{Chapter Twenty-Two}

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Tour ended and Mal had packed her things and left her home. She was staying with Mick until the divorce gets settled.

However, its been hell since Nikki doesn't want to sign the papers.

He tried to talk to her, but she just shuts him out, so really nobody is winning.

We're all just glad that the press is completely in the dark about all of this. All they think is happening is that we faced some issues and we became too busy or something.

I did find out Roxy was the one Nikki slept with, but for some reason, I wasn't angry about it.

A bit more hurt, yes, but considering Roxy is gone, no use crying over spilled milk or whatever.

I do understand why Mallory kept it from my and it means a lot that she wanted to protect me from pain, but it also meant she had to go through pain herself for it, and I felt bad.

Right now Nikki was over at my place drowning his sorrow in booze with me.

I watched as he chugged down a third bottle, where as I was barely even halfway down with my first one.

He panted as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, laying on the couch.

"Just say it, T-Bone.... I messed up.... Real bad...." he mumbled.

"Nikki, man... I know MJ is like a first for you since we met, but I didn't think this would kill you or something," I frowned.

He sighed as he looked up, and I could have sworn his eyes were ALMOST watery.

"She's different from all those girls, even after everything we've been through," he said. "She could have walked years ago, but she didn't.... She saw something in me that wasn't some garbage runaway loser who couldn't even find his own fucking dad.... And I blew it...."

I sighed as I took a swig and moved over to sit next to him.

"Dude.... Mal just needs some time to breathe," he said. "This was all just a shock to her, and this divorce thing isn't making her feel better."

"For all we know Razzle probably is," he mumbled.

"Christ's sake, Sixx, they aren't even together," I said. "Look, I have a better idea. Do something you're good at."

He scoffed. "Like what?"

"Write her a song," I said.

He furrowed his brows and looked at me.

"We tour again next month. Write her a song, we can rehearse it, then play it for her," I tried.

He was silent as he stared at me with wide eyes behind his bangs.

"What?" I asked.

"T-Bone, why can't you be this smart all the damn time?" he asked.

"What, hey! Do you want my help or not!?" I snapped.

"Get me a pen and notebook," he said.

"You sure you can do it?" I asked, motioning to the bottle.

"Now, Tommy!" he urged, and I quickly shot up to my feet and hurried over to my room for some paper and a pen.


I just don't understand why you seem so nervous," I asked her as we sat in the living room having some drinks. "Yeah, what Nikki did was low, but he didn't do anything else, didn't hurt you physically or anything like that."

I figured she needed some, but we just had some beers to keep it light.

Mallory sighed as she looked down at her beer bottle.

"Mick, I...." She sighed, trying to hold back. "Its just... I can't say.... I just... I need him to sign those divorce papers so I can move on."

I frowned as I watched her.

"You're hiding something," he said.

Her eyes widen before she regained her composure. "W-What do you mean?"

"Don't give me any crap, Mallory," I snapped. "I know there's something you haven't told, something Nikki probably doesn't even know himself."

She gulped and looked down.

"Someone hurt you back then?" I asked.

She gulped and looked up, her eyes watery. "Please, Mick... Please don't make me talk about it..... Anything but this...."

I couldn't help but feel sorry for Mallory. Whatever she's holding back, she probably hoped it was never going to come back. Nikki cheating must have triggered something, that I know, but if Mallory wants to continue to keep it to herself, then who am I to force it out of her.

I sighed and laid back, groaning softly at the pain.

"Alright... But just know you can talk to me whenever you need something off your chest," I told her.

She sniffled and smiled at me. "Thank you.... You know, you're a really good friend, Mick... You care for others and look out for them."

I couldn't help but smile, but then it fell. "Just don't tell anyone. Especially Tommy. That kid will just start being more irritating and emotional with me if he does."

She laughed softly. "I'm sure with the way you look out for him, Tommy appreciates you nonetheless. Hell, we all do."

I rolled my eyes as I took a swig of beer. "Good. If it weren't for me, those three idiots would be playing as XMASS."

Mal snickered quietly as we continued to talk and drink, soon deciding to head to bed early.

As we started to get up, the phone suddenly rang.

"I got it," I assured after I got up and walked over to answer.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Mars? Its Razzle!" a familiar voice spoke.

"Shit, hey man," I said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing much, mate. I was told Mallory was staying with you, was wondering if I could talk with her," he asked.

"Uhh, yeah, one second," I said, holding the phone to her. "Its Razzle... He wants to talk to you."

Her eyes widen as she walked over and nodded my thanks before placing the phone to her hear, her fingers playing with the coils. "Hello?"

I watched as Mallory listened.

"Hey, yeah, I.... I'm living with Mick, but only for a while," I said.

I watched as she listened.

"Oh, Razzle, that-that's sweet of you, but you'll only be here temporarily, and I don't want to trouble you or Mick by going back and forth," I said.

I snickered quietly as I waved it off to her and she smiled as she listened.

"Wait, tonight?" She asked.

I furrowed my brows.

"Ummm... One second," She said, then placed her hand on the mouthpiece. "He's asking me out to dinner."

"Um, wow," I said. "Pretty bold of him."

"What do I say?" she asked me.

"You're your own woman," I shrugged. "But keep in mind, you are also still legally a married woman."

I saw her frown sadly before grunting annoyed, then pressing the phone to her ear, moving her hand.

"I'd love to," she said, my eyes widening a little. "Pick me up at Mick's?..... Great, I'll start getting ready. See you then."

She then hung up and took a deep breath. "What did I just do?"

"Well, by the looks of it, something impulsive," I said, crossing my arms. "But unlike when Tommy does it, it wasn't completely stupid."

She took another deep breath. "Help me out here, Mick.... Is this really a good idea?"

"Mallory, I can't be one to tell you how to live," He said. "That has to be up to you."

She sighed and tried to steady herself.

"What I can tell you is," I said. "Just be sure of what you really want."

She was quiet, pondering over it all, but then sighed.

"Right now... All I want is to forget," she said. "Even if its just for one night...."

I nodded, knowing what she meant.

"Then what are you still doing here?" I asked her.

"Huh?" she asked, confused.

"Shower up, throw on something nice and live a little, damn it," I scoffed.

She chuckled before suddenly pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, Mick," she said.

I groaned and hugged her back. "Don't get too used to this, you hear me?"

She laughed before pulling back and heading to the guest room where she was staying.

I took a deep breath.

Let's just hope things don't get worse than they already look.


Hope you are all enjoying the story so far!! 🌻

Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Ofenbach "Be Mine"

♡~ sapphire.

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