Party Time

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"Alright! This will be fun. Today is James first day in the band so we'll have to take tons of new pictures today,the fans will go crazy!"Sebastian smiled at David who spoke up excitedly about today's photoshoots. The photos will be released later tonight after my announcement as the new member of the band.

I'm actually excited that i'll also play guitar since i've been learning a lot more,singing might be a bit hard considering i'm a girl and i know Emerson is kinda on my side and Sebastian is okay with it but Remington hates my guts i can't believe he's the guy i met days before.

"Come on now smile!!"

David's assistant took another picture and we all posed for it right under a nice shady tree. Her name is Hope she's tall and had light brown ling hair that matches her hazel eyes,from what i heard she used to be a model but she loves food so much that she quit maybe that's another stupid rumor. Hope like David knows i'm female and will also be by my side to help me out with the guys.

Who said that cross dressing as a guy would be hard.

I sigh and run my fingers through my short hair,"What you tired of taking pictures? I know you'll quit." Rem smirked glancing down at me with his arms crossed over his chest.

I was about to tell him to shut up but luckily Hope came by and grabbed my arm took me away from where Rem is standing. "Try not to get angry just act natural but still..manly?" I took my phone out and looked at my relfection. I look pretty weird without any makeup on,what would my brother say about this. It's been a day since i moved in with the boys and i gotta remember to lock the door cause this morning i was just sleeping in my tank top,Sebastian came in to wake me up luckily i hid myself under the blankets just in time.

Breakfast was awkward we all sat down around the table and it was silent and Remington kept glaring at me. I didn't make a good impression at first so it's my fault he's treating me like this. Hope told me that we would all go to a ice cream shop to just rest up. We arrived and i immediately took off my black coat since it's too hot,inside the store was cold and the walls were painted in pastel colors and tons of different ice cream flavors to choose and smoothies. 

"Come on,Jane." Hope whispered as she got in front of the line with me behind her and guess who was standing behind me. "Why are you wearing that ugly bracelet?" He suddenly asked when he roughly grabbed my arm looking at my wrist.

"It's f-from my sister." I gulp.

He releases my arm and keep his straight face,Hope poked my shoulder and it was my time to get an ice cream. I ended up getting strawberry since it's my favorite. David and Hope sat on the same table as me,they leaned closer and started to talk,"None of them are suspecting that your a girl,good job Jane." They both praised.

"Remington doesn't seem fond of me."

Both of them looked over to him who was talking with Emerson and Seb still in line. "Try and stay positive,i don't know how it's like to live in a house with guys which would be horrible-"

"Horrible? We're cool." David interrupted her.

"Yeah but most guys are gross and spend their times playing video games and can spend days without a shower." Hope cringed at the idea of living with guys.

"Some guys." David corrected her.

"Whatever. listen you gotta stay put and whatever you do don't get in his way." Hope whispered. David agreed for once with her.

"I'm already on his bad side." I tell them.

"I know you are but please don't get involved too much with him,he can be a cool kid on stage but he's got another side no one would guess he has." David is right. I should just sing my songs and get over.

"Okay...besides i'll only be in the band for a month." I frown and take a moment to think things through,it'll be hard but i'm doing this for my brother and both Hope and David agreed with my decision and now that i'm famous i'll find my father.

Something was thrown at my face when i realized what it was someone threw a chunk of peanut,sprinkles and a cherry also making my black baggy shirt stain with the bit of ice cream,"Remington!" David shouted. I stood up and Hope was quick too, "Come on let's get you all fixed up for tonight." She took me out of the ice cream parlor and i tried my best to not cry.

"Are you okay?" She asked worried.


"Come on let's get ready for your announcement tonight." 

She drove us on her car to her house and she helped me get dressed up for tonight,i was wearing an white jeans,matching white shirt that ended down to my elbow,black shoes and a black bow tie. 

"It still looks know dressing as a guy." I tell her again.

"I wish i met you when you had long i can imagine you only wearing dressed and decorating your long hair,i'd die if i had to chop my long hair." She giggles and grabs her purse. "Are you ready?" I nod my head and follow her to our destination. 


Everything will go fine Jane remember it stay positive. I hear the announcer saying to the paparazzi and fans about the new member which is me, "Okay everyone! Get ready to meet the newest member to Palaye Royale,his name is James Anthony Pierre,his hobbies consist of singing,playing guitar and hiking. He's the newest and youngest member the band only being 19,please welcome,James!" The announcer shouts.

The doors open to where i'm standing and i stay still and nervous with all the cameras flashing at me. I look over to David and Hope who begin on pose differently. I do what they tell me and smile at the cameras. I make my way over to where my band mates are sitting and both Seb and Emerson are smiling with only Rem looking away from me with his arms crossed as usual. I can get used at this.

The party started early and lots of people were here talking and having a good time. I'm outside listening to music on my iPhone as i watch the cars below me as i listen to 'Die for Something Beautiful' which is one of Payale Royale's EP. I look behind through the glass window and see at more people dancing inside the bar. "You should come inside and join the party." I almost shouted at the sudden voice behind me which belongs to Emerson who was holding a glass with clear liquid.

"N-no i'm okay here." I blush.

"Nonsense your the newest member and deserve to party." He slings his arm around my shoulder as i tense under his touch. "Have a drink cause we won't be able to party everyday." He smiles as he takes another sip of his drink.

"I-im okay really." I insist him.

He ignores me and gives me a drink he asked the bartender to give him. It's the same as his,well i am thirsty one drink won't harm me besides he knows that i dont like to drink so maybe it's water.

***********Some time later**********************

I giggle and stumble my way up the stairs and i try to loosen up the buttons to my shirt trying not to reveal my chest. I hiccup and make my way to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

"Hey good looking." I giggle and touch the mirror. "I'm really tired maybe i should rest up." I walk over to wash my face with water when someone grabs my shoulder and makes me look at him.

"What are you doing here?!" Seb asks looking at me terrified.


"You're in the girls restroom!" He almost sounds panicked.

"I'm sorry?" 

He calls someone over and a head pops up,Emerson. "Look who was in the girls restroom." Seb points at me. Emerson shakes his head but smiles, "He just needs fresh air.You should go outside,James. Please be careful these streets arent that nice." weird he says that but okay."

"Yeah i'll just go outside." I stumble over and they both are alert ready to catch me if i fall. "B-be right back." I hiccup again and get out of their sights when someone else grabs my arm and pulls me to another place pushing me away once we got there,I stumble again and feel cold air..wait i'm on the rooftop.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" An angry voice says to me harshly like he's about to let all of his anger out. I turn around to come face to face with Remington.

"I'm sorry for whatever i did." I say and quickly cover my mouth,i feel like i might throw up any second. He keeps his glare at me so i speak up,"Or maybe your jealous cause i might replace you." did i really just say that.

Now he meets my eyes and came walking closer to me when i quickly cover my mouth again,i even surprised him cause he for once looked worried. "Don't you dare throw up in here." an for once i thought he was worried about me.

I was about to throw up on the floor next to his shoes when he stepped away from me quick,he gave me a questioning look so i pointed behind him. He looked back and saw a flower pot,he grabbed it and held the pot out for me,I quickly leaned down and puked on the pot.

He made a disgusted face and whispered,"I feel bad for the flower." I grabbed the pot from him and placed it somewhere else. "That felt nice." I smile and stand straight. "I feel sleepy.." 

I spotted a bench nearby and stood up staring down at the buildings and cars,"James!"

"Be careful!."

"Grab him,Rem!"

The guys must have panicked when they thought i was gonna jump i felt myself about to fall when someone grabbed my waist and pulled me down,i fell on top of someone but when i was about to look who saved me i fell asleep.

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