{Deleted Scenes: A Christmas Crüe}

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Day off. Thank fucking god.

I can just chill at home with Mal and our son, who's growing up a lot already.

I laid back on the couch, Mal's back against my chest as she sat between my legs, Jasper in her arms.

Jasper coos up at us as we admired him.

"Happy three months, little man," I smiled down at him as he teethed on his fist.

"It all still feels like a dream... Is that bad??" Mal asked as she admired her son.

"If it is a dream, I never want to wake up," I smiled as I hugged Mal from behind, kissing her cheek.

She giggled aas the Jasper fidgeted for our attention.

"Looks like he wants all eyes on him," She laughed.

"With a cute mug like that, who wouldn't want to watch all day?" I chuckled, tickling his side and making him squeal and giggle.

We laughed as then Mal took a deep breath and looked down.

"Nikki....." Mal then spoke, looking up at me.

"Hm??" I mumbled, running my fingers through her soft hair.

"I've been thinking, and.... I know its always tough around this time of year, but.... I want us to have a real Christmas this year," she said. "For Jasper...."

I pursed my lips nervously as I looked down at her and Jazz.

"I know that's a dark time for us both, you especially, but..... I dont want it to be dark for our son... Especially for his first one...." she said softly.

I sighed softly, knowing she was right.

Christmas for me and Mal has been tainted and dark ever since I woke up with those adrenaline shots sticking out of my chest.

Since then, we don't even really put up a tree in the house or anything. Just buy gifts for our family and friends and then stay at home.

Now, thought, its different... We have a child, a son.... He shouldn't have to be dragged into a gloomy holiday, and honestly we've been in this kind of thing for too long now...

It's time for a change.

"You know what, babe, you're right... Jasper shouldn't have to go through his first Christmas in a mourning mood," I said. "Its his first Christmas, we gotta make it even more than special. "

She smiled. "I'm so glad you think that..."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, we can decorate," she said with a shrug. "Some tinsel, evergreens.... Oh, and a real tree this time, with real ornaments," She said.

I chuckled. "Hey, those were exclusive beer cans I got us that year back at the apartment, and everyone seemed to enjoy them just fine," I joked, making her laugh and softly smack my arm as I laughed, too.

"We can go shopping tomorrow, and hey, we can even make an appointment to have a family picture with Santa Claus," I suggested.

"I'll make the call tomorrow," She said.

"Great. This weekend, I can even go with the guys to the nearby forest and score us a real fir or something," I said.

"You sure about that, baby?" She asked. "We can just buy a real tree at the local nursery."

"Baby, I practically grew up feral and always spent time hunting and in the woods with Tom as a kid, and we can save money getting it ourselves," I scoffed. "How hard can cutting down one pine tree be?"

"Well.... Okay.... But promise me you'll be careful, though," she said.

"Of course," I smiled as we shared a kiss.

What could go wrong?



"Oh that's just cruel, MJ," Vince snickered as I finished dressing Jasper.

"Oh hush, he looks adorable!" I protested, putting the hat on him. "And it fits him perfectly!"

Nikki and I had done a lot of Christmas shopping the past few days, buying lots of decorations for the house and yard.

I even managed to buy some gifts for Jasper, including a cute little Christmas outfit for his photo with Santa.

Only thing missing now is the Christmas tree, which Nikki is going to get today with Vince, Tommy and Mick.

"Seriously, he's gonna never live this down when he sees those baby pictures and he's wearing that," Vince scoffed.

(Picture: example of Jasper's Christmas Outfit)

"It was on sale and came with the Elf on the Shelf toy," I said. "Look, my baby looks adorable to me."

Jasper just babbled to himself as he played with his Elf toy, oblivious and unbothered by everything and more focused on his new toy.

He chuckled. "Alright, alright, he does look cute," Vince chuckled. "If he ever asks one day, though, I tried to save him."

I scoffed with an eyeroll as I then looked over while he put a shirt in a nearby drawer for me.

"How are you doing?" I decided to ask.

He pursed his lips and sighed.

While this was going to be Jasper's first Christmas ever, this was also going to be Vince and Sharise's first Christmas without Skylar.

I was adamant on asking them to join us, but they didn't seem bothered in joining us for the holidays.

They even helped buy a few ornaments for us, and a lot of gifts not just for Jasper but for me and Nikki as well.

"You know.... Christmas was always her favorite holiday," he said. "She wouldn't want me and Sharise to be sad for Christmas..... Even before, she always wanted us to be happy despite everything...."

I nodded in understanding as Jasper played with his Elf on a Shelf toy, teething on it's arm as I picked him up in my arms.

"Honestly, I'm glad Nikki asked me to join him to get a Christmas tree.... I was thinking of putting one up in her honor...... I just really want to try to make the most of it, because I know that's what she would want.... I miss her so much, though....." He said.

I smiled softly, putting my hand on his back. "I miss her, too.... She'd want you to be happy, though...." I said.

Vince smiled and nodded as then Nikki walked in and saw Jasper

"Ohhh nooooo, buddy, what did Mommy do to you?" Nikki laughed as he came over and picked up a babbling Jazzy and bounced him a bit while kissing his cheek.

"Ugh, you guys are mean," I poutedas Vince laughed. "His appointment is tomorrow at 3 pm at the mall."

"Got it," Nikki said between kisses. "My boy, I wish I can save you from this sick torture, but I'm going on the hunt for a tree to make up for this."

Jasper just cooed happily at his father as Vince snickered.

"Okay, okay, you know what, give me my elf," I scoffed as he and Vince laughed and Nikki handed me a giggling Jasper.

"Alright, Vinnie, come on, man, truck's ready," Nikki said.

"Got it," he said and we all decided to head down to see Tommy already waiting at the bed of Nikki's truck, Mick in the passenger seat.

"MJ, CHECK OUT WHAT I GOT!!!" Tommy screeched as he held up a chainsaw. "We'll be getting one hell of a tree with this bad boy!!!"

"Don't worry, he won't be using it for shit, we'll just letting him believe it for now," Nikki assured me quietly.

"Thank you," I said, relieved.

Last thing we need is Tommy and a chainsaw.

"HURRY UP, DAMN IT!!!" Mick shouted, obviously not being a morning person.

"WE'RE COMING'!!!" Nikki shouted back, then mumbled to himself. "Cranky old man...."

Vince snickered and shook his head as I quietly scolded them.

"You sure you'll be okay out there, baby?" I asked him.

"I promise, Mal, there is nothing to worry about," he said. "We'll be back before you know it, and I'll bring you both the perfect tree."

I couldn't help but smile up at Nikki.

I know doing this isn't as easy as it was, since its always been tough for us during the holidays.

This Christmas is gonna mark 7 years since his "death" and since that night he never really considered celebrating Christmas.

To see him now putting a lot of effort to give Jasper a memorable Christmas means so much, and makes me feel so proud of him.

"Welp, let's get going, before Mick uses the chainsaw on us," Vince said, then tickled Jazz's side a bit. "See ya, little guy."

I smiled as Jasper babbled at Vince while he headed over to the truck, climbing onto the truck bed with Tommy while I turned to Nikki.

"Just be careful, and come back to me in one piece, all of you, okay?" I said.

"Of course," He smiled as we shared a kiss and then he kissed Jasper's cheek before heading to the truck as Heather and Sharise stepped out.

Nikki climbed into the driver's seat, starting it as Vince slapped the top of the truck a bit before it pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road as we waved at them.

"Those four, in the woods, with a chainsaw and an axe...." Sharise scoffed.

"What could possibly go wrong?" Heather said sarcastically.

I chuckled as we headed back inside.



"A lot of pretty good tree choices here, " Vince said.

"Yeah, but I definitely want a good one for Mal ans Jasper," I said. "Considering our living room is pretty big, we can go for max a 15 footer."

"How tall is that?" Tommy asked.

"3 of you, dipshit," Mick said as ge walked past us. "Now let's find the trees we need already."

"Someone woke up cheerful," I mumbled softly.

"What was that?" Mick asked.

"Nothing, nothing," I quickly said.

"Guys, come on, we ain't got all day," Vince said, grabbing the axe.

I grabbed the chainsaw as then we all went ahead into the woods.

We looked around a few times, but nothing seemed right,and thats where I decided to get a big one for the front yard and a regular sized one for the living room

"How about that one?" Tommy asked.

"There's barely any pine needles on it," I sighed.

"This is taking forever... I'm gonna go look over there for mine," Vince sighed tiredly, taking the axe and heading in another direction not far from us.

"How about that one?" Mick said, pointing over near where Vince headed off to.

"Whoa," I said as we

"That's gotta easily be 30 ft at most," Tommy said.

"Looks a bit bigger than needed," I said, looking at it.

"Then you can put it on the front yard," Mick shrugged. "Throw on some lights and other stuff."

"It would be a great way to show off to the neighbors, " Tommy added.

"See? The kid's even smart about this for once," Mick said.

I thought about it as Tommy gave Mick an offended look.

"Well... The Blake Family next door have been bragging a bit too much about their decorations.... Dumb ass cunts...." I mumbled in thought. "..... Fuck it."

I revved up the chainsaw as we approached the tree.

"Hey, Hewitt, you sure you know how to work that thing?!" Mick shouted over the noice.

"Oh please, I can practically do this in my sleep!!!" I said, then pressed the spinning blades into the tree, sending wood chips and sawdust into the air.

"WOOHOOO!!" Tommy screeched as I kept it going.

It wasn't long before I was almost through the bark, all of us covered in sawdust.

As I kept going, I heard Tommy ahout something at me.

"WHAT!?!" I shouted.

"I SAID, IS IT SUPPOSED TO LEAN THAT WAY?!" Tommy asked over the chainsaw noise.

"WHAT WAY!?!?" I shouted, looking up and.....

Oh.... Fuck.....

"NIKKI, STOP!!!" Mick screamed as I realized the tree leaned more towards us.

"FUCK!!!" i shouted as me and Tommy backed up, Tommy dragging Mick with him as we hurried out of the way.


I hear the chainsaw roar nearby and figured Nikki finally picked a tree.

Time to look for one myself, I guess.

I then noticed one about a little over my height next to one about a feet or two taller.

"Huh.... These two look good," I smiled as I checked them out

"Hmmm...." I said, thinking.

"I wonder if MJ would want this one for the frontyard, too... Can't hurt to have an extra tree or two...." I thought, looking at a bigger one.

I then sighed as I looked down.

I remember doing this for Skylar's first Christmas.....

I sighed, then shook my head.

Skylar never liked it when I was sad on Christmas.... December has always been pretty dismal for not only MJ and Nikki, but for me as well.

I can't do that.... She wouldn't want that, especially for her little cousin's first Christmas....

"Yep... MJ will love this one," I assured myself with a smile, and went to chop it down with the axe, about to swing the axe when.....

"TIMBERRRRRRR!!!!" Tommy screamed out.



I frowned and turned around-- Fucking hell.....!!!



>Hours Later<


"How does this just happen!?" Sharise scolded the guys as I stood by Vince's hospital bed, his casted leg elevated in the air and some gauze wrapped around his head, obviously pissed off his mind.

I'm at home feeding Jasper, Sharise and Heather with me as we took a break from decorating, when I suddenly get a call from work that Vince was just bought in with broken leg and a concussion.

Heather stayed at home watching Jasper while Sharise and I hurried over to find out a fucking tree almost crushed him!!

"Well, Paul Bunyan here said he had it all under control," Mick sassed.

"Hey, not my fault the tree ended up going a different direction and fell too damn fast, okay!?" Nikki snapped. "How about the idiot that yelled 'Timber' WHILE the fucking tree was falling, TOMMY!?!?"

"Aren't you SUPPOSED to yell timber AS the tree falls!?!?" Tommy protested

"NO! You yell that just BEFORE it starts to fall, you fucking bastard!!!" Vince shouted, then groaned as he held his head, making me help him lay back down.

The four men started arguing as I facepalmed.

"OKAY, ENOUGH!!" I snapped, shutting them up.

Vince groaned as Sharise walked over and tried to have him lay down again, when the head of radiology, colleague of mine, Dr. Ramirez, came in.

"Alicia," I said with relief as I stood up. "What's the news?"

"Well good news is, only a mild concussion and some bruising that will go away in a few weeks," She said. "Bad news, that cast is gonna be his friend for about 6 months, more or less."

"What!?" Vince exclaimed as Dr. Ramirez put up a picture of his x-rays.

"Now, despite us only having to set the bone, no surgery needed, this kind of fracture still requires you be off your feet for a while, and may require a special boot as well," she explained.

Vince groaned as he laid back on the bed.

"But will he be okay?" Sharise asked.

"Absolutely. The break was thankfully not as bad as it looked and won't require surgery," She said. "It will require a lot of care. He'll have to be off stage for a while, no car racing either, or driving for that matter, and he'll have to put little to no pressure on that foot."

"All that for six months!?" Vince asked.

"Vinnie, calm down, it'll be okay," I assured. "It probably won't even be for a whole six months. For now, you xan stay with me and Nikki until its vetter for you to move around."

Vince sighed as he pouted on the bed.

"You know, if it makes you feel better, we can sign your cast," Tommy tried.

Vince just glared before grabbing a small metal bin from nearby full of gauze and launching it at Tommy, almost hitting his head if he hadn't ducked behind Mick.

"..... So, that's a no?" Tommy asked nervously as he peeked behind him.

I facepalmed as Vince was pulled back again to try and calm down.


After all that insanity, Sharise offered to stay over and help with Vince for a while, (and considering he has a concussion, to make sure nothing bad happens during the night).

That night I had just put Jasper to sleep, Jack watching over him as always, when I decided to go clean up a bit before bed, when I noticed Nikki sat outside in the patio of the backyard.

I furrowed my brows before walking over and stepping outside, realizing he was sulking.

"Honey... Are you okay?" I asked him as I walked over.

He looked over and gave me a sad look he sighed.

"When I was a kid I barely had a lot of happy holidays," he said. "Even when I stayed with my Nona and Tom most times, I always wondered why I couldn't be like other kids and celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas or even Easter with my parents.... I was always lonely during those times, even when my Nona and Tom tried to make it special...."

I then realized what this is about, and frowned before walking over and sat next to him.

"I don't want Jasper to feel sad and alone like that for Christmas, ever.... Especially after the many Christmases you and I spent wallowing in self pity and depression...." I said. "I thought I could give him that and I can't even cut a stupid tree down properly for him..."

I leaned over and hug

"Babe... Jasper isn't going to be sad for Christmas, or alone...." I told him. "He has so much family and so much love.... So what if you couldn't get him a tree the old fashioned way," I told him, rubbing his back.

He just looked down as he sat there quietly.

"You know..... One Christmas I had when I was 9, my parents took a last minute trip for Madrid..... They left me behind, reasons unknown," I told him. "I woke up and they were gone on Christmas Day..."

He looked at me with shocked eyes.

"The housekeepers and other workers were off and with their families for the holidays, I was already estranged from my other family, so...... I was alone in that big house, for about 3 days," I said. "Part of me was relieved, though, since it meant 3 days of no abuse from either of them.... But being in that big house, all alone, on Christmas..."

"I'm so sorry you went through that, Mal...." he frowned, hugging me close.

"That's where I made a promise to myself, that my children were never going to be alone without their parents for any holiday, Christmas especially," I said. "And I'm still going by that promise. "

He looked over at me.

"Jasper has both of his parents here for Christmas...." I said. "Especially the greatest father he could ever ask for.... And that is always going to be more than enough for him... He doesn'tneed a big, fancy tree or a billion presents or anything like that qhen he has someone like you doing so much for him and loving him so much....."

He smiled over at me as I hugged him tightly.

"You are an amazing father, Nikki.... "We both love you so, so much," I assured. "Don't ever think otherwise..."

He smiled as he leaned over. "Thank you, babe...."

I smiled as we shared a passionate kiss before we pulled back.

"Come on," I said, patting his leg. "Let's go to bed. We got a Christmas photoshoot tomorrow, and then we gotta pick up our tree at the nursery. "

He smiled as he kissed my temple. "Sounds like a better plan," he chuckled.

I smiled as I stroked his cheek before kissing it and then we got up and headed to bed.


Since we are now in December, I decided to post this one. Hope you all like it! 🎄😁✌🏼🌻

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Ariana Grande ft. Bia "Esta Noche"
(Translation: Tonight)

♡~ sapphire.

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