The Crash

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Unknown P.O.V.
The morning shined bright into Maddie's window as she woke up from slumber. She jumped out of bed excited for one of the last days of the month she would be at beloved Elbermont High School. It was quite odd she was so happy today. Had she forgotten what happened on this very day? Maybe she had forgotten about what happened a few years ago. I guess it is possible to forget the day that your boyfriend died. I'm sure you would like to hear the story now. I'll tell you the story that I know with all my heart. Before you read, I'll give you a warning to be nice. Beware of the dark and evil of life.

      It was a pitch black night for Maddie's boyfriend Connor. The headlights of his car guided his way through the fog. His voice kept within the car as he talked to his girlfriend Maddie. He listened to her voice coming out of the speaker in his car. They talked for about 15 minutes before Maddie had to hold the chat to a halt. She left the phone thinking that he wouldn't hear what was going on. A door opened after a ring. The laughter of a woman and man could be heard. The woman was known to be Maddie but, who was this man? Who was this man that made laughter escape from Maddie's pink tinted lips? The suspicion turned to anger as he heard three words escape his lover's mouth. The three words I love you being said to another man caused so much pain in his heart. The man's voice returned the love by saying the three words to her. A kiss had been dropped on Maddie's lips as the anger in Connor rose. He had heard their plans for a date now. As the woman who he once trusted and the unknown man discussed their plans with laughter, Connor had not planned what would happen next. His hands were removed from the wheel as he gripped his head trying to keep in the emotion. But, his fate was sealed as the vehicle lost range of motion and crashed.

      Connor's death spread all over the news. The wishes of peace were passed down to Connor's family. The news then went to Maddie, and her secret lover, Devin. The weep of sorrow escaped Maddie's lips now. Her regret of lying to the boy shook her up. The only ones who knew of the affair were the two. The fear of everyone hating them and blaming them, because they may have been the cause of the crash frightened them. What if Connor heard them? They thought about it the day he died. The two made a promise to never tell a soul of why he may have crashed. Maddie said all the words she could at Connor's funeral. She fooled everyone into thinking she was madly in love with him and wanted nobody else. The truth was Connor did nothing wrong. Connor was a kind soul, and she got bored and wanted someone else to plant kisses on her lips. I guess life isn't always a happy fairy tale.

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