Like A Girl

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"Is James alright?"

"I don't think so. He's been like this since this morning."

I hear Sebastian talking to David as Emerson took my temperature and indeed I had a fever. I rested my head against the pillow again and kept my eyes closed to tired to even talk, Remington came into the room and I opened one eye to look at him.

"We'll begin touring in a few days, how will we do that now?"

"Let's just leave him, he needs some rest." David tells the boys and bid me farewell. After crying so much and having a headache from the events of yesterday, I started feeling sick and this morning I got a fever from also staying out in the rain. Slowly I sat up which caught the boys attention and they all re-entered the room.

"James you should rest up." Sebastian tells me and places his hand on my shoulder so I could lay back down. I slowly shake my head and look at them, "I rested enough, i'm actually a bit thirsty." i tell them and place my hand on my neck.

"I'll be right back." the three of them said at the same time and ran out of the room. Why are they suddenly acting like this? Especially Remington. Few minutes went by and the three of them had glasses in their hands.

"You should drink this it'll help." Remington says giving me a cup of coffee. I was about to take a sip when Emerson took the mug from me replacing it with another one.

"Tea will make you feel better."

Emerson glances over to Remington and they both stare at each other. "Why did you bring ice cold water?" Remington snaps at Sebastian who almost let the glass fall. "I had to being her something?" i chuckle and thanked them all. I couldn't help but wonder why Remington is here and finally being nice to me.

After drinking tea I rested up for an hour and got out of bed, slowly I made my way downstairs and Emerson began baking some waffles, he made two for me with sliced bananas,some caramel on top and whipped cream.

Sebastian came with her his dog and began cheering me up but I noticed one guy was missing. "Where is Remington?" Sebastian looked over at Emerson, he closed his eyes and sighed "He just left without a word. But we have the day for us three." he smiled. There was a knock on the door and before Sebastian could open it we heard loud footsteps approaching and in came Remington's girlfriend, Madison.

We all ground to ourselves and she looked around the place then focused her eyes on us, "Where is Remington?" she demanded while holding her phone and a bouquet of flowers. "He left about an hour ago." Sebastian replied holding onto Jolie as she wouldn't stop barking at Madison.

"Where?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"He never tells us."

Madison glared at the dog then placed the flowers on the table. "It's a shame. I wanted to surprise him for once." she takes a look down at her nails then looks at Emerson, "Would you mind putting these in water? Oh and Sebastian, i'm allergic to dogs." Sebastian and Emerson look at each other and do as their told.

Quietly I began walking up to my room before she would tell me anything, I was closing the door when a hand stopped it and in came Madison. I glared at her and held onto my blanket tighter around my shoulders and the small glass of tea I was holding on my other hand. "I don't run away so easily you know."

She wickedly smiles at me, "You aren't that dumb after all. I suppose they all take care of you, does that make you brave? If they knew what I know they would most likely change the way they treat you, and I will tell them about you."

I keep my glare on her. "No worries. I'll let Sebastian and Emerson know all about me." she laughs at me. "I doubt they'll forgive me but at least i'll come clean."

"Really? You think you can do that including with Remington?"

I hesitate but responded to her "Then i'll have to tell him everything."

"Of course, just like I found out about you. It's because you fell in love with Remington without telling me the truth." I look down to the floor. "Then i'll tell him the truth." Madison stayed silent for a couple of seconds glaring at me before getting desperate.

"Alright. Tell them everything, as soon as Remington comes back we'll get together and you will tell them everything about you. I want to see your ridiculous expression-" Madison stepped closer before grabbing the glass and throwing it against the floor.

"What happened?"

Emerson quickly came inside my room and looked at us both. "James did you really have to do that because I wanted to touch you?" she asks me, putting up a great act. I stare back at her before apologizing and picking up the pieces of broken glass.

"Don't worry, I'll clean it.You'll cut yourself." Emerson joins me and begins grabbing the pieces. "Let do can bring the broom." i sadly reply and he stops.

"Don't pick them up, i'll clean."

I keep my eyes on the ground and Emerson leaves with Madison behind him. I heard her talking to Emerson outside the room, "It feels like he's hiding something, doesn't
that bother you?"

"It doesn't matter. I wouldn't like to know."

"It doesn't make you angry?"

"Hey may have his reasons that's why I don't want to know." his footsteps begin to leave and I grab onto my head and hear footsteps running towards the hallway. "What happened, did you say something happened to James?!" Sebastian quickly asks Madison.

"It's just..James didn't treat that nice in his room."

"Oh yeah? Maybe it's because of his fever, it's nothing serious." I hear him reply to her.

"Sebastian. If he did something bad to you..wouldn't you get upset?"

"He's never done anything to me." quickly he tells her.

"What if he did something bad and you wouldn't know it? Tell me what would you do?"

"I'd forgive him. Personally I really like James so I would forgive him. Did you hear that? JAMES ARE YOU OKAY?!" he shouts and I hear him running to my room. I was sitting in my bed and saw Sebastian run in with another glass of tea.

"Thank you Sebastian."

"Of course, anything for my best friend." he replies with a smile.

Madison's pov

They are acting like they are Jane's parents! Why are they each telling me they'd forgive her if she lied to them about cross dressing?! I was ready to run back to her room but my phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered, "Hello?"

"It looks like he bought some girl clothes." my friend on the other line tells me. "Alright thanks." quickly I end the call and glared down at my phone. What is he doing buying girl clothes, certainly they aren't for me.

"Madison." I put my phone inside my bag and see Emerson holding onto a broom. "Remington just came." He walks to Jane's room without another word. Hurriedly I start walking outside and see Remington stepping out of his car. Remington glares at me as soon as he sees me standing in front of the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." I answer him with a smile and he smirks.

"Acting again?" he asks crossing his arms.

"I just wanted to see you." I look down and on one hand he's holding a bag. That's the clothes he just bought! Remington fixes his eyes down at the bag then looks back at me. "You're making me nervous, don't tell me you're stalk..No I won't finish saying that." Remington passes next to me.

"That wasn't a gift, he bought it for Jane? Remington. I have a present for you." I take a step closer and he keeps his glare on me.


I smile at him and show him my hand, "Couple rings. I have one so you'll also be wearing one." he curiously looks at me. "What?"

"I have to guarantee that you are mine." I grabbed the other ring I had and showed it to him, "This one's yours." he takes it and examines it for a bit before placing it on my finger again. "Those are nice rings, both of them will look nice on you. Oh and I'll say this once. I am not yours."

I scoff and roll my eyes. "I'm also not yours, but people have to know we like each other"

"Oh they already know. There's nothing left to do." With that he goes inside and leaves me out there. I clench my fists and glare to where he went, "He keeps rejecting me..but if she tells them they'll accept her..which means Remington will also..No..I won't accept that."

Jane's pov

I was growing worried as soon as Madison left my room, we were talking for a bit when we all heard foot steps approaching my room and we all looked to the right to see Remington come in.

"Finally you came." Sebastian tells him. "James called us up to tell us something." I begin playing with the sleeves of my long sleeved shirt before looking up at Remington, he stared back at me already knowing why I called them up for.

Nervous and scared I look at them each. "What's this meeting up for?" Remington asks glaring at me again. "Did you cause another accident while sick?"

"I-I want you to know that i-im."

We hear someone behind us and we look back to see Madison. She stares at us all looking worried then focuses her eyes on Remington, "I need to talk to you."

"What is happening?" A very confused Sebastian asks us.

"What did you come here for?" Remington says raising his voice at her.

"Sorry..I can't-" Madison begins to gag and she runs over to the bathroom seemingly to puke. "She's gonna make a mess." Sebastian says disgusted as soon as we hear her throwing up.

Emerson looks at him "You gotta do something."

"That stupid girl." Remington angrily follows Madison. I wonder what happened between them both. The three of us were still standing in my room, "What? Remington's gonna be a dad?" Sebastian asks joking.

I hear my phone ringing and reached for it, "Hello?"

"You better not say a word. If you tell them your secret, you won't be able to help
Remington with his future projects, okay? The day your music video comes out, that'll be the day you tell everyone are we clear?" Madison says.

"...Okay..I will.." I end the call and fight back the tears.

Remington's pov

"What was that whole show for?"

I begin asking Madison when she exits the bathroom and begins walking pass me. I follow her outside, "Are you upset because of the ring?"

"Didn't you hear me before? Stop messing with me." the stupid girl replies and holds her pink phone with one hand. I grab it from her and begin typing on it, "What are you going to deleted your number?"

"Hm? Looks like i'm not number one in your contacts."

"Of course my father is. Why? You wanna be first?"

I stop and look back at her, "Is your father fearsome."

"Yes..he reacts horribly to situations, if he gets angry at you he would pull your hair off." I nod my head and show her the phone.

"Glad to hear he reacts that way."

Dad, I am pregnant

Reads the text I just sent to him. "Are you insane?!" Madison begins freaking out and tries grabbing her phone which I held up high, "Stop it, he's going to kill me!" Madison says trying to grab it from me. I hand her the phone and she looks at it scared, "Sorry. I guess he will get angry." i smile at her then leave her outside. I stopped outside and heard her phone ringing.

Jane's pov

Remington came back into my room, now the four of us are together again. "So. What were you going to tell us?" Emerson's the first to ask.

"Um..I...I want to apologize for the mistakes i did yesterday, I'm sorry."

Emerson and Sebastian both smile, "That's okay. Everything's gonna be fine." they both tell me.

"It's not the first tome you do these sort of things, I don't understand why you called up for a meeting." Remington annoyed tells me and Sebastian chuckles.

"That's true." if only he knew the truth.

"Everything will be fine." Emerson reassures me and I smile at them both. I received so much positiveness and kindness from them both, what did I do to deserve them. "Hey stop being so grumpy." Sebastian says playfully starts hitting Remington's shoulder.


I felt so much better and had no fever, after we all discussed it made me feel happier. It was night time so I stepped outside the balcony to star gaze, but the sky was so dark that I couldn't see any stars, I stepped closer and jumped a little when I heard Remington.

"If you properly want to see them, turn off the lights. That way you'll see everything." I glance over to him and looked away before he could tell I was seeing him. I stay silent and continue looking up, this time fully seeing them with the lights off.

"With this dark I can't see anything."

I glance back at him, "I can see them, a lot in fact."

"Then why are you awake this late? Are you stressed because of tomorrow?"

"I know i'll do fine."

"You know you'll be alone right?"

"Mhm they told me up ahead."

"You'll be the guest of honor that night."

"When I think about this place, i feel like it's a dream. You,Sebastian and Emerson are the stars in my the one's i'm looking at right now, They're all too far for me to reach." I look back to him and smile fighting back the tears.

"I know they'll always be there even if I can't psychically touch them."

"But I won't be able to see you.."

Staring back at him I feel some tears escaping my eyes. "It's frustrating not being able to see you, there aren't days that I can't see you."

I wipe my tears and shrug. "Even if I stay here.You won't be able to see me." Remington grabs my hand and looks back at me.

"I am seeing you right now, every time you shine, always remember to stay close."

"T-That's what i'll do." he let go of my arm slowly. "Remington,can I ask you something? When James goes away and returns to being a girl, even though you see me promise me pretend you don't see me."

Remington looks down to his right and stares at me confused, "What?"

"That's what I w-want. I'll also pretend to not see you."

"Are you telling me, to pretend like we don't know each other?"

"Exactly. I want you to not notice me when I go back to being a girl." I tell him trying to not break my voice, "Promise me." i tell him with tears pouring down my face.

"Of course I will. We'll do that, i promise. I won't know you anymore."

I take one last look at him before running back to my room. I close the door behind me and see a bag on my bed. I reach over to it and saw some clothes and a letter. My phone buzzed and I looked at the text.

Use this in case of an emergency, hide it well. Next time I look at you with girl clothes, i"ll act like I don't know you.

"He's acting like he doesn't know me at all." i whisper holding onto the clothes. I fell my heart breaking to pieces.


I look around the house and stop every minute to remember the place. I try my best to not as I look around and remember all the wonderful memories I have of this place, I hold onto my folded jacket and suitcase as I begin walking out of the house.

I reach outside and see the three of them. "James, good luck. When you're back let's have a party,okay?" Sebastian excited tells me and pets his dog.

"Don't be nervous." Emerson says up front.

"He should be." Remington says. "James.." he stares at me with cold eyes and I fight back the tears, i feel my vision beginning to blur and my throat hurting. "I have to go..goodbye." David comes and helps me with my suit, we walk down the stairs and I get into his car.

I can't believe the day is here.

David and I arrived to the building where i'm expected, while he was busy on his phone. I sneaked away from him, it's almost time.

I take a deep breathe when I see the building up ahead, i take a step closer and try to not make eye contact with anyone. It feels weird suddenly wearing heels and a dress now that i'll no longer be a guy.

"I have to do this."

I fix my dress,buttoned up my coat and nervously ran my fingers down my now long hair. There's no use in wearing a wig now. They'll finally see me for who I am.


Remington's pov


Sebastian comes running into the living room,holding up his phone. "Have you heard James's gone missing."

Emerson tries typing his phone and looks back at Sebastian, "It's true. He isn't responding."

"There's not much time left."

"Where did he run off to?"

I hear them both discussing. "And if he had an accident?"

"We have to calm down first. If James isn't planning to arrive, we'll have to cover up for him." I tell them both and ran over to my room to get changed into my black pants,while shirt,black tie and matching jacket.

"Where did she run off to?"

I take a look at the stuffed rabbit she left in my room and notice on thing missing, the bow. I make my way to her room and see that her luggage isn't there along with the bag I left last night empty, now it all makes sense.

I want you to not notice me when I go back to being a girl

I throw the bag and begin to run downstairs. I begin to drive as fast as I can and parked the car with the three of us heading in, "James if you come out in that dress i'll kill you. I'll cover up for you." i hold the phone up to my ear since it went to voice mail.

We arrive at the auditorium and right when I get in the lights are completely out. "Look for James." I tell Sebastian as I grab his arm.

"What are you saying? That James is here?" he asks me and Emerson looks away.

"He has to be around here, hurry up guys." I begin growing nervous, multiple scenarios going through my head. I take a deep breathe and look back at them, "Look for a girl."

Sebastian's mouth fell open and he stares at me like i'm insane, "What?!"

"She's wearing a white dress, with a light pink coat."

Sebastian keeps staring at me. "J-James is a g-girl?"

"James is a girl." I confirm to him. "I can't explain it right now, but we have to find her and get her out of here." I turn my back to them and began searching for her. I walk out of the room and start looking for her around the halls. I begin to quicken my pace when I see a girl with dark long hair wearing a light pink coat and that familiar bow.

I run down the stairs and follow her get inside the auditorium. I reach the place again and see her already in the middle of the room walking up front the stage. "I told you to not come here!" I angrily shout her name and slowly she turns to look at me.

The lights turn back on and I see a good look at her. She stares back at me with tears running down her cheeks, Emerson grabbed her and hid her face from everyone. The lights started flashing from the paparazzi.

"Who's the girl?"

"Let us see her face!"

Many paparazzi begin talking as they flash their cameras towards Emerson holding Jane. "She's my girlfriend." Emerson tells them and I glare at him.

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