Ma Chérie

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This is my first Palaye Royale book and i'm so excited to write more ,I have tons of ideas for this book. If you havent listened to this band then please do cause those guys are amazing. I started listening to them like two months ago and I can't stop listening to them. 

I wanna say that some parts I wrote are from a K drama I saw back then so why not combine that with the band? Okay so please be nice cause i'm not a pro at writing books I mostly do it for fun. If you're liking this so far leave a comment below for more.


"Come on Jane,i'm sick and I really want some more junk food to stuff my face in."

"Very funny,James,but no. You have to lay down and rest remember in two days you'll be going on tour with that band your in now. I wish mom and dad were here to see this."

"I agree.please Jane get me food! don't forget more medicine."

"What's the bands name anyway? You havent told me a single thing about them."

"Oh,that's a surprise for later."

"Alright James but you have to tell me about them someday." I pat his back and make my way to the door. I step outside of the house and squint my eyes from the amount of brightness from out.

I almost never get out of the house that's why i'm very pale and my brother teases me that i'm like a vampire. Today was a bright sunny day and I regret not bringing my umbrella to not get burned.

I was wearing my black converse,a charm bracelet my mom gave to me before she passed away and a pale pink dress my father gave to me. I went to the nearest mini supermarket and got a bag full of chips,cookies and a few sodas. I got my brother's medicine and started to head back to my house.

"I can't stand being outside I want to go home and stay in my bed forever." I say to myself.

My eyes wander around the small park which has beautiful flowers and trees creating a shade in a few spots for people to rest,parents are playing with their kids,teenagers walking their dogs and other's reading their books peacefully. I smiled as I remembered when my family came here with us when we were small kids.

I was minding my own business that I didnt even realize that I bumped into someone making me loose control of my dumb feets I was about to fall ready to hit the ground. I closed my eyes shut ready for the impact that never happened.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt a pair of arms around my waist holding me still. I realized that these hand belong to a man quickly I looked up to see who was the person who stopped me from falling.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes i'm okay. Thank you for not letting me fall but I gotta go."

I looked down not daring to see who the man was. I began to quicken my pace when his voice rang again.

"Hey miss! You dropped this." I stopped and turn back now seeing who the man is,before he gave me the book he looked at the title and saw a small smirk.

"Romeo and Juliet?"

"What? You don't like it?"

"No,no. It's one of my favorite books,here."

He handed me the book that's when out fingers touched and I felt something.a spark. I looked up to see him. He has dark sunglasses on,he's wearing dark clothes,his hair is spiked up and he's really attractive.

"T-thank you."

This is another reason why I don't go out. I suck at talking to boys. He smiles and slowly takes off his sunglasses that's when our eyes meet and I feel that the world stopped, "I-i wanted to ask if you'd like to-"


The guy turns back to see who's calling him when I see a guy with brown hair lifting his wrist up showing him an imaginary watch. The guy looks back at me and smiles again, "I do hope we meet again."

He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. I smile back at him and he gives me one last smile before running to his friend. Hmm guess this was meant to happen. Finally i met a guy.

I look down to my feet and see a silver skeleton ring. "Hey you left..this.." I stare back up but he's no where to be seen. I stare back at the ring in my palm and close it tight i'll keep this ring meanwhile I find him back and give it to him.

******2 Days Later**********

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

I smile back at my brother who looks so worried,today he leaves to go and chase his dream with this band he's in.

"I'm a big girl James. I can handle being on my own."

"'re a big girl alright."

He laughs looking down at my pajamas pants that are a bit loose. "You're still wearing my SpongeBob pants...I'll miss you Jane."

He embraces me in a hug and kisses the top of my head, "Take care James."

"I will."

He smiles warmly at me and steps out of the house. Now this house does seem empty. I make myself breakfast,take a quick shower and begin to send a few good luck texts to James.

About two hours or three went by and there was no sign of James. He always talks to me before he leaves the city. I dial his number but he doesnt answer.


I changed into my favorite black dress I got from Hot Topic as I started to wander around the city trying to distract myself from worrying to much about my brother.

"Hey! You!"

Quickly i turn my head to the side and see a man with glasses wearing a grey suit,but he's chasing after me.

"No miss please come!"

I started to run from him until I lost him and I sighed relieved that he's gone..that was until I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder.

"Please miss-"

"Who are you anyway?"

"I'm the tour manager to your brother's band. You're name is real name is Jamie Adelaide Pierre."

"How do you know-"

"Miss Jane please follow me. Y-your brother got into an accident."

I felt my heart stop once this man told me about my brother. I asked him which hospital he is in an it's just a few blocks away. I started to run as fast as I could while the man tried his best to run to me.

I entered the hospital and asked where James is,he's on the 3rd floor. The man came just in time and opened the door for me,slowly I made my way in and saw James laying there on the hospital bed with a few strings connecting to him.

I gasped and slowly made my way closer to him,I was starting to cry and fell to my knees grabbing onto his cold hand tight.

"I'm so sorry for this brother got into a horrible car accident and now I blame myself because he's in a coma."

"No. D-don't blame yourself maybe this had to h-happen."

"I know this is all of the sudden miss Jane..but I do need to find someone to replace your brother."

"Just call me Jane."

The man nodded and quickly spoke up again,"I'm sorry I didnt introduce yourseld my name is David and as you heard i'm the tour manager to the band..Unfortunately we don't have the time to find a new member so-"

"You want me to replace my brother?"

I glance up at the man as he nods, "B-but how? I'm a girl and i'm sure the band only has guys members."

"Yes they are only guys,they are nice guys though. You'll just have to be a guy for now then."

"That's to much."

"I know but it'll be for a couple of months. Here i have a plane ticket for you to fly to L.A with us,the boys will be on 1st class so we dont need any of them for find out that you're really a girl."

"Take the plane at exactly 8 am you must be on time. When your there i'll be waiting for you and we'll give you your new look."


I stare up at the gates and begin to make my way to where i'm supposed to be. The airport is so full today it's mostly full today in the morning and i'm so sleepy.

Today i wore my light blue dress with sleeves that end downnto my elbows and my comfy black flats. I hold onto my ticket.

I rub my eyes and look around the place that's when my eyes landed to the right and I saw that guy again from a few days ago. He was dressed in all black again with a few chains and his sunglasses in his pocket shirt.

The man looked at me and spoke up,me being the shy scary girl began to run away from him.trying to hide so he doesn't speak to me.

"Why are you so stupid Jane?" I tell myself.

I looked around and saw that the coast was clear. I saw more guys chasing after him so I decided to make a run for it,I arrived to my gate and luckily people where already making there way inside the plane. I went just in time and sat down in my seat.

I got comfy and got out my laptop and started to listen to music this will be a long trip.


The plane landed just fine and as I was getting closer to the entrance my heart started to beat even faster.How am i suppose to even do this? without James i'll be lost I gotta toughen up then if I want to make him proud.

Someone shouted my name as soon as I stepped out and saw David waving at me in his hand he held a clip board, "Fun trip wasnt it?"

"I just wanna lay in bed?"

"Not so fast,Jane,we have to buy you something more than dresses." He said,seeing my attire.

He opened up the door to the limo and we both stepped in. I was amazed at the city before me,the streets were crowded with people and tons of stores filled. "Try not to get so excited."

"Why not? It's been my dream to travel here."

"We're here Jane."

The car stopped in front of a store but unfortunately it wasnt for women.being a guy will be hard but i'm doing this for you James. David opened up the door for me and we stepped inside. Few guys turned their heads and continued doing their business some stared at me.

"Don't worry,Jane,i'll protect you.think of me as your uncle. Now let's find you something masculine to wear."

"Okay..just nothing to big."

We roamed around the store and got a few dark skinny jeans with some holes on it,black boots,converse which I always wear,black sunglasses,hats,a leather jacket,a few t-shirts,and many more things.As I changed into my skinny jeans,converse and black plaid shirt and jacket I looked at the ring in my hand and smiled remembering the guy.

"Why are you smiling?"

"N-nothing..hey do you know who the band I'm suppose be are?"

"You don't know? Their band name is Palaye Royale and they are really nice guys to work with..look.."

He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of the band that's when I widened my eyes and realized that the guy I met back then is the vocalist!

"O-oh that's g-great..what's the name of the singer?"

"Hmm oh his name is Remington Leigh. You can call him Rem,your going to play second in guitar,now about your hair we gotta dye it black and cut it."

"No not my hair!"

I grabbed a strand of it and stared at it for a minute my long brown hair.goodbye long hair, we did a lot together but it's time for me to cut you, An hour later went by and I stared at myself in the mirror amazed by how I look with short hair.

"Wow..I actually like it."

"Now you really look like a dude."I stare back at myself and yes I actually do look like one , "You ready James?"

"Yes i am." I say.

"Remember you're your brother and your even lucky that they only saw the real James once so i'm sure they won't notice,no one in the band needs to know that you're really a girl and the fans."

"The boys are right inside the recording room.Try to also speak like a guy or try in a low voice."

"Alright i'm ready."

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