The Truth

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(A/N: Hello everyone and happy new year. I'm sorry that the last time I wrote a chapter was last year and the reason for that was cause of depression which sucks and other things including that I lost interest in writing for this book. Don't get me wrong I love this book it's one of my favorites i've written but i had the feeling that no one cared about reading it. But I made a promise to myself that I would finish it because I just ship Jane and Remington so much. Anyway enjoy this chapter and expect a new one on Valentines Day ;)


"Who's this girl?"

"Let us see her face!"

Some paparazzi's began talking, many lights flashing their cameras at me and Emerson who gently held me close to him, my eyes focused on his chest since he was the one who was protecting me so no one could know i'm a girl.

I fought back the tears and my eyes widened when he said, "She's my girlfriend." Emerson mutter mostly to himself then repeated his words but louder this time so the media would know. I stare up at him surprised by his words.

"We've been together for a few months now, she is camera shy. So please don't take any pictures." Emerson held onto my shoulders and my eyes glanced over to see Remington, who was glaring at Emerson. I have to play along. I nervously took hold of his shirt and the camera would've left me blind if it weren't for Emerson, a single tear drops fell, just imagining Remington's broken face. But I can't face him.

I had my eyes shut and felt something being placed on top of my head, Emerson held me tight and guided me to the exit. I could hear everybody asking many questions.

Remington's pov

I took of my jacket and placed it on Jane's head so no one could see her. Emerson and I kept eye contact the entire time, almost glaring at one another. "Get her out of here." i whispered. Emerson nodded his head while frowning at me and helped Jane out of the theatre. Both of them started exiting but the fans and paparazzi's followed them in a rush, something fell out of Jane and i looked down to the carpet floor and saw that it was that same hair clip she had on, the one i gave to her.

Sebastian ran over to me and I looked at him with a calm but pained look. "Was that James? James has been a girl the entire time?" I need some explaining to do later once we get home, or he'll be so confused than he is now.


Right when I was going to tell him some more, but Madison came rushing in with our boss. "What the hell was that? Why did Emerson's girlfriend come. Did you both know about this?" we both stay silent at his question. He just rolled his eyes and left the room, leaving me heart broken and Seb still confused Seb glances at me and runs after our boss leaving just me and this girl.

"What a shame."

I look at her in anger and she puts up a dumbfounded face, "What? I didn't say anything!" I glare at her and roll my eyes, "This isn't over." i tell her and left the room.

Jane's pov


"Emerson come on just one picture!"

"Do it for the fans!"

The paparazzi keep on following us and Emerson holding me close to him, and the staff guiding us the exit and blocking the door from anyone else entering. We walked through a door and bit my lip nervous that i'm alone with Emerson. I stay silent..wondering what to say for a minute till I decided to apologize.

"I'm s-sorry. I'm not the man you thought I was. I know you must be angry with me, Emerson. I don't even have a proper apology for-" Emerson took off what appeared to be Remington's jacket off of me. I nervously glanced at him then down to my feet again.

"I don't know what to say, everything happened so fast. I wasnt prepared for this, i should be'll sound weird to you, but i am not. James you're a girl, so look at me I want to confirm it." I gulp and slowly turn to look at him. "Definitely. You are one..and a beautiful one. I don't understand why I didn't see it before. James, I always thought you were dumb and weird..and it wasnt true."

I try my best to not freak out more than I am. But everyone knows the truth already, who thought it was this hard. "Emerson. You were always so kind to me and i'm sorry i lied to you."

"You'll tell your reasons soon." he mutters to me then heard Seb shouting for Emerson to open the door. Sebastian came rushing in then Remington with a stern face and locked the door behind him. I looked down to my feet seeing each of their faces.

"As you can see James is a girl. I knew it weeks ago. I apologize for not telling you sooner. If you don't agree with this, now's the time to talk. I'll fix this."

"There's no need." Emerson quickly spoke. Remington nodded, "Thanks Emerson. Sebastian?"

I felt Sebastian glaring at me, so i took a peek and lowered my head. "James..I can't believe this."

"Sebastian I am sorry."

"I've been so blind."

I jumped up when he placed his hands on my shoulders. I stared at him afraid of what he might do. Sebastian smiled and leaned over and kissed my forehead. I stared at him in shock and quickly glanced at the guys who had the same expression.

"James, now I understand!" He couldn't stop smiling so both guys stood next to him trying to calm him down.

"Jane..Jane." Remington called out my name but I didn't reply. He scoffed and whispered "Whatever" they began to make a plan and I had to get rid of my girl clothes and they made Hope dress up like me with David by her side. I got my suit on and wig and walked out to see the guys looking at me.

"Jane..We are in your side. You said you came here to not cause us any trouble or ham us." I nod my head and hear Remington continue. "If all of that is true, then keep pretending on being James. We'll be responsible for you if you do the same for yourself."

"Emerson, Sebastian, Remington. I'm sorry for the things I said. From now on, now one will see me." our boss came in and quickly took me with him for a short interview.

It was over and we all walked out the building with Sebastian saying we had to throw a party, but no one felt like it. "Maybe some other time, Seb..oh shit." Remington cursed when Madison began walking towards us. We all stared at her and i quickly looked away.

"Oh, i'm sorry-"

"Stop with the bullshit. I knew you were the responsible one for what happened." Beside me I look up to see Rem glaring at Madison. Who frowned but smiled afterwards at him, "Oh so to knew..did they?" she asks pointing a fingers to his band mates.

"Hmm. I can't believe it." Madison says when no one replied. "And you are all okay with this? Jane, you are so stupid you couldn't do this on your own." i stay quiet.

"Enough. We are finished with this, you will remain silent about this and you wont bother any of us anymore-"

"Not so fast there." she says smiling wide at us then focusing on Remington. "This is not over. You will continue with what I warned you, you will continue to be my boyfriend and Jane will continue being a man, and you two can continue doing whatever it is you do." i clench my fists tight. I want to fight back but i can't.

Remington scoffs, "And you still continue being the same?"

Madison laughed and took a step closer to him. It made my blood boil. "Love, I'll be leaving okay. Well goodnight." she faked her smiles as always and leaves. Sebastian and Emerson turn to Remington and asked if he really did all this, to protect the fact that i'm really a girl. "What she said here is true." he muttered.

I know he's angry again. "Remington..I-"

"Surely you'll start apologizing again. Save it cause I don't want to hear it." I gulped and stared down at my feet and heard him leave. How many times have I felt my heart being broken?

??? pov

"If you can please follow me."

Quickly I follow the young man dressed in black into the luxurious living room and start looking at the place, amazed at how much money makes to maintain the place. There's a small table near the fireplace and see a few papers, car keys, cigars and a picture. I tilt my head and reached to look at the picture.

It's a picture of a man smiling down at a boy and a girl who are next to each other and smiling at the camera. I look further and see another one, it's the same girl but with another boy, they are both near on the swings and holding their hands.

Are these hers? "I did not know she had three kids." i whisper. The man came back in and I followed him to the bedroom. I looked over at the bed and see Audrey fast asleep with an iv connecting to her. "Here is your payment." the man gave me a white envelope and i saved it in my bag and left before turning to look at Audrey one last time.


Jane's pov

Remington and I haven't exchanged a word since we arrived home. We were both in his room getting to sleep in our spots when Sebastian came barging in and called our names. I was getting nervous as I stood by Rem but mostly by Seb's face as he looked at us both.

"A guy and a girl shouldn't be sharing a room. Just because you consider him a friend doesn't mean you'll be staying here any longer. I'll personally move your luggage to your old room, so nothing happens." hmm so that's why he came. I can't help but blush imagining of the many things that must be running through Sebastian's head.

I glance over to Rem who stares at his friend with a "really? are you an idiot" type of look but doesn't say a word. I nervously play with my hair that reaches down to my chest now. "Jane. Get the rest of your things ready. Hmm." Seb says looking at Rem up and down in disapprovement which I try to not laugh at.

Sebastian struggles to take my luggage and slowly leaves the room. The room falls into an awkward silence. Glancing back at Remington I see the same expression, so move I turn next to him and grabbed the pile of pillows and blankets in my arms.

Before leaving I stop in front of Rem and speak "Remington. I'm thankful for everything you have done for me." I meet his eyes and he looks at me in what I guess is disapproval.

He crosses his arms over his chest and keeps his dark eyes on mine, "You think with an apology everything is fixed?" he asks but I know his tone and know that he is teasing. Anyway i nod my head "I won't be asking you for anymore help from now on, i'll do everything on my own. See i'm even carrying this."

Part if that is a lie. Though we both are on the wrong track once again, I would've liked for him to help me but Remington isn't the most gentlemanly man out there. To my right I see the stuffed bunny he gave to me sitting on a chair, he glances over to also see it then to me. I decide to not take it and left his room quickly.

Remington's pov

What a selfish idiot. I turn to look at the stuffed rabbit again then to where she left. "She doesn't seem to care about it anymore. So this means she won't be needing this too." I took out from my pocket the hair clip which fell from her, it was easy to glue it back together. I scoff at myself angrily and glare at the thing in my hand.

"Why did I even bring this?" I throw it near the rabbit. I close the door and peeked over to see her sad face. I sigh and rested my head against the door, why is it so hard to love you?

I decide to not get all gloomy and walked downstairs to hear the guys talking to themselves about how hungry they are and want to buy some candy for Jane, so she can feel better about herself. "There is no way you are taking Jane with you." I walk in with my arms crossed and see the guys looking at me.

"That girl is troubling enough imagine the things she could do once outside. Just let her stay.."

"Why don't you stay instead? We'll make sure she won't do anything." Emerson told me. How dare he tell me that. Now that they know she's a girl, they'll want to be closer to her. Sebastian looked at Emerson happily and shouted at Jane.

"Jane! Get ready we're going out!!" he shouted running past me to get Jane. I glare behind his back and saw him dragging Jane down with him. She smiled when Sebastian kept on asking what they should buy to celebrate.

I kept getting jealous at him looking and touching her hand, and it wasn't helping seeing her dress this way. I blushed hard and saw her wearing a brown leather jacket and a dress with long socks running up to her knees and flats. 

Without a word I followed them to the store. There was no way I was letting her with two guys "Don't you be worry, Jane. Almost no one is at the Walmart this late." Seb said looking a lot more cheerful than before and ran over grabbing random things and shoving them to the door. I stayed back and glared at Emerson who kept talking to Jane. Then Sebastian came back and kept asking many questions.

"God you're so cute. I love her so much already-Oww!" I pushed Sebastian away when he began approaching Jane to hug her, "She doesn't like hugs, right Jane?" I said warning her. Jane's dark eyes looked at me and nodded her head quickly looking away.

The four of us walked down and grabbed many junk food. Next thing I saw was Jane inside the cart and laughing as Sebastian got hold of the shopping cart and the two of them began to run down the aisles. I glared at the three of them. Sebastian and Emerson began telling stories about our past and the many products we did commercials.

"That must've been so funny. I can listen all day to your stories." I hear Jane tell both my guys. "And we have many more to tell you. But first a hug!" Sebastian cheered.

I glared at him again,took hold the cart with her in it and walked away from Sebastian. "Nope. Not a chance."

Jane and I stood in line waiting for those two idiots to come back from whatever else they were going to buy. I tried to not stare at her too much and once again returned my stoic expression to her, " that I remember..I lost my hair clip and i'm sorry. It cost you a lot of money-"

"I've told you it wasn't a lot! Just a thousand or something.." i angrily tell back but try to stay calm while looking down at her. "So you did see it, where?!" she asks getting too excited. "I noticed it was broken back to where the premiere was, so don't get upset over it it's in the trash now." I took a step back making her stumble a bit and just in time Emerson came and stopped her from falling down. I looked down and saw him holding onto her waist. I glared at them both and decided to wait outside the store.


It was late at night and I couldn't stop cursing to myself as I made m way down to the kitchen for a bottle of water. It's been hours and I haven't been able to sleep, it's because dumb Jane decided to leave my room. The room feels colder without her.

"I hate this feeling." I tell myself and closed the door fridge and let out a small scream and pinched the bridge of my nose when I saw who the person was standing there half awake. "Lady what the hell are you doing here? When did you arrive?" apparently Jane's aunt returned without saying a thing to us.

"About an hour ago." she replies with a yawn and takes my bottle of water. "I've been searching for James but he wasn't in his room." confused i stare at her then slowly she left, "Where the hell is she?" think Remington think. I looked to the door and realized where she was. I ran back up to my room, got my jacket and car keys and went to where she is.

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