{Deleted Scenes: Accidents (Part 1) }

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⚠️Warning: Contains graphic scenes depicting tragedy, mentions of death/near death, & loss. If affected, please read with caution. ⚠️




"So what did the doctor say?" Mick asked as I exited the doctor's office.

"That everything is completely fine," I said into the phone. "The baby's heartbeat is normal, all is going well, the baby's moving a lot but its a good sign, and I'm super excited to tell Nikki the news!"

It was my day off and I am so far almost 5 months pregnant with what would be our seventh child.

It was definitely a surprise since we planned to stop after Stevie, but since the baby is in such good health despite everything, on top of that I don't even feel that much morning sickness compared to the last times, so we definitely have a lot of hope for this time.

Today I had an appointment to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl, but I decided to go on my own while Nikki stayed with the kids at home so that I can plan a surprise for them this time once I knew the results.

Let's just say the ring and thread test was not wrong this time and I'm excited to tell Nikki and the others the news.

"So out with it then, kid. Am I getting another nephew or another niece?" Mick chuckled.

"That will have to wait for dinner tonight. You coming over?" I asked as I unlocked my car.

"Considering Jasper and Nona will beg me, definitely," he chuckled.

I giggled as I climb in. "I'll see you then. I'm gonna stop by the grocery store and then by the party store to get some stuff for tonight. I'm thinking maybe a cake, or balloons.... Hmm.... Maybe Heather or Sharise might have an idea..."

"I'm sure you'll think of something, kid," he chuckled. "I'll be heading out soon."

"Hehe. Got it. See you later," I said.

"Later," he said and we hung up as I started the car and soon pulled out of the parking lot.

Another sunny Friday in Los Angeles, the temperature just right.

I looked down at my bump as I drove and smiled.

Even though the bump is small, despite being at almost 5 months, it is still noticeable, and every little flutter it makes still makes my heart swell so happily.

I soon arrived to a stop light and then couldn't help but look down and smiled at my baby bump, softly stroking it.

"I can't wait to meet you..... I know your daddy's gonna be excited to meet you, too.... You also got a lot of big brothers and big sisters ready to look out for you, I know they'll be super excited to meet you...." I said. "It will be a crazy place to stay in, since we're a pretty big family, but, I know you'll still fit in just fine with us..."

I felt a small flutter and smiled happily.

My thoughts were pulled as I suddenly heard sirens echoing in the distance.

Oh great... Even if I'm a nurse, having to find a way to move over at the last minute is always a pain, especially at a red light.

I sighed softly with a frown as I looked through my rearview mirror and sighed with some relief as I saw nothing, looking around the other streets as well.

Must be in the next street over then...

I then watched the light go green, and went ahead to turn, the sirens suddenly starting to get louder.

I was halfway through intersection when suddenly-


A massive force rams out of nowhere right into my car and it all in that instant goes black and quiet, except for a faint ringing echoing in my ears.........



"Daddyyy!!" Nona said excitedly as she held up the messy colored page of the owl she colored.

I was at home with Stevie and the twins while Jasper, Zander and Ava were at school and Mal went to her ultrasound on her own so she can later plan a surprise for us all.

Lucia was also home with us helping with the kids and with dinner while Mal was out, and Vince was spending the day since he as helping with some recording earlier before we decided to take a break and spend time with the kids.

Mick, Tommy and the girls were coming by later.

Stevie had just turned 1 a few months ago, and the twins are turning 3 soon, so they don't start preschool yet, and since I'm free today I was home with them.

"Wow, that looks awesome, Chip!!" I smiled. "This just earned a spot on the fridge."

She giggled happily as I got up from the floor so we can go put it up.

Micah continued working on his coloring book while Stevie was taking her afternoon nap.

Mushu napped on the couch nearby while Jack and Nova watched the kids play and eating their snacks.

Just as Nona grabbed my hand, I suddenly felt a strange pain shot through my entire body and I groaned as I felt my body lurch forward.

"Daddy?" I heard Nona ask as I held my hand over my chest.

"Hey, man, you alright?" Vince asked worriedly.

"Ugh, I... I don't know...." I said as I tried to steady myself.

That's when everything started to blur and before I knew it, I was falling to the ground, the kids and Vince screaming for me..


"Nikki.... Nikki, wake up! Oh shit..."

I groaned as I felt my eyes start to open and my vision cleared, seeing Vince standing next to me and I was on the couch.

"Oh fuck, dude, you scared me," Vince sighed with relief, hand over his chest. "Thought you had a heart attack or something."

"Ugh, feels like it.... W-What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"I don't know, you just hit the ground outta no where," he asked worriedly. "You were out for a few minutes."

"Shit.... W-Where are the kids?" I asked, sitting up and looking around.

"Outside with their nanny, Stevie is still asleep. I asked Lucia to distract the Twins. Should I call Mal or something?" he asked.

"Relax, I'm fine," I sighed, and then we heard the phone ring.

"That's probably her," I said. "We don't tell her about this. I don't want her stressing right now."

He sighed and nodded as I managed to get up without eating it and headed to the phone, answering it.

"Hello, Sixx Residence," I spoke once I answered.

"Is this Nikki Sixx?" a serious voice said.

"Yeah, who's this?" I asked.

"I'm calling from the ER at Cedar Sinai Hospital.... Sir... Mallory, she.... She was just bought in.... She was in a car accident....."


I left Stevie and the twins with Lucia so Vince and I can get here as fast as we could, and I also called Tommy and Pamela pick up the kids from school to bring them home and stay with them.

Mick were rushing over with Beth, Sharise and Heather.

Vince paced nervously around while I sat there in the waiting room, feeling nauseated, tears in my eyes and freaked out as the entirety of everything played like a broke record in my head from what the doctors told me.

There was a police chase from some bank robbery, and the sons of bitches were going at high speed through a red light at an intersection just as Mal was going through a green light on her lane and rammed right into her car, flipping it into another car and then wrapping it around a light pole and almost splitting it in half.

Four cars were hit, Mal's included, total of 9 people were among the whole crash. Three people are dead, one being a pedestrian and another being one of the robbers. Four in critical condition, Mal being one of them. Two others only suffered minor injuries.

Mal had to be air lifted to the emergency room and rushed into surgery the second she got here. 

"She sustained 3 broken ribs and a fractured spine, her lung collapsed in the ambulance, and she also suffered some head trauma which we are scanning for any sort of swelling or injury...... She also has a broken arm and glass in her body as well..... Its a miracle she survived, but there's a lot of internal bleeding....."

I sniffled as the worst words the doctor told me still seered into my mind.

"I'm afraid we couldn't feel a fetal heartbeat...."

"Nikki!! Vince!!" a voice pulled me from my thoughts and I see Beth, Mick, Sharise and Heather rush towards me.

"What happened!? The news didn't say much!!" Heather whimpered.

"She's still in surgery, those bastards nearly killed her!!" I shouted, trying to stay calm. "They... They killed my kid... M-Mal is dying....!!"

"Dude, c-come on, breathe, MJ is going to pull through," Vince said in a shaky voice.

I tried taking deep breaths to try and calm down.

"Fuck, Jasper, the kids, w-where are they?" I asked frantically.

"Tommy picked them up, he's going to drop them off at your place before heading over here, Pamela's on her way, too," Mick said worriedly. "Sit down, you're going to lose it."

"I already am, I-I can't lose her, oh god," I said, trying to keep it together.

"I'll try and get an update," Sharise said as she rushed over to the counter.

Tommy and Pamela soon rushed in and spotted us.

"What do we know?!" Pamela asked frantically.

"She's in surgery, t-there was so much going on, and..... I-I think our baby is dead.." I said in a shaky voice.

"Oh my god," Pamela sobbed.

"Doug called me, the press knows MJ was one of the people involved in the accident," Tommy said.

"Fuck!!" Vince grunted.

Sharise came back, looking worried, her eyes watery.

"She's still in surgery, we won't know anything yet until the doctor arrives, but it wasn't looking good," she whimpered.

"Oh my god," Heather said as she took a seat.

"Then we don't move until we know something," Mick snapped.

Everyone nodded as I tried to even my breathing, Tommy and Sharise trying to comfort me.

"I-I'll call MJ's family," Vince said.

We all nodded as he went to make a call.

As I sat there, I tried calming myself as 

When I passed out.... The same thing happened to Mal once, because I had....

O-Oh my god.....

I let out a shaky breath as I buried my face in my hands.

Please... Please be okay... Please be alive..... Don't leave us....Don't leave me...... Not like this....

I still need you, please..... Please.....


It felt like years before the doctor, Mal's surgeon, Dr. Quinton, finally came in.

"Family of Mallory Sixx," he called out.

We all immediately shot up from our seats and hurried over to him.

"I-I'm her husband. How is she?" I asked urgently.

"She got lucky," he said. "Despite everything, we managed to stop the bleeding and fix all the damages. She did suffer some fractures to her spine, so she'll be off her feet for a while, but thankfully nothing permanent there as of yet has been detected," he explained. "She had slight swelling to her brain, but nothing to raise any alarms and we managed to bring it down completely. It was touch and go for a while, but she'll make a slow but full recovery. She's stable now and resting."

We sighed with relief as he then held up his hand.

"Unfortunately, though.... The baby didn't survive," The doctor said sadly. "We had to perform an emergency c-section, but.... He sustained massive blunt force trauma from the crash.... There was nothing else we could do...."

I froze as he spoke to me. "H-He....?"

"I-It was a boy.... I'm sorry, sir...." he said sadly. "We did all we could...."

I hear Heather whimper as Vince and Sharise kept me steady.

"T-There's more I'm afraid...." Dr. Quinton said.

"What else is there?" Mick asked.

"Umm.... there was severe damage to her womb and uterus from the impact, they were heavily ruptured and she was bleeding out too much during the emergency c-section and.... W-We had no other choice but to also perform an emergency hysterectomy as well in order to save her life...." he said solemnly.

My eyes widen as I felt my heart drop. "Y-You what....??"

"We had no other option," he said. "If we didn't do it, Mallory's heart could have failed...."

"W-Wait, d-does that mean.....?" Sharise gasped, tears streaming from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but yes..... Mallory can never have children ever again....." he said.

I gulped as I felt tears but tried holding them back.

Heather let out a sob as she sat down, Sharise at her side.

"You can see her now if you want..." he said to me.

I sniffled as then Mick stepped up.

"Me and him can go first," he said.

"I'll go, too," Vince said. 

"I'll call her family to update them...." Sharise mumbled as she held a sobbing Heather. "The two of us will try to see if we can also go in even if its to be outside..."

We nodded as we went ahead with the doctor.

We soon arrived to a room and enter, and the sight before me just broke me in two.

"Oh god..." Mick said in shock as Vince gasped in horror.

Mallory laid in bed, gauze and bandages covering her head, arms, and shoulders, a neck brace on, a cast on her right wrist and her right leg also in one, with rods sticking out of it and elevated. She also had a cast on her body and was connected to a ventilator and machines and tubes giving her blood and other fluids.

What broke me more was when I noticed it....

He stomach.... It was flat....

"Oh dear god...." Mick said, looking horrified as he looked at everything, Vince having to look away.

It took everything I had in me to just not collapse right then and there.

She looked so broken...

"Oh my..... Mal... G-God, baby, what did they do to you....?" I mumbled as I walked over, holding her good hand carefully in mine.

"She'll be out for a while," Dr. Quinton said. "It will be a long road to recover, though.... But Mallory is very strong...."

I sniffled as I tried holding my tears in.

"Nikki...." Mick spoke sadly, his voice almost shaking.

"W-What am I gonna tell our kids?" I said, not even wanting to imagine what this is gonna do to them.

Sharise and Heather then walked in, followed by everyone else, and froze as Heather gasped in shock.

"Oh my god...." Sharise gasped as Heather burst to tears and looked away, Sharise hugging her as they stepped into the hall again.

"Oh my god.... M-MJ?" Tommy mumbled in horror as Pamela burst into tears.

I sniffled and carefully rested my head over her chest, hoping to hear it...

There...... Its soft, but.... I-Its still there, thank God....

The invisible weight that pressed down my body lightened as her soft heartbeat thumped against my ear and I gripped her good hand as tears pooled from my eyes.

Mal... Please wake up.... Baby, please.... Please....



It's been almost 2 weeks since the accident and thankfully our lawyers are also working on making sure these scumbags are jailed for life.

What I wouldn't give to send these bastards to Hell myself right this second......

Fans all around are wishing for Mallory a fast recovery and also hurting for the horrible loss the Sixx family is suffering.

Bands like Skid Row and KISS have even expressed their sympathy and condolences, Sebastian even stopping by with the band to see them and also help with the kids, since he is also Stevie's godfather and she's still a baby.

KISS and their families have also helped as much.

The guys from Hanoi had also flown in to see Mallory once they heard what happened.

Nikki had to also tried to make plans to bury their dead son, but I told him to let me take care of that, since being with Mallory had to be priority for him right now.

They apparently had already decided names for the baby.

If it were a girl, Cherry Renée Sixx.

If a boy, which he ended up being, Rowan Ozzy Sixx.

Ozzy had even gotten wind of the news and according to Sharon, he was even in tears hearing about the tragedy. He's been really fucked up about it, and the two of them have also visited and tried to help with the kids as much as they could.

Jasper and Zander were made aware, but we opted out the worst details. As far as they know, their mom had an accident and needs to spend some time in the hospital before coming home. We told them to also keep it from Ava and the twins as well. If they ask, Mommy isn't doing well and has to spend some time with the doctors.

Despite being young, Ava understands he mother got hurt and won't be around for a while, and its hit her rather hard. Being her godparents, Heather and Vince had spent some time with her to help keep her mind off it and be at ease.

She, along with Sharise, Celia, Lexie and even Sharon and Pamela, have come by to help their nanny with the kids. We also took a few turns.

Nikki, however, has stayed planted at Mallory's bedside day and night.

The four of us were outside with Nikki while Sharise took a turn sitting at Mallory's bedside, so we can get Nikki to finally eat something (as well as taking a well needed shower).

Sebastian, Rachel and Snake were also visiting us, and Sebastian was in the room sitting at Mallory while Rachel and Snake were outside with us.

I've seen Nikki at his very lowest, well below and past rock bottom.

Seeing Mallory on that hospital bed like that didn't just break him, and the only time I've seen him look something like this was when he lost Angel Gray....

I see Mallory and my whole body just hurts worse... 

She shouldn't be on that disgusting bed herself..... 

It hurts seeing her there... Lying there....

She's like my own kid.... She's a mother, too, damn it, why her!?!

"Nikki, I wish there was something we can say right now other than we're sorry...." Rachel said sadly.

"We can't even begin to imagine everything you're going through," Snake said, his arms crossed over his chest.

Nikki was leaned against the wall, hair sort of damp from the shower he took not long ago, wearing a black hoodie with the hood up and jeans with sneakers.

"You know, we were both surprised about this baby.... S-She was scared, but she... She had hope..." he said as we looked back at Mallory. "We both actually did.... Everything was going so well...."

She started breathing on her own so they took her off the ventilator, and she had a regular cast now, but she needed another surgery soon for her leg and her spine. They also took the neck brace off.

As far as we know, mobility doesn't seem fully compromised, but she is looking at a handful of recovery time, especially in physical therapy.

"We-We knew the risks were more with age now, but the baby just seemed so healthy and things were looking really good...." He mumbled. "I.... I should have gone with her..... It should be me on that bed..."

"Don't say that, asshole..... Mallory would have been suffering herself staying at your bedside with you hooked up to a ventilator," I said. 

He sighed as he looked down. "Telling her what happened when she wakes up.... Oh god.... I-I don't even want to think....."

"Its gonna ruin her...." Tommy mumbled sadly.

I then heard groaning and we look into the room, seeing Mallory was moving, her eyes slowly opening.

I sighed with relief as I saw life slowly coming back to her.

"She's waking up," Vince mumbled.

Nikki sighed nervously as he looked down before sniffling and looking back up.

"I'll tell her," Nikki assured as he walked in, Vince following him inside.

I watched as Nikki sat at her side and took her hand as she slowly opened her eyes, Vince at her other side with Sharise.

I sighed as Mallory and Nikki slowly talked, Mallory looking around in confusion.

I had to quickly look away from the door and leaned against the wall after seeing Mallory looked down at her flat stomach in confusion, then asking where her baby was.

It was only a few seconds before suddenly, a really loud, heartbreaking wail broke through the entire floor of the hospital.

Tommy looked down sadly, his head in his hands as I took a deep breath as we heard the poor girl's meltdown in the room, my head lowering in sadness, same with Rachel and Snake.

Mallory sobbed, screamed, and cried out for her lost son as Nikki, Vince, Sebastian and Sharise trying their hardest to console and calm her, nurses rushing in as the screaming and crying went on and on for what felt like forever.

These cries... These screams... I don't think I can ever be able to unhear them ever again for the rest of my natural days......

Nothing can heal this broken heart.....


So, this ended up being way longer than I wanted for a single deleted scene, so I decided to just split it into 2 parts. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I figured since it has been a while since I updated, due to personal reasons, that I give you all something different to make up for my lack of updating. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Part 2 is already up, so you can continue reading! 🌻

🎹 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Machine Gun Kelly "Floor 13"

♡~ sapphire.

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