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Five years later, Hermione and Sally adopted five children. Two of them were boys and three of them were girls. It didn't matter their skin color, blood status, or upbringing. Hermione went back to Hogwarts to finish her last year at Hogwarts.

Later on, Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures where she was instrumental in greatly improving life for house-elves and their ilk. Sally was still singing with the Hex Girls. It was the only thing she was good at, after all. However, she stopped singing for a few years to take of their children.

Nineteen years later, Hermione and Sally were sending their children off to Hogwarts, as well as Ron and Kimberly, Ginny and Harry, and Pansy and Jane. Once their children were safely guided off the platform and onto the train, the Hex Girls would be starting another tour again. It would only last for three months, and they would all be able to go back home to their loved ones.

Hermione was already busy. She had been deemed the Minister of Magic. Even when Sally was home, Hermione would not be back until nearly midnight. Sally didn't mind waiting for her because they did almost everything together.

They rarely fought with each other. In their free time, they liked to cuddle and kiss each other. It was relaxing to them and they loved it more than anything else - besides their children, of course. But even if they did love it more than their children, they would never admit it.

All in all, they were completely satisfied with their lives. They felt as if nothing could ever go wrong, and it wouldn't because they had each other to depend on.

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