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She's a babe, check her out ^-^ 

Thanks for the tag(S!!) btw!

↠ Yes

↠ Ann (What's it with tags and middle names? ^-^)

↠ 5' 2" and a half                      but my mom's 5' 2" and taller than me soooo

↠ Boring ass brown

↠ I cry inside 38-94 times a day 

↠ S h o t s like syringes like injections like needles

↠ Hobi's Baseline is playing and im living my best life 

↠ I-i d-don't ha-ave a p-pphone-

↠ welp-

↠ *silence*


bRB goING tO aDD a chAPTeR ♡

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