The Twins and Lions

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"Uhh bro are you crying" said a girl.
"Yes, how can you not be Jelo, I mean the pride DIED"
"I know that but there is nothing we can do Melo, we need to go before hunters find us." Replied Jelo.
"Fine but what if there is one alive we must look."
"They were all shot! There's no way one survived!"

Just then a little tinny tiny whimper could be heard. The two froze and looked to where the sound came from. They slowly walked toward the noise and tried to find the source. Then Jello saw them. Two little cubs. They were tucked underneath their dead mother, whimpering and crying, not knowing what to do Jello moved toward them and sat down putting them on her lap. She stroked their fur and sang them a lulluby.

The little cubs started to call asleep as she sang. As Jelo sang she knew that they would have to be the ones to take care of them. She would let nothing harm them, no matter what.
"*sniff* I didn't know you could sing." Melo was wiping tears from his eyes.
"Why do you cry over everything?"
"HUSH or the hunters will find us! And the lions are sleeping."
"Well, are we going to keep them or what?" Melo asked confused.
"Keep them! Keep them! We are not just doing that, but we are going to care for them and make sure that they survive!" She startles Melo when she yells at him like that. "Anyway which one do you want."
"Uhh, what do you mean?"
"Well I'm not taking care of them by myself, am I?"
"Oh well I guess this one then." Melo pointed at the bigger lion, but when he touched it the lion turned green.
"Oh my gosh! What did you do to her!" Jelo yelled at him not knowing what else to do.
"Ahhhhh" while they yelled at eachother the lions woke up and they lions just looked confused. It seemed like Melo had taken ownership of the lion so in order to tell that that was his lion, she turned green. 

Meanwhile the normal cub just looked at his sibling wondering 'Are you sick or something?'. The little green cub was looking at herself admiring her new look. And boy did she love it.

"Oh dear Lord help us. Now I'm going to keep them away from you!" Jelo yelled at her brother

"Hey it's not my fault" he replied.
"Then who's is it"
"I DON'T KNOW!" As he was talking to her she bent down to grab the other cub. When she touched the cub he tured blue.
"What have I done?" She looked lighter than usual.
"...maybe It's normal?"
"I think I'm going to be sick"
"Well whatever we really need to go though. Come on, I'll grab the green one. You grab the blue.
"Fine" she said back "but I hope we find people soon to help us"

(A.N. SU DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. The only thing I own is Jelo Help and Melo. Along with the story. Pls Renner to vote and comment. Thank you)

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