Chapter 10

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You know what we forget?


A prologue.

Meh, we'll add it later.

"Dude! You turned Brenda into stone!" Minho surged forward, having to be held back by Newt, Thomas and Spruce to keep him from polarizing Chethytion. "Slim it!" Thomas yelled. Minho struggled for a few more minutes before he sent a glare back at Chethytion. The gorgon shrunk back, avoiding eye-contact with pretty much everyone. Minho pulled himself out of their grip, and crossed his arms. "I won't touch him," he muttered angrily. Everyone moved back some, just in case. Fi leaned against the stone wall, ragid breaths evening out, a gash the size of a dagger shaft. It had been bleeding fast, her heart slowing. They got Vanthus to wake up, to give them to cure. The slowed it down, but the cut was deep, and none of them knew, or had, something to stitch it back up.

"How do we change her back? That's kinda creepy," Spruce said, stealing glances at Brenda, still in her crouching pose, stone solid, literally. "Well, there is one place that has a cure. But I don't go there for reasons..." Chethytion trailed off, looking at his feet. "Where is it? We'll go, you can come if you want." Thomas demanded.  "I'll come, but only because I have history with one of the people there. It's called Keena's Palace." he said the name like it was poison. "Let's get to it then!" Spruce exclaimed, jumping onto a branch and surfing down it like he was on a wave. The others followed, just not like surfing stars, they jumped onto the branch and climbed down.

Loud, pounding music played as they neared a cave in the middle of a dank forest, the entrence covered by climbing roses. "Here we are. One more thing, if anyone asks you to dance, decline. If you need me, I'll be avoiding any werecats that look at me." Chethytion instructed, slipping inside the brightly light cave. "Y'all heard that?" Nods, "Alrightly then, let's go."

They went in like a group of celebrities. All eyes turned toward them. A person slide down a rope, stopping to look at them with an upside down perspective. The person was clearly female, her hair falling around her face. Cat ears stood out evidently, blue eyes, like a cat's, watched them. A smile spread slowly across her mouth. "Hiya! I'm Keena, care to dance?" she turned to Spruce at the end, who shook his head rapidly. A pout set on her face as she turned to Gal. "What'd about you? Care to dance?" she tried again. "No, thank you," Gal said politely. Keena's pout stayed, but she left them alone, others with similar cat-features asking them if they wanted to dance, the answer always being no. This went on for a while.

A crash cut the music off abruptly. "Mimimi sexy mi," the music started up, revealing a boy around 17 dancing. The people in the cave started to throw money at him. Chethytion watched, frozen. Thomas shook Spruce, giving him a signal to get Chethytion. "Hey! Is this someone you know?" he asked over the loud music when Chethytion was back over to them. "Y-yeah, that's Ace, Keena's twin brother. He and I... We go back." Chethytion shut up that moment, not sharing anymore details. "Is he the one that could help us?" "Yes." Ace himself had noticed the group, moving closer to them. When he got close enough, they could make out White hair, yellow eyes and white ears. A tail wrapped around Chethytion and pulled him toward Ace. "Long time, lover boy," Ace smiled seditiously. Chethytion blushed, letting Ace move him to the beat. Thomas raised an eyebrow. They let the two be, searching for someone else to help.

Keena showed up again. Her hair was also white, as were her ears. A cat's tail swayed back and forth behind her. "Need some help? I see my brother got the gorgon. God, he really needs to let Chethytion go!" She crossed her arms. "I'm guessing you need something that will reverse the effects of him turning someone to stone. Follow me," she began walking toward the back. The group shared looks, giving up on arguing until later, and followed her to the back.

"This is a club, so we have something to reverse almost every type of power that magical creatures come here with. Mainly gorgons and fairies." Keena explained, looking through bottles stacked in towers that could topple at any given moment. "Wait, how old are you anyway?" Minho interrupted her in the middle of a long history of how and why the club existed. "Oh," she turned to face them, a bored look scrawled across her feline features, "I'm 17, going on 18. And Ace is the same. He's my twin, in case you haven't noticed," she snorted, small but still strange, and mumbled about how her brother was a love sick playboy. "Can't keep a mate for more than a month!" she'd say often, throwing colorful bottles around the place. Luckily none of the bottles broke.

"AHA! Found it!" Keena yelled after a couple hours of shuffling through boxes, bottles and labels. Handing them a smoking glass bottle. "Careful, but one sprinkle of this should fix your stone-turned friend, lover, whoever." Keena clearly didn't look interested in knowing who the dust was for. Upbeat started playing again. Thomas didn't even notice that it had stopped.

"Um, there shouldn't be any music right now. Something happened. Come on!" Keena yelled through the blasting music. When they saw what the problem was, Thomas almost wished it was just people dancing. Nope, goblins. Hundreds of them. One had a rope around Ace's neck. "Lemme go!" he hissed, clawing at the person that held him. The goblin the held him was strong, beefy, covered in muscles. A smaller one held Chethytion, a cloth over his eyes. A few of the goblins were turned to stone. Clearly they found out he could do that.

"This is how it'll work, kitty-cat. Tell me where the humans are, and the gorgon won't get hurt. But don't," the large goblin spoke, a deep voice bellowing through out the cave. The smaller goblins closed in around Chethytion, keeping the cloth in place as they let him wander around blindly, clawing at the cloth. "Ace! Ace? Someone?" Chethytion continued to stumble around blindly, calling out for people to help him. Ace had his ears flat on his head. "Fine, I'll spill." he gave in. The head goblin nodded, a grin of victory displayed. "I always knew you couldn't give up the gorgon boy. Even after he was the reason you got cap-" "SHUT UP!" Ace screamed, closing his eyes. His ears were completely flat and his tail was wrapped around his torso, a sign of fear. 

Keena whimpered. "This is bad. Last time the took Ace, he was gone for years." she whispered. Thomas nodded, turning his attention back to Ace.

They had Chethytion being restrained. Ace kept glancing at him. "Where's the humans?" the head goblin snapped. Ace flinched, taking a step back. "They left. Took off north, to the Elf Queen. I don't know anything else! Please, just let Chethytion go." Ace begged. Silence, then the scuffling of bodies being pushed. A grunt. Chethytion must have been pushed toward Ace. A deep laugh echoed through out the club. "Heed this warning, kitten. Next time, you'll serve more than this." Ace's eyes widened. "No, please, not again." he whimpered, moving back against a counter. "Get 'em." was the only reply. Hissing and scratching sounds let lose, and curses from whoever earned the new marks. Then it stopped suddenly. Thomas didn't dare to look. A cat wail amplified as it became more pain-filled. Thomas squeezed his eyes shut, clamping his hands over his ears to stop the horrid noise.

"We have to help him!" Keena argued, her ears still flat on her head. Thomas shook his head. "We'll only get captured too. It's too risky." "All you humans are the same; only caring about yourselves." Keena jumped over the counter, attacking the goblins. Her cries of battle stopped shortly after they began. Thomas feared the worst. Before he gained the nerve to look, the goblins left.

What he saw next scarred him forever. No magic could help him forget.

Vanessa! Why're you crying?

Because! I dropped the history book on my foot!

Oh, I thought it was because Ace and Chethytion were in a dangerous situation and Thomas did nothing to help.

Well, that too.

Hey, this is 1438 words! Almost a new record!

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