Sparks Fly

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(Happy Valentine's Day everybody. I hope you all enjoy this chapter like I did. Please make sure to vote and comment for more chapters, i'm sure you all will love this chapter <3

Jane's pov

I made it to where the premiere took place and started looking for my hair clip. I love that and I still cant believe I lost it when i got to distracted by the paparazzi's. I got down to my knees and crawled down the many seats and started searching for it, "Please be here please be here." i prayed still not losing hope. It means so much to me. I heard footsteps and hid myself from whoever came.

The doors opened and I stayed still waiting to see who came. "Should've known..she isnt here." Remington?! I looked over and saw him leaving but he dropped something. I looked to my side and saw that he dropped the hair clip he said he didn't have. I took hold of it and accidentally took a step back and a few chairs fell. I cursed and hid myself behind the door, it opened once again and saw Remington open it again. He took a step in but stopped when his phone rang.

"I'll be right there." He said answering it and quickly leaving.

Remington's pov

"I don't think i'll live long enough...what's the point of living anymore if i'm bored." I stayed silent in my seat while looking at my mother in bed. "You need memories..cause your life is so boring."

"If I accept that. Will you help me recover those memories just to live another day?"

I scoff and just stare down at the expensive carpet beneath my feet. "If I do will you remember in calling me like you did today?" she stays silent for a few seconds then talks once more. "I think i'm getting worse each day..if I do call, you wouldn't come either way."

"I must if you do call me. I have no choice but to help you now." I turn to see her dark brown teary eyes and see her eyes lit up when I accepted in doing the song she desperately wants to do before she dies. "Even if I weren't in this state, you still would've helped me, because you're my son. Once the song is completed..I'll t-tell you the truth about me." she takes a deep breathe and I glance over to her to see her smile to herself.

Jane's pov

It was late and I couldn't sleep either after arriving and finding my hair clip. So I was sitting on the couch and started writing a song to distract myself, "What is this?" i jumped up and saw Remington smirking over to where I was. I gathered the notes together too ashamed to show what I was writing.

"Nothing!" i said too quickly. Remington walked closer, sat down next to me way too close and grabbed the notes from my hands and started reading it. "This is actually good." surprised i turned to see him, his face also close to me. "But I think this should be changed to this." he began to write a few more lines and this made me wonder what happened. His tone is different and he's acting weird.

"Did something happen?" getting all too worried for him.

His eyes remained focused on the notes as he replied, "I accepted in doing something I didn't want to do." then I started to remember. That night that happened months ago on his birthday. It's his mother

"I lost the love of my life because of you. Our love was everything. You must be thinking that i'm a bad person for leaving you.." those worse keep replaying in my mind. Those haunting words no mother should ever tell their children. I look back up and see over to him, "It's weird..every time my head hurts when i'm with that person but it feels all better cause coincidently you're there once I arrive." i feel my cheeks heat up as I stare at his face deeply concentrated on the lyrics.

"Then I will continue to do so if it makes you feel better." i cheerfully tell him. Remington looks over to me and I feel my heart beating faster when he gives me a smile. We both stare at each other for a while and he's the one to break eye contact first.

"It's all one and better. I'm exhausted after talking to you, i'm heading to bed." he says going back to his other rude self. I no longer consider it his true self, he reveals his warm and nice side whenever we are alone at times. I look back and see him walking up to his room, i stand up and ran after him, opened my mouth but nothing came out.

I smiled and rested my hand over where my heart is. "I wish I could tell you..that I love you Remington."

Remington's pov

The next day we got early for once and headed back to the studio. I was walking out of the office when David suddenly grabbed my arm. "What the hell Dave?" the man held me tight and shushed me. "Look" we both peeked and saw her and Emerson together talking. She was again dressed in her boys clothes and wig. Jane began to apologize once again to Emerson when she heard Emerson has a girlfriend and how jealous she was when she probably saw her and him together at the premiere.

"I'll have to make it up to her and clear up the rumors. Jane,do you think you can come with me for help?" now that got my attention. I moved David away and listened to them closer.

"Umm sure."

"It's settled then. I'll arrange a meeting for the three of us."

I can't help but but feel angrier at Emerson. David and I walk back to the studio and in my hands I keep reading the notes Jane wrote last night. "Remington. I feel bad for Jane. Now she'll have to go with Emerson's girlfriend to that place. It's sad cause she clearly likes Emerson but he has a girlfriend." David heart broken tells himself that.

Shaking my head I look at him. If only he knew. He wasn't there and we haven't told him that the rest of the band know Jane's really a girl. So he really thinks the girl Emerson was holding wasn't Jane but another random girl. I'm surprised that he got this type of job with how dumb he can be at times. I stay silent and keep listening to what he says. Emerson better not tell her anything.

Jane's pov

Making it back home I got a call from my aunt telling me she needed to urgently talk to me. So I called a taxi and made it back since the guys had some work. "I won't be staying anymore in the house. I'm thankful you had me for weeks James, but I have my own business and you are busy with your own work." she got up from where we were sitting and stopped to face me.

"James, Do you by any chance know the famous singer and actress Audrey? She's been living in the city for a while now." she asks concerned looking down at me and I nod my head, knowing that it's Rem's mother.

"I do know her-"

"When you were young? Did you know her along with Jane?" Why is she asking these questions. "Umm no only by watching her on tv." i lie and she calms down a bit.

"Okay okay, she has gone to the same agency that represents you too, right?" Slowly I nod my head and he she frowns. "Then, we can't be together..well, James, i'm off." my aunt left as fast as I could leaving me confused by what she meant.

Remington's pov

Jane was learning the new song to play on the key board and guitar when Sebastian yawned and cheerfully looked at Jane. "Jane, How about we go for a walk in the park and walk Jolie?"

"That seems like a nice plan, what do you say?" Emerson said helping Jane on plying. Like she doesn't know. I huffed and listened to them exchange conversation, "There's no way she's leaving, she has a whole song to memorize."

"A walk in the park won't harm me." she replied quick.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me. I can hang out with my friends." she confidently said and the three of them walked outside to the park and Jolie barking at me in the process. I huffed and followed them, "Come and catch me if you can!"

Sebastian shouted and Jane began chasing after him and Jolie running after them Emerson also following them. They tumbled to the ground and Sebastian's dog jumping on them making the autumn leaves fly everywhere. I saw her laughing and petting the dog, it made me smile a bit and stare at her a bit longer.

Emerson was quick and went to where she was helped her up and kissed her forehead. I frowned and saw her surprised face staring at him, the sudden action making her nervous and look around nervous when she feels awkward. We played ball for a bit and made sure no one would accidentally throw the ball on her head, we spent the entire afternoon there and headed home. Jane was no longer wearing her boy clothings and wig.

"So..I saw you got nervous when Emerson kissed you." i tell him when she walked past me to see what I was playing on the piano.

"I wasn't nervous" I stop playing and see her looking down at me from my seat. I stack the notes up and stare at her, "I saw your eyes, you wanted to kiss him also."

"I did not! Emerson just surprised me with that kiss so of course i stared up at him."

"That's a lie and you know it. You want to spend more time with him now that you're a girl. You have feelings for him." I said raising my voice at her.

"I just told you, you're getting it all wrong."

I reminded her of the conversation I heard of her and Emerson together. "Sooner of later he'll know."

She took a moment and spoke up "Is there a problem just because you love someone? I'm not asking anything in return, You think it's so wrong?"

"Do you think this is all some fairy tale? Even if you do like him he won't hesitate in leaving you right after." I angrily told her. I took a moment to breathe and looked up to see her crying. Jane turned around and ran to her room.

Emerson's pov

"Please make sure no one else comes in."

"Certainly sir."

The man in charge said and arranged the table, placed a bottle of expensive wine on ice and tidied up the silver forks. In just a few minutes Jane will be here meeting me. It's so cute on how oblivious she is of my feelings and how she thinks I have a girlfriend. I glanced over the golden chandelier and around the nice place I paid to have this dinner.

I stood in front of the mirror and cleaned my suit. "Once she's here, she'll be standing on the mirror and she'll finally be meeting the girl of my dreams. I just hope she won't be that surprised."

Jane's pov

I was in the studio getting ready to meet Emerson's date and to clear any problem out. I got dressed in black suit, and left my black shoulder length hair untouched and decided to not to put on my wig. I was walking and ready to call a taxi when David stood in my way from the exit.

He seemed nervous. So I walked over to him concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm having a date with Emerson tonight. I have an important meeting and I plan to clear everything up."

"Are you really going with him?"

I'm so confused but again I explain to him, "Of course, I want to help him." i smile and turned around to the exit, still a but confused on how strange he's acting.

Remington's pov

"How many times have I told you to knock?!" I annoyingly shout at whoever came and rolled my eyes when it was David. Who was slouched over and sat down in the leather couch of the studio room. I haven't talked to Jane since our discussion and I was for sure not going to handle it well if she came in.

"You can't leave her alone.."

"Jane clearly let me know that we shouldn't mind what she does from now on. So, I won't be getting into my trouble with her."

David stays silent, stood back up straight and said, "She left with Emerson." scoffing I place the cd's in my hands down on the table. "She insisted that she didn't liked him. Maybe she'll confess her feelings to him." I sarcastically tell myself and David agrees.

"I think she might." at the I turn to face him surprised.


"Emerson told her that he would tell her everything once she arrives."

"With who? Emerson's girlfriend?" I once heard him bragging about a girlfriend he had but I paid no mind to it thinking it was him just desperately wanting one. But I thought he was lying with the arranged meeting.

"She said she would do anything he asked him. I'm worried for her."

I angrily grabbed my coat and ran after her when I saw her up ahead, leave the building and about to enter a taxi. Without a word I grabbed her wrist and dragged her back with me far from the vehicle, I ignored her telling me to let her go but she has crossed the line this time.

"Remington. What is wrong with you?!"

Jane desperately tried to take her wrist back as I kept dragging her to the other side of the building. To the garden area where we sometimes write music outside. I stopped and made her stand in front of me. "Why are you stopping me?" Jane asked but wasn't waiting for an answer. She tried walking last me but I caught her again.

"Are you fucking stupid? Do I always have to get you out of these sorts of problems? You're useless at everything and are a trouble to everyone!" again I tell her and raised my voice. "You're pathetic in thinking you'll get out of this situation this easily."

"I know that already. I told you to stay away and dont mind what I do from now on." she calmly tells me but I shout back at her.

"Then stop doing these stupid things. I'm fucking sick of it!"

"Why do you keel caring on what I should do? Why do you always have to stop me in what I want in my life?!" her voice also started to raise up but it was shaky.

"I do it because I hate you seeing you so pathetic and ridiculous afterwards. I don't know why I keep doing it cause I don't like you at all-"

"Then why does it bother you so much?! You just keep ignoring me like always, you can just turn around and not care-"

"I can't help it!!" I shouted back at her.

"You cannot see thing's clearly!" she shouts back and she begins to cry. "Because your the popular guy, besides your never care about what surrounds you and what's happening in front of you. You can't see clearly because you have no idea what's happening to me! Why are you doing this to me?! I've been nothing but kind to you and you keep treating me like i'm nothing. All my life I felt like I was nothing until you showed up but you arent helping me at all with how i'm feeling!!"

I continue to stare at her and not say a thing, letting her finish first even though i'm angry at her. "All you do is shout at me and reminding me how much of a bother I am to you. So leave me alone, that's how i've always lived my life and I don't plan on-" I stared at her tired, worried eyes and did the thing I craved the most.

My right hand grabbed her neck and pulled her closer to me. I closed my eyes as soon our lips touched. Both my hands grabbed the sides of her face and I deepened the kiss. Many thoughts ran through my head of how angry I was with her, but I couldn't let her leave and run to another man's arms when i've always been here for her.

Jane is the only girl who has made me act this way. I've never felt love before but if this is what I think it is..then i'm not planning on letting her go.

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