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Madison Bree Paige

I read the news of a young woman, a famous one, an actress visiting a childrens hospital and donating. "That's amazing." I say out loud and locked my phone and hid it inside my pocket. "Hm? what is amazing?" Emerson asks finishing his breakfast.

"An famous actress and model visited a childrens hospital,met a few kids and donated money." I tell them but Remington looks not interest since he's quiet and drinking his coffee. "I wonder who it is." Emerson asks himself.

I look down and see Jolie the dog wagging her tail at Sebastian who holds up a piece of bacon, "I know how much you love bacon. I love you so much. You're the queen of this house." Sebastian baby talks to Jolie and rubs her belly after he eats and Emerson laughs and I smile looking at them both. Remington stares at him weirdly but doesnt say a word to him or anyone.

"Good morning my boys!" David's voice cane be heard through out the house and smiles when he comes in the kitchen. We all greeted him so he took a seat next to Remington and pulled out a stack of papers. "We have a lot to,do a lot!" he looks over to Remington's side an grabbed a slice of sandwich Rem had on his plate and was about to eat before David beat him to it. Remington looked at him like he was gonna kill him but stayed silent.

Weird he almost hasnt spoken all day.

Now that I remember i fell asleep under the piano but when I woke up i was in Remingtons room "Remington did you help me up to your room since I fell asleep under the piano?" the four of us look at him who drinks his coffee and refuses to meet our eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous you probably were sleepwalking.."

"Sleepwalking?" do i really sleepwalk around the house?

"What was James even doing under the piano?" Emerson asks.

"What if the piano fell on top of him?" Sebastian seems frightened of the image probably in his head when he says that.

"Simple we would've easily replaced him." Remington answers and I stick my tongue out only for him to do the same.

"Boys boys enough. We shouldn't start a discussion so early we have a lot to do today my boys. Besides we'll be shooting another video." David said looking down at his phone which contained all of his notes.

"Another video?!"

"So quick?'

"Why yes since last one was a video for James album this time it's your video." David points to all of us before continuing to speak "Now we opened up a part for a lucky girl to join in the video so all we have to do is wait but in the mean time you'll all start to come up with ideas for it. Better finish eating cause in an hour we'll head over to the recording studio." How many times are we suppose to record for a video.

I moved closer to David and whispered "Do you know who the girl is going to be?" he shakes his head to the sides "I really don't know but we better hurry because the boss is gonna get upset." he looked down at his watch and again seemed worried.

"I-I better get going! please make sure to tell them to hurry up Jane." he said holding both his hands up together as he were praying "S-Sure i'll try my b-best." he smiles and pats my back "See you in a bit then."

I stood closer by the window and saw him hurrying over to his car before driving away "Woof." looking down Jolie was barking at me and wagging her tail when she placed a small ball over to my feet.

"You wanna play?" Jolie barked again and looked up at me, looking down at the ball i picked it up and stared at it before looking at her once more "I guess a few minutes won't harm anyone."


"Come on let's hurry."

I stood behind Sebastian and tried to push him so he could walk faster "Faster!" Sebastian seemed to slow his pace even more and i struggled to push him "What's the point in going faster if we're already late." behind me i hear Emerson chuckle and Remington scoff. "David is sure going to be angry." eventually i saw the office up ahead and i pushed the door open.

Each of us make our way inside the cold room and see David and Hope sitting next to each other on the table. I see a girl with brown hair facing her back towards us "About time ypu boys came, it's rude to leave a lady waiting." he scolds us and none of them seem to matter especially Rem who sits three seats away from the girl,crossed his arms and looked elsewhere before tapping his finger against the wooden table and points his finger to the empty seat next to him. I do as he tells me and sat down keeping my face down.

"Sorry. Seb decided to head to the bathroom three times." Emerson says lying to Dave..kinda.

Sebastian looks over to Emerson surprised and crosses his arms over his chest "Did not! Well i did after so many water,how can i not go?" Seb looked over to the girl since he didnt see her and smiled "Hi my name is Sebastian if you were wondering."

"Nice to meet you.'" That voice, I take a look at the girl and see that it's her. The one Remington and I spotted when that paparazzi guy was chasing us. Also she's the one Sebastian has a crush on.

"You look familiar? Have i see you before?" my eyes met hers and realized that she was asking me. Not any of them. "You seem remind me of a girl just by looking at your face." Sebastian and Emerson stay silent David does too and so does Remington. I feel the atmosphere even heavier as my breathing quickens,my heart starts beating faster and i begin to sweat a bit.

She mustn't know i'm a girl. I begin to open my mouth to say something.

"He's been in a few bands here and there." Remington says to the girl instead of letting me talk. Although how could i?

I can feel her eyes on me "Is that true,which ones?"

"In a few you haven't heard." Remington says to her tired by her questions. "Why won't you let him talk to me?" I see to my side and Remington stops playing in his phone and looks at the girl, "He's sick..he must rest for rehearsal." Remington bushes it off and again looks down at his phone.

The girl fell quiet.

That was close thanks Remington.

"Alright!" David says clapping his hands startling us "It's almost lunch time why don't we head to the restaurant by the end of the street, my treat?' he asks us and we all nod our heads except for the girl. "Let's go then, we can discuss this over lunch." we all stood up and made our way out of the room with the girl brushing over towards me and walking next to me.

She was looking over at me when Remington stood in between us and placed his hand on my back so we could walk faster to Emerson and Sebastian who were joking about something ahead.

"That idiot was asking a lot of questions, if she asks you something else try to stay calm and don't panic or that'll give away your disguise." he whispered before we started walking along with the two other guys.

"But isn't she the girl we saw the last time?" I ask looking up at him he only nods and stays silent after. I look back over my shoulder and feel her eyes staring at my back, okay Jane try and act normal there's no need to panic.


We arrived at a small but spacious Chinese restaurant and we all sat down on a large table. Hope is sitting next to David, our video director Eric next to our boss Michael, Emerson next to Sebastian and Remington next to me. We ordered our meal and waited for them to bring it when Michael spoke up "Isnt it amazing that we'll have the amazing Madison Paige in your video boys?!" he asks. It looks like he was excited, very excited. David and all of us stayed silent.

"Can you excuse us, we have to talk this through and plan the video perfectly." Remington's the first to speak and stands up from his spot.

"Of course but don't you want to discuss this with Madison?" David pushes his glasses up and questions us "Not really..there's no need." he said to my side and started to walk a few tables away from ours. Emerson,Sebastian and I exchanged looks but held back the need to question Rem so we followed him. Sebastian scooted over to the end with Emerson next and I was going to sit next to them when Remington pressed his finger against the glass table and tapped it, knowing what he meant I slid over to his side. My brown eyes stared down at my lap but looked up and saw Sebastian looking at the girl every once in a while.

Emerson was on his phone and Remington grabbed his straw and began to peel the paper and roll it into tiny balls and placed them inside the straw and blew them to me, "No stop." I laughed and tried to block my face. I saw the three of them smiling at me and Emerson messing with my hair.

I stared down at the bowls of chop suey,teriyaki, egg rolls and chinese rice in the middle on the table. I held my chopsticks ready to dig in, I grabbed a few things and happily began to eat, "You have a bit of sauce here." Emerson said and I stared at him questioning if he was referring to me. He laughed and leaned over a bit and wiped the sauce from my lip but Remington's hand smacked his.

"Hey what's your problem?" Emerson asked his friend who looked away not responding to him. I looked back and stopped Remington from eating, "What now?!" he asked already annoyed and I point at the food with my chopsticks "You were about to eat're allergic to them.." i look down then back at him and he looks impressed.

"Hmm guess that makes you a life saver remembered." he said staring back at me till Emerson coughed, "Since you saved me from a horrible shrimp death..i guess you'll have the right to pick a dessert." he says and placed a few shrimps he had onto my plate.

"Really?! can I have three scoops of ice cream?!"

He shakes his head and turns to me, "Two scoops that's it." "Alright." i continued to eat until we had a few things left and I ordered my ice cream. "This is delicious." i smile down at the two scoops of ice cream with sprinkles and begin to eat it with my spoon.

"Aww now I want ice cream." Sebastian burps and holds his stomach, "Of course not, last time you ate one you vomited outside the restaurant." Remington fires back and Seb ignores him.

"Would you two like a bit." I ask and held the spoon so they would take it but another hand grabbed it and i looked back to see Remington eat the ice cream, "You're right this is delicious.." not meeting my eyes he hands back the spoon and Sebastian burps once more.

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