Too Many People

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"Come on Jane! Try and keep up." 

"I'm trying! I cant run very well in high heels you know?!"

We both turned back to see if the paparazzi guy was gone and guess what?...he wasnt.Remington held my han tighter if possible and we began to run down the multiple stairs,how big is this building anyway? 

We stopped for a second to catch our breaths. "Is he gone?" I look up at Rem who looks up ahead to see if we lost the guy.I realize that he's still holding my hand and i was about to tell him when a figure slowly appeared catching their breaths. The guy looks like he's about to faint but doesnt as he holds the camera up.

Remington scoffs and we begin to run again, "Guys!! Let me take at least one picture..Remington!" He shouts.

"Do you even know him?" I ask Remington.

"Know him? He's been following my tail since i formed the band..damn you Samuel for ruining my days,he doesnt have anything else to do but to stalk people." 

We took a left and we came face to face with a group of girls a few years older than me.The girls in the back laughed and paid no attention to us while their leader i suppose paid full attention to us when Remington raised his voice.

"Well look who came back-" 

The girl faked a smile at us but Remington told her to quit acting. They both glared at each other before he spoke again."Theres a paparazzi chasing after us and since you're a good actress why dont you distract him?"

The girl took a look at me before Remington stood in front of me. "Okay..i will just this once but you owe me." 

Remington nodded his head and took my hand in his as we ran the last couple of stairs.Just right when we walked down the main hall fangirls were shouting Emerson and Sebastians name.Remington placed an arm around me as we made our way outside and got inside his expensive car. 

The entire car ride was completely silence as i rested my head against the window and watched that it was beginning to rain.I began to cry a bit when i remembered the call..i wish i never got it.Remington made no attempt in talking to me or to comfort me at least. I have no one now to run to when i'm alone.

I spotted our house up ahead as we got closer and closer,Remington stopped the car and got his keys out but still remained inside the car.I opened the door and stood up when i got out he did the same.


I met his eyes as he quickly looked away and began to move in his spot and placed his hands on top of the cars roof.He again met my eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry on what happened to your-"

"You don't need to apologize."

I turned my back towards him and started heading the house. "Jane" I stopped and said "Just leave me alone Remington..its what you do best." I whispered the last part so he wouldnt hear,with that being said i ran inside and sat down on the floor crying.

Remington's pov

I watched Jane make her way inside the house,i want to join her but i have things to do..stupid manager..i kicked a rock and got inside the car again and started to drive as fast asmi could.  

Jane does look pretty weird dressed up as a girl..i mean she is one but it's weird seeing her not dressed up as a guy like she does everday. I stopped at a red light and rested my head against the steering wheel as i cursed. I wasnt capable of telling her that i visited her brother the real James a few hours before he passed away.

I would ocassionly visit him when Jane was busy in the studio that's why i always came late to work. He looked so weak but happy when he saw me again..his father also passed away when he woke up that one time i visited him.

 I told that woman dressed in red to call on Janes phone once we finished playing since i was the first to hear the news..the funeral will probably be sure she wont go..

I feel your pain Jane..your not the only one who lost someone close...but i promise i'll try to accomplish that last wish your brother asked me to do..i'll try my best.

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