Chapter 3

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Brenda groaned, the day's journey finally  catching up to her.

Dragging herself over to the bed in her guest room, she threw her body on to the soft fabric. A smile stretched across her face as she kicked off her hiking boots, followed by her jacket.

Forget the sword, she always had it by her side.

A knock sounded on the door.

"Fuck off, Aris," she yelled into the pillow. The door opened anyway. Growling, she lifted her head, ranting at whoever had just entered into her room after she told them to fuck off.

"Look, Aris, I told you to fuck off. So, if you'd be so kind as to..." her sentence died in her throat. She was speaking to Princess Teresa. "Um, hi," Teresa said awkwardly. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I thought you were my brother and he usually doesn't leave me alone unless I tell him to fuck off." Brenda explained, giving a weak smile at the end. Teresa burst into laughter. "That's alright, I do it to Tom all the time," Teresa plopped down on the bed next to Brenda, sitting in comfortable silence.

"Have you ever seen a dragon?"

That surprised both of them. "What? A dragon? Nope, I'd love to, though." Brenda sighed, wondering what riding a dragon would be like. "You should ask Fi Farrieth, she's an elf, so she knows what the forest holds. Probably ridden a few dragons." Teresa replied casually.

"You know an elf?"

"Yep, and a dwarf, fairy, imp-" "An imp? Like in stories?" "-Yes, now shut up and let me finish. I know a dwarf, fairy, imp and mermaid." Teresa took a breath, regaining her composure. Brenda looked at her, eyes wide, mouth a gap. "Sheesh, I scare the princess before Fi even shows up. It's a new record!" Teresa snickered at her own joke, and snapped her fingers in front of Brenda's face. Brenda jumped. "That's... That's awesome! Could I meet Fi?" she stuttered out. Teresa nodded, pointing to the door. "Actually, here she comes now."

The tune of whistling filled the hall as a girl with amber hair, forest green eyes, porcelain skin and pointed ears walked in. The weirdest part was the fact she was dressed in bark and leaf green fabric with no shoes. Oh, and the fact she was holding a willow tree bow in her hand with a quiver of arrows on her back.

"Good morning, my Princess. Hello person I don't know," the elf spoke sincerely. Teresa rolled her eyes at the elf. "Fi, this is Brenda, the princess I told you about. Brenda, this is Fi, the only person that managed to beat my brother in a duel." Fi perked up. Moving to inspect Brenda, she looked at her ears the most.

"Strange, I've yet to see your kind with pointed ears, Princess. Are you sure they are normal?" Fi questioned, her green eyes narrowing in confusion. "Yes, Fi, she is normal." Teresa reassured her. Fi didn't look convinced. "You're positive she's not a pixie?"

"Woah, slow down. I'm not a pixie, I swear on my best sword." Brenda was beginning to get uncomfortable with the elf questioning about her ears. Fi's eyes unnarrowed, and a smiled spread across her face. "Well, I'll be hexed! A princess who swears on her best sword! That's a new one!" she laughed. Brenda felt her face grow warm. Everyone always thought she was the average princess. "Yeah, and I'll run you through with it if you think I can't even hold it." she growled. Fi's smile widened. "Great! I just love when princesses visit for the hand of Prince Thomas. They're always begging to see an elf, but when I show up they started screaming. It's great to finally meet a princess that loves a sword more than a pair of shoes." Fi grinned. "Um, thanks?" Brenda asked. Fi turned toward Teresa, whispering something. Brenda could only make out bits and pieces.

"Is she the one?"

"-Don't know, maybe?"

"-Must wed soon! The king needs have a bride by the next moon!"

"Wait, the king needs who to have a bride by the next moon?" Brenda stepped forward, confused as ever. Fi stepped between Brenda and Teresa.

"You need to go, now," the elf said coolly, her green eyes getting darker by the second. Narrowing her eyes, Brenda moved forward. "And why should I?" Faster than her eyes could proses, Fi had her bow drawn and an arrow inches from her face.

"Leave. Now. Or thy blood will stain thy room." Fi hissed, her muscles tensed, ready to release the arrow from the bow. Brenda hessitated, then moved slowly to the door, Fi and her arrow following.

"Why? What did I do?" Brenda hissed. The arrow flew, barely grazing Brenda before it enbeded itself into the wall next to her head. A second arrow was already nocked, ready to finish the job.

"Go, now. We shall talk later. Now is not safe. To the forest at the bewitching hour, no later or you will cease to live. Fair well, Princess," Winds swirled around Fi as she spoke, and a moment later, Fi and Teresa were gone, leaving only the arrow enbeded next to Brenda's face as a reminder that she almost got her nose pierced the hard way.

"What happened!? Where is my daughter!?" Uh oh, the Queen found her. Thomas and Aris stood in front of the Queen. Aris locked eyes with Brenda and he understood what needed to be done. Brenda climbed onto the window's edge, waiting for her brother. Grabbing Thomas' hand, Aris followed Brenda. A quick nod later, and the trio jumped threw the window, the crashing sound the only thing that the guards and Queen noticed.

"Guards! Find them! They kidnapped my daughetr, Princess Teresa!" the Queen shrieked. The guards exchanged looks, running out the room.

Great, now our heroes are wanted by the Queen.


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