Chapter 9

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"I could never hate yew, (Y/N)."


I was stunned at 2D's short, yet impactful sentence as it kept ringing in my head over and over again. I tearfully hugged him, and his arms wrapped protectively around my waist.

"Geez, I'm such a crybaby, aren't I?" I chuckled as I attempted to blink away my tears, which only caused them to spill. 2D hugged me a bit tighter, and then he stopped hugging me and held my face in his cupped hands as he wiped away my tears with his thumbs. I smiled slightly, resisting the urge to squeal with excitement as the lead singer of my favorite band wipes the tears off of my stupid face.

2D looked around the apartment curiously. Ah, that's right. This is the first time he's been in my apartment. Well, this isn't exactly the first impression I wanted him to have, but I'll think of something.

"Mind givin' me a tour?" Stu asked as he continued to look around. "Not at all! Let's go!" I smiled and exclaimed as if we were about to set off onto an adventure. I opened the door closest to me, the bathroom door. I walked inside the small bathroom and Stu followed. I waved my hand dramatically as if I was showing him something lavish.

"This is my lovely bathroom," I said in a falsely extravagant tone, causing 2D to chuckle. "Yes, a very lovely restroom indeed." 2D replied in a posh voice. I giggled and walked out of the bathroom with him and started to walk towards the kitchen. I started walking backwards and said, "and this is my also-lovely kitchen—"

Since I was walking backwards, I didn't notice the refrigerator behind me and bumped into it by mistake, hitting my head. I looked down at the linoleum tiles as I gripped in the back of my head in pain.

"Um, OW!" I exclaimed dramatically. "Are yew alrigh'?" 2D laughed. I looked up at him, only to see that he had a big smirk on his stupid face, one of his eyebrows were raised while the other wasn't. "Yes. I'm fine. It's not like I just hit my head on a fuckin' fridge—of course I'm not okay, Sherlock!" I exclaimed sarcastically as I flipped him off. This caused Stuart to laugh more. I groaned and decided that maybe walking backwards isn't the best idea.

I walked into the living room, showing him the black, leather couch and the small square T.V. that was propped on top of a small accent table. Lastly, I showed him my small-ish bedroom. My bedroom had a window and a few posters. Most of the posters were from a few of my favorite bands, and some of them were from some animes I liked. But the poster that caught 2D's eye the most was the big Gorillaz poster above my bed.

"I see yew really are just a big fangirl." 2D smirked. "No! It's not like that! I-I'm not that big of a fangirl! I just... r-really like your music, okay!" I protested, attempting to convince him that I wasn't just like literally every other Gorillaz fangirl. "It's kinda cute." Stuart said quietly as he smiled softly. I felt my face start to heat up as I crossed my arms and looked away from him. "Yeah, whatever." I grumbled.


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