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Harry knew it would be impossible for Ron to find him and Hermione because of the protective enchantments. Harry and Hermione ate breakfast in silence. Her eyes were puffy and red. She looked as if she had not slept. Between not knowing where Sally was and losing Ron because of his grief of not knowing where Kimberly was, Hermione was absolutely devastated.

They packed their things. Hermione was purposefully dawdling in case Ron decided to come back. After all, three was better than two.

The muddy river beside them was rising rapidly and would soon spill over onto their bank. They had lingered a good hour after they would usually have departed their campsite. After repacking the beaded bag three times, Hermione seemed unable to find any more reasons to delay. She and Harry grasped hands and Disapparated, reappearing on a windswept heather-covered hillside.

The instant they arrived, Hermione dropped Harry's hand and walked away from him, finally sitting down on a large rock, quietly sobbing. He watched her, thinking he should go comfort her, but something kept him rooted to the spot. Everything inside him felt cold and tight. He kept seeing Ron's face everywhere, but he knew it was all an illusion.

Harry strode off through the heather, walking in a large circle with the distraught Hermione at its center, casting the spells she usually performed to ensure their protection. They did not discuss Ron or Sally at all over the next few days. Harry was determined never to mention their names again, and Hermione was thankful.

Unless Harry had good news about Sally or Ron, she didn't want to hear anything. She at least had the comfort of knowing Ron had been with them for a few weeks, but with Sally, she had no clue where she disappeared off to.

Hermione knew Sally would never go anywhere without Kimberly or Jane, and she hoped Sally would never go anywhere without her.

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