Hide and Seek

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"Let's play! Anything! I'm bored!"

You jumped on Ichigo as he barley caught you in time in order to not fall down. "Right now? I just got back from hollow hunting..."

"Yes now! I'm always lonely when you go out and hunt with hollows..."

"I'm sorry... I wish I could take you along."

You shook your head, "It's okay. But, let’s play hide and seek!"

Ichigo groaned, "Why that game?! Let's play a board game or something else that doesn't involve me finding you over a long period of time."

"Too late!" You jumped out of his arms and ran down the stairs, "START COUNTING!"

Ichigo groaned deeply as he looked down at the ground, "1... 2... 3..."

Ichigo's pov

I finally counted down to thirty and started looking for (y/n).

'Maybe she can't hide well? Hopefully not because I'm tired and wanna take a nap. (y/n), doesn't understand how much hollow hunting I do...'

I headed downstairs and checked around the kitchen, living room, and didn't fine her. I went up to the roof, and still couldn't find her.

'Where the hell is she?! (y/n) better at this than I thought...' 

I looked inside my sisters and couldn't her!

Yuzu looked up and saw me by the door, "I big brother! Is there something you need?"

"Sorry Yuzu, but have you seen (y/n), by any chance?"

"Ummmm.... I don't think so."

"I know where she when."

I snapped my head in the direction of the voice, to my other sister Karrin.

"Well, where is she?!"

Karrin didn't look up from her game as she replied, "If you do my homework for me I'll tell you where she went."

I felt an irk mark appear on my forehead as I heard Yuzu gasp, "Karrin! You can't blackmail are brother like that!"

"Sure I can, do my homework for a month and I'll tell you where she went, Ichigo."

"Why you little..." I thought about the bed, and finding her would be easier this way then the longer way, "Fine... but only for a month!"

Karrin, smirked as he paused her game and looked up at me. I giggle escaped her lips, "She under your bed."


I ran to my room and looked under my bed, only to find a cute, giggling, (y/n), under there.

"How did you get under there?! I saw you ran down stairs!"

She giggled more as she crawled out from under it, "I hid under the couch, where you forgot to look for in the living room. After you when to check up on the roof I ran upstairs and hid down under it! And, you need to clean down there! There are dust bunnies down under there!"

I blinked, tired, "I don't care... I just wanna sleep..."

"But, That was only one game!"

"(y/n)!" I yelled making her jump a bit, "Please! Let me sleep! I'm tired from school and hollow hunting! So please, just let me sleep..."

(y/n) blinked at me, and then her (e/c) eyes soften, "I understand."

I sigh in relief, "Thank you..."

I crawled into bed and covered myself in blankets. I felt the bed press down before I felt the figure of (y/n) snugging next to me. I smiled and pulled her closer to me as I fell into a peaceful sleep, knowing my beautiful (y/n) was right next to me. I love her too much to let anything happen to her... because she my red soul ribbon.

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