You're My Canvas • Five

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Will's phone rang at three am. His blankets tangled over his legs. Wrapping him up like a baby burrito, groaning as the teen released one of his arms to the cold air. "Hello?" He groggily asked, answering the phone.

"Will. I got in."

Nico's voice was breaking. He had definitely been crying. He could hear Nico holding back sniffle filled laughs from the other end. "W-What?" Will stammered, still half asleep.

"I- GDA let me in!" Nico's voice was high with excitement. Will could sense the splitting grin from the other side of the phone. He yawned, having yet to absorb the information.

"That's great. Imma sleep." His eyes were dropping close as he heard Nico let out a huff. He smiled softly, imagining the small frown on Nico's lips as the Italian crossed his arms.

"Will, get up." Nico's voice was calm but stern. Annoyance seeped into his speech as Will grumbled.

Then it hit him.

"YOU GOT IN!?" He screamed, sitting up as if he had heard a gunshot. Blankets fell from his shoulders and his hair was a mess.

"I'm coming over." Nico then hung up, leaving Will squealing. His mother was out of town, trying to track down his father. There was no one home but him, and it was 3 in the morning; much too early to be screaming about Nico's dream college. Yet Will found himself screaming as he jumped out off bed and let his feet hit the cold floors.

His skin prickled as cold air rushed to coddle him. He raced down to the kitchen. Bowls of glass clanged together as Will hurriedly rushed to a cabinet. He pulled out two boxes no bigger than a book.

The door opened, but Will paid no attention to it. Nico has a habit of breaking into his house (Even though Nico insisted he wasn't breaking in. "The key was under this fake rock, Will! It's not like I stole anything while you and your mom were shopping! I was only in your house for an hour before I got bored! Willlllll!!").

The kitchen was open to a dining area. Nico was smiling like he had just won the lottery and he held a letter with white knuckles. His hair was messy, dark locks falling into his red eyes. He had tears running down his cheeks, but the smile he had lit up his face. Will pushed the bowls into the sink and grabbed two mugs.

"Cake in a cup!" Will shouted to Nico, pressing a few buttons on the microwave before shoving two mugs into it. After the microwave started to run, Will fling himself to Nico.

"Let me see!" Will screeched, reaching for the letter. Nico was giggling, and Will's heart grew.

"Let me see, Neeks!" Will, again, screeched at his best friend. Nico stuck out his tongue and laid his bag he brought on the table.

As Nico handed Will the letter, he scattered the table with his paints. A few brushes poked out of a pocket of his messenger bag. Small jars of paints were pressed against Will's arm.

"Be my canvas?" Will softly chuckled as opened the letter as he nodded. Nico was still giggling like a schoolgirl as he dipped a brush into a jar of pink paint.

"Always. I'll always be your Canvas, whether you're in GDA or not." Will remarked. Nico rolled his eyes.

"A talking canvas is a shit canvas. Shut it, Solace." Nico grumbled half-heartedly.

Will replied by kissing his knuckles.

"Congrats." He murmured. Nico sniffled and his eyes were watery. He slathered a thick streak of purple across his nose.

"Couldn't have done it without you, Will."

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