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"Rise and Shine!" 

I fell out of bed when Hope shouted and opened the curtains. I groaned and glared up at her once she started to go through my closet and pulled out a shirt,jeans and shoes the same "Come on now you gotta have a quick bath before we go and shoot the video." She pushed me inside the bathroom before i could ask her how she entered she closed the door,i assume she'll still be waiting outside by the time i'm done.

After my ten minute shower i dried my hair,once i opened the door Hope was on her phone hurrying me up in getting dressed. I did as she told me and made my way outside just when i reached the end of the hall Remington appeared only wearing his skinny jeans. I felt myself go red and my heart started to beat faster. 

"Good m-morning." I gave him a small smile. Rem only rolled his eyes and continued to dry his hair with his towel in hand, "Didn't i tell you to stay away from me."

"You excited for today?"

"Are you deaf?"

"I'm only asking a question." I chose to ignore him.

"Not really...anything else?' He said with that tone he always uses around me,hate.

"How's the sings coming up? since i heard that you have one more song to write-"

"Who told you that?"

"Hope told me." I reply to him.

"She never shuts up...okay since you won't shut up i'll tell you..i still havent written the song but i want to collaborate with Kellin."

"Kellin? Kellin Quinn?!" I smile wide and he stares at me like i'm insane. " really are weird." He passed me and left to finish changing. He must think i'm even more weird since i'm a guy and have a crush on Kellin...still Rem is still attractive. no no stop it Jane! just stick to the plan. I huffed and went to the finish made myself some Eggos and poured orange juice in my mug.

I was about to finish but David came in and we were forced to get in a van together. I'm kinda excited to shoot a video it'll be my first ever video! I started to listen to Emergency by Paramore as we made our way to our destination where ever it is. 

After an hour we arrived and we i couldnt help but admire the place, "This place is beautiful." 

"Whatever i've seen better." Rem said with his usual frown. "Hmph i dont know you but i love the place." I reply.

The video director was ready and it's going to begin with Rem walking up to the mic. I'll be on the left side playing guitar. Lucky me i learned how to play this song and played it very well. We were on a five minute break when Rem stood by my side but didn't spoke a word.



"What else are we gonna do?" I said excitedly. He looked down at me but quickly looked back up, " just have to stay behind cameras." When he said that four girls appeared almost half naked,which made me doubt myself in how i look. They must be models if they arent..well they should, The girls smiled at Rem and talked to him like i wasn't next to him. This is awkward..thinking about when this is all over i think i'm gonna head to collage. Yeah i made up my mind already.

"So this is the new guy." A girl said finally sensing my presence.

"Yeah that's him."

"He's cute but not that cute like you."

"His skin is too soft for being a guy.." a tall girl with long hair spoke up looking at me up and down.

"What if he replaces you."

When one of the girls said that Rem scoffed and what he said did hurt me,"He'll never replace me,he's not that good anyway and i think he'll never be." I stayed quiet and just walked away from him fighting back the tears. Rem was filming his parts so i decided to stay away from him and sat down on the floor looking gloomy as ever.

"Hey what's up?" 

Looking up i smiled a little and said hi to Emerson, "You look sad..." I sat back up straight and smiled wide, "What? i'm n-not! i am okay, see." He looked at my eyes but i saw something else..which is weird. so i looked away.

"Was it something Remington said?"

"No! He didn't say anything." I don't want any more trouble and if i say something to him he'll tell Rem and i'll be kicked out..literally. Rem might kick my ass out of the building.

"Don't listen to him..he can be a jerk sometimes,don't let that guy hurt you. You look like a nice guy James..maybe we can be friends." I nod at his words, "Yeah i would like that." I stare up ahead.


"Let's go and have fun!" 

Sebastian ket on saying when we finished filming the video. It wasn't fun at all,as i began to play the guitar Rem would stop every second and kept on saying that i played the wrong chord. He really hates me. David drove a few miles more and we arrived at another building.

Hope kept on texting on her phone and we made our way outside the car,the guys met up with other guys probably there other friends. "Hope where are we?" I whispered.

"I have no idea."

"The guys decided to take a day off so they are going for a swim." David replied. A few seconds later he must've remembered that i'm a girl cause he warned me of not entering the pool. 

"You can just head to the food area and buy something and come back,we can walk around at the mall? there's one just a few blocks away."

"Good idea i'll be right back." 

I ran inside the building and made my way over to buy something when someone shouted my name, "James!"  Sebastian came running in looking happy as ever when he started to tug on my sleeve. "Come on everyone is waiting for you."

He dragged my to the pool area pushed me inside the pool but quickly made it to the surface and held onto it, "I can't! I mean i dont know how to swim." I lowered my voice.

"I can teach you if you want." He offered. He's too sweet but i can't risk myself. They'll know i'm a guy.

"That's fine. I'll just go and buy something to eat instead but you go and have fun." I took steps back and entered another room. That's when i realized that i didn't exited the pool area but i was in the changing area! I blushed and couldnt move my feet.

"What am i gonna do! I'm not ready to see a guy naked." I mutter and begin to bite my nails,i was about to walk around to search for another exit since guys were coming in and didnt let me out. I kept my gaze down at the floor when i felt something cover my eyes.

"You gotta be more careful,James." Emerson says.

I blush and hold the towel close,"Thank you Emerson." i whisper and slowly make my way outside. I take a deep breathe and lower myself to the floor. Damn that was close. I hold onto my chest and watch the guys having fun inside the pool.that looks fun maybe i'll practice when everyone is gone. I texted Hope and told her that i'll be in here for a while.

I was sitting on the benches listening to Careful by Paramore once again when someone splashed me water. I was about to curse when i saw who it was. I tried my best to not yell at him, "You scared of the water or what?"

"I don't know how to swim." I simply said. 

Rem started to laugh and mock about how i dont even know how to swim. I waited another fifteen minutes and all of the guys got out of the water. Now's my chance. I took my headphone off and let my phone resting by the bench and slowly got inside the water holding onto the surface.

"No it's a bad idea."

I was making my way out when a couple of guys started to get out this time they were all in clothes. If i get out they'll notice me i did what was the best option and i got back in and held my breathe.

I stared back up but they were still there.I opened my mouth and closed it again and tightly held my nostrils so i dont breathe in water. Slowly i was closing my eyes losing consciousness when a figure hopped inside the pool and made it's way closer to me.  

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