{Deleted Scenes: Accidents (Part 2) }

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️Warning: Chapter contains scenes depicting trauma, depression, drug relapse and mentions of loss and suicidal thoughts. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️



Weeks passed...

I needed another surgery for my leg and after that it wasn't long until I was finally able to come home.

However, I was confined to a wheelchair for a few months and had to be in physical therapy for the time as well.

I have a chance to walk again, but it will take a lot of time until I can fully walk fine, and I also have some nerve damage in my arm.

I was also prescribed some medication antibiotics for the pain and to prevent any possible infections.

I didn't want to take any of that, though.

I didn't want to eat or drink. I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want to even go outside.

I want to die...... I should have died......

I've lost children before, but this..... This is much worse than when I lost my other children...

I was fine... The baby was fine... He actually had a chance like his brothers and sisters, everything was okay.....

I had hope... Now I'm starting to realize how dangerous having that is ...

A miscarriage because of my genetics would have been less painful than this..... We would have healed from that....

This, though... I don't think there could ever be healing from this agony....

Now, because of some bastards this time, I not only lost another son, but I also the chance of even thinking of one more kid, if it were ever possible.

My son.... He was murdered..... Killed just when he had a chance...... All because of greed.....

Nikki and I were obviously going to stop after having Rowan, for sure, but.... That choice was ripped away from us along with him.....

This hurts so, so much.....

I sighed as I then looked over at the TV.

"In court today, the 3 remaining bank robbers who lead the LAPD on a speed chase from a Wells Fargo bank that ended in tragedy," the anchorman said.  "The four men sped for 5 blocks before arriving to the intersection of 64th ST and Sunset Blvd on Friday the 8th, where they ran a red light at the intersection and collided with three different cars. Of the 9 people who were affected in the crash, only 3 were killed, one being one of the robbers, and 4 others were in critical condition, while 2 others only suffered  minor injuries....."

I glared at the screen as they displayed the mugshots of the robbers.

I hope that bastard friend of theirs who died is burning in hell right now....

I sniffled as I continued to watch. Footage of the scene from that day was now being shown, including of my now destroyed car, bent around the telephone pole, almost ripped in half.

Another car was practically flattened because of my car flipping over it when impacted, its dead driver laying next to it covered by a sheet.

More destroyed cars. Broken metal, car fluids and glass shards all over the asphalt, along with enough blood spilled everywhere to make a butcher faint.

Another body, the pedestrian who was a young college student, laid on the sidewalk in her own blood, also covered by a sheet. The critically injured being loaded into helicopters and ambulances, ambulances also taking the ones with minor injuries.

The whole thing made the accident back in '84 that killed Razzle look like a simple fender bender.

"One of the people involved in this accident was the Crüe Queen herself, Mallory "Mallie" Sixx, who was one of the critically wounded and was about six months pregnant at the time. Souces say she had just left a follow-up doctor's appointment moments before the car in pursuit collided into her car and then two more. Sources also say Mallory will make a slow but full recovery in time, but the baby she carried sadly did not survive...."

I grunt and then grabbed a nearby vase of flowers with my good arm and threw it across the room, smashing it against the TV and breaking it, leaving me in the dark, quiet room.

I winced as pain shot throughout my body from that sudden movement and then grunted angrily.

I then locked the chair in place and decided to try to get up.

I need something to get my mind off this.... Anything....

I was able to force myself up but the moment I put pressure on my foot...

"AAHH!!" I yelped as pain shot up my leg and I ended up falling forward, landing on the ground, feeling sharp pain shooting though my whole body.

"Fuck!!" I screamed in a strained voice, slamming my fist against the floor as tears started to stream down my face and I just curled to the ground and cried.

Why... Why did this have to happen  to me...!?

What the fuck did I do to deserve this!?

Why couldn't I had just died in that fucking car!?!

Death would have been so much better than this horrible pain in my chest!!

Why!? Why!?! WHY!?!? WHY WHY WHY WHY!?!?!

I continued to sob until the door then opened.

"M-Mom?" a familiar voice spoke, making me gasp as the door opened and I looked up a bit.

"MOM!! Oh my god!!" Jasper shouted, rushing over to my side. "DAD!! SOMEONE, HELP!!"

"NOOOOOO!!!" I cried out as Jasper knelt next to me, trying to help me up but then backed away in shock. "J-Just leave me here, please, please Jasper, please!!!"

"Jasper!!!" Nikki's voice shouted.

"S-She fell!!" Jasper whimpered as then I felt Nikki next to us.

"Mal, baby, look at me," Nikki begged as I sobbed, feelling hands helping me up.

"Nooooooo, please, j-just leave me here....!!!!' I wailed as he held me.

It was quiet as Nikki carefully pulled me into his arms and hugged me.

"W-Why...... Why did this had to happen....?!" I sobbed uncontrollably.

"Sssshhhh, I'm right here..... I'm right here....." Nikki's voice soothed.

"M-Mom...." Jasper's voice spoke and I look to see him looking worriedly, tears in his eyes.

I cried as I held my good arm out to him and he leaned down and hugged me.

I cried into my son's shoulder as I held him with my good arm.

Please, God... Please make this pain stop.....



"Uncle T-Bone...." Zander spoke as he looked up from his food.

I looked over at him, Brandon next to me while Jasper, Ava and Dylan were at the booth with me.

After everything, we all took a break and decided to help the Sixx family out as much as we can, especially with the kids.

Vince and Beth were with the twins and Stevie right now while I was with the other half of the Sixx kids and my own, getting them some food after I picked them up from school.

"What's up, buddy?" I asked him.

"Is our mom gonna be okay?" he asked.

I looked over at them as they looked up at me sadly and I frowned.

"Guys," I sighed. "Your mom is just hurting right now.... Her body hurts, her heart hurts, everything is hurting, same for your dad... They just need some time to heal after everything, okay...?"

They looked at each other worriedly, Ava looking down.

"I don't like Mommy and Daddy being sad...." she mumbled sadly.

I sighed with a frown as I put my arm around her consolingly. "I know its tough, but things will look up," I assured. 

"Is Auntie MJ really gonna be okay, Daddy?" Brandon asked.

"Like I said, buddy... She just needs some time," I said. "We all do."

They all nodded as Ava leaned against my side, Dylan holding her hand.

"Come on and finish up so we can head out," I said.

They continued to eat as I sighed.

I really hope I'm right....

It wasn't long until we finished, I paid for our food and we all headed back to the Sixx house

"Hey, Sixx! I bought the munchkins back!" I called out as we walked in.

No response....

"Maybe he is in the music room...." Ava shrugged as the kids put their bookbags down.

"Let's go," Jasper said as the two of them headed downstairs, Zander and my kids stayed in the living room, turning the TV on to watch cartoons.

I looked at the time on my phone.

Vince should be here soon with Stevie and the twins.

I decided to follow Jasper and Ava so I can also check on Nikki and then also on MJ.

Ava then opened the door that lead to the studio room as I reached the top of the stairs, but frowned in confusion as she looked in.

"D-Daddy....?" Ava suddenly spoke as she looked into the music room.

I frowned and walked over before peering in and my heart stopping at the sight in front of me, quickly pulling Ava into my arms, my hand over her eyes.

"JASPER, GET YOUR BROTHER AND SISTER DOWNSTAIRS!!! BRANDON, GET YOUR BROTHER!!!! YOU FIVE STAY THERE, DON'T MOVE!!! CALL UNCLE MICK, NOW!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could, handing Ava to Jasper as they took off downstairs and I hurried towards Nikki.

"STOP IT, NIKKI, NO!!!!" I screamed as I grabbed him and snatch the needle out if his hand and tackling him before throwing it aside.

I panted as I then looked down and froze at what I saw on his arms.

Its too late.....

A sob suddenly ripped out of Nikki's mouth as I looked at him in both worry and shock.

"T-Tommy.... W-What have I done....?" he mumbled in horror.

I frowned as I knelt down and hugged him, trying to calm him down.

"Its okay.... It's okay, brother....." I said as he cried in shame. "We're gonna help you.... It's gonna be okay......" 

Oh fuck.....


>A Month Later<


I walked over and placed the plate of food in front of Mallory as she looked out from the window.

"Please.... I-I can't...." she mumbled, looking down.

"Well you have to... Mallory, you can't continue like this," He said sternly as he sat in front of me. "Nikki, your kids... Your family.... We need you...."

She looked up at me. "Look at me, Mick.... Look what.... Look what became of me.... Look what happened to Nikki....  My own children are scared of me....."

I felt my heart break as tears pooled in her eyes.

A month passed since Nikki checked himself into rehab. It broke him when the needle called back and he answered....... Shattered him to pieces when he realized Ava had saw the whole thing....

She had questions.... We didn't know much how to respond.... We tried to cover it up as best as we could, but the secrecy only confused and scared her more, especially with what followed.

A week after Nikki left, Mallory had a horrible meltdown one night while she was sleeping, leading to Ava freaking out and calling Vince, who then called me and Tommy.

Now, the kids are staying with Vince and Mallory is staying with me.

"Its my worst nightmare.... I always feared my parents when I was a kid.... And now.... A-Ava won't even look me in the eye...." she whimpered. "I-I'm becoming a different version of them...."

"Alright, stop it, Mallory! Ava's only 4 and she's just confused and scared, damn it," I scolded. "They all are, hell even Brandon and Dylan are as freaked out!"

She sniffled. "It's just... Its not fair.... We were fine... Why only us?


Mick sighed sadly. "I don't know... I do know you of all people don't deserve this, not after all the hell you went through back then...." He said.

I sniffled as I hugged myself.

"And seeing you on that bed, all those machines hooked to you.... God, I still can't sleep at night with that image burned to my head...." he mumbled,  a shudder going through him.

I looked up in shock.

"You have every damn right to be heartbroken.... To feel like it's the end of the world.... Your child wasn't lost this time like the others, he was taken from you...." he said. "That alone is painful enough... Despite that, though, you still made it, and those six little riots you got can still have a mother to grow up with, something you and Nikki didn't always really have.... You're still here, and that to me is something of a damn miracle."

I looked down. "But at what cost....?"

He sighed, but then spoke.

"I'm gonna tell you something that stays between you and me... Something I never told anyone....." he said.

I looked up at him.

"You remember one time.... Tommy took that really bad fall from his drum coaster during Theater of Pain?" Mick sighed.

I frowned, then looked down, remembering that day.

Tommy was thankfully fine, only suffering a broken leg and a concussion, needed a few stitches, but he was almost knocked out for almost 2 days since he hit his head pretty hard on the fall.

"When I saw the kid on that gurney, his leg fucked up, head nearly busted open......  I was scared..... I was scared he wasn't going to wake up, that he got too hurt, or that he shook that damn peanut thing he has in there too fucking hard and broke it," Mick scoffed and I couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Even though T-Bone is the most annoying bastard on this planet and most days I just want to wring his neck with my bare hands...... A part of me actually cares about that deranged son of a bitch...." He admitted. "Same thing goes for Nikki and Vince, too...."

I couldn't help but smile.

"That kid still has a soft spot on me, and I care about him.... Both of you.... I don't want to lose any of you guys, especially you two," he said. "You're like my own kids...."

"Mick..." I smiled.

"Don't you ever tell him I said that, though, or else he'll never let me live it down," He said sternly, and I held back a small laugh.

He took a deep breath as he held my hand.

"You got six kids yourself, Mallory.... Six kids that you didn't even think were gonna make it.... You're a doctor, an activist..... You made it so far, and at one point you were laying in a pool of your own blood not knowing if you were ever even going to see the next sunrise...." he said.

I sighed and took a deep breath.

"You can't give up on everything you got," He said. "You got to move forward, like you always did, and get your family back," He said. "If you quit now, everyone who ever doubted you.... Everyone who tried to bring you down.... They all win.... Including the assholes who took your son, just to fill their own pockets...."

I pursed my lips in thought.

He's right....

I've had my fair shares of rock bottoms, this being the lowest.

I can't just give up, not after all I got.

My kids.... The guys.... My friends.... Nikki.....

I have to move forward like I always have, or else I lose everything...

Razzle Jr... Angel.... Baby Sixx.... Rowan......

I have to keep fighting.... For not just my family here but the family I lost along the way.....

"I need all the help I can get," I said to Mick.

He nodded. "Where do you want to start?" He asked.

I took a deep breath before putting the breaks on the wheelchair and forcing myself up, making Mick quickly stand up, looking a little worried at me.

I groaned as my stiff joints slowly stretched with my body, and soon I was standing upright, keeping slight pressure on my broken leg, and taking a deep breath.

"First.... Take me to my children....." I said.

He nodded as I took a step forward but ended up stumbling and he caught me, making us both groan.

"How about we take this step by step first?" He groaned as he steadied himself as we tried to stay standing. "You're not the only one here with fucked up bones, too, kid."

"Good idea," I said with a deep breath as he helped me back on the chair. "I'm gonna need crutches...."



I looked out the window as I stayed in my room, then looked down at the Polaroid in my hand.

It was of me, Mal, and our kids at the last Crüe tour we went to last summer.

Two months later, Mal found out she was pregnant with Rowan.

My family.....  How could this happen to us?

Why did this had to happen to us...??

I jumped when there was suddenly a knock at the door.

"Mr. Sixx... You have a visitor," a nurse said.

I frowned and walked over, opening the door and then stepping out when suddenly...


I froze and quickly turned, seeing Ava, Jasper, Zander, the twins and Stevie.

Ava then rushed over towards me and I quickly knelt down and caught her in my arms as she clung to me.

"Ava, oh my god," I gasped as I held her tightly to my chest. "Peanut, I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry...."

"I missed you, Daddy," She mumbled as she clung tightly to me.

"I miss you, too, baby girl," I said, trying to keep it together as my eyes got watery.

My other kids then came up and surrounded me, hugging me tight as I tried to hug them all. "Guys, I'm so sorry..... I never wanted any of this to happen..."

"It's okay, Dad," Jasper comforted as he wrapped his arm around me and Ava.

"What are you all even doing here?" I asked, my hand on Nona's cheek.

"We're busting you outta here!!" Zander said excitedly, making Jasper pull his ear. "Ow! Well we are!!"

"What?" I asked, confused, and then looked up, seeing Mal and the guys standing there, Mal in her crutches.

"O-Oh my god," I said, standing up and rushing over to her as she managed to stay steady.

"Mal, oh god," I said as I quickly pulled her into me with my other arm and she let go of the crutches and clung to me.

"We're taking you home," she said.

I looked down at her. "N-No.... Mal, Si-"

"Sikki Nixx can rot in hell with those bastards for all I care!" She snapped, making my eyes widen.

She held her hands on my cheeks as she looked right into my eyes.

"This family has been through enough... We've made it too damn far to start quitting, feeling damn sorry for ourselves and letting everything we fought for fall apart," she said.

I sniffled and pursed my lips as I looked at her.

"Quitting never helped us.... It only made things worse," She said.

I took a deep breath. "I fell back...."

"Then you get back up and jump on that wagon again," she said. "We start over, and we pull through this.... Our kids need us.... Our family..... I need you...."

I looked up at her.

She's right....

Rowan is gone.  Our hearts are broken beyond repair. That much is true.

However, we can't just give up on the kids that made it, on the life we managed to make for ourselves......

"We are getting through this.... Together....." she said, determination in her tone.

My eyes widen as I looked at the guys.

"We're with you guys to the end," Vince smiled.

"You can't quit now, Sixx," Mick said.

You got this, brother!" Tommy smiled.

I looked back at Mal and the kids, Stevie clinging to my leg as her big blue-green eyes looked up at me.

"Dadda...." She babbled up at me.

I sniffled and took a deep breath as I looked at Mal, nodding.

"Come hell or high water.... We make this ours," I said.

She smiled as I pulled her into a kiss and everyone cheered.

"Alright now come on, I saw a big air vent we can sneak through!!" Zander said, Jasper rolling his eyes and pulling his ear again. "Ow!!"

"Dad doesn't have to sneak out, dummy! He and Mom just has to sign papers," He scolded as the other kids giggled and Zander pouted.

We all couldn't help but laugh as I ruffled Zander's hair and headed to check Nikki out, Tommy and I helping Mal walk while Mick got her crutches and Vince picked Stevie up.

>A Year Later<


I finished typing on the computer and took a deep breath as I stared at the screen.

Its done.... I actually finished....

The door then opened and Ava walked in, making me smile.

"Hey, honey," I said, looking at my watch.

"Hi, Mommy," she smiled as she walked up. "Daddy says lunch is almost ready."

"Okay," I nodded as she looked at the computer screen. 

"Is that your book?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah.... I finished," I said as I wrapped my arm around her.

"Its done?" she asked, surprised.

"Yeah... I just had to fix a few things, and.... Its done, baby girl," I said.

"You talked about losing my baby brother....?" she mumbled.

I pursed my lips and took a deep breath, nodding. "Yeah.... I talked about your baby brother... Everything we went through when we lost him...." I said.

A year had passed since everything and we've managed to pull through.

Its been an uphill battle, of course, but we all managed.

Nikki has continued sober and had gone to a few meetings, already earning his year sober chip.

I've continued with my physical therapy, soon being able to walk with some help.

I'm currently using forearm crutches, since there was some slight nerve damage on my body from the impact, mostly on the arm that was broken, and walking can tire me out sometimes.

Thankfully, its nothing permanent according to doctors, but it will be a while before I'm feeling 100%. For now, though, I'll be looking at occasional muscle spasms, slight pains and twitches in that arm for a good while.

I also got back to working on the book I had planned on releasing before the accident, but decided to fix it a little bit, and also back to working on my doctorate.

I've also been dabbling on some song lyrics from time to time during my recovery, but mostly just some lyrics and stuff from time to time.

She nodded. "Are we gonna be okay?" she asked.

I looked down and gave her a smile. "We are, honey.... We're Sixx's.... We overcome whatever life throws at us, and come back stronger," I told her, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

She smiled up at me as I gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry we scared you and your siblings back then, Peanut," I said, holding her close. "Especially me...."

"Its okay, Mommy," she said. "You and Daddy were sad from what happened.... But you're all okay now...."

I smiled at how mature Ava can be, kissing her cheek as I hugged her, and we looked back at the computer monitor.

"What are you gonna do now that you're done?" she asked.

"Well," I sighed. "I gotta send it now to my editor and see what she thinks before she sends it to my publisher."

"And then its a real book?" she asked, making me smile.

"Yeah... Then its a real book, and Mommy can travel to other states to read it to people, sign it, talk to fans...." I said.

"Like Daddy does!" she said, making me laugh.

"Yeah, just like Daddy," I giggled as then the door opened.

"I heard my name," Nikki smiled as he walked over to us. "What did I miss?"

"Mommy finished her book," Ava said as he walked over, ruffling her hair and making her giggle.

"Really, you finished?" Nikki asked me as I quietly scolded him and fixed her hair back in place.

"Yeah," I sighed. "I just got to send it to my editor."

"You didn't yet?" he asked. 

"It..... Its just...." I sighed, lost in thought.

Nikki was quiet before nodding.

"Hey, Peanut, how about you head downstairs to eat, Mommy and I will be down in a few minutes. Uncle Vinnie can help you get your food," Nikki assured.

"Okay," she nodded as he kissed her cheek and she scurried off.

Today we were having a little family lunch at our house to celebrate, since I had finally finished my last day at physical therapy.

I sighed as I looked back on the screen, my hands under my chin as Nikki hugged me from behind.

"Alright, talk to me, Wonder Woman..... What's going on in that big brain of yours?" he asked, his head gently resting on my shoulder.

I chuckled at the nickname, placing my hand over his cheek.

"Its just.... I felt so confident opening up in this book, and.... Now.... I'm not so sure anymore...." I admitted. "I mean, yeah, this mostly what's already known, but...."

"Well, didn't rewrite it, though," He said. "Its the same as before."

"Well, yeah, just with a new chapter.... Some slight.... Editing....." I sighed, holding his hand as he looped it around my waist.

He pursed his lips and took a deep breath.

"Maybe I should have just left it as it was..." I sighed.

"Hey, babe," Nikki said. "Its your story, you choose how you want to write it."

"Hey...." he said, unwrapping his arms and kneeling down next to me, making me look over. "It was a really, really dark time for us, but we survived, babe.... We're still here.... Our family is still here...."

I sighed as I held back tears. "Vince, he umm... He told me you felt.... W-When I....."

He pursed his lips and looked down. 

"I felt it once, too..... When you.... When you overdosed...." I confessed, stroking his cheek. "Its like that story I was told years ago....."

He looked up at me and sighed as he then leaned up and kissed my lips.

I relaxed and wrapped my arms around him as I kissed back.

He then pulled back and pressed his forehead against mine.

"I thought I lost you..... Even after you woke up, I thought I was going to lose you.... I already lost my son, I thought I was going to lose you or the kids, especially after I relapsed.... I'm thankful very day that I still have you all....." h said.

I gave him a small smile.

"We have a lot of healing to do, Mal... Starting with coming to terms with what's happened to us," he said.

I took a deep breath as I felt a single tear and he wiped it away.

"You're right.... I guess... I was more used to the miscarriages so.... This would have been less painful if it were one...." I sighed.

"I know.... Luckily those bastards that killed our son and all those innocent people that day are going to rot in a cell for what they did," he said. "And like I said.... You're still here.... I can still wake up to your beautiful face every morning, and the kids can still grow up with their mother.... For that, I'm grateful for....."

I smiled as I looked at him and then kissed his lips before hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad I'm still here, too.... I love you," I said.

"I love you, too," he said, hugging me tightly but not tight enough to hurt me.

We then pulled back and shared a final kiss as I smiled at him.

"How about I read that new chapter tonight and give you some more time to think about sending it, hm?" he asked. "Meanwhile, that beautiful grey matter of yours needs fuel, and I happened to have made your favorite for lunch."

I giggled as he softly poked my forehead.

"Okay, okay, I yield. Let me print this and then let's eat," I said turning around to face the screen.

Once I had it printing, I turned back around as he stood up, taking my hands and helping me stand I steadied myself as he got my crutches and helped me slip them on my arms and I managed to walk with him.

"You know I swear I pictured this one day, but when we were elderly people," I joked as we walked.

"Well, then here's to growing old together baby," He smiled. "Of course, we'll be the elderly couple that still rides motorcycles, uses black hair dye, and gets into trouble from time to time."

I laughed. "Living the dream," I said as we got the the stairs and he suddenly lifted me into his arms. "Aaah!"

"Oh, what? You think I'm gonna have you limping down the stairs?" he scoffed, managing to get my crutches in his hand

"You're always the one sweeping me off my feet, aren't you?" I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Its part of my charm," he shrugged with a cheeky smile.

I giggled, kissing his cheek as we got to the bottom of the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Here's Mommy," he announced as we saw the kids around the patio table and then he gently set me down.

A banner reading "Congrats!" hung from nearby with balloons and streamers.

The guys were here, along with the girls, including Tommy's new girlfriend, Mayte, who's a sweet girl.

"Heheeyyyyy!" Tommy shouted as everyone cheered and I bashfully smiled at everyone while Nikki set the crutches down for me.

"Mom, Daddy made your favorite spaghetti!!" Zander said excited, making me notice he and Brandon were playing with their food and getting into mischief like always.

I couldn't help but laugh as Jasper scolded them both while I made it tot he table and soon got to eating.

I then looked over at the backyard, the little garden section the guys made nearby.

Four little child angel statues stood amongst the blue flowers that were planted, in honor of the children I've lost.

Its newest one had Rowan's name on a plaque, just like Razzle Jr., Angel Grey, and Baby Sixx did. We planted it a little after I lost Baby Sixx, and since then the flowers have bloomed beautifully. 

Its also a peaceful place to sit down and enjoy the fresh air, read a book, relax.

I smiled over at them before I felt a hand on mine and looked, seeing Nikki smiling at me while Vince passed him the bowl of spaghetti and we served ourselves and enjoyed our family lunch.

It wasn't long after dessert, which was ice cream, that Nikki stood up.

"Alright, I got something to say," he said and everyone quieted down.

"Today, my lovely and amazing wife overcame a major obstacle she's been going through for a while.... And its an amazing thing, because it just proves how fucking strong she is, no matter what hits us...." Nikki spoke.

I smiled as everyone applauded, Vince gently patting my back as Heather hugged me.

"Around more than a year ago...." Nikki continued. "We suffered a major tragedy, where we lost our fourth son, and in the process almost lost Mal here as well....."

We were all quiet as he took a deep breath.

"Rowan will always live in our hearts, along with his brothers and sisters who couldn't be here with us tonight.... The people we lost along the way.... This family has been through a lot in so many years and just recently, too...... Yet we're all here still, stronger and still together.... Same old people, some new people, yet its still a very motley family, pun intended."

Everyone nodded and laughed at his pun.

"And I wouldn't want it any other way..... To the Crue," Nikki said, holding his glass up, everyone else following.

"To the Crue," we all said.

"And also to our Queen as well," Nikki added, motioning to me. "Long may she reign, and may she continue being the tough-skinned woman she's always been..."

"To Mallory!" everyone said, drinks up again as they clinked their glasses together.

I smiled as I clinked my glasses a few time and I smiled at the family I have with me, Nikki leaning down to kiss my cheek as we continued to enjoy the afternoon together.

I am grateful..... For this life....


And that's the last part of that deleted scene.

Sorry if it was too long and probably a little mixed, I wanted a pretty detailed D.S. for this one since it was an important event I wanted mentioned. 💁🏻‍♀️

I feel like Part 2 got a teeny bit sloppy towards the end so I do apologize if it seems so. If I need to, I will edit it when I can.

Only 3 Deleted Scenes are left, and they are A LOT happier, I promise you all, and you will definitely enjoy them!!! 🌻

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Billie Eilish "Therefore I Am"


♡~ sapphire.

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