{Deleted Scenes: Hostage Situation}

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⚠️Warning: Chapter contains scenes depicting assault, and mentions of violence against women & children. If affected, please read chapter with caution. ⚠️




"Yeah, its a slow night, I might even clock out early, maybe in like an hour or two, I'll let you know," I told Nikki on the phone as I stood by the phone, looking down at my watch.

"Alright, cool. Guys finished early, so I picked up the kids early from Sharise's, now they just had dinner, twins had their bottles, burped and new diapers, now I'm just trying to get the three little munchkins to bed. Sesame Street ain't cutting it anymore, apparently," Nikki sighed in defeat.

I laughed. "Try reading them a story, that usually works, too," I said.

He chuckled as he then went quiet. "... How are you doing, really?"

I sighed and pursed my lips.

Its been almost 2 months since I miscarried again. Nikki and I have tried to move on, since we never really got to know what we were having.

Even though it's not our first time, it still hurts.... We had our hopes up after having the other kids, and I guess for once I even forgot about my condition....

Nikki and I had made the decision then on to wait a good while before we ever decide again, or to just keep things as they are, too.

I had decided once I was feeling better to just go back to work and try to keep my mind off of this.

"I'm coping.... You know after Razzle Jr. and Angel I'd thought I would have been used to this, but I guess after the twins I just got my hopes up," I sighed sadly.

"That's not your fault... It was probably not time for another baby yet, that's all..... Maybe one day we can try again and it'll all work out," Nikki said. "For now, we got more than enough time to enjoy the kids we already have while remembering the baby..."

"You're right... I'm happy with how things are and if we are meant to have another kid then it'll happen," I said.

"Yeah," He said.

"Daddy!" I hear Ava call in the background. "I tiwsty...!"

"Duty calls. See you soon," He said with a soft chuckle. "Ava, say good night to Mommy."

"Good 'ight, Momma," Ava babbled into the phone

"Good night, my little Princess," I smiled. "Mommy loves you so much!"

"I wuv yew too!" she said, making my heart melt as then Nikki spoke.

"See you at home, baby. Love you," he said.

"I love you too, honey," I smiled as we hung up and I headed to the reception desk.

"Ugh, its so boring tonight, " Holly groaned as Kathy finished signing some papers. "There's barely even much people here."

"I guess the maniacs decided to have a night off," I chuckled.

"You mean your boys decided to have a night off," Kathy joked.

I chuckled. "Well, Nikki's on dad mode, the guys are also with their kids as well, so no Saturday night chaos tonight," I chuckled.

She laughed. "How is he with the kids?"

"He is for sure a major Girl Dad," I said, smiling. "He loves the boys, definitely, but he gets so protective of Ava and Nona..... When it comes to all of them, he's almost always the very first one to check on them all whenever either of them wake up in the middle of the night, feeding them, comforting them when they cry, spoiling them all, its insane. And he's so good with them, Ava especially. She practically has him wrapped around her finger."

"Awww, how sweet," she giggled.

"I do admit, my PPD can have me getting a little sad whenever they need Nikki and not me, but, that's just the PPD of course," I shrugged. "I actually am glad my kids can depend on their father, since I never really had that as a kid."

She nodded. "You're an amazing parent, too, Chief... Don't ever doubt that," Holly smiled.

I smiled back at them.

"And umm... How have you been doing after what happened?" Kathy asked.

I took a deep breath and was about to say something when suddenly....

"HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP US, PLEASE!!!" A woman's accented voice screamed, making us jump and we turn to see a young dark haired woman rush in, a child no older than 5 years of age in her arms.

She had bruises and blood all over her, her right eye almost swollen shut, and her left shoulder dripping blood. Even the child looked injured as well and was sobbing, his lip bloody and broken.

"Oh my god!!!" I gasped as she rushed over. "Get me two gurneys!!"

"Yes, chief nurse!" Holly exclaimed and she rushed over with two other interns and another nurse.

I rushed to the woman who was panting.

"Its okay, its okay," I said.

"You have to help, please," she said in slightly broken english.

"What happened?" I asked.

"H-He try to kill me," she sobbed. "Le pegó a mi hijo, su brazo está roto!!" (He hit my son, his arm is broken!!)

"Estaras asalvo aqui," I assured in the best spanish I could speak, as then the gurney arrived. "Ven, nosotros te vamos a ayudar, vamos a ayudar a tu hijo tambien." (You'll be safe here.... Come, we are going to help you, we are going to help your son, too.)

She sniffled and nodded as Kathy took the child, laying him down on the gurney as he cried, and that's when I noticed his arm bent at a strange angle.

"Page pediatrics," I said.

She nodded as she tried to comfort the child and I stayed with the woman, helping her onto the other gurney.


I finished wrapping what I had soon realized was a stab wound on the woman's shoulder. Her eye was swollen shut and purple, finger shaped bruises on her neck, and scratches and bruises all over her arms and body.

I had a hunch as to what happened to her, but I still have to ask before alerting authorities.

Thankfully, she calmed down, especially when her child was attended to and bought to her. He had some bruises and a prominent one across his cheek, as well as a busted lip. His arm was also broken, but thankfully we managed to set it in place and had a cast put on him.

As far as I knew, her name is Maria, and her son's name is Daniel. She knows more spanish than English, which I've been able to understand, but paged another of my new interns who speaks way better spanish than me to come in to help us.

"Maria," I spoke, making her look over. "Yo se qué puede ser difícil... Pero tiene que decirme qué te pasó......" (I know it could be difficult... But you have to tell me what happened to you...)

She hesitated nervously.

"Mi esposo me golpeo otra vez... Me apuñaló..... Está vez Daniel trato de pelear con el, pero le dio con su puño..... Y lo tiro...." she sobbed. (My husband hit me again... And stabbed me.... This time Daniel tried to fight him, but he hit him with his fist.... And threw him....)

I sighed softly as I comforted her. I knew it...

"Le golpe con un sarten y cayó inconsciente.... Entonces agarre a Daniel y cori lo mas que pude," she cried. (I hit him with a frying pan and he fell unconscious..... So I grabbed Daniel and ran as fast as I could.)

"No es la primera vez qué te golpeó, verdad?" I asked her. (Its not the first time he hit you, right?)

She sniffled and shook her head. "Tenía miedo de llamar la policía, p-porque no tengo papeles.... Vine de México escapando los carteles...... Me hubieran quitado mí hijo, el nació aquí," she sobbed hysterically. "P-Por favor, n-no me quitan a mi hijo....!!" (I was afraud to call the police, b-because I have no documents.... I cam from Mexico escaping the cartels... They would have taken my son away, he was born here... P-Please don't take my son from me...!!)

"Ssshhhh, ssshhh, tranquila querida," I told her. "Nadie te va a quitar a tu hijo." (Calm down, honey.... No one is going to take away your son...)

She sniffled as she tried to calm down.

"Yo me aseguro que no te quiten a Daniel," I told her. (I will make sure they don't take Daniel away from you.)

She cried softly as she held her son, who seemed calm now but was quiet.

"Mamá, tengo hambre...." The boy mumbled. (Mama, I'm hungry...)

"C-Can he have food, please?" she asked timidly.

I nodded. "I'll have a nurse bring you both something to eat," I said.

She nodded with relief as her son clung to her.

"Maria.... Yo conozco un amigo en la policia," I said. "Él no va a llamar a la inmigración.... El puede arrestar a tú esposo, y sé asegura qué nunca te va a lastimar otra vez." (...I know a friend in the police. He won't call immigration.  He can arrest your husband, and he'll make sure he won't ever hurt you again.)

She sniffled. "E-Estas segura?" she asked. (A-Are you sure?)

I nodded and held her hand in mine. "They would have to go through me first," I assured her.

She sniffled and nodded.

"Can you be able to describe your husband to me for police?" I asked her.

She took a deep breath and nodded. "He is tall..... black hair... A-A scar on his cheek... A-And a tattoo...."

"Of what and where?" I asked.

She sniffled. "Una calavera...." she said, then pointed to a part of her lower arm. "Aqui.... Con llamas...." she said as then another nurse, Ana, came in, motioning me. (A skull.... Here.... With flames....)

I nodded. "Okay.... Descansa, querida...." I assured. "We will bring you and your boy food." (Rest, honey....)

She nodded as I stood up and exit the room.

"Kathy filled me in on what happened. What's the story?" Ana asked.

"Her husband beats her, she has a six inch stab wound in her shoulder, thankfully it missed major arteries. It's not the first time this has happened but she was scared to report it since she doesn't have her papers, she most likely crossed the border when escaping Mexico," she said. "Reporting it could have meant deportation, losing custody of her child, who's a U.S. citizen...."

"My god...." she said in shock.

"I'm going to call Detective Weston, have him help us," I said. "Ana, your Spanish is much better than mine. I want you to stay with her, make sure she and the boy are taken care of. Have Holly call my contact at the Women's Shelter as well, tell her I need someone here in the morning. Page me if you need anything else."

"Yes, Chief Nurse," she assured.

"Ana, another thing," I said as she was about to go into the room. "Tell hospital security that I want no immigration officers entering this hospital. If any show up, they go through me before getting to her."

She nodded. "Understood, ma'am," she said, and walked into the room.

I sighed as I then headed out to the reception.

I'm sorry, Nikki.... Looks like I'll be coming home late....


"And you sure she'll be safe?" I said into the phone.

"I'm sure, Mallory," Detective Weston said. "No migra on my watch. I already got the description and already sent an officer out to the address you got for me."

"Thank you again, I'll see you soon," I said, hanging up as Holly came up to me. "How are they?"

"She's resting now. She kind of got hysteric again, we had to give her a sedative," she said. "Her son is with nurse Ana playing with some coloring books we grabbed from the pediatrics waiting room. I also called Jill, she'll be here in the morning with a social worker and immigration lawyer."

I sighed and nodded. "We'll have her moved to a room to rest for the night, Detective Weston should be here soon to help. I'll call Jill in the morning, too."

"Anything else?" She asked.

"Also.... No more sedatives. She may be a patient but doesn't mean she needs to be put to sleep whenever she gets scared. It'll only make things worse," I said, holding out my hand.

She nodded and gave me the sedative syringe and I put it in my coat pocket.

"I want around the clock care for them, Holly, no separation whatsoever," I said. "She has no papers so I'll take care of whatever finances come out of this myself. We keep this on the DL."

She nodded when suddenly....

"Hi, can I speak to whoever's in charge?" A voice said and I turn to see an.... Officer....

"Y-Yes.... That would be me...." I said. "I was expecting Detective Weston...."

"He's on his way, ma'am, I'm just his back up," he said.

That scar.... Something doesn't feel right....

"Right...." I said.

"An injured Mexican woman came to your hospital with a child, correct?" he asked.

"Yes, a domestic abuse case...." I said, having an idea. "Her name is Xiomara, and her daughter is named Rosa."

"Huh.... I was told a mother named Maria and her boy, Daniel, were bought in..." he said questioningly.

"Its all right here for you, I just started the file" I said, grabbing an random file from the counter and then pretending to drop it. "Oh shoot, sorry."

"Its quiet alright, ma'am," he said as he reached out and then I saw it.

A skull.... With flames....

I stayed calm as I picked up the papers with him.

"You know, maybe there was a patient like that who came in during my break," I said. "Let me double check. Wait right here...."

He nodded as I then turned walked over to Holly.

"Move Maria to another room, now," I said in a whisper, handing her the fake file. "Keep a straight face, just go, hurry."

She nodded quietly and kept herself composed as she walked off towards where we had Maria and Daniel and then I went to the phone to dial Weston and plan what I can say without getting suspected.

Before I could even touch a number on the dial, all of a sudden, an arm wrapped around my neck and I gasped as I was pulled back into a chokehold.


Screams went off as I then saw two of the hospital guards fall to the ground.

Next thing I knew the barrel of a gun was pressed against my temple.

"NOBODY FUCKING MOVE!!!! LO JURÓ QUE MATO A ESTA PERRA!!!" He snapped as everyone around started to panic. (I SWEAR I'LL KILL THIS BITCH!)

I grunt he then move the gun away from me and-


I screamed as he shot the gun a few times at the feet of some people in the waiting room.

"NO, STOP, LEAVE THEM ALONE, JUST-JUST TELL US WHAT YOU WANT!!!" I screamed, struggling in his grasp.

"SHUT UP!!!" He snarled loudly in my ear. "I want my bitch of a wife and fucking kid here, NOW!!!"

"I'm telling you she's not fucking here!!!" I screamed, then yelped as he yanked my hair back hard.

"Lying cunt, I know they're here and you're fucking hiding them, now tell me where the fuck they are!!!" He snarled into my ear.

"Why, so you can keep beating them?! She's a woman, and that's your son, a child, you animal!!" I snarled.

"Its none of your fucking business, now shut up and take me to them or everyone here dies!!!" he snarled as he shook me hard. "Now... Dónde. Esta. Maria!?"

"S-She got transferred to a safe house just now- AAAH!!" I tried, seeing if I could buy some time, then I yelped as he yanked my hair by the roots.

"Liar!!" he snarled.

Weston, where the hell are you?

"I swear, t-the social worker came a few minutes ago and took them!!!" I exclaimed.

"Last chance, bitch," he said, pressing the gun to my temple.

This moment.....

"Who are you... ANSWER ME!!!"

"Nikki, p-put it down, its me, Mallory, please...."

I gulped nervously.

No, no this isn't Nikki, this is like.... Wait......!

I then remembered something and reached into my pocket, pulling out the syringe I got from Holly.

"Please... I-I have kids... My youngest ones only just turned 1...." I said, feeling tears as I quietly loosened the cap.

"Then they'll soon learn that their mommy bitch died because she didn't know her god damn place!!" he snarled.

That hit a nerve in me, and immediately, I remembered those words, and those like it....

"You should have known your place...."

Those words.... No.... Never again.....

"POLICE!!! Let her go!!!" Weston's voice suddenly shouted.

"I do know my place... AAAAHHH!!!" I spat, and elbowed his side before spinning around and jabbing the syringe into his neck, releasing the sedative.

"AAAHHH!!!" he yelped. "MALDITA PUTA!!!" (FUCKING WHORE!!)

He then swung his hand and the butt of the gun met with my temple and I screamed in pain as I was sent to the ground and everything immediately went blurry and....


Just as my vision faded, the man collapsed next to me and it was all dark.


I hissed as they cleaned my wound, 

"Sorry," Dr. James said.

"Its fine," I sighed as I sat on the waiting room chair, Kathy and Holly with me.

I looked over as 2 officers took the man, named Joaquin Hernandez, out in handcuffs, a bandage around his shoulder.

Turns out a cop did show up at his place to arrest him, but he took down and  killed the cop, stole his uniform, and pretended to be one in order to get his wife back.

I eventually came to after being knocked out cold and thankfully aside from the bloody gash on my head suffered no other injuries.

The two guards were wheeled into surgery not long after Hernandez was taken down.

"How are you feeling?" Holly asked.

"Honestly... Like anyone would after getting pistol whipped," I said with a sigh.

"Can you see just fine?" Dr. James asked.

"Yeah, just 3 humans and a purple dog in front of me," I joked, and they couldn't help but laugh softly at me trying to add humor to the situation.

That's when another intern approached us.

"Maria and her son are safe. Weston and Anna are with them now getting a statement done, he has an immigration lawyer on the way," he said.

I nodded when suddenly...

"MAL!!" A voice called and I turn, seeing Nikki rushing over.

I took a deep breath and got up, walking over.

I'm guessing they called him or he saw the news.

"Nikki, I'm fine, I'm fine," I said as he engulfed me in his arms.

"Oh my god, babe, thank god you're alright," he said, holding me tightly.

"I'm okay, honest," I said, clinging to him tightly. "Did they call you?"

"Yeah, and then I saw the news, babe I was freaking out," he said, then examined my wound. "Holy crap...."

"It just needs stitches, " I assured. "Baby, what about the kids?"

"I called Celia, she's with them right now, they're fine," he assured.

I took a deep breath and nodded, then groaned at the pain in my head, immediately having everyone sitting me down.

"How the hell did this happen anyway?" Nikki asked, kneeling in front of me.

"A domestic case came in, running from her husband, so we took her in, but he managed to kill his arresting officer and steal his uniform in order to break in to get them back," Holly said. "He held Mallory hostage before she tried to buy some time and then she managed to disable him."

Nikki took a deep as he kissed my forehead and held me close.

"I had to protect her," I told him.

"You could have been killed," he said sternly, obviously upset about this.

"You would have done the same," I argued softly.

"... I know..." he sighed. "Doesn't mean I gotta enjoy hearing you were held at gunpoint..."

I frowned softly before softly kissing his lips and pulling him into a hug.

"Looks like it does need some stitches, and you could have a mild concussion," Dr. James said. "We should also give her a scan just to be sure nothing is affected..."

Nikki looked up and nodded as they then pulled up a gurney for me.

"Really? I can walk," I said sternly.

"Not with a concussion and a gash on your head you're not," Nikki scolded at me. "Now get your butt on the gurney, Wonder Woman."

I scoffed with an eyeroll as I was then helped to a gurney.

"You could have at least gotten me a wheelchair instead," I said with a slight pout as I laid back.

"This works better," Dr. James said. "You can go home once we're done."

I sighed and nodded as I was then wheeled down the hall, Nikki holding my hand as he was with us.

"Nonetheless, baby, I'm really proud of how brave you were," he smiled. "You saved that woman and child, and everyone else."

I smiled up at him as he kissed my forehead, but near my gash and making me wince a little.

"Shit, sorry, " he said as I softly giggled.

"Its okay," I said with a soft smile.

<Days Later>

Days passed since the incident at the hospital and I've spent them at home recovering.

Weston has made sure Maria is taken care of and she and Daniel were moved to a woman's shelter, as well as appointed a good immigration lawyer to help Maria obtain a green card.

"Momma, I want mowe juice pwease," Zander said as I served the kids breakfast, Nikki with Ava, helping her with a coloring page in her book as she ate.

"Coming right up, baby," I smiled as I got the orange juice for him.

We then hear a knock at the door and then Nikki got up.

"I got it. Jazzy, wanna take over, buddy?" Nikki asked Jasper.

"Yeah!" he said excitedly as he took his father's place by Ava, who smiled at her big brother

I smiled as I watched Jasper starting to teach Ava what to color.

I finished pouring Zander some more juice while I checked on the twins in their play pen nearby, when Nikki came back in.

"Uhh, babe, its for you " He said.

I furrowed my brows before nodding.

"Kids, wait here. Jasper, watch your brothers and sisters for a moment," I said.

"Okay, Momma," he said as me and Nikki walked out to the front door.

I was surprised by who was there as I got to the door.

"Maria...." I said, seeing the woman I helped days ago, her son behind her clinging to her and looking up at me curiously.

Her bruises looked better, and she also held a dish in her hands.

"Nurse Mallory, uhh.... The hospital told me I can find your house here," she said shyly.

I looked over at Nikki, who looked at me, and we then looked back at Maria, and I smiled.

"Come on in, both of you," I smiled.


"I just... I want thank you for helping me that night," she said. "They say Joaquin will get life in prison."

"Good," Nikki said with relief. "I ever see him, he's dead."

"What will you do now?" I said, placing my hand on Nikki's knee.

"I am talking with the lawyer, and she will help me with immigration, and getting my green card, and even having my mamá come live with us," she smiled. "I can get better job, for Daniel to go to good school, and a better house."

We looked over and saw as Daniel played with our kids in the yard, looking happy.

I smiled at him as I then looked over at Maria.

"If not for you, I would have never been safe," she said, tears in her eyes as she held my hands. "Gracias.... Muchas gracias...." (Thank you... Thank you so much...)

I smiled and held her hands. "Anytime.... I'm glad you and Daniel are doing well. If you ever need anything, our doors our open to you and your son."

"Absolutely, " Nikki assured.

Maria nodded happily at us. "Thank you..."

We continued to talk over some coffee before she had to go, and she and Daniel left (we exchanged numbers since the kids definitely enjoyed their time together and we would definitely be expecting some play dates).

Once Maria had left, Nikki then pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"I'm so proud of you, babe," he said.

I smiled as I leaned up and kissed him back.


Going to try and post another Deleted Scene before Christmas. Fingers crossed that I can have it up at least by then! 🤞🏻🌻

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Corpse "Agoraphobic"


♡~ sapphire.

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