Chapter : Twenty One Clearing The Mess Up

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Chapter : 21 

"What do you mean you left the trip without informing anyone?!" Mom asked me over the phone.

I winced at her shrill voice and turned to my right to look at Aarav who was driving. He passed me a look and shrugged as if to tell me : You started this mess, now you deal with it.

Sighing, I returned to attend the call.

"Relax mom, Jake and Darshan will let the teacher know about our silent departure from the trip once dawn breaks." I told mom.

Kajal gave me a thumbs up from the backseat.

"But driving at this hour... you both are too young. It's not safe, sweetie." Mom said her voice unsure.

"It's urgent ma!" Aarav yelled so that mom heard him.

"I'll call you in a while Mom," I told her and disconnected as the car neared the hospital.

Jake had brought his personal car on this trip and had happily handed us his vehicle when he learnt about the situation. Without Jake's help, I don't think we'd have succeeded in getting out of that trip. Kajal had planned on hijacking one of the college busses and driving it to the hospital. Of course, the idea had been immediately rejected.

I took a deep breath as Aarav drove into the white coloured complex. The atmosphere in the car suddenly turned tense as he parked the car in the lot. He turned off the ignition and dead silence enveloped us.

"Ready?" My twin asked me.

"Yeah..." I replied, nervous.

"Come on! Move!" Kajal bellowed as she climbed out of the car.

I smiled a small smile at her actions. I know that she's just trying to keep the situation light and throw away the tense vibes. Climbing out of the Ford, Aarav and I headed for the reception along with Kajal. Signing on the register, we three headed for the elevator. I kept tapping my foot impatiently as the elevator doors opened. We reached the fifth floor and headed for ward number E-504 as Apar had instructed us.

I noticed how the entire floor was empty. There were no floor staff, no nurses, no doctors and no people on the entire floor. It was all deserted; except for the two guards standing on either sides of the door to ward number E-504. Aarav and I exchanged a look with one another and he gave a little nod.

"Um...we needed to see AK" Aarav said and motioned towards the closed ward door.

"You're not allowed, there's no AK in here." One of the guards replied.

"Oh come on man! I NEED TO SEE HIM!" I yelled, unable to stay composed.

Kajal held me from behind, caging me in her arms before I caused some serious damage to the two guys in my frustration.

"Oye!" A voice reached us from the far end of the deserted corridor.

All of us turned to look at Apar standing a few feet away. His arms crossed as he looked at us with a frown. I quickly behaved and stepped back while Kajal loosened her grip and released me from her arms.

"Let her in." Apar said, gesturing at me.

The guards nodded and stood aside, one of them held the door open for me. Glancing back at Apar for once before entering the ward, I walked in while Aarav and Kajal stood back. Walking in, I closed the door behind me as I looked ahead. There he was, lying silently on the bed and a few translucent bags with some red fluid hung on stands beside his bed. I took silent steps and stood beside him. I noticed how a thin pipe was injected into his wrist which was connected to the bag of red fluid.

I sighed as I looked at that bluish-black spot on the side of his forehead. Raising my hand, I traced that portion lightly and a heavy feeling settled in my heart. His quick eyes were closed and seemed like he was deep asleep. The dark hair looked dishevelled and uncombed. I looked down at his arm as I took his warm hand in mine. His knuckles had been wounded and it looked like he had punched something really hard for multiple times.

I heard the door click open behind me but didn't bother to turn and acknowledge the person. I was too caught up digesting the fact that Ayushmann had gone through so much while all I did was ignored him.

"I found him unconscious when I reached the spot. He was all bloody, leaning against his car." Apar spoke as he stood beside me.

I tried and gulped down the lump in my throat and nodded weakly.

"The guys who did this... they left about a few minutes before I showed up. Ayush too retaliated for a while with punches and kicks but one of them hit him on his head with something heavy which caused him to black out. The people who witnessed it happen from a distance told me." Apar said.

I continued to look at AK. I traced my thumb over his knuckles as I held his hand in mine and combed his dishevelled hair with my free hand.

"I have a hunch that Ajay did it. He sent for the guys who cornered Ayush after he cancelled the entire release," Apar said.

I shot a look up at him with glossy, surprised eyes.

"Ayushmann...cancelled the release?" I voiced my thoughts.

Apar threw me a look.

"Um...of course, Yeah. He stopped the release midway and told people about you, the real lyricist of the album." Apar said.


I turned to look down at AK's bruised face when his fingers grasped my hand lightly. He's gaining consciousness!

"Apar...I think he's waking up!" I whispered.

"I'll go and call for the doctor," Apar said and hurriedly left.

I felt the burden over my heart lighten as he narrowed his eyes open. Disoriented, he looked about while I only sobbed happy tears. Yeah, I'm darn emotional a dummy.

"Tanya?" Ayushmann whispered.

"It's me...I'm sorry AK...I'm such an idiot!" I went on and on while he listened to me with a small smile, holding onto my hand.

Author's Note:-

I hope the chapter satisfied you guys :)

This is the last update after which I'll be unpublishing the book tomorrow from Wattpad for the issue regarding that Truyen Virus which is copying the works of author's on Wattpad.
Though I'll republish this book. So don't be worried. 

I'll most probably complete the book by then as well and you wouldn't have to wait for a daily update! (See? at least I'm being optimistic...)

Meet you on the next update! *AK hugs you as a temporary farewell*

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