{Chapter Twenty}

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Time passed since the incident, and I still felt guilty.

Luckily we heard nothing of Roxy ever again. A rumor had gone around saying Nikki beat MJ up, but she cleared it up that it was Roxy who did it.

Everyone tells me it was self defense, that Roxy hurt me, basically stabbed me, and also assaulted MJ, and it would have been stupid if I didn't defend myself somehow... But hitting her like that, it.... It was so not like me.....

She's gone and I haven't heard from her thankfully, but it still hurt that this happened.

"Hey, T-Bone, you're lookin' down again," Vince said. "Here, have another bump."

I chuckled and took the straw, lowering my head and snorting up the line he made for me.

It was another night at the club after a show, right now in Albuquerque, and things seemed normal... But we all know it wasn't, and the reason was sitting by herself three tables down, making herself look invisible to even the servers, even if she had her own drink in hand.

From what I know, Nikki and MJ are over. They might divorce, unfortunately, and MJ is moving in with either Vince or Mick until it's all settled.

Though by the sound of it, Nikki might not want to go quietly, since he's refusing to sign any divorce papers, and its really been causing MJ a lot of pain and trouble.

For now, they're officially separated until they can focus on the whole thing and everything is figured out.

I never really thought Nikki would have done something like this. Yeah, he and MJ have swung a few times, but that's different. They were together and okay with orgies and stuff, but never slept alone with someone else. MJ even devoted her life not just to the band but to Nikki, too. She really loved him, and he betrayed her.

I'm just scared we'll never see her again. She's like a sister to me, and I don't want me, Vince and Mick to lose her.

Who would make sure Mick is taking his meds and isn't in massive pain?

Who would help Vince calm down when he gets too anxious before a show?

Who would make sure I don't get hurt when I do stupid crap, or even take care of whatever wound I get when I do it anyway?

Who would make sure we don't live off cocaine and booze 24/7 and make sure we actually get food at least once in a while?

Mal looks out for us, and without her we wouldn't have even made it out of California at all.

I can't imagine our lives without her...


I sat at the table alone, looking down at my drink, while the guys enjoyed themselves nearby.

I sighed when I felt someone standing next to me.

"Well now that's not right," a familiar accent said and I look, surprised to see Razzle there. "Beautiful woman such as yourself all alone and looking like its the end of the world? That just won't do at all."

"Razz, hey," I smiled, surprised, as we pulled each other into a hug.

"Good to see you again, love," he said as he held me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as we pulled back.

"My band's back touring the states again, thought we'd stop by to see a few friends," He smiled. "However, I can see there's a lot we've missed. Where's your mate?"

I frowned and looked down. "Nikki and I broke up... Divorce is uncertain, he's being stubborn..."

"Oh, bummer," he said sadly. "What happened?"

I sniffled, holding back tears. "Let's just say he had other plans... I rather not get into it..."

"Harsh... I'm sorry to hear, love. You deserve better," he said.

I sighed as a single tear managed to fall, and Razzle gently held my face and wiped my tears away with the pad of his thumb.

"Now now, no tears," He said, giving me a comforting smile.

He then pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back as I clung to him.


I looked over to see Razzle with Mal, holding her face in his hands which was full of tears, and then hugging her.

I grunt and looked away as Mick looked over at me, then saw the scene I was upset about.

"Don't be such a bitch about it... Its your fault that's happening," he said simply as he downed his bottle of vodka.

I glared before looking back, seeing them talking before walking out of the club, Razzle's arm around Mallory.

I grunt and slammed my beer bottle down, smashing it and scaring Vince and Tommy a bit since they were conversing.

"Dude, what the hell?" Vince snapped.

"I'm tired," I said, getting up and slamming a $20 bill on the table before storming off.

I walked out, and didn't see Mal or Razzle anywhere and sighed.

You really fucked up big, Nikki....


Had plans to post this a few days ago but I was in another city this weekend and didnt have access to wifi (still out of the country), and came back to where I am originally staying and here it is.

I come back to the states this Saturday, so updates will go back to normal. 🤗

Since we are now at 20 chapters here, I will be taking a small break and focus on other stories while everyone is caught up and enjoys the plot so far, as well as draft and organize some more future chapters. 

Hope you are all enjoying this story! Let me know what you all think so far! 🌻❤

📻 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Escape the Fate "You're Insane"


♡~ sapphire.

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