Without Words

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I am sorry for the late update but I do hope you all enjoy this chapter which may be my favorite so far. Also I wanted to ask you all if I should write more around Remington's point of view and such. Anyway let me know if you liked the chapter and remember to vote!

"James help me pack my last bag before we go back!"

I wipe my tears away and look back to see my aunt carrying a back to the car, "Where is Reminton?" she asks looking around the now dark area.

"He decided to leave."

I whisper to her as I feel myself once again crying, "I don't feel very well..can we stay here for the night?" I ask her. She seemed like she was desperate to go but once she saw my eyes watery she must've thought I was getting a cold.


I nod and watch her leave inside the room of her apartment we'll leave tomorrow morning but It'll be hard to try and avoid Remington.But why do I feel all of these mixed emotions all of the sudden,am I really falling in love?

Entering the small apartment I saw my aunt making dinner so I sat down on the table waiting for her to finish cooking, "James-"

"What's it like to be in love?"

I suddenly ask her and she stares at me for a second before responding, "Why do you want to know? Are you in love?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I really don't know.."

"Well the easiest way to say it is that you'll do anything for that person and you are always thinking about them. It's a girl right?"


Damn! Now she's staring at me, "I-I mean yes! It's umm..a..girl?"

"Just making sure."

She continued to cook and lazily I rested my head on the table.Whoa that was a close one..but am I really in love? or maybe just jealous that Rem is hanging out with a girl cause it's quite obvious that he doesn't treat me like a girl even if he knows I am one.

Remington's pov

The car ride was silent neither of us saying a word,that was till Bree decided to park the car and she looked over to my direction,I only stared out the window. "Do you have any idea how worried I was for you? I was searching every where for you." She about to place her hand on my cheek till I caught her and held her wrist.

"Just keep on driving."

I whispered after a minute and stared outside thinking of Jane,what I did was stupid why did I decide to leave here ther on my own..no wait..my car..she better take care of it. I looked over and saw Bree smiling and reached for my hand to grab it.

We reached the house and I walked out of her car, "No goodbye kiss?"

"Quit the act,Bree."

I harshly said and made my way inside and met Sebastian and Emerson. "Hey." "Hi,Remington." both of them stared back the door and around, "Where's James?" Emerson asks along with Sebastian. 

"She decided to stay with his aunt for a while I guess."


"Knowing him I thought he'd come back with you." Emerson glares at me and I glare back at him.

"Well I guess you don't really know him after all."

I ignored them both and went up to my room and rested in bed, "Night Jane..remember to not make a sound while i'm sleeping." I opened my eyes and saw her things on the floor,her blankets,pillows and clothes...hm..it feels strange not having her here.

Jane's pov

"Time to wake up!"

"Huh?! What happened!"

I wake up frightened till I saw my aunt waking me up with two frying pans she was hitting together.I really wanna sleep some more. "Wake up you lazy head time to head back." She yells and takes my warm blanket off.

Lazily I put on my tight dark blue jeans,grey shirt,denim jacket,scarf and vans.I didn't even have strength to comb my short hair which was beginning to grow quick. I placed the last bag in the car and I kept on wondering how much time is my aunt even planning on staying on the house, "Umm aunt?"


She asks once she puts her seatbelt on and I begin to drive down the road, "How much are you even planning on staying? Cause those are a lot of bags."

"Umm till I have a job! Yes that's right!"

I raise an eyebrow and look over to her quick and back at the road.She acts kinda weird at times or maybe she's always been like that. I continue driving and reached our temporary house and once I parked the car she rushed her way inside not helping me with her bags. "Aunt!" Despite me shouting her name she didn't stop to help me.

"Great now I have to do this on my own."

I went to reach the first luggage which was kinda big for me till a hand grabbed it first and I looked up to see Emerson. "Emerson! I'm glad to see you." I smile up at him and he returns the smile.

"I'm glad to see you too..I thought you were coming last night,I even called you."

"You did?!"

I pulled my phone out and saw 3 missed calls. "I am so sorry I must've fallen asleep early and didn't see them,I was a bit sick so I decided to stay.But don't worry i'm fine now."

"You sure? I can make you something to eat if you'd like."

"No that's okay."

In no time Emerson and I carried the bags inside and we began to joke around in the kitchen and I watched him prepare what looked like a delicious meal, "Whoa who taught you how to cook?" Emerson smiling places the dish in front of me.

"My grandma did before she passed away..she taught me many things when I was a kid I kinda miss her from time to time but I know she's in a better place, She always loved my cooking and she used to tell me that someday i'll meet someone who will love it as well."

"Not only you're cookinig,you too are amazing Emerson! Any girl would see that."

Emerson smiles and ruffles my even messier hair, "I'm sure she does,now eat up."



I sit down next to him as I watch him playing on his phone outdoors, "Hey James..." He's so focused on his game. "What game is that?"

"Shhh i'm busy."

"Okay..What else have you done today."

"Damn it!" Sebastian curses as he lost the level, "Nothing much just playing a couple of songs,playing games,you?"

"Me? Well I was talking to Emerson back inside and he also prepared food,he left you some to eat."

"Great let's go inside then."

I followed Sebastian and he began to eat his food like he hasn't eaten for days.Now that I remember it's almost 5 o'clock and I haven't seen Remington, "Sebastian..have you seen Remington?"

"Why? Did you congradulate him?"

"What for?"

"It's his birthday today." Emerson said stepping inside the room and sipping his coffee.

"Today? his birthday? Why didn't anyone tell me about it."

"He doesn't like people knowing when it's his birthday." We all turn and see David, "When did you come in." Seb asks.

"Just a second ago..the door was open."he replies

"He doesnt like to celebrate it."

"How come it's not like he'll be..whatever his age is now. We must make a party tonight!" I say as all the guys stare at me, "It'll be a small party."

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Emerson agrees.

"I've been wanting cake for a while." Seb says.that's a yes from him.

"I'm in too."

"Great." I smile, "Make sure to buy plenty of food,balloons,streamers and don't forget the cake."

"Remington decided to spend the night at the studio practicing so try to distract him then bring him home." Sebastian replies.

"Okay i'll try my best,text me guys whenver the place is ready." with that being said I arrived at the studio around 7 and began to walk around the building trying to spot where Remington is,that's when I heard voices and I stayed hidden and say that lady I saw a weeks ago,the one who said is Remington's fan.

I remember the letter she gave me back then so I gave it to Remington and he threw it away saying that he didn't care about her,I still wonder why he didn't even bothered to read it. I stayed hidden behind a tree as I saw that woman Audrey and Rem.

"What brings you here?" Remington harshly asks her which she didn't seem to mind.

"I came to see my biggest fan.What can I say?"

"Stop lying I've known you so long and I know when your lying to me,it's what you do best."

"If you're trying to hurt my feelings Remington then i'm afraid you aren't."

"Why did you come Audrey?"

"I came to discuss business..I knew you'd be here so I decided to stop by. My job in acting has been hard and I wanted to try singing again like I did years ago..I made several songs in the past but only one song stuck up the most and I want to sing it again..this time as a duet with you like I explained the last time you and your boss met up with me and you ran away for a reason."

"I thought you decided to quit singing after that little incident."

"Don't make me laugh Remington..I want this song to be a hit like it was years ago and with you it'll succeed."

"So you need my help to succeed in the business then?"

"Of course." 

I looked back and saw her smiling back at him but it seemed like a fake smile,but why does he hate her so much?

"Forget it that's all that has ever mattered to you."

I heard footsteps approaching so I stood still, "You think this is easy for me?"

"Yeah it's always been."

"Oh yeah? It was hard for me trying to raise you and be a single mother at the same time-"

"You were never there for me..I used to go to school each day and watch kids kiss their mothers goodbye and there I was always alone while you abandoned me to become famous. We never went out and when we did you'd tried to hide me from the public."

"Yes you embarassed me everytime we went out,what do you think people wouldve said if they had found out I had a son? I lost the one thing I truly loved in life because of you..I lost the man I dearly loved because you were born Remington."

Oh no. Quickly I covered my mouth with both my hands,no way she didn't say that. "I lost my chance to be with him and when I went back to him months later I saw him inside his home,holding two babies in his arms...now he's six feet underground..you ruined my life."

I heard footsteps once more and saw her heals clicking against the pavement as she walked out the place,I found myself crying and when I peeked back I saw Remington leaning against the wall and he was crying...

My heart began to ache at the sight of him suddenly crying..the first time i've ever seen Remington upset. I watched as he began to cry more and more and I wanted nothing more but to hold him close and say everything will be okay.

I guess to most serious and selfish people are the ones who have suffered the most in life after all.....

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