I Don't Mind

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A/N: Again sorry for the huge delay in not updating on this book. I had no internet so it was hard trying to find on what device to update this on since wattpad doesnt work on my ipad where I normally write my stuff. It's been a week since i uploaded this chpater on my quotev account so apologies again. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and remember to vote or leave a comment :)


"So that's my story on how I got the school play." Sebastian finishes telling us the one time he had to participate in a school play to earn some points, and according to him it was awful. I laugh along with them as I chew on the last bit of food and nearly choked when I saw a girl. Oh my god...quickly I hid behind Sebastian at the sight of the person.

We looked back to see a red headed girl with long flowing hair,dressed in winter clothing, instantly by her voice I recognized her, she studied with my brother back at school, he introduced me to her back then at a talent show,supposedly they dated.


The three of us looked up to see her walking towards me, "I never expected to see you here." she happily says looking at us all then taking my hands. "I see you finally accomplished your dream come true, i'm so happy for you!"

I stare at the girl still not processing everything, what is her name anyways? "...Who are you?" the boys and her stare at me before she cracks up a laugh and gently pushes my shoulder, "Haha funny as ever James, you've never changed." she smiles happily and takes my hand again.

"Hey,Zoe you finish?" a girl behind her annoyed says and looks at me up and down but not in a good way. Did my brother also know her? Zoe shakes her head.

"Look who I ran into!"

"Yeah..James your long time crush I know." she says not caring,she has wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, Zoe blushes and hides her face away from me. "Excuse me boy's can I take James from your for a couple of hours, I ll would love for us to catch up." she's extremely positive...I shake my head towards the goys but Emerson smiles at her.

"Sure thing we'll be here for a while longer."

Damn it that was of no help, I look over to Seb next and shouted before Zoe pulled me with her, "Sebastian help-"

"Have fun (Y/N)." he happily waves leaving me and Zoe alone since the other girl decided to stay. We entered the mall and she began to show me around, "I really missed you for these couple of years, I started wondering if you gave up on your music career. Remember when we used to sing together..you had a sister right?"

I almost don't remember her at all, only seeing her once in my our house and the talent show, "Yes.." Zoe blushes and wraps he hand around my arm, this is making me uncomfortable..."Do you also remember when we dated? We had so much fun back then..anyways since you haven't asked I started my career as a professional photographer and opened up a few clinics for animals..since you know I love them."

"Oh..umm that's good..a-anyway who was that girl who stayed back at the restaurant?" She looks at me weirdly "You really don't remember me? She was our classmate and she asked you out on a date, you refused cause you liked me..she's hated you ever since..so she dated the singer."

I stare at her surprised, "Remington?!"

She jumps a little due to me raising my voice, "Y-Yes! You really have forgotten thing's haven't you..come on let's go to this shop." before I could ask her anymore she started dragging me around the entire mall.

"It's such a shame I have to leave tomorrow the country for my job, I would've liked us to spend some more time together." she says when we stayed behind a back alley, "Maybe we could've gotten back together..wouldn't you like that?" Zoe started leaning closer my lips, nervous I stepped back and tripped over a few cardboard boxes.

I have to tell her before she kisses me thinking i'm my brother, "W-Wait!" i let out a high pitch scream. Slowly she opens her eyes and looks back,frightened at my sudden change of voice. "I'm not who you think I am." I grab the front of my bangs and took my wig off. She covers her mouth and take a step back.

"I-I don't-"

"Zoe,I'm sorry but i'm not James..i'm his sister Jane.."

She blushes furiously red either embarrassed or angry, "Where's James?!"

I sigh to myself and ran my hand down my shoulder length hair, "He p-passed away just a few months back..i'm sorry but the band has kept it a secret so no one finds out..I-I knew he was special to you, Zoe..I'm sure he liked you too till the end."

Zoe stares at me and falls to her knees,slowly crying. "This can't b-be, h-how did h-he?" "It's best to not know..he was my brother, Zoe..I know how you feel." I lean closer and knelt to her level, without a word Zoe wrapped her arms around me and sobbed onto my shoulder. We spent a couple an hour catching up.

We started walking side by side with my wig placed on me again, "You sure do look like a guy like this you know? I'm sure it must be tough to deal with what your problem was about to do." i smile down and nod.

"It has been real tough i'll admit that, being in a house filled with boys makes you drive insane." she giggles and agrees. "I can't imagine everything you've been through."

"So..Zoe, I have a question . What were you saying about your friend dating Remington-" i looked to see her smiling wide, "You like him don't you?" Zoe nudges my shoulder making me blush even more.

"No w-way! You have n-no idea how selfish and self absorbed her is not to mention he's a bully to me and constantly bosses me and embarrasses me whenever he can." I tell her and she continues smiling. "Can't you see?! Haven't you figured that maybe he does those things especially to you is because he likes you."

"Likes me? Remington?" Zoe nods her head multiple times before grabbing my hand, "Maybe he does! Haven't you seen movies where the guy always makes a poor girls life impossible then by the end they stay together?"

"I don't think this is a movie, Zoe..besides it won't end like that. I'll have to leave soon anyways and the band behind forever."

Zoe pouts, "Don't say those thing's..anyways your secret is safe with me, I won't tell Jessica about you." I sigh relieved that she won't say a thing, "Thank you very much Zoe." Zoe nods her head and we continue walking, "Anyway if things do end up the way I said..make sure to invite me to your wedding." i blush and look away from her.

We arrived back at the restaurant but saw that the guys where no where to be seen, we spotted them in a group by a clothing store. I catch Jessica following Remington around the store, he pays no attention to her but once he does he gives her a smile. It only makes my insides hurt, he's with Madison but still..the way he looks at every girl makes me..jealous...

"Relax." Zoe calmly says smiling "By the way you should go back to dressing as a girl, you look cute. Here's my number so we can talk every day." she takes my hand and writes down her number.

"Jessica it's time to leave!" Zoe shouts at Jessica who frowns and glares once she sees me, she says goodbye to Remington,Seb and Emerson before walking past me and nudging her shoulder against mine. "See you around James." Zoe says winking before walking away.

"Aww she was so cute..I didn't even have a chance to talk to her." Sebastian says with his dog by his side barking.

"You're hopeless you know that?" Emerson teases but Sebastian fights back.

I smile a little,seeing them fighting this way makes me laugh "You looked happy back there.' I look behind me, and look up to see none other than Remington, "She's an old friend..hoe about that girl, you looked happy also." I tell him and Remington glares back at me and turns around walking to where David is standing looking down on his phone.


It wasn't long till we went back home and back into the city when we had two concerts that night and we finished them, I was exhausted but before I could go to sleep I received a text from Zoe.

Don't forget what I told you, Also try to remember you met Remington and his friends way back before they got famous, your brother knew they'd make it..goodnight Jane ;), Zoe

I roll my eyes and placed my phone on top of the desk and turned the lamp off, it feels so cozy yet empty sleeping here where my aunt used to sleep before leaving. It feels kinda strange not sleeping on the floor with the lights on,glancing over by the window I see the stuffed bunny staring back at me with the same silver bow hair clip I keep safe.

I turn around and tried getting comfortable but it was no use, i walked over by the window and grabbed the stuffed rabbit and placed it on the bed, before laying back down I sneaked my head out of the room and saw Jolie laying in front of Remington's room.

The second she saw me she started wagging her tail, "Wanna sleep wi me tonight?" I ask her, she lets out a small bark and rushes inside. I smile and closed the door behind me, I laid down on the bed with Jolie who was quickly snoring.

I hate sleeping alone..guess she'll be joining me every night from now on.



I rubbed my eyes and stared at Jolie who was scratching the door, "Alright alright." i opened the door for her to leave, probably Sebastian was calling for her. I yawn and scratch my messy head, i sniff and looked that there was a plate filled with sausages,eggs and waffles with a glass of orange juice.

"I wonder who placed these here." I take the plate and began to dig in.

It can't be Remington cause he's till pissed, that only leaves to David. He probably wanted me to start the day off nice. Today i'll be recoding the last of my two songs, I changed them up quite a bit and i'm sure it'll probably piss off Remington even more since he wrote one of them and told me to not change anything.

I changed into my black skinny ripped jeans,with brown boots,long flannel shirt and gray coat with a red scarf. David and I walked inside the booth, nervous by singing I slowly placed the headphones on and was ready to start when the door behind David opened and I saw Sebastian,Emerson and Remington walk in.

"You ready,James?" the producer asked.

I looked at them before, I began to sing the song I first wrote. Only the producer and David are in the room. I open my mouth and began to sing along to the tune.

"I don't think I would mind
If you stayed for a little while
Cause I know just who you are
I don't think I would mind
If you said you just wanted me
For now

You wouldn't know
You'll never know
Cause I say that I'm fine
And I don't mind
But I mind

I don't think you would mind
If I went away for a little while
I don't think you would mind
If I looked at you
And flashed a fake smile

You wouldn't know
You will never know
Cause I say that I'm fine
And I don't mind
But I mind
Sometimes "

I finished it off and smiled that I managed to sing it without breaking my voice, I look over and see the boys enter the recording studio, Remington is staring at me but I refuse to make eye contact, "Ready for the next one James?" I nod my head and this time took a deep breathe.

"I Should've just looked away
I should've just ignored it-"

"Hold on." the man behind the glass says. "Can you sing a bit louder,James?" i nod my head and heavily breathed in and out. I looked at Remington for a split second before looking away, "Ready." I reply, looking back I see Emerson gently smiling at me and Sebastian giving me two thumbs up. David gives me the signal and I begin to sing when the music starts. I close my eyes the second I begin to sing.

"I Should've just looked away
I should've just ignored it
Like something I couldn't see
LIke something so beneath me
Why did I look at you at all

I should've just ran away (and)
I should've acted like I
Couldn't hear you at all
I wish that I could silence
That voice thats calling out to me "

I open my eyes when the chorus kicks in, I sing with all my heart out...

"Without a word, you showed me what its like
To feel so alone, then suddenly inside
A feeling overcomes
That I cannot control
I can't escape what i've become

Without a word, this blessing they call love
Turns into a dreaded painful curse
You left me standing here
Used up and thrown away
What can I say? There are no words
You left me without words

Its not been long since then
And I've start a new beginning
But then I see your face
So close but so far away
My heart it went back again

Without a word, Goodbye finds my way
It finds me and it laughs in my face
The game is set and done
neither of us won
But I'm the only one in pain

Without a word, You took me by surprised
Without a word, everything changed
it'll never be the same
never be the same
My mouth is closed there are no words
You left me without words

Maybe I'll just let it hurt
Sink, like a lesson learned
Soon it will all fade to gray
leaving nothing but

I end the song and then heard clapping from the other side, David and the producer were praising me, "That was brilliant!" The guys stay silent..Sebastian looks surprised,Emerson deep in thought..and Remington..I can never read his expressions. I stare at him for a second before I look away and feel the tears beginning to escape from my eyes, i sniff and took my headphones off and quickly I ran out of the room.

I reach the outside and felt the tears running down my cheeks, I begin to cry out as I stare down at the ground. "James.."

"Don't come near me." I warn as soon as I heard Emerson's voice. "No one can see me like this. It's too hard for me to handle this...i think they'll find out.."

Emerson's pov

"Maybe I'll just let it hurt
Sink, like a lesson learned
Soon it will all fade to gray
leaving nothing but

I began to process what Jane was singing..those painful words yet loving words aren't directed to me..but to him. I blink a couple of times and when I do Jane runs out of the studio room, "Do you think we went too far?"

"Maybe it was too personal?"

"Do you think he's sick?"

I ignore David questioning the producer and ran off to see where Jane left. I saw her just steps away from me, I heard her crying and sniffing, cautiously I start walking towards her. "James.."

Don't come near me.No one can see me like this. It's too hard for me to handle this...i think they'll find out.." I walk closer till i'm just inches away from her. I glance over my shoulder and see Remington just staring at us, "I'll protect you...James." I grab her and she rests her head against my chest, I place my right hand against her back and hear her crying.

Remington's pov

"Do you think he's sick?"

"Oh damn maybe I pressured him too much into this."

David leaves the room and au begin to follow him, "Hold on. What do you mean? Did something happen?" David begins to pace back and forth till I stop him. He nervously starts to bite his nails down and pushes his glasses back up.

"Of course not..but you did hear her words,she exploded her words."

"Sure whatever, so?"

"So..I told her to explode..I told her to put some effort and she did.."

Having enough patience ask nicely without exploding also,"What are you trying to say?"

"Her feelings for Emerson..they had to come out somehow."

I stare at him in disbelief. I turn my back towards him and start walking off with David following me, "I knew there was something with her, last time she came in the pouring rain." she didn't even come for him,David doesn't know what happened.

"What should we do?" David asks concerned for her.

"Nothing,let's leave it like that." I start walking away and made sure he didn't follow me. I reached outside and saw Emerson standing there with Jane against his chest, i stared at them before Jane took a step back from him.

"I'm sorry Emerson.."

Her eyes were glues to the ground till she looked back up and rested her brown eyes on my dark ones,her eyes slightly widened before she looked away and ran again without saying anything. Angrily I start making my way to where she left before Emerson stopped me and grabbed my arm.

I glare at him but he stares at me calmly, "Don't go, he wants to be alone."

David rushed back in worried, "Where did James go?" "He's just trying to calm down that's all, I just wanted to make him feel better. But I think he wants ti be alone." Emerson tells David. "Did he tell you anything in specific?"

"That he's sorry and it won't happen again."

I glare as Emerson walks past us and heads back inside the building. David takes a step closer to me after Emerson left, "I don't think Emerson should think that James has feelings for him, what should I do? Should I tell him the truth?"

I turn to fully look at David, "Are you asking me?" annoyed i ask him.

"Well yes..we're in this together-"

"I never said we were in this problem together." Looking back I tell him and glare at him "You solve this by yourself before it get's worse. You will solve it." I turn my back to him and start leaving, I scoff "Jane in love with Emerson? That's something I refuse to believe." angrily I stomp away and back inside.

Jane's pov

I sat down trying to relax by the park I saw people walking around or riding their bikes around here, the trees were almost out of leaves and the day was getting colder. It's the first time i've ever freaked out..I couldn't help but sing my feelings out back there, the way Remington stared at me with those hateful eyes only makes me feel worse.

I was glad I had some advice from Zoe just yesterday, but I feel like it's no use. I don't want anyone else but him,David,Hope and Zoe to know my secret..I would love to completely disappear and act like none of this ever happened..that way no one will notice me.

I want my normal life back.


I blink a couple of times and see Sebastian sitting in a bench in front of me,looking worried. "Sebastian?"

"Yup..I've been watching you for a few."

I stare down at my lap still fighting back the tears, I hear movement and see him stop in front of me, Sebastian grabs my hand and I look up at him, he's smiling down at me "You can't disappear..we still have a lot to do." he says.


Sebastian and I spent the entire day again together. I had to admit his company did being a smile to my face and made me happy, Sebastian always brings a smile to my face whenever I feel down. "Thank you for making me this happy,Sebastian." I look up at him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Sebastian was taken back by the hug, I smiled against his chest and felt him pat my back "My pleasure..James." i looked up and smiled at him, Sebastian stared at me and quickly looked away avoiding eye contact with me. Deciding to not ask i went to my room and changed into my pijamas.

David came over and we both began to talk outside. "I'm so happy to see you feeling better thanks to Sebastian." I look down to my lap "Again I apologize for what I did back there." David smiles and rests his hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine..you sang really well. It's okay that you exploded your feelings like that, but, you should learn to control them better. You can't always be sentimental, it can't be like that."

"But..i'm not so good at controlling them.."

"Calm down..I have an alternative medicine that'll help you." David says "When you're feelings hungry pinch yourself..when you feel like you can no longer stay awake press your forehead..or..when you can't control your emotions internally try touching your nose and press it."

Questioning his 'alternative medicines' I stare at David curiously but decide otherwise, "Like..this?" I do as he says. He nods his head and looks like a pig with his nose pressed against his finger, "That's right. When you're heart begins to beat faster always press your nose." okay this is getting weird..

"Are you sure it'll work-"

"I'm p-positive." David exclaims but looks not so sure about it, if these work how come ai never heard of them before. "But I do look funny doing this."

"Even though it's funny it still works."

"Hmm okay..thank you for these tips." I tell David who nods his head. "Anytime..goodnight.." I nod my head and began walking inside again.

"I feel so bad for making her do it." i heard David whisper to himself. I stop and look back, "Sorry what?" "Nothing! Head over and sleep, you did a great job today." he says giving me a thumbs up and watching me enter the building.


I began walking to my room when I noticed the door to Remington's room was open. "Jane.." i froze and peeked over to see Remington writing something on his desk, "Come in..I have a couple of thing's to say." i gulp and start to slowly make my way in his room. I begin to press my finger against the tip of my nose when I felt my heart beating faster and Remington stares at me weirdly.

"Oh I see..you're making fun of me aren't you?" I look away and quickly placed my hand back down. "First..I want you to tell Emerson you're a girl."

"What?!" i ask out loud and stared back at his eyes.

"What? Don't you have a crush on Emerson?" he asks amused. I stare at him and still don't comprehend what he's saying, "..What?!"

"I said myself the same thing when I heard the news, I've thought about it so why don't you tell him the truth and you two can happily be together." I raise an eyebrow and start to question whats wrong, "Jane from now on I give Emerson to you."

"Y-You must be confused, w-who told y-you such thing's!" I try to tell him. Remington stares back at me not buying it, "I'll give you two options..One..he'll accept you and of course i'll feel sorry for him knowing you'll be of great burden to him, but i'll get of you." what is he saying??

"Number two is that he'll dump you, which'll be good since you'll have to beg him to take you, so if you do half s i tell you to, he won't refuse you."

"Remington you are mistaken, what you've heard are lies." I try to defend myself.

"Well whatever secrets you have I expect you to tell him I wish you luck James." damn it..I forgot he said he'll be treating me as a man from now on. Remington walks away and I head back to my room before Emerson stopped me.

"Hi,James..what were you doing?"

"N-Nothing just thinking."

"Wanna hear a story? It's about this clumsy girl who started working at this place and she had one big secret..one of the guys found out about her secret, but she continued working at this place without realizing one of the guys knew of her."

"But why didn't he tell her?"

"Well he didnt cause he thought it was funny seeing this clumsy girl,but she only got funnier...over time he began to get bored, but she was so clumsy and funny it only made him laugh again..then he began to know her, it was the first time he truly met someone that close and that liked him. Later, he tried helping her every time she was in trouble.."

"That's nice..but why didn't he tell her yet?"

"Cause he wanted her to be at peace and not worry, but later on i'm sure she'll learn the way he feels about her." I looked to my left and saw him staring at me. he smiled to himself and looked away "Anyways goodnight." he ruffled my hair and I sq him leave to his room. I went to mine and took my wig off and groaned to myself.

"Sorry I couldn't tell you the truth,Emerson..but I need to keep Remington's promise."

Remington's pov

"Ugh I hate that girl..she keeps stressing me out. I never thought she would like out of all of us,Emerson.."

I looked around my empty room and scoffed "She still hasn't come, she probably told him and is locked in her room..maybe she's hiding from me. I began walking out of my room and began looking for her around, climbing back the stairs I headed back to mine before I went over and opened the door to see Jane on her bed covered head to toe with her sheets.

So she didn't tell him.."Jane. Are you saying that you'll only depend on me and no one else?" She moved her head under the sheets, I knew she wouldn't tell him. "Don't you think it'll be bothersome to me? again she nodded her head.

"If you know that then stop nodding from under the covers and stay quiet." i stare at her and she moved away facing me with the sheets wrapped around her like a caterpillar. I roll my eyes and went back to my room, "My head hurts from talking to that girl."

I jumped into my bed and stared over to where she once slept before rolling my eyes and closing them.

David's pov

"I can assure you the song will be a number one hit!" my boss exclaims as we sat down on a meeting with the lady who once came to talk to Remington. "It'll be nice if James does a music video."

"I think a music video is too soon for what he's going through, the boy needs some time especially if the lady here wants to work with him."

"You are right but people must know more about,James."

I look my left and see Hope staring at me and telling me to tell our boss to calm down on the whole situation, "Yes yes I know you are excited sir, but we need a lot more than just a camera to record a video-"

"Then in the mean time we'll stop with Palaye Royale's video and start filming for James. Now I need some ideas!"

Hope and I exchange looks before facepalming, "Remember Madison is still waiting for her's we must finish them or the model won't want to work with us."

"Damn it! let's finish her's then and start right after with James, i'm sure he will bring success to this studio."

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