Taking A Trip to Mount Glenn

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Sans Gaster Point Of View

My team, Team MEIT, and team RWBY are now at mount Glenn. Man, it was a stress trying to pack it up. I had to get a backpack to carry both team MIET and my team's weaponry. It is insane! I don't know how much I can stand it all. As we are on the ship, Oobleck that began to speak out to us all.

Oobleck: now then!

Oobleck began to speak ad he sips his coffee.

"Before we land, I believe it's time for some history!!!"

Weiss: "what does history have to do with this?"

Oobleck: my, what a preposterous question you silly girl, why history is the backbone of our society, and the liver, and probably the kidneys if I was to wager.

Emerald: "what in the world? That is so disturbing."

Ilia: "no kidding on that one."

Neo simply shrugged. May was looking at her guns, and Trifa just looked and listened.

Weiss: and that means?

Oobleck: "the southeast quadrant outside of vale is home to wild forests and deep caves, but it is also the location of one of the kingdoms greatest failures."

Ruby: "mountain Glenn."

Sans: "That is right, Ruby. originally it was an expansion of vale, but in the end it got overrun by the Grimm, it was then fenced off from the rest of the city as a dangerous hazard to step upon."

Oobleck: "that is correct!! You seem to have learnt a good amount of history."

Amber: "l guess you can say such things like that, Doctor."

Blake: "What do you mean?"

Everyone looked at Amber, before I spoke out to them.

"We didn't just simply visit it, we actually lived there for a bit."

Everyone was shocked at what I had just said.

RWBY/Oobleck: WHAT????!!!!!!"

Blake: "how?!"

Sans: "Well...back during the time when team RWBY, STRQ, and JNPR were trying to recruit me, me and Amber have been at the city for quite a long here. We have been trying to find out some rather, important stuff, very personal. As we kept looking for a place to find something, we came across a lady. She didn't show her appearance completely. She was wearing a white cloak, and has white hair. She told me about some stuff called the abyss, and that I have an important role to play in. Not sure what that is supposed to mean. But I felt that whatever she is taking about, it's very important."

Trifa: "Who was that person."

"I don't know. She did say her name is White. But something about her...it seems familiar for some reason."

Oobleck: I see, anyway, it now stands abandoned, as a dark reminder.

Blake: and a likely place for a hideout.

Oobleck: PRECISELY!!!!!

Everyone than covers their ears from his shouting.

Neo: Does he have to speak to loud?!

I just shrugged my shoulder, thinking it was a part of Oobleck, whenever a answer is correct.

The bullhead then descended above an abandoned city, RWBY, Oobleck, MIET, and my team jumped out of the Bullhead, with weapons ready.

Oobleck: Now Ladies and Gentlemrn, you all maybe students-"

Sans: "But at this day and moment, you're all four huntresses who are doing their first mission."

Yang: so the one we did in vale didn't count as one?

I shook my head no, as Amber spoke out loud.

Amber: "no it didn't count, since it wasn't one that we were ordered to do, anyway, you need to do exactly as Me, Sans, and Proffes-"

Oobleck: "It's doctor! I have a PhD!"

May: "Doubtful. Is is very hard to believe in such a thing."

Oobleck: well it's true.

Sans: "Anyway, just follow our lead, and you'll all be fine, okay?"

All of them nodded.

Oobleck: now then, let's leave the bags here and we'll come back for them later.

WBY did as they told but they soon turned to ruby who was hesitant.

Oobleck: Ms.Rose, please leave the bag here, we can pick it up when we come back.

Ruby: "Ummm, I can't do that.

Oobleck: "And why not?"

Ruby: umm...

As I looked at Ruby with a confused look, I looked down at the bag, and a sensed something. The aura, it feels so..so familiar in there.

Sans: 'could it actually be?'

I used telekinesis, and put the bag down. I than opened the zipper. When I unzipped, a dog's head came out of the bag...


I shouted in shock. It was Zwei, my adopted family's pet dog. Zwei is the only member of the family to actually like me. It even liked to chew on my scarves, but always phase out of his mouth, irritatingly. Zwei than jumped out of the bag, and began to lick my face so much.

"Hehehehehe...I missed you to!"

Oobleck: Miss Rose, We're here to investigate an urban jungle teaming with death and hostility and you bring a dog?!

Ruby: ummm we-

Oobleck: GENIUS!!!


Oobleck then rushes to Y/N and takes zwei off of him and holds him.

Oobleck: canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours.

He then started to spin zwei around while ruby stands proudly with her hands on her hips.

Ruby: "I'm a genius!"

I than floated above her, and patted her head.

"You sure are, little sis. You sure are a good genius. Thought I actually knew of this from the beginning, really."

Everyone stared at me with shock.

"I was studying privately."

As spoke out with shrugging. They each raised an eyebrow, but than decide to drop the entire subject down away.

Oobleck: Oh, yes. Straight to the chase, I like it!! As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a hotspot for recent Grimm activity, now there are several possible explanations for this behaviour, one of which being.... Grimm."

Everyone stared at him confused except for me, which I am making a crystal spin in the air, above my finger, making a light show. As I..."Hey author, mind helping out a bit?"

Author: "What?! How are you aware for what you're in?! Get back in the story!"

Sans: "You know what, forget about what I had said before. 3rd Person View Point!"

Author: "Wait!! Hold on a-"

Third Person Point Of View...

As everyone is silent, a dramatic tumble weed rolled behind them. Ruby than decided to break the silence and speak out.

Ruby: "Uhhh... no offense but duh!"

Sans: "He means the lone beowolf that's 100 yards from us right now."

Sans pointed at the Beowulf with his thumb, that is biting hard on a bone. Eveyone took at their weapons, minus me and Team SPAN, as well as Emerald and Trifa beside us.

Oobleck: "Stop, there are a number of reasons a Grimm would be congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which would be there attraction to-"

Sans: "I know, Professor. They react to Sorrow, Jealousy, Fear, Wrath, Pride, Greed, anything Negative that can attract the Grimm."

Oobleck: "Must you really have to interrupt me here, Mr.Gaster?"

Sans just shrugged his shoulder.

"Just wanting to help out."

Ruby: "So, what do we do now?"

Oobleck than gesture Sans to explain the purpose.

"Will you do so kindly?"

Sans: "Sure, we'll just wait it out, then we track it, if the Beowulf leads us to it's pack, then the pack will lead us to our targets.

Yang: "How long are we supposed to wait?"

Sans: "Unknown. Probably hours, days, maybe even weeks. Lone Grimm have been known to stand isolated for months- and there's the whole Gods dammed pack."

As he said that, more beowolfs appear.

Weiss: "Wait, what?!


Sans: "I guess they heard us speaking allowed, from even this much distance. Dang it, it's mission fail."

However, Sans knew what it actually is. They had sensed Amber's power, and most likely wanted to bring her to Salem. That is not good.

Blake: "What do we do?"

Sans than looked at her with a serious expression present.

"We go out and fight."

Sans than gets his Abyss Chain, Amber got her staff, and the others getting out their own uniquely powerful weapons. Team RWBY joined as well.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They got into a stance, getting ready to strike them. As they got close enough, Sans shouted this out.


The group that charged at the Beowulves present towards them.

Sans used his Abyss Chain to purify and turn them into stone. He than used his scarf like a shield, and than as a claw to cut them to pieces. Sans than leapt over one, and cut it in half.

Amber used her staff to set them ablaze. Than, she used her Fall Maiden Powers to send a lighting strike. She than made a miniature tornado to be trapped in.

Neo, Emerald, Papyrus, and May used a combination of Blades and Guns to mascaraed them. Neo, Emerald, and Papyrus than spun like crazy, and cuts the Beowulves to many pieces. May and Emerald shoots them in the heads, as they fall limp on the ground. It is so chaotically awesome from them to actually do. Trifa uses her webs to trap them, and throw them to the team, where they kill them and make work.

Ruby take out her to prepare it for shooting

Ruby: "Cover your ears, Zwei!"

Black lines race across the screen as a single Beowolf and smiling Yang run towards one another, ending with the blonde knocking it out in one fiery punch as they pass. Several stop chasing after the party girl to focus on Blake, who stands and waits with hand on her hilt until one of the enemy swipes at her afterimage, the real deal slicing her would-be attacker in half before slashing through another and cutting down on one more.

Behind the Faunus, Weiss runs from several black-coated beasts before jumping in the air and taking one down with Myrtenaster. She dashes towards them with rapier held high and slays four of them in a straight line until she stops.

A wave of Beowolves are converging on Ruby, but the scythe wielder shoots multiple bullets at the oncoming force... while Zwei is busy chasing his own tail. He stops to watch his owner fire forward and, after a dramatic mid-air stare-off, cut the single remaining Grimm in two.

Ruby than turns to Oobleck, lifting her weapon on her shoulder.

Ruby: "Heh. Piece of cake!"

Oobleck: "Do not celebrate yet, for I am certain this is the first bout of many."

Sans: "He's right. This is only the first time. We should stay in our guard."

Ruby nods her head, as Oobleck goes forward ahead. But not before speaking out.

Oobleck: "Shall we continue?"

Continue they do, as it cuts to Ruby cutting through the scene change, Blake slicing the previous shift, and a random slash going to the view of Oobleck rooting through a plant as Grimm parts fall around him. He is center in the faces of tired Huntresses.

As the newest batch of slain monster corpses start smoking, Oobleck than happily cries out.

"Excellent work, girls and boys! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector. Oh, well! Moving on!"

Yang: "Hey, Doc, y'know, I was actually looking forward to seeing a "pro Huntsman" in action. Like, fighting, or at least, helping us fight?"

Oobleck: "Ah, but I am in action! Scouring the ruins of this once-great city for any signs of irregularity! Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism, girls. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination! Remember, this is a job, and you all signed up for it. I do hope you understand that."

Yang:  Yang: Well, yeah...O-Of course!

Oobleck than turns around, and sips on his coffee with happiness.

Oobleck: "...hmmm."

The scene changes to the view of another victory for RWBY and their mentor amid the noise of fired shots, but switches again to Oobleck and Yang away from the group.

Oobleck: Tell me, Yang: Why did you choose this line of work?

Yang: Huh? Well, to fight monsters and save-"

Oobleck: "No, that is what you do. I want to know why you do it. The honest reason as to why you want to be a Huntress."

Yang: The honest reason? I'm a thrill-seeker. I want to travel around the world and get wrapped up in as many crazy adventures as I can. And if I help people along the way, then that's even better. It's a win-win, y'know?

Oobleck: I see, Yang. And your reasons, Mr.Gaster?"

Sans acted a bit hesitant, before finally speaking his mind.

"It's rather a...complicated reason. I have seen many bad stuff in the world, such as the corruption of other, the wars of Faunus and Humans, and the Faunuses themselves being discriminated, which I disapprove. I am not here to seek attention in this thing. My reason why I do such things is to fight for equality and acceptance. Something that nobody would actually do, as well as make them see what they're doing to other folks is so wrong. I will fight for those wronged, even if it means using my own body to protect, and even if it mean easing myself of my abilities."

Oobleck: "Hmmm...a theater noble reason, right to the end."

One claw-scratch transition later, Oobleck is sitting on a high windowsill writing in his journal while Weiss fights off Beowolves below.

Oobleck: And you, Miss Schnee? A girl born into fame and fortune such as yourself certainly doesn't need the extra work. So... why choose this over a cushy job in Atlas?

Weiss: "Exactly as you said: I'm a Schnee. I have a legacy of honor to uphold. Once I realized I was capable of fighting, there was no longer a question of what I would do with my life. It was my duty."

Oobleck: Interesting.

Oobleck jumps down into the next scene, where Blake slashes a door down and releases a swarm of small Nevermores from the building, which she back-flips under before she shoots them all with her blade's pistol form.

Oobleck: "And what about you, Blake? You seem to carry yourself with a sense of purpose."

Blake: "There's too much wrong in this world to just stand by and do nothing. Inequality, corruption... Someone has to stop it."

Oobleck: Very well. How?

Blake: "By the same way Sans like to use about his. Fighting for justice and sacrificing himself to save many lives."

Oobleck "Hmm's" to himself, then dashes away, leaving Blake to bow her head in troubled thought.

Later, Ruby is using her weapon in the most practical fashion and lifting a whole turkey on the sharp end of her gun to tease a jumping and flipping Zwei with. That is, until she spots her teacher watching, quickly sheathing Crescent Rose.

Ruby: Sorry! Uh... Are we ready to keep going?

Oobleck: Nope! I believe that will have to do for today. It's going to be dark soon.

Oobleck than suddenly throws his bag over to Yang and the others at a random person, who makes a sound when they catch it.

All 9 of you, set up camp in that building. Oh, and please do make sure there are no more of those... creatures. Your leaders and I are going to secure the perimeter. Come, Ruby, May, Sans.

They start walking away from the rest of RWBY, who each look at their leader, knowing what she'll be asked.

As Oobleck, Sans, May, and Ruby round the corner of a building, they saw something that makes Ruby say: Whaaaa...

They see a wide forest stretching below the ruin, and in the midst of it, a line of giant elephants with the black and white features of animals of darkness marching through the trees.

Ruby: "What is that? It looks so awesome!"

Oobleck: "That, my dear girl, is a Grimm."

Ruby than takes out her scythe and than activates the sniper mode.

"Let's kill it."

Sans: "Hold it, Ruby. That will only make it agitated, and we would get a stampede of those giant Grimms coming towards to our campsite."

Ruby: "But... What if it attacks us?"

Oobleck: "Fret not, Ruby; those Goliaths are not concerned with us. Ruby, not every Grimm is mindless, or rather not every Grimm is still mindless. You see, the Grimm you see before you are so powerful, so superior to the Grimm you fought, that they've undoubtedly lived hundreds of years, and in that time between killing humans and attacking our borders, they have done one important thing: They've learned. They've learned that when they attack our borders, they're likely to die, and what we lack in strength, we make up for in will, and that killing one human will only bring more."

As he says this, one Goliath swivels its thick neck to look at the figures watching their procession, eyes glowing as fiery red as any other Grimm.

Ruby: Then why are they still so close to the city? What are they doing?

Oobleck: Waiting.

As he says this, the Goliath turns its head forward again and moves on with its kin. Oobleck turns around and walks away as well, and Ruby puts away her weapon, not moving.

May: Doctor Oobleck?

Oobleck: Hmm?

May: A-Actually, I was wondering... Why did you want to become a Huntsman?

Oobleck: Look around and tell me what you see.

Ruby takes a look around.

Ruby: Lots of old buildings, uh, empty streets...

Oobleck: "I see lives that could have been saved. As a Huntsman, it is my job to protect the people, and although I am capable of doing it with traditional weaponry, I believe I can make a much larger impact if I do it with my mind. As a teacher, I'm able to take knowledge, the most powerful weapon of them all, and place it in the hands of every student that passes through my classroom. I look at this wasteland, and I see lives that could have been saved, but I also see an opportunity; an opportunity to study these ruins and learn from this tragedy, and therefore become stronger. I am a Huntsman, Ruby, because there is nothing else in this world I would rather be."

Oobleck spoke out, as he walks away, with Sans saying...

Sans: "an honorable purpose indeed."

Back at the building, the team has done as instructed, building a fire in the center of the room and huddling around it or standing up.

Yang: I can't believe we didn't find anything...

Blake: We've always been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. I guess we can't always have luck on our side.

Weiss: (Off-topic) "That's not what I meant."

Emerald: "Huh?"

Weiss: "Earlier, about... upholding the legacy. There's more to it than that."

Yang: Yeah... No, me too. I mean... I don't know."

Papyrus: "You are right, Weiss. There is more to simply upholding a legacy. It is about proving that you are worthy to uphold the legacy you carry alone. Sans wants to do the same for dad. He wants to prove that he is strong enough to protect those than can never protect themselves."

Trifa: "You are right. I agree to what Papyrus says."

Neo: me to as well.

As they all looked at one another, Oobleck suddenly comes rushing into the room.

"Ah, wonderful; a textbook campfire!"

Ruby: Fire!

Ruby than comes in behind Oobleck and immediately sits next to the blaze alongside Zwei.

"So... warm..."

Oobleck: "Very good! Eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns keeping watch over our temporary abode. Any volunteers for first watch?"

Ruby than lifts an arm while still looking into the fire, simply answering: Yo.

Oobleck rushes off, and Ruby gets up to go over to her lookout point.

Yang: "Hey, did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a Huntress? I mean... what did you tell him?"

Ruby: Hmm... No, he didn't. Weird. Oh, well; good night, guys!

Without a second carefree thought, she continues on her way. Of course, Ruby wants to keep it a secret, which I understand.

Yang looks disappointed in the lack of an answer. Blake is similarly troubled as she unrolls her mat, Weiss tries lying down but fails to sleep, Yang half-heatedly eats her dinner of bread rolls. Papyrus practice is sword arm, Trifa plays with her Webb's, and Emerald and May talk. Amber and I, we simply did other stuff, which I would rather not talk about. Soon, all 12 Huntresses are on their backs around the fire, weapons within easy access, wondering why they are there.

Ruby and later Sans, meanwhile, is sitting in the vacant windowsill of the room as Zwei goes over to her upon hearing the howling of Beowolves. She pets her pooch on the back.

Ruby: Don't worry. Things will be better tomorrow.

Sans: "Yes, there is always....a tomorrow."

Ruby, Sans, and their pet dog, Zwei, look out onto the rubble and stare in silence until the scene goes dark and as the Abyss Gem glows.

"Yes...a better tommorow."

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