Chapter 11

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What happened?

*claws at eyes* I WALKED IN ON THEM DOING IT!

Who? Your dads? Friends? Brother?


*winces* That sucks big time.

*dies on the inside*

God, you're soooo over dramatic! Anyway, let's begin!

Thomas froze. Keena lay motionless, a pool of blood growing larger around her. A hole the size of a fire deer hoof, which are roughly the size of a bullet, through the center of her forehead. "Oh my... That is sick," Newt looked over the counter as well. The club was a mess. Chethytion and Ace were no where to been seen. Neither were any of the guests that had been there earlier. Thomas guessed the others had been taken or they ran away, like any sensible person would do. Were they sensible?

If you said no, you're learning.

They looked around for clues that might have been left by goblins, Ace, or Chethytion, either on purpose or not, they weren't picky. "Over here! I found something!" Minho called from near the front of the cave. Thomas jogged over, stepping over the body of Keena. What he saw made complete sense.

Claw marks and snake bites. They'd been dragged or carried out. Small drabbles of blood were seen on the outside of the cave, going East. One of them had been injured and hadn't noticed. That or something way worse. "So, they went East. We know that one of them is hurt and bleeding. Any idea where they might be heading?" Newt asked, standing up from his crouching position. "I'd make a guess that they're heading toward the Goblin Kingdom. The Prince and Princess are known for invading clubs and stealing the dancers." Fi said, sitting over the entrence of the cave. She jumped down, stumbling. Minho let her lean half her weight on him, but she used him to regain her balance. Spruce tried talking reason into her head. "Hey, what're you doing out here? You should be in the base res-" Fi cut him off. "Resting? Please, that never saved anyone. And I saw the goblins carry the gorgon"-she wrinkled her nose-"and Ace as they ran past the cave. Vanthus had left probably hours after y'all left for Keena's Palace." Spruce gave her a look. As did Newt. "You should really get rest. That cut isn't gonna heal if you keep moving around." Newt pressed, trying to get her to see reason. Fi shook her head. "I'll rest like the rest of you- when night falls and I need sleep." she waved other arguments off. "We can worry about me later. Oh, and Brenda, you can come out now dear." A ruffle in the leaves, and Brenda dropped down, completely human, not a speck of stone on her body. "What? Do I have something on my face?" she puzzled, wiping her face.

"Bren, no. You've got nothing on your face. We were just surprised that you turned back to normal without the antidote." Sonya smiled a nervous smile. Harriet wrapped an arm protectively around Sonya's waist. "Harriet! I can take care of myself!" Sonya whined. Newt snickered, earning a peck on the cheek from Minho. He blushed, looking away. "So, when did those two couples get together?" Brenda asked, smirking at how Minho was teasing Newt and Harriet being protective of Sonya. Thomas cocked his head to the side, counting in his mind. "Pretty sure it was during our mission to get you the antidote." he explained. "It's about time," Spruce muttered. Fi hit his arm. "Ow!" he yelped, rubbing the spot. "Guys, we have Chethytion and Ace to rescue." Newt and Sonya pointed out.

After hours of trudging through a pitch black forest in the dead of night, they came across a castle. The exterior itself looked like it was falling apart with every breeze, if a breeze even blew around here. They had surveyed the outside walls the night before.

"So, we break in, rescue Chethytion and Ace, find out what the goblin kids what and hightail it outta there?" Brenda asked after they had brought her back up to speed with what was happening. Thomas gave her a look. "Slim it Tomcat." she said, rolling her eyes.

"Halt! You need an invite to join the party!" The goblin that held the rope Ace was tied to boomed. A trio of fairies had shown up to the door, giggling and gossiping. They were dressed like they were going to party at Keena's Palace. Thomas felt a surge of pain flow through him. No one would got back to Keena's Palace if they failed their mission. Fi shuddered. "Guys, we need an invite to get in." "I got it covered," Fi said, holding up three invites. The trio below were searching for their invites. Brenda and Thomas exchanged glances, having a debate as to whom was about to go into a party looking like they belonged. "Dudes, chill. We were gonna see who was most comfortable going in." Newt explained, eyeing the black envelopes wearily.

After about 2 hours of changing, it was finally Brenda's turn. She came out wearing a black dress that hugged her body nicely, cutting off at her lower thigh. Black cross heels were paired with it, along with a black and silver clutch. She looked stunning.

"Yeah, no. You look uncomfortable. Minho, you're taking her place." Newt decided, shaking his head. Minho smirked. He, Sonya and Fi were the ones going to sneak into the party. Everyone else, they were hiding along the walls, waiting for the signal to drop in and get the others out. "Let's get going, this is a party that will last for only a few days, a week tops." Fi claimed, her tight midnight blue dress shimmering in the dim lighting.

Walking up to the dark castle, again, they presented the envelopes to the bouncer, the girls holding their heads high and walking with authority while Minho walked between them, his arms snaked around their waists. Now all they needed were sunglasses(Hush Vanessa! I'm narrating right now! Are not!) They walked in, everyone turning to stare at them. Fairies whispered with each other. Elves muttered among themselves. Goblin servants glared at them as they walked past.

"Who're you?" a goblin girl sneered, giving them a look. "I'm the Princess of Elves. Whom are you?" Fi countered, her tiny nose turning red at the tip. The other girl shrank back. "If you must know, I run the party entertainment." she said, pointing her nose in the air and walking away. They looked around, the guests had stopped mingling and turned their attention to the front. A boy and girl walked out, smug looks on their green faces. "People! We give you our newest dancer! Ace!" the boy shouted proudly. Ace walked out, his yellow eyes narrowed at the two. Unexpectedly, he lunged at them, knocking the guards away. "Where is he?" Ace growled, pinning the girl to the ground. "I'll never tell." she spat, head-butting Ace. He stumbled back, shaking his head. "Stop!" the boy shouted, regaining his wits faster than the girl. Ace stood there, in a position that showed clearly that he was ready to pounce.

"Make. Me." he hissed.

"Guards!" Goblins swarmed him, tangling him in ropes and a collar. Wails and cries swept through the room. When it stopped, the guards were dead.

And Ace stood in the center, blooding and panting heavily.

Sonya ran forward, her loose-fitting skirt flying around her feet as guests pushed away from her. Ace was taken by surprise, which allowed her to knock him down without getting a few new piercings the hard way. "Let me go!" he wailed, squirming. Sonya rolled her eyes, keeping him pinned down. "Ace, it's me, Sonya. You called me blondie?" she tried. Ace stopped squirming, for a bit.

The guests had gotten back the idea that this wasn't part of the show. "Get them!" a man cried, raising a fist into the air. "That would be our que." Minho stated, yanking Ace and Sonya back to their feet. "We can't leave Chethytion!" Ace protested. "Don't worry," Minho assured, "We won't leave your boyfriend here." Ace blushed, but kept quiet.

"This way!" Ace swerved to the left, narrowly missing the wall in his mad dash to free Chethytion. They all stopped in front of an iron door, sealed with an iron lock. "He's in here. I heard things happening, but I never saw him." Ace explained. "The few times I tried breaking in, they found me and beat me." "Sonya, please do the honors." Minho said, stepping aside. Fi followed his example. "The mortal can open goblin-wielded iron?" Ace puzzled in amazement. "Just watch," Minho grinned. Sonya stepped back, and started running at the door with a mighty "HIYA!", and the door fell in easily.

"Wow" was all Ace could manage.

A groan caught their attention. "Chethytion!" Ace called, bolting at the cause. Not even a moment later, he reappeared, carrying the gorgon in his arms. Chethytion looked worse for wear. His clothes had been ripped and throw across the hard-packed dirt floor. Cuts and bruises littered the frame of his body. "Come on, before guards notice the ballroom is a complete mess." Sonya stressed, pointing at a loose brick that shock out of place easily.

They crawled through with ease, Ace wouldn't let anyone touch Chethytion.

"Guys," Sonya knocked on the wood of the tree that acted like their base. "What?" Spruce stuck his head down from the branches, an annoyed glared sent at them. "We've got them," Sonya declared, pointing at the two behind her. Spruce fell out of the tree. Sonya, Minho, and Ace looked down on him. "I'm good," he whispered. "We better get going then, 'cause we have some unwanted visitors."

They turned around. Sure enough, the lead goblin was chasing them, a new gang following behind him like baby ducks following their mother.

"Shit. Go, I'll hold them off and join you." Fi instructed, throwing rocks at their visitors. Minho and Sonya helped Ace boost Chethytion on to a low hanging branch, climbing up after him. Fi jumped into the tree long before the goblins knew what was going on. By the time they had reached the tree, Gal had the leaves arranged like a blanket, everyone else stayed as still as possible. Ace held his breath. Finally, the goblins left. Ace released his breath.

"Dude, breathe." Spruce said, sarcasm laced in his words. Ace struck out his tongue, ignoring Spruce altogether.

Well, that was different?

Shut up Shade. I'm not talking to you.

Vanessa, you've done this already.


And you broke it by the next time we had to narrate!

*sticks nose in air and huffs*

Ugh, never mind. You'll talk to me again.


Probably. And this is 1816 words. Later

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