Chapter 15

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"So, who are you?" Newt mocked, throwing a stone in the direction of Zarall. He caught the stone, eyeing it warily. "I've known you for less than a day, and you insult me. What'd I do?" he whispered, handing the stone to Iaoth so she could see it. "Woah, stone of love. Just what he needs right now! Not." she rolled her eyes, throwing the stone back at Newt. "Wha-" he was confused.

"We should probably introduce ourselves. I'm Iaoth, the Angel of Plague. It is my reasonability to insure that people get punished and that history does not repeat. I use the Swallow, a weapon shown to destroy an entire human, just like many plagues. It is why I let no mortal grasp the leather of its shaft, for they will die a horrid death." she stated, her long, jet-black, wind-like hair lashing out oat random places. The piece of cloth clamped to her shoulders stayed still, while her knee-length loincloth bellowed in non-existing wind. Thankfully, it never flew higher than her thigh, otherwise someone would have a bloody nose. Zarall stood next to her. "I am Zarall, Angel of Famine. I create food shortages and causes people to fiend for their lives. I've seen families fight to the death during a famine that could have been prevented. Whenever wars begin, I make the opposing side sure that they have food, but in the middle of battle, Iaoth and I strike, sending plagues and famine through the flanks. We've been known to fall in love with a mortal that refuses to give up because of the hard times. Those are the ones that stay alive and prosper. We allow them to reproduce, giving away some of our soul to them. We never stop the death or the pain, only cause more, because every time we give away a part of our soul, we give away some of our halo. And that is a crime punished by death and banishment." Minho cleared his throat, asking what everyone was thinking.

"Then why attack Mazy and Brenda? What did they do?" Zarall picked up the stone Newt had thrown at him earlier. "The girl should not be alive. And the dragon, blind and deaf have no place in this never-ending war. We rid the world of them, sending them to join our ranks of Angels. If we had allowed for the girl and dragon to be killed, we risk the safety of our troupes. That is something one must never do."

The group nodded, knowing that blindness and deaf are a weakness that can get you killed. "I respect the attempt at murdering us, but tell one reason Brenda or I had not fought back or showed signs of weakness." Mazy hissed, glaring at the angels. Iaoth looked taken back. "The blind one knows where we hover?" "Yeah, it's not that hard when you reek darkness and death. Your wings gave you away. If I can sense you, so can he." Zarall looked worried. Whispering rapidly to Iaoth, he drew his fans. Not opened yet.

"Though you showed power and courage, there is always a time when it retreats to the home of the heart. That, dragon, was why we were sent to kill you."

"Wait!" Brenda snapped, her hand on the hilt of her sword. "We fought goblins, dragons, fairies, a psychotic mermaid-no offence Gal-and who knows how many other deadly things! We saved that feline-"she jabbed a thumb at Ace over her shoulder-"Saved the gorgon I don't care how many times, rescued the elf from drowning, helped the mermaid gain her powers and yet we are still wanted dead?" Everyone stood quiet for a moment or two.

Finally Chethytion broke the silence.

"If we're going to work together, we need to try and fit in with the neighboring villages as we pass through for things, like food, water and rope for trapping. We'll need normal names, ones that don't send people running in the opposite direction. I'll be Cheth." he stated, rising from the log he sat on next to the fire. Gal nodded. "We really should. I'll May, not the month!" the boys chuckled. This continued until everyone had a fake name.

Brenda was Beth.

Thomas was Tom, because hell, no one will be able to tell the difference!

Ace was Ace, he refused to change his name.

Mazy was Mazy, again the name thing("No one even thinks the Legends of Badr are even real! Besides, those legends don't even tell the right names!" he protested.)

Harriet agreed to be called Harlit. Sonya went with Siva, not sure why, Newt is Isaac, Sonya, Thomas and Minho burst into laughter at this, Minho is Min, again Newt burst into laughter at this, Brytin claimed to go as Bry(that got many laughs), Horri as Harly, Tuvud called herself Tuv, Zarall muttered something along the lines of Zar. Iaoth said Glora through her laughter. Fi was the only one that was confused.

"I don't understand, what's wrong with my name?" she growled, crossing her arms. All eyes turned to Gal. She sighed, seeing that there was no way to escape the death trap they had laid. "Fi, honey, nothing is wrong with your name. It's just that, because we have to pass off as humans, we need human-like names. Spruce is staying Spruce only because he's a tree, we can just carry his sapling."


"Oh, you know it's true!" Gal snapped, "Anyway, Fi is an elfish name, sorry, and that would give away where we are to our enemies." Fi rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll be that weird human 'Fiona', but on one condition; no human clothing." Brenda grinned. "Deal!"

"You filthy, lying, backstabbing children of dew-drinkers!" Fi growled, holding the end of her green dress. The leather corset was set near the top, holding the folds of the dress to her waist. Fi had kept her pouch, crystals, vest and boots. The only thing that was really different, besides her clothes, was her hair. The amber hair was braid over her right shoulder, beginning at the top left of her head. Thanks to the design, it hid her ears well. Sonya and Harriet had similar clothing, Brenda was dressed like a traveling belly dancer. Fi, Horri and Iaoth were dressed like fire breathers/sword swallowers with white-grey tunics that Chethytion helped them put on. Gal, well she looked like one of the thieves that followed the circus around and actually works for them by pickpocketing people with a green shirt, black leggings, a teal hood and cape, and a wrist guard the color of stained purple flowers and blood. Tuvud was dressed like a barmaid, in a short white tunic with gold details, yellow flats, flowing sleeves that reached to the ground and a golden necklace that held the dress up. "Ugh, I get to be eye candy and pickpocket the drunk men and queer women? Yay, feeling so special!" She had some serious sarcasm.

Spruce, Mazy and Chethytion dressed like trick shooters, complete with a gun!, wearing leggings, a tight shirt and calf-high boots. Chethytion wore a hat and bandana to cover his snakes for hair. No use having a fake ID if a power will give every living thing a flare that says 'Hey! These people are magic! Let's get them!'. Ace, Minho and Brytin dressed like beer sellers, the tannish pants, white shirt, brown ankle boots and messed up hair. Minho was against anyone touching his hair. Zarall took up the other position of a barmaid, looking feminine enough to pass as female. He was dressed the same as Tuvud, with a veil of silk across his lower face, running from his left ear to the right one. Thomas was being a swordsman, dressed in normal leather and green clothing, normal shoes(By normal, we mean like cheap dress shoes.) Newt was acting as the owner, keeping his clothing completely the same, just adding a belt.

The plan was to act like they were apart of a traveling cavern, with drinks and entertainment.

"So, we're acting like we don't belong but we do belong at the same time?" Zarall nodded, his fans clipped to the sides of his barmaid disguise. "Pretty much. We're gunna go into the next village and see if this idea works. Since we already stole a cavern on the way here. Tomorrow, we sneak into Axing!" Newt grinned, leaning against a tree. The others followed his example, lying down to sleep.

Omg, this is 1414 words!!!


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