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Mal adjusted my jacket and smiled up at me, realizing I was staring.

She chuckled and leaned up, kissing my cheek.

"Come on.... Say it...." she teased, making me scoff and roll her eyes.

"Okay, okay, I surrender," I chuckled. "As alway, the female species is right...."

"You four are hard to kill," she smiled with a shrug. "I always knew...."

I chuckled as she finished adjusting my jacket.

"So we really are back, huh?" she smiled.

"We're back, baby," I assured.

She smiled as we shared a kiss before suddenly.....

"MOM!! Uncle Tommy stole my favorite pair of skinny jeans again!!" I hear Ava call out.

Mal groaned as I facepalmed.

"Seriously?" I groaned as we headed out of our room.

Things have really looked up for us all every since that last show.

Sixx A.M. toured and bought more awareness to many things, the epidemic on opioid and drug abuse included, and I've continued with my radio show as well.

Mal continues her work in the medical field,as well as recording new music from time to time. She's even toured a few times with me or Vince.

Despite the fact that she is turning 60 soon, Mal still looks way younger than that, more or less 30 years.

Everyone gets amazed or jealous of how young she can look without getting any work done at all, since there's barely even much wrinkles on her face at all. At most, just a few smile lines. She doesn't even show much weight gain compared to how I was, yet she exercises regularly.

Me, of course, I became a hugh exercise junkie and always try and stay as active as I can, doing cardio and stuff. Now its mostly just muscle mass for me.

Mal and I continue stronger than ever. We are even considered one of the very few rockstar couples from the 80's that have survived being together for so long, and we're pretty much at the same level as Ozzy and Sharon.

We did, of course, decide a year after Mötley Crüe's last show to renew our vows, and had a small little ceremony with just family and close friends in our backyard. She looked just as amazing that day as she had on both of wedding days.

God, I am one lucky son of a bitch.

The only downside I guess was my mother passing away, but this was before the final show anyway. I ended up getting closure with everything, but part of me still wishes things ended differently between us.

We had also celebrated ten years since  The Heroin Diaries was released, with updated commentary and stuff, as well as a graphic novel version of the book that turned out awesome.

The others had also been through pretty good things, too.

Vince eventually married Rain Hannah and they've been pretty happy in their new mansion not far from ours. Ellie and Neil also married their significant others as well.

Tommy also eventually found love with a weird girl from something once called Vine, and honestly,  pretty sure she was practically fucking made for T-Bone.

Nonetheless, Brittany is a really nice and fun girl, and Tommy seems really happy with her. He eventually did marry her over in Vegas during Valentine's Day.

Mick also found love with Seraina, who's also treated him well, thank fucking god.

Rain, Brittany and Seraina have become good friends with Mal as well.

Meanwhile, in our little family, our kids have each grown up and have done so many good things.

Jasper's band, Martyrs of a New Day, have become really big. Sometimes I invite them to tour with Sixx A.M. and its always awesome seeing my son play bass on stage.

He and his fiancé, Kylie, eventually got married and two years later, little Talulah "Lulu" Jade Sixx was born. It feels so weird being a grandfather, but Jade has definitely won a big place in everyone's hearts, especially mine and Mal's.

That, and Mal spoils her relentlessly. Haha!

Zander has continued being a director, having directed and filmed a bunch of music videos for different bands. Hr is also drummer in a band, Faded Lines, when he isn't directing. Right now he is in the process of co-directing a film Brandon is gonna star him. He met a girl, a VS model named Lacey, and the two are about to come on at 3 years.

Ava started her own photography business, going freelance, but alsogoes on tour a lot with me, her mom, or Vince. She and Dylan, who started a DJ duo with another friend called Midnight Kids, are still together, but rumor has it Dylan's itching to ask her a very important question that's probably going to give me heart problems along with all the other crap I've got going on with my body.

Whoever is listening up there, please give me strength.....

Micah continued being into sports and is in a major league soccor team as well. Towards the end of high school, he ended up coming out to us, and we accepted him. His fiancé, another soccer player from Spain named Samuel who was an exchangestudent at his college, have been together for almost 2 years now.

Nona had gotten accepted to study fashion abroad, on a full scholarship, in THE U.K. She had made portfolios with awesome designs already planned, even designed some outfits for me and Mal whenever we had events we had to attend to, like tonight.

God, it is going to kill me seeing one of my baby girls go.....

She's also seeing a young singer that goes by the name Yungblud, real name Dominick, and things have been going well with them. He's a little weird, but Nona seems to like him, and I'm not exactly one to talk considering her mother likes me.

I still got my eye on this kid...

Stevie is currently in college for medicine just like her mom, and wants to be a pediatrician. She does have a passion for art and really enjoys painting on her free time. I even had an art studio built for her using a spare guest room in the house. She's not seeing anyone right now, but does like spending a lot of time with her friends when she can.

When they were old enough, Mal had decided to tell Ava, Nona and Stevie about the genetic condition suffered among the women in her side of the family, and how it can be hard for them to one day start a family if they decided to.

It was an emotional conversation for them, but we assured our daughters that they will always have someone at their side, no matter what.

Despite the end of the band, Mötley Crüe still became bigger and bigger.

It became even bigger when we decided to make a movie out of the history of the band.

The Dirt movie was released on Netflix and it was a big hit all around.

The actors and actresses did an amazing job and really played us each very well.

They did so well and were so spot on that for a second we even forgot we were watching a movie about ourselves.

With the release of the movie, both old AND new Crüeheads insisted on us going back on tour  to destroythat stupid contract, and play music again.

Well.... Destruction has never been a problem for us....

Mal walked out to the living room and sure enough Tommy was wearing my daughter's dark blue skinny jeans, and Ava was obviously not amused.

"Tommy, you HAVE your own jeans!" Mal scolded.

"Hey, it is not my fault her jeans make my butt look so cute!" He said, showing it off. "Look at it. My butt curves perfectly with it!!"

I facepalmed as Ava grimaced.

"Gross, Uncle Tommy," she groaned as then Brittney walked over from the kitchen, Vince and Zander close behind.

"Honey, I'll buy you some new jeans soon," she assured her as the door opened and little Lulu ran in.

"Mima, Poppa!!!" she exclaimed, rushing over as I caught her.

"Hohooo, there you are you little troublemaker," I laughed as I then tossed her in the air before catching her, making her giggle uncontrollably.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad," Jasper smiled as he greated us, Kylie also with him.

"Hey there, you two," Mal smiled as she kissed Jasper's cheek and hugged Kylie while Lulu tried to climb on my shoulders

"Hehe, what are you doing!?" I chuckled, trying to get her down.

"Pwacticing twee climbing," she said, making us laugh, but then I felt her press down on my bad shoulder and groaned in pain, everyone quickly going to us and getting Lulu before she fell.

"Dad, are you okay?" Jasper asked worriedly as Kylie took Lulu in her arms.

"Yeah, yeah, its all good," I sighed as the pain started to fade. "Just hit a bad spot, but nothing major."

"Have you gotten an appointment for the surgery?" Kylie asked.

"In 2 weeks," Mal assured, rubbing my back. "Lesson learned from throwing all those basses around."

I smirked and rolled my eyes as they laughed while Kylie put Lulu down to greet her aunts and uncles when the door then opened and Zander and Lacey came in, along with Vince, Rain, and Rain's little Yorkie, Callie.

"Hey, we ready yet?" Vince asked.

"Almost. Just have to handle a certain wardrobe incident,  Uncle Tommy," Ava snapped, still a little annoyed.

"You know, Ava, you are sounding real ungrateful right now," Tommy sassed. "I practically helped stretched these in for you!!"

Ava facepalmed as Zander snickered when Jasper walked over.

"Come on, sis, I'll help you pick out a new outfit, Jasper said.

She smiled as they headed upstairs while Lulu went to play with Callie.

"Uncwe Vinnie, why does Cawie wook wike you?" Lulu asked curiously.

"Pffftttt!!!" I burst out laughing woth Tommy, along with the others as Vince pursed his lips.

"Kids really don't hold back, huh?" he said.

"This one for sure doesn't, " Kylie giggled softly as we watched Lulu start playing with the dogs and Mushu.

"Okay, once Ava and Jasper get back down and Dylan and Brandon arrive from running those errands, we can all start heading out," Mal said.

Everyone agreed and relaxed for a bit.

Tonight was the day we made our official press conference regardinf Mötley Crüe being on stage again.

After talking it with Tommy, Vince, Mick and also Mal, we decided we missed it too much, especially after the movie. On top of that, so many new and old fans are dying to see us live, even if its for one last tour.

That's when we decided to make a press conference with reporters and a couple of eager fans to answer any questions as

Once Ava had on her new outfit and Brandon and Dylan arrived, we all headed out.


"You guys ready?" Mal asked as we all stood at the side of the stage.

"Always," Vince smiled as we stood alongside each other.

It was us four and Mal, since it just seemed right to have her alongside us.

"Good luck out there, Dad," Nona smiled as she hugged me and then Mal. "You, too, Mom."

"We're really glad you guys are getting the band back together, " Micah smiled.

"For real! We can even tour with you guys again, like before!!!" Zander smiled excitedly.

"Awww kids," Mal smiled as we all got into a group hug.

It wasn't long before it was finally time and me and the guys got ready to go on stage.


As we waited for the announcer, I took a look at the four men who have left such a massive imprint in ny heart.

Vince- The brother I always wanted, my  shoulder to cry on, my best friend. The godfather of my first daughter, who has always been my right hand, and always looks out for me and was always at my side.

Mick- My true father, the one who always took care of me and looked out for me, The godfather of my first child, who never turned his back from me despite my mistakes, and who I would even die for if need be.

Tommy- The crazy brother i came to know and love, who despite being a pain in the ass, I can't imagine a fun, entertaining life without him.

Nikki- My other half, the man who gave me a real home, a real family since the start, who I love with every fiber of my being. The one who went through Hell and back with me, and despite all the turmoil we both went through, we still ended up at each other's side.

I am more than glad my path lead me to Los Angeles, or who even knows what my life would have looked like without these four men.

My thoughts were then pulled when the announcer finally got on stage and spoke after greeting the audience.

"Alright!!! Back from the grave, here they are," the announcer shouted. "Mötley fucking Crüe!!!"

We walked out onto the stage as the large conference room where we were all doing this erupted in cheers and screams, both from fans who got access and reporters as well.

We all waved and greeted the crowd when Tommy suddenly rushed over and grabbed a nearby mic.

"WE'RE FUCKING BACK, BABY!!!!" Tommy shouted, making the crowd scream out and cheered loudly.

(Video: Mötley Crüe is Back)

I smiled up at Nikki as we held each other's hands.

Our friends and family stood around us as we waited for everyone to be seated.

As always...On with the show again...


A little sloppy, mostly because I rushed this a bit. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyway, STAY TUNED!! Something coming in the next few minutes!! 🤘🏻

🎶Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Mötley Crüe
"Saints of Los Angeles"

♡~ sapphire.

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