The Birthday Party

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I stared at Remington as he quietly cried to himself,he lifted his head up,wiped his tears away and began to walk up the stairs,he's probably going to the studio and work by himself. I ran up behind him attempting to not make a single sound.

Why was my heart beating a lot faster when I saw him cry? I felt the need to hug him.

I wiped my own tears too with the sleeve of my hoodie and peeked inside the room and saw him writing down on a sheet of paper. He grabbed his headphones and began to sing and when he did he would stop and begin to write again.

I listened to him singing to a song I never heard before,I was about to hide behind a few empty boxes when he pulled his headphones out and leaned against his chair.

He pulled a picture frame out from his cabinet and he stared at it for a second before smashing it against the wall making me jump.

"This sucks..I really have to finish this song but I feel like drinking some coffee with it too."

That's it! I'll buy him some coffee from across the street as quickly as I could I began to run and in no time arrived at the studio once more with a warm coffee in hand.

I peeked inside once more and saw that he wasn't inside,yes! I placed the coffee on the table and went back to my hiding spot.

Remington walked into the room and stared at the coffee questioning who placed it there and when. "This is weird." He shrugged his shoulders and sat back.

" I really want to eat this coffee with a donut,but I have to leave work."

"A donut coming right up!" I whisper to myself and went to the bakery and bought a donut along with another thing as I raced up the stairs again this time feeling a bit more tired.

I opened the door and placed the donut next to the coffee,I turned my back and saw Remington staring right at me with an expression I couldn't even read.

"'re the one who was buying these things."

"Hehe hello." I mutter and stare up at him,now i'm feeling so weak and smaller compared to him.

I showed him the small piece of cake I brought with a single candle on top of it, "Happy birthday Remington."

I held the plate up for him to grab which he did,he looked surprised at the sudden, "The guys told me how much you liked red velvet cake with chocolate frosting so I bought it..well if i'm being honest with myself I know the lady who runs the bakery so I made the cake."

Remington stared at me as I continued to speak, "I was gonna bring the entire cake but knowing how clumsy I am the cake should've fallen from my hands."

"How did you even know it was my birthday?"

"Oh? um..Sebastian told me..and Emerson too!"

I saw a faint smile on Remington's lips as he stared at the piece of cake, "No one has ever baked a cake for me before.."

I shoved the piece closer, "Come on then! give it a try."

Remington was about to take a bite till he stopped, "You didn't put anything in the cake did you?"

"Come on just eat it!" I smile not knowing if he was serious. He took a bite and he seemed to really like it, "Who knew clumsy old Jane could bake a cake." He smiled a little.

"We can head over and get the whole cake later if you'd like."

"Hey you're wearing different clothes." Remington stared at my outfit.

I decided to dress like I once did before I pretended to be a guy,I was wearing a cardigan,a blouse and black shorts along with combat boots.

"Oh,yeah. I decided to dress as a girl for a while since I never really have time to dress like I once did-"

"You know you left that wig you wore back then,how about you put it on?" Remington said when he found the dark brown wig and handed it to me.

I placed it on and looked at myself in the mirror, "Well how do I look?" I smile looking at him.

"You look..nice..for once."

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment then." I remain smiling and blush a little as I feel his eyes still on me. "So what do you feel like doing?"

"Honestly i just want this day to end." Remington sighed and ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

I desperately wanted to ask him about that girl he went with but decided against it cause I want to be happy at least for today and make him happy too,i wonder is she's his girlfriend...nah..i don't think so if not he should've told us already.

Remington pov

"I think you left this in the car the last time you dressed up nice." I dug into my pocket and placed a hair clip in her palm,she inspected it closely, "It's beautiful."

"Yeah I remember you left it in the seat before you left,you do love you bows after all." I watch her look at the item with small silver diamonds forming a bow shaped patterned.

"I don't think this is mine..maybe that girl left it here."

"I'm sure it's yours." I stand up and make my way towards my car and Janes follow me up ahead.

"I don't remember having this with me."

This girl is gonna kill me! I sigh and looks at her, "Look i got it for you okay,so i would appreciate it if you'd just wear it..i went through a lot to just get the right one." I groan internally at this girl not understanding i brought it for her.


"You gonna put it on or not?"

I sigh and get inside of the car with Jane and i begin to drive back to our place, "I love it..thank you."

"Mhm whatever." I look over to her and see her cheeks turn pink.

I parked the car and Jane went running inside the house and when I entered everyone congratulated me and I saw the entire place decorated with birthday things, "Who was the idiot who planned this."

They all stayed quiet and Jane slowly raises her hand and laughs shyly, "I'm the idiot..I just wanted to throw you a party Remington,everyone has the right to have a party on their birthday."

"I'll let this one slide cause you got me that cake."

"Cake? did you make another cake for him?" David appears and asks Jane.

"Hey..why are you dressed as a girl." Sebastian looks at Jane closely.

"Seb..he was just cosplaying! Some people called in and wanted to take a few pictures of James cross dressing as a girl."

"Hmm he does look like a real girl dressed like this." He says grabbing the fabric of her skirt,I pushed his hand away and he began to kiss it and whined about how hard i hit him.

"I think James looks nice as a guy." Emerson smiles and I glare over at him.

"Seriously i'm wondering if you're turning gay now." Seb says looking at Emerson who shrugs.

"I'm gonna go have a drink." I walked over to the kitchen and David surprised me, "What do you think of the party? pretty cool what Jane did."

"It wasn't necessary,honestly i don't know what runs through that girls head." I tell him as i drink.

"It always starts like that,the cold ignorant guy says he hates the girl he's close with but in the end they end up together."

I spit out my drink and look over to him, "What kind of bullshit are you talking about? This isn't a fairytale David."

"Oh,don't give me that glare. You don't scare me anymore kiddo." He pats my back and goes to the living room. I was going to stay in the kitchen longer when I heard laughing and i went to the living room and saw everyone looking at videos of me when I was younger and some awkward interviews when we started the band.

"Hey! Quit watching those videos."

I glared at Jane who wouldn't stop laughing, "You were so innocent and cute Remington." I'm pretty sure my face turned red at that, "Look who turned red." Seb points at me.

"Shut the hell up!"

"It's funny seeing him like this." Emerson laughs at us three.

That night I actually had fun,i can't remember the last time i had a real birthday party. I got into my pajamas and looked down at the floor and saw Jane fast asleep hugging a pillow. I went over to my cabinet and stared down at my stuffed rabbit i had when I was a kid which always helped me fall asleep.

I leaned down and placed the stuffed rabbit next to her,it's time it finally has a new owner. I smiled a bit and went back to my bed,turned off the lights and left the lamp on and slowly began to fall asleep. Thanks Jane for a making this one of the best days of my life.

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