{Chapter Twenty-Three}

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⚠️Warning: This chapter contains slight sexual content.⚠️



I took a final look in the mirror, letting out a deep breath as straightened out the skirt of my dress a little

(Picture: What Mallory wore; Mallory is still a brunette)

As I looked, there was suddenly a knock at the door.

"Mallory? Razzle's here!" Mick called out.

I took a deep breath. "Coming!"

I grabbed my small bag and ponder over it.

I really hope I know what I'm doing here.

I walk out and go downstairs, where Mick and Razzle waited for me.

Razzle was dressed in his regular dapper rockstar attire, hat and scarves and all.

He smiled as he saw me.

"Hey there, Mallie," he said. "You look... Wow...."

I blushed and looked down. "Thanks..."

"Well, this feels like some sort of deja vu," Mick said, arms crossed as he watched us.

I pursed my lips as Mick spoke.

"If you two are staying out late, just call to let me know," he added. "And take care of her or so help me I'll hunt you down and skin you alive."

"Got it, mate," Razzle said, me softly laughing at Mick's fatherly behavior as we headed to the door.

"See you soon, Mick," I said as we waved goodbye and headed out.

"So, I was thinking after a lovely dinner, we can do something else," he said as we headed to a taxi parked out front.

"Sounds great," I smiled as we climbed in.


"So, you all actually serve tea cold here? That really is something that goes on everywhere," he asked me, and I laughed.

"Yes. We call it iced tea," I said to him as I sipped from my wine glass.

Razzle took me to a fancy Italian restaurant near Long Beach. He had paid to let the restaurant give us the balcony to ourselves, the night sky bright with so many stars and music playing.

"Bloody hell, everyone back home is gonna have a riot when I tell them," he snickered as we were finishing up our meal.

"Razz, I had an amazing time tonight so far. Really got my mind off of things," I smiled as I placed my hand over his. "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you, Mallie, so long as you always got that smile on your face," he smiled.

I blushed furiously and looked down, smiling as then Leather And Lace started to play.

(Video: Stevie Nicks & Don Henley "Leather And Lace" Official Audio)

"Oh, I love this song," I smiled as I listened.

"Really? Never took you for a Stevie fan," he said.

"Pretty much grew up on Fleetwood Mac," I shrugged. "Her Bella Donna album is just amazing, and I just love the dress she wore on the album cover."

Is love so fragile
And the heart so hollow
Shatter with words...

Razzle looked over at me, smirking as he then stood up as we heard the first verse.

"Dance with me," he said.

I blushed furiously. "Razz..." I said.

"What? Its just you and me," he said.

....Impossible to follow
You're saying I'm fragile I try not to be
I search only for something I can't see....

I smiled shyly, but then took his hand and stood up and we moved to where there was more room, his hands around my waist as my hands looped around his neck as we swayed to the music.

I have my own life and I am stronger
Than you know
But I carry this feeling
When you walked into my house
That you won't be walking out the door
Still I carry this feeling
When you walked into my house
That you won't be walking out the door....

I looked up at his face, his kind brown eyes looking down at me as he held me close, and for the first time in a while... I actually felt at peace...

I don't feel scared or stressed or angry or even heartbroken... I felt happy and safe... I felt peaceful...

Lovers forever face to face
My city your mountains
Stay with me stay
I need you to love me
I need you today
Give to me your leather
Take from me my lace...

I rested my head on Razzle's shoulder and then I felt him rest his head on mine as we softly swayed with the music.

You in the moonlight
With your sleepy eyes
Could you ever love a man like me
And you were right
When I walked into your house
I knew I'd never want to leave
Sometimes I'm a strong man
Sometimes cold and scared
And sometimes I cry
But that time I saw you
I knew with you to light my nights
Somehow I'd get by...

I looked up at him and smiled, leaning up a little and kissing his jawline, then feeling his arms gently tighten around me as I took in his warmth.

Lovers forever face to face
My city your mountains
Stay with me stay
I need you to love me
I need you today
Give to me your leather
Take from me my lace.....

We continue to listen to the song before it ended and we stood there, smiling up at each other, then I couldn't help but feel bashful and laughing softly, looking down.

"You, umm... You sure know how to make a girl swoon, huh?" I said, and he chuckled.

"I guess so," he shrugged.

I smiled up at him. "Thank you... Tonight, I.... I haven't felt myself in a good while and tonight, I feel... I feel good...." I smiled.

"Its nothing.... However, I say the night isn't over yet and I have an idea," he said.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked curiously as I looked up at him.

"Right, now I heard, Gene Simmons is throwin' the wifey a birthday party not far from here in his lovely new mansion," he smirked.

I frowned. "Razz, I'm not gonna be welcomed. Mötley and KISS got bad blood. They even know me, and let's just say me and Paul's girl didn't exactly get along last time we met. The bitch packs a heavier punch than the Bullwinkle."

He snickered a little, since he knows about the infamous Bullwinkle, considering he met her once.

"Well.... Who said we had to walk through the front door?" he said, a devious look.

I furrowed my brows at him.


"We're gonna get in trouble!" I laughed in a whisper as we snuck in through the gate.

"Relax, they won't even notice we're here," he laughed as we got in.

"Whoa..." we said as we saw the massive pool, colorful lights illuminating it.

(Picture: Example of the pool.
Note: Its not really Gene Simmons's pool, but for the story let's say it is)

"Look, its about 9 ft deep," he said, pointing at the depth marker.

"That's insane," I said. "It looks so beautiful..."

I was suddenly surprised by rustling and turn, surprised to see Razzle pulling his clothes off.

"What are you doing?!" I gasped.

"Whas it look like? Goin for a swim," he said, pulling his shirt off.

"Razzle, we're gonna get in trouble," I said, looking around.

"Relax, love, everyone is inside partying, and we got the whole pool to ourselves," he said, pulling his pants off.

Soon he was just in his briefs and necklaces after tossing his hat aside and then ran up and flipped into the pool, almost splashing me.

I laughed as he resurfaced.

"Mallie, the water's great!" he laughed as he moved his hair from his face.

"Razzle, I'm not sure about this," I said.

"Mallie, it'll be alright, I promise," he said. "Besides, what's a night of forgetting without some risks?"

Next thing I know, he lifted his hand from the water and I see he held his underwear in it.

My eyes widen as I thought about it while he

Well... He does have a point... And who's here to stop me?

I smiled at him as I pulled my jacket off, tossing it aside, then kicking my shoes off.

He smirked at me as he watched me reach behind me and unzip my dress, letting it pool at my feet before kicking it aside.

I then hesitantly reached for my bra clasp, before smirking and undoing it, slowly pulling it off for him to tease him.

"Mallie," he warned with a smirking laugh.

I giggled as I slowly pulled the bra off, tossing it aside, then doing the same with my panties, kicking them aside.

"You know, all you rockstars can be such bad influences," I said, slowly strutting by the edge of the pool.

"What can I say?" he shrugged as I then jumped in, the cool water bringing my senses to life as I swam up to Razzle, resurfacing to face him.

"Maybe I like that," I said, softly biting my lip.

He smirked as his brown eyes looked down into mine, his hands on my bare waist.

We then leaned in and our lips pressed together as he pulled his body against mine.

We kissed fiercely, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me close. I wrapped my legs around his waist as my arms wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss.

We kissed for who knows how long before pulling back, and I already felt myself getting hot, and it felt like he was, too.

I felt like I was on Cloud Nine. Higher than any drug I have ever taken.

Like when you were with Nikki...

I groaned as I clung closer to him, deepening the kiss as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

Don't think of him... Don't think of him...

I then pulled back and looked down at Razzle, smiling before deciding to drop and swim underwater to the little stone island at the end of the pool.

I looked back and saw Razzle swimming behind me and smiled as I kept swimming, until resurfacing as I reached it, climbing up on top and sitting on the edge.

Razzle then resurfaced himself and walked through shallow water near the island before standing between my open legs.

"God, you are just.... Beautiful...." he murmured as he leaned in closer.

"Why don't you help prove it?" i murmured.

He smirked as he pulled me closer, kissing me again as his hand trailed down and he pulled me closer.

I moaned softly as his hands trailed down my body when suddenly....

"Haha, I can't with that guy!!" a voice shouted after a door slid opened, making us jump and pull away.

"Shit, people are outside," I whispered as we quietly ducked down from sight.

"The other back gate was open, too, I believe," he whispered.

We quickly grabbed our clothes and climbed out as quietly as we could.

"You hear that?" a voice asked, and I immediately recognized it as Paul's.

"Who's panties are these?" another voice asked.

"Shit, run!" I whispered loudly, realizing I didn't have my panties.

"Hey who the fuck is out there?!" I heard Gene's voice shout, and Razzle and I immediately took off in a run, hearing shouts in the distance as we managed to slip through the gate, pulling on whatever clothes we could pull on as we ran, and then we were running down the street away from the house, shoes and any other garments in our hands, Razzle and I laughing uncontrollably.

"That was priceless!!" Razzle laughed as we stopped. "Did you see Gene's face, he was purple!!"

"Haha, I'm just glad he didn't recognize me, or it'll be hell!!" I laughed as we caught our breath, and I looked to realized I soaked through my clothes and so did Razzle.

"Damn... I guess we forgot to dry off," I laughed.

"Let's head back to my hotel room to warm up," he motioned, grabbing his jacket and draping it over my shoulders. Thankfully, it was actually dry.

I nodded at him as he held his hand out for me and I took it and we went to call a taxi to his hotel.


"Jesus, man, do you realize how late it is?" Vince groaned with a yawn as Tommy dragged him along behind me after we parked.

Sharise wanted to kick my ass for pulling him out of bed at almost midnight, but I wanted to see if I could get the guys on board with this.

"He has a point, Nikki, we could have just done this in the morning," Tommy said.

"Well, maybe this can't wait until morning," I said sternly.

They both just whined as we made it to Mick's door, ringing the doorbell.

"She's staying with Mick, don't you think this will just be bad?" Tommy asked.

"Mal is usally asleep at this time unless she's doing something important," I explained.

"GO AWAY!!" We hear Mick scream from inside the house.

"Its us, Mick!" I shouted back. "Nikki, Tommy and Vince!"

"Oh... GO AWAY!!" He shouted.

I rolled my eyes. "JUST OPEN THE DOOR!!" I shouted.

I hear his grunt loudly before a few seconds later he answered, looking sleepy.

"This better be fucking good or I'm definitely going solo after tonight," he warned.

Tommy and Vince took a step back, Tommy hiding behind Vince as he pointed at me.

I scoffed and decided to just get straight to the point.

"I have to win Mal back, Mick," I said.

His eyes widen.

"I messed up. Really badly, and I know I don't deserve jack shit from her, much less forgiveness, but I can't be without her," I said, then sighed. "Its killing me, Mick...."

I sighed and crossed his arms. "What the hell are you thinking to do about it, then?"

"A song," I said. "But I need your help with it, and I want to do it while she's asleep."

He sighed.

"First off, Mal isn't even here," he said. "So even if I did allow you guys to come in when its like 5 minutes to midnight, not like she'd know anything."

We were a bit surprised. "Wait, MJ's not home?" Vince asked.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Razzle's in town, called a few hours ago and picked her up for dinner or whatever," Mick said. "Just called a few minutes ago saying she's gonna crash at his place since they got held up at a party they went to after dinner or something, so she's crashing at his hotel."

My eyes widen at this as I looked down.

"Listen, Sixx, I get what you're doing, but you hurt her. Really badly" Mick said. "And even if she wanted to, she can't forgive you, only because you cheating on her triggered something, I don't know what."

I frowned. "Did she say something?"

"Not really, no... She wouldn't tell me, even got pale on me for a second.... If I had to take a guess, it may have something to do with life before she ran to California," He said. "Something serious.... Something bad...."

I gulped and paced a bit, Tommy and Vince giving each other questionable looks.

"If you plan to write this song to win her back, though, its gotta be really good, not just some stupid ballad," Mick explained. "And you can't write a song with 2 gallons of Jack and zero food in your system, and at this hour, so get some sleep and focus on it in the morning."

I sighed, giving in. "Okay.... Is it okay we crash here, though?"

"No," Mick snapped, and shut the door, locking it.

"Ugh," I grunt as I turned towards the guys.

"Come on," I sighed. "We'll just crash in Vince's living room."

Vince groaned as we headed back to my car.

If she's with Razzle now.... Then maybe I did lose her for good......


We made it to Razzle's hotel room and changed out of our damp clothes, hanging them up to dry before ordering some room service.

As tempting as alcohol seemed right now, I was more in the mood for some hot chocolate to warm up right now.

Razzle then came in after his shower, wearing only a pair of pajama pants, and drying his hair with a towel.

I showered first and he let me borrow one of his sweatshirt and boxer shorts to relax in while he showered.

I sipped my hot chocolate before smiling up at him.

"Hey," I said.

"Hello, love," He smiled, tossing the towel on a chair. "You warm already?"

"Much better now," I said. "Thanks for letting me crash here for the night, by the way."

"No problem," He said as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.

I smiled as I set my mug down and got up, walking over to him.

"I had a really good time tonight, Razz," I smiled, wrapping my arms around my neck.

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said.

I then saw how close our faces were and before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

I closed my eyes and pulled myself closer to him as we deepened the kiss, his hands trail down my sides before I suddenly felt him pick me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist.

We continued to make out before he walked over and laid me down on the bed, his body hovering over me.

After that, we just let ourselves get carried away...


Its kind of hard finding gifs of Razzle, whether from the movie or real life. 😕

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter coming soon!! 🌻🤘🏻🖤

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Lady Antebellum "Need You Now"

♡~ sapphire.

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