{Chapter Thirty-Seven}

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⚠️Warning: Scenes depicting domestic violence, mentions of blood/gore and overdose/death ahead. Please read with caution if affected.⚠️





My eyes opened slowly, and I see I'm in....

....No... Why am I here..?

.... Wait... Why am I laying on the floor..?

I tried to move, but see that I can't seem to even lift my arms...

What is that smell??

I turned my eyes to the ground and frowned as I noticed red stuff by my head, soaking my hair.

Wait... Is... Is that my blood!?

I frantically try to move, but I barely even budge an inch.

All of a sudden, I can hear screaming.

Terrified screams.

For some reason.... I recognize one of them as my mother's....

My father yelling for help....

What's happening!?

I then look up at a mirror not far away and was horrified by what I saw.

My head... O-Oh my god, I-I can see... I-Is that.... I-Is that my brain...!?

I then noticed something laying nearby me and looked, horrified at what I saw.

Nikki.... It was Nikki.... Wait, why is Nikki here?

Wait... Something's not right...

His blue eyes stared blankly at nothing, his entire body limp and lifeless... He looked so pale and his lips.... Those soft lips... My god, they were blue.... 

I also noticed a needle stuck out of his arm, and suddenly my mother's screams turned to a man's screams, but he was saying something...

"Wake up!! Fuck!!... Party's over, wake the fuck up!!"

Why is here... Why is he here!? Why are we both here!?

Nikki.... Nikki, what's wrong... Oh my god....

"Wake up!! WAKE UP!!!"

I suddenly felt the scream I was trying to let out rip from my throat...

●end of nightmare●

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I sat up, and felt arms around me and screamed as I struggled to get away. "NO!!! NOOOOO!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!"

"MALLORY, CALM DOWN, ITS ME! IT'S ME!! MALLORY!!" Mick shouted and I stopped, looking to sure enough see Mick standing there, gripping my arms.

I panted as I clung to him, crying as he tried to calm me down.

"Calm down, its alright... Just a bad dream, that's all," he said.

We then jumped when the door suddenly burst open, door knob even flying off, and Tommy and Vince ran in, looking scared, Tommy with part of a (now broken) tall lamp in his hands, holding it like a baseball bat, its shade missing but it still had a lightbulb.

"What happened?! We heard screaming across the hall!" Vince asked, panting as Tommy looked around, looking ready to fight.

"It was Mallory, did you two dumbasses seriously have to break our fucking door down?!" Mick asked, annoyed.

Vince and Tommy looked at each other before back at Mick.

"We didn't have your key, so..." Tommy said awkwardly.

He groaned and face palmed as I caught my breath.

"I-I'm fine, guys," I said, sitting up trying to steady my breath.

"You two, get lost," Mick snapped at them.

Vince and Tommy hesitated, before nodding and heading out of the room, Tommy awkwardly trying to close the now broken door, but gave up and left before he pissed off Mick even more.

 Mick sighed before sitting next to me as I wrapped my arms around myself.

"What did you see this time?" he asked sternly.

This is not the first nightmare I've had. I've been facing these nightmares for weeks now. Mick has been there to help me through some of them.

Other times it was Tommy, Vince, the girls, once with Nikki, it really just depended who was nearby when I slept.

Not long after Nikki got assaulted, I fell off the wagon. The booze, pills and cocaine came regularly, almost more than the other guys were using.

Vince and Sharise separated, not divorced, but remain living together for Skylar. They still argue from time to time, but not like before.

The debt to the dealer was eventually paid. Doc paid it all, and Nikki eventually dumped Vanity. However, the heroin flow didn't stop with him, and he was still shooting up almost every day. He tried to get clean, but it barely even lasted 2 days.

Tommy and Heather are still together, and Tommy has been considering proposing to Heather, which might happen soon.

Mick had eventually met a girl, but she ended up making The Bullwinkle look innocent. The guys branded her "The Thing." She and Mick ended up splitting up after a while, though, thank the lord.

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair. "S-Something from my past.... But... It was different....." I explained.

"How different?" He asked.

I gulped. "Nikki was there... But... He wasn't breathing..." I said, tears filling my eyes as I remembered what he looked like. "I-I think he was dead..."

He frowned with worry.

 "Mick, I... I'm tired... I'm just so, so tired... " I said. "I-I don't know how much longer I can take any more of this."

"Look, you need to calm down. I know you've been through hell too many times for comfort," he said.

I sighed as I tried to calm down.

"Listen... I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but... Maybe you should see someone about this," he said.

I frowned. "W-What, like a therapist? What good is that gonna do to me?" I asked.

"Look at the facts, Mallory," he said. "You almost overdosed more than a year ago. You relapsed, this time with pills even. You're still hurting from losing Razzle and the baby. You almost lost Nikki. Now, you're getting nightmares of it all, and more, you're losing sleep, barely eating..."

I frowned and pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging my legs.

"Right now, the only good thing is you finally being clean from the zombie dust," he said. "But you gotta get help, or it's all just gonna get worse."

I sniffled and looked up at him. "I-I'll try," I mumbled.

He sighed as he sat next to me.

"Do you want me to stay?" he asked.

I looked at him in confusion.

"What, you think after the horror you just went through I'm gonna leave you alone the rest of the night? Bullshit," he asked, crossing his arms.

I pursed my lips and looked down. "Your back..."

"Don't worry about that," he said. "Now move over."

I sighed, and scooch over, making room for him to lie down, where he made himself comfortable as he laid on his back and crossed his arms across his chest.

I laid on my side as I pulled the blanket over us but curled my side closer to me as I tried to get some sleep.

Mick will never admit it, but he's a really caring person. Even if he gives everyone attitude, he will still do anything for his friends.

If it weren't for him, I don't think I would have ever made it this far after everything I've been through.

Nikki's breaking my heart.... Razzle's death.... My best friend going to jail..... My miscarriage..... My overdose.....

Words can't describe how thankful I am to have someone like Mick in my life, looking out for me as well as his band mates.

"Mick..." I whispered to him.

"Yeah?" he asked, keeping his eyes closed.

".... Thank you....." I said quietly.

He opened his eyes and looked over. "Don't mention it... Just get some sleep."

I nodded and soon we were both soon asleep.


"Alright, ladies, get your final touches ready!" stage manager of the club said as we all started to get dressed.

Tonight was a bit of a busy night.

Mötley Crüe had finished filming the music video for Girls, Girls, Girls, where they filmed at the strip club I work at, and premiered tonight on MTV, where we all saw it and threw a celebration at the club for the boys, even having a performance on stage of the song.

We were having another celebration here in San Francisco, where they had asked me if I can perform after one of their initial dancers got sick, per Vince's recommendation.

Soon we were ready and me and the other dancers as we all took our places.

I stood at one side of the stage on the pole while the other dancer, Tamara, was at the other pole while the guys started the music and we danced. We also had a prop chair nearby for the dances, Vince also had one as well, but to just sit down.

(Video: Mötley Crüe "Girls, Girls, Girls" Music Video)

Friday night and I need a fight
My motorcycle and a switchblade knife
Handful of grease in my hair feels right
But what I need to make me tight are those

Girls, Girls, Girls
Long legs and burgundy lips
Girls, girls, girls
Dancin' down on the Sunset Strip
Girls, girls, girls
Red lips, fingertips

I continued to dance, the guys in the club going crazy as then Vince took a seat on the chair and kept singing.

Trick or treat
sweet to eat
On Halloween and New Year's Eve
Yankee girls ya just can't be beat
But they're the best when they're off their feet

Girls, Girls, Girls
At the Dollhouse in Ft. Lauderdale
Girls, Girls. Girls
Rocking in Atlanta at Tattletails
Girls, Girls, Girls
Raising Hell at the 7th Veil
Have you read the news
In the Soho Tribune
Ya know she did me
Well then she broke my heart

I'm such a good good boy
I just need a new toy
I tell ya what, girl
Dance for me, I'll keep you overemployed
Just tell me a story
You know the one I mean

Crazy Horse, Paris, France
Forgot the names, remember romance
I got the photos, a menage a trois
Musta broke those Frenchies laws with those

Girls, Girls. Girls
Ba-ba Body Shop. And the Marble Arch
Girls, Girls, Girls
Tropicana's where I lost my heart

Girls, Girls, Girls

"Hey Tommy check that out man," Vince shouted along like in the song.

"What Vince where?!" Tommy replied.

"Hey, Right there!" Vince shouted as he decided to point at me while I finished a strong spin on the pole.

"Hey!" Tommy whistled, making me laugh as I danced.

"Hey baby don't you wanna go somewhere?!" Vince shouted before they continued the song.

Girls, girls, girls

Girls, girls, girls

Girls, girls, girls

Girls, girls, girls

Girls, girls, girls

"Whoo!" Vince shouted as the crowd cheered and me and Regina posed at the poles.

I gave a final smile as the band gave the crowd a farewell before exiting the stage and I headed to the back to change.

"That was fun!!" Regina laughed as we headed to our changing rooms. "You're amazing!"

I laughed. "Yeah, it was," I said as she got to her vanity table and I went to mine, pulling off my holster top.

I then looked over and see as Tamara prepped some cocaine lines on her hand mirror.

"Mallory, you want a bump?" She asked as she grabbed her straw. "Its a fresh batch I got lucky with before work."

I gulped and quietly took a breath. 

Its been 8 months... I can't ruin that...

"N-No thanks, not in the mood for it," I told her politely.

She shrugged and nodded before going to snort up the two thin lines she made.

I sighed and quickly pull on my leather miniskirt, a leopard print bikini top, and my leather jacket, then tying on my boots.

"Meeting with someone?" she asked me as she rubbed her nose.

"Just the guys, since I am touring with them," I said, reapplying my lipstick. "Only downside is, we're touring with KISS of all people."

"Jesus," She scoffed. "Don't you guys have beef with them?"

"You're looking at the one who wrangled with Paul's ex," I scoffed.

She laughed. "Oh shit."

I laughed as I applied a little more mascara before finishing and packing my stuff.

"Well, thanks for letting me use your boudoir," I said.

"Anytime," she smiled. "And just know you always got a place here if you ever want to join us."

"Thanks, but, Whiskey a Go-Go has been my home just like the Sunset Strip," I smiled. "But, if Im ever caught around here, I'll give this place a call," I smiled.

She smiled as we share a hug.

"Take care, girl," she smiled as I headed out, immediately spotting the guys by a table.

"MJ! You were awesome!" Tommy said as I sat next to him and Vince.

"A lot of amazing women here tonight," Nikki smirked as he admired some of the entertainers here.

I sighed, rolling my eyes as I sat there while Tommy snorted some lines.

"You okay?" Mick asked me.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Just tired from dancing."

"You did do a hell of a job with those hips," he smirked playfully.

I laughed and nudged his shoulder with an eyeroll as he gave me a cheeky smile.

"Nah, but seriously, you did awesome, MJ," he said, then handed me a $20. "Get whatever drink of food you want, on me."

I gave him a look.

"They have your favorite bar dish..." he sung, waving the money at me.

I smiled with a soft laugh and took the money. "Thanks, Vinnie. I'll get you a drink, too."

He laughed as I headed towards the bar.

"Hey," I said to the bar tender. "Scotch, strongest you've got, on the rocks. And some bacon and chips."

He nodded and went to make my order done, starting with drink.

"Well well well, this is quite the sight," a familiar voice taunted behind me and I groaned quietly in annoyance.

"Hello, Paul," I said, feeling a bitter taste in my mouth already as I turned around to face him.

With him was the rest of his band nearby.

"Good to see you again sweetheart," he said with a cocky smirk. "You know I could have sworn if was you who left a red lacy thong outside of Gene's place a year or two ago... Or rumor goes that is."

I scoffed, feeling my blood boil. "Could have been anyone's, dick. You don't have proof."

"Well, nonetheless, they've been pretty useful for those lonely nights on tour," he smirked.

"Ugh... You're disgusting," I snapped.

"Relax, I'm only joking," he said with an eyeroll. "So, how's your daily trouble in paradise?"

"That's none of your business, okay?!" I snapped.

"Dude, come on, leave her alone," Ace sighed with an eyeroll.

"Aw, come on, Mallory and I are just catching up, that's all," she said, putting his arm around me. "Considering she has some shitty luck with guys and all, thought I'd give her some advice."

I grunt and shove him, throwing my drink in his face before storming off as Gene and Peter laughed at him.

I grunt and decided to go to the table where the guys sat at.

"You okay?" Vince asked with a frown.

"Let's just say I get why Mick fucking hates KISS," I snapped, asking for a drink.

"See?" Mick said casually as he drank from his bottle of vodka. "Told you so."

"Come on, don't let them get to you. They can be pricks, especially Paul," Tommy said with an eyeroll.

"Yeah, no shit," I scoffed. "God, who the hell even agreed to have us tour with them anyway."

"Management is being a bitch," Vince scoffed. "Then again, beats touring with that redneck, Axl, and his band."

"I guess," I sighed as then saw a waitress walk over with a tray.

"One bottle of scotch with rocks, bacon and chips," she said as she served it for us.

"Thanks. Keep the change," I said, handing her the money before she left.

"I'll just have a drink and head on back to the hotel," she said.

Mick nodded as I poured myself a drink, talking and laughing with the guys and having a good time, the drinks just continuing to come.

Shots, Jack, vodka, beer, some food here and there, the buzz slowly creeping on each and everyone of us.

For once, it felt like old times at the Rainbow diner, before everything went downhill.

My thoughts were pulled when Nikki excused himself and walked away, over to some guy standing not far fron the bar.

I frowned as I watched the guy lean over to Nikki, as if whispering something in his hear, before they shook hands weirdly, and I spot another hand slipping a strange object into Nikki's jacket pocket.

I then realized what was happening and grunt in annoyance.

"Unbelievable," I muttered as I watched him walked back, adjusting his pocket.

"Sorry about that," he said.

I sighed as I bought my glass to my lips. "Sorry that me saving your ass in that alley meant jack shit?" I said calmly as I took a sip.

He pursed his lips as the guys went quiet.

"I didn't ask you to risk your life for me, Mal," he said as calmly as he could.

"Oh, yes, pardon me," I said with a bit of a slurred laugh. "I didn't realize that you not giving a fuck about your life was so important. I'll remember that next time you get beaten into internal bleeding for not having enough for your next high."

The guys sat quietly as the tension started to grow, Nikki starting to look mad.

"You know, what I do isn't any of your god damn business, not anymore," he snarled.

"Well who's god damn fault was that?!" I snapped, standing up, starting to see double but I kept myself steady. "Because it certainly wasn't mine when you ere in between some slut's legs!!!"

"It was a god damned accident!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, so, you just accidentally happened to have cheated on me with a bitch who was dating your best friend at the time?!" I snapped.

"Why are we even having this conversation right now?!" He asked.

Everyone sat there awkwardly, Tommy quickly taking a drink from the bottle as he looked around awkwardly.

"You didn't want to stay with me, fine," I snapped, "But that does not mean you get to just turn your entire existence into a fucking time bomb!"

"We got divorced, what I do shouldn't even concern you, so fucking leave it alone while you still can!!" He snapped as he got up in my face.

"I just don't want you to fucking die! That fucking shit your doing, your fucking dope, that's gonna plant your stupid ass six feet under, and I don't want that to happen to you!!!" I  shouted. "What is so wrong with that!?"

"You did not seemed to care if I did or not when you wanted to run away to London!" he snarled.

My eyes widen in shock.

"Yeah, I know about you and Razzle about to move away, leave the rest of us in the fucking dust," He snapped with a slur. "As if everything we ever done for you meant jack shit!"

"I-I wasn't going to fucking leave forever, Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed.

"Well maybe you should!!" he snapped, then looked like he regretted those words, the guys looking at him in shock.

My eyes widen in shock.

"Alright, time out," Mick snapped as he stood up, stumbling a bit. 

We're all drunk... These kind of words wouldn't be spoken if it weren't for all the alcohol....

"This woman has done more than backflips and bled to get you here, and you're gonna reprimand her for caring about you and not wanting you to meet your fucking maker?!" He snarled at Nikki as he approached him.

"No, its fine, Mick," I snapped, feeling my vision falter a tiny bit. "I-Its actually bold words coming from the same guy who seems to always beg me to stay whenever he's in trouble."

Nikki's eyes widen at me.

"You know, if that's how you feel, fine," I said. "I'm sorry I ever cared for a bastard like you."

He grunted and glared at me. "Well I'm sorry I ever saved a fucking bitch like you!" he snapped.

My eyes widen as I glared at him.

"Alright, you're crossing the line!" Mick sneered at him, grabbing the front of his shirt as I noticed something behind him, and didn't even think with what I did next.

"Y-You want me to be a fucking bitch?" I seethed at him. "I'll show you what a fucking bitch I-I can be."

Maybe it was massive amounts of alcohol in my system, but I suddenly found myself pushing Nikki aside before storming over towards the bar again.

"Well, look who's back," Paul smirked as I stormed over towards where KISS was.

"Just shut up, you prick," I snapped as I then grabbed his vest. I then pressed my lips against his, surprising even him before he then kissed back.

"Holy. Shit," I heard Gene say in shock.

I then opened my eyes and look, seeing Nikki glaring at us, Tommy's jaw practically on the ground along with Vince's even Mick looking shocked.

I then pulled back before looking at him.

"Your place. Now," I said sternly.

"Fuck it, let's go," he smirked as I took his hand and we walked towards the door.

I looked over to see Nikki stood at the table with Tommy and Vince, whose jaws were still on the ground, but Nikki just scoffed and stormed off as Mick tried to stop him.


Vince and I stood there with our jaws practically hitting the ground as Mick tried to stop a pissed off, drunk Nikki.

We watched as MJ stumbled out of the club with Paul, then back to see the rest of KISS had shocked expressions as well.

That's when Peter looked down at his drink, then suddenly smacked Ace, who jumped.

"YOU PUT SOMETHING IN THIS, DIDN'T YOU!?" He shouted, pointing at his drink, Ace holding his hands out in surrender.

"What... Just happened?" Vince asked me, as if trying to process what just happened.

"Dude.... I have no idea..." I said, still in shock as my head spun. "But I feel so fucking dizzy now..."

"Let's go," he said, leaving some money on the table before stumbling out as he pulled me along with him.

As if we don't get enough crazy days already...


>the next morning<


My head throbbed... My throat was dry.... I felt more numb than whenever I took blow....

I finished pulling my clothes back on, tying my boots up, before looking at Paul, who was asleep, hair a bigger mess and lipstick smeared across his face, resting 

I sighed as I looked back ahead, holding back tears.

What.... Have I done...?

What is the matter in me? Did I seriously went as low to even have angry sex with one of my worst enemies?? The enemy of my friends?

I was drunk as hell, yeah, but.... Jesus, what was I even thinking?? How could I do this....?!

I quietly stood up, grabbing my jacket, pulling it on before grabbing my bag and slowly and quietly heading for the door when suddenly...

"So that's it?" Paul's voice spoke, making me freeze where I stood. "You have angry drunk sex and then just run away while they sleep the next morning?"

I sighed as I pressed my forehead against the door before looking back, seeing him sat up, his arms supporting him as he frowned at me.

"That's cold even for you... No wonder Nikki bailed...." he said with a scoff. "Maybe he's not the bad guy after all... Maybe its you.... Maybe it always was you.... Maybe it always will be..."

I pursed my lips as I kept my back towards him, a tear falling down my face.

"Go to hell," I snapped after some silence, pulling the door opened and slamming it shut.

I groaned as I felt my head throb at the noise, then pulled myaelf back together, wiping the tears from my eyes.

I walked down the hall and was turning a corner when I bumped into someone, almost dropping my stuff, and look to see it was Ace.

"Oh... hey..." he said.

"Relax, I'll call a cab to Mötley's hotel, I was never here," I said, then heading past him before he stopped me.

"Whoa, hey," he said, holding my arm. "You know, I can take you home. You don't look so good, and believe it or not I rather you get home in one piece."

I sighed. "Thanks, but... I really just want to head home, like, now... Alone... Besides, I rather not have anymore issues between Mötley and KISS start up."

He sighed. "If you say so. Get home safe," he said.

I sighed and nodded as I walked out, heading outside and down the street to a payphone to call a cab back to the hotel.


It would have been a dumbass move if I didn't include KISS in this story at least once lmao. 🤘🏻🖤🌻

Also, wow, Season 4 premiere of Riverdale left me a huge emotional mess. 😭💔 Rest in Peace, Luke Perry. We will miss you. 🕊🙏🏻

📻Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Lady Gaga "Born This Way"

♡~ sapphire.

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