, I..." he said, but I stopped him.

"Don't... It's okay," I said. "You're alive, and even if Razzle's gone, at least it wasn't both of you... I can't even imagine how I would handle having to bury a second casket..."

He gave me a pained look as we looked at each other.

"You're my best friend... I don't hate you, even if it was a huge mistake," I assured.

He nodded and then we pulled each other into a tight hug.

"Eitherway... I'm so sorry," He said. "I know how much he meant to you."

I nodded and looked down as he held me close, and I hugged him back.

I then felt a soreness hit again and groaned, holding my stomach.

"Whoa, are you okay?" he asked, holding me.

"U-Uhh.... Y-Yeah, just... I got a stomach infection, on my way back from the U.K.... Been on some heavy antibiotics, but I'm getting better," I lied.

"Jesus, is there anything I can do?" He frowned, worried.

"No, its all fine," I assured him. "Just need to keep myself rested and take my medication, and I'm already getting better."

He seemed to have bought it, and nodded.

"Okay... But if you ever need anything, just let me know, okay?" he said.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course.... Thank you, Vince..."

He nodded, still looking awkward, and I just pulled him into another hug.

"I'm really glad you're back... And that you're okay," she said.

He hugged me back. "Thanks... That actually means a lot."

We then pulled back as he looked into the sound room.

"Guess I better see how things go," He said.

"I'll join you," I said. "Let me just get my things ready since I'm heading out right after."

He nodded and headed out the door to the sound booth.

"He's gonna find out one day, you know," Doc said.

I sighed. "He already blames himself for Razzle's death, Doc.... Finding out that his unborn baby also died not too long after the father did.... Its gonna destroy Vince," I said in a shakey voice.

"That's no one's fault, though," he said.

"You think Vince is going to believe that?" I asked.

Doc was quiet as I pursed my lips.

"I didn't think so," I said. "Besides, maybe its a good thing Razzle's baby also died."

He frowned. "How could you say that?"

"Vince blames himself for the death of a close friend.... Had this baby lived he would have also blamed himself for the death of a father..." I said.

Doc realized it and pursed his lips.

"To him... Being a man expecting a baby himself... It would have killed him... That's why he can't know," I said, then got up, stepping out and towards the sound booth just as Vince had walked in.

"Yo," Vince said to the guys, Tommy looking up from the piano.

"What's up, dude?" Tommy greeted with a small smile.4

"Hey man," Vince sighed as he walked in.

Tommy then walked over to the couch, jumping over Mick's legs to sit next to him as Vince approached them.

"Hey," Vince greeted Mick, looking at him worriedly for some reason.

There was a bit of an awkward silence as we stood there before Nikki broke the silence.

"I got, um, the lyrics," he said as he grabbed some papers from the table. "I made a couple of adjustments, but... I think you may like 'em."

Vince took the papers as Mick was about to stand to offer me his seat, but I stopped him as I sat on the tall stool next to the couch.

"Home Sweet Home?" Vince asked as he read through the papers.

"Its been too long, buddy," Nikki nodded, then motioned to to a powder of gear on the table. "Here. Have a bump with me."

"I just got out of fucking jail," Vince said a bit sternly.

The guys minus Mick gave Vince judging looks.

Vince just sighed and grunted quietly as he walked over, putting the papers aside.

"You're a fucking asshole," he scoffed.

"Vince," I said.

"It's fine, MJ," Vince assured as he grabbed the straw.

"Wanna show him the melody?" Nikki asked Mick as Vince bent down to snort.

Mick sighed and went to strum hold his guitar as Vince snorted the thin, small line, rubbing his nose when he suddenly began to cough.

"Vince?" I asked.

He then coughed and suddenly was running to a nearby trash bin, and throwing up.

My eyes widen as I rush over to Vince, holding his hair back as I rubbed his back.

"What fuck was that!?" he snapped with a cough.

"Oh, that was smack," Nikki said.

Tommy looked up and quietly chuckled as Mick shook his head.

My eyes widened in shock at Nikki as Vince coughed and retched into the garbage bin.

"You guys slip me smack, and I'm the fucking problem?" Vince snapped.

The guys quieted down as Vince then kicked the table hard, making the bottles shake as Mick stopped one from falling.

"Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I'm a monster. I killed Razzle, yeah," he snapped.

"Vin..." I pleaded.

"Could have happened to any one of you!!" Vince shouted before storming off.

"Nice job, Nikki," Mick mumbled.

"Vince!" I called out, only to meet with the door slamming shut.

I sighed as I then turned, glaring at Nikki.

"Are you fucking proud of yourself?" I snapped at him.

He just pursed his lips and looked down at his bass.

I grunt and storm off, knowing practice was already over.


Practice ended and I managed to spot MJ about to head home in her car.

"MJ!!" I called out just as she opened the door.

"Tommy, hey," she asked. "Are you... Are you okay?"

"I-I'm okay, but umm... MJ, I'm worried," I admitted as she took out a cigarette, handing me one before taking out her lighter.

She frowned. "What's up?" she asked before putting the cigarette in her mouth.

"Nikki is acting really strange," he said.

"Yeah, no shit," she scoffed as she lit her cigarette. "Slipping smack? Dick move right there, even for him. Where the hell did he even get that crap?"

"No, MJ, I'm serious, something doesn't feel right," I explained as she handed me her lighter. "He seems more tired and quiet and dazed even.

She just sighed, blowing smoke away from me.

"Please, MJ, you're the only one who can probably find out what's up with him and help him," I said. "I lost one friend, I nearly lost another, I don't want to lose my brother, too..."

She frowned and sighed.

"Okay... I'll go to our.... His house tomorrow and check on him," She said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

I sighed with relief and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you..."

She hugged back as she quietly sighed.

"I'm only doing this for you, T-Bone," she said sternly as she opened her car door. "For all we know, Nikki's just fine and being an asshole."

I sighed as she tossed her things into the backseat before climbing in, and I watch as she drove away.

I hope she's right...


Was going to hold off for a bit, but wanted to post this to help cheer up a friend of mine. ❤🌻 

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Bacilos "Por Hacerme El Bueno"
(Translation: For Being the
Good Guy)

♡~ sapphire.

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