Chapter 1: Your Type

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SO here is another JJK fanfic.  Currently, counting this one, I have three published JJK fanfics.  One is still ongoing.  AND then I have ANOTHER one that is still being worked on, I'm going to try and build up a few chapters before even publishing it.  Just like I did with "Unexpected Variable" I still have a few chapters that I already have typed up, just need to revise and change a few bits of it, and then update.

Anyways, I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.



The three sat in silence outside sitting on the grass, all in silence looking at one another.  One not particularly giving a care about what was going on, and the other two were more than eager for what was going to happen.

Nobara leaned forward towards Yuuji, "Hey, what's your type of woman or man?"

Yuuji raised an eyebrow, feeling the question all too familiar, "A tall woman with a big butt.  Like Jennifer Lawrance." Yuuji responded within a heartbeat.

Nobara tapped her chin, "Very different answer compared to Fushiguro.  Though Fushiguro's was a better answer.  More common sensed."

The person in question merely sighed feeling bored at the topic.

Yuuji turned his head towards Fushiguro, "Fushiguro, what's your type?" He asked curiously.

Resisting to rub his temples and roll his eyes, Fushiguro answered with the same answer he had given to Todo, "I don't have a particular preference.  As long as she has an unshakable character, I won't ask for more." He answered.

Nobara nodded in approval, "He had a good answer.  If he had said he liked someone with a big butt and breasts, I would punch him." Nobara then unfolded her legs and kicked Yuuji, "Not like someone over here."

In turn Yuuji and Fushiguro turned their gaze at Nobara.  They were both curious, though one wouldn't really admit it.

"So then what's you're type?" Yuuji asked her.

Kugisaki hummed and tilted her head, "Someone reliable, good character, nice personality and .... good looking too." She listed off as she counted them off on her fingers, "And knows how to cook."

'Sounds like she's describing Itadori.' Fushiguro thought with a deadpanned expression.

"But now a days, it's difficult to find someone like that.  Men can't appreciate when they see a beauty." She sighed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm stuck with you two and Gojo-sensei.  If his attitude was a bit different and a bit younger, Gojo-sensei would be alright." She honestly thought that Gojo was good looking, but his childish actions were a turn off for her.  Though she wouldn't deny that he was reliable when needed and pretty funny and cool too.

The two felt mildly insulted at that, but they didn't really care at that.

Before any of them could say anything else, an all too familiar voice run out besides them, "Why would I change?  Everyone loves me like this."

The three turned towards Gojo who was standing there smiling from ear to ear, "They love me so much they can't contain their happiness." He exaggerated.

'That's definitely not true.' Fushiguro and Kugisaki thought.  Though Yuuji thought Gojo was amazing, and honestly thought everyone liked him, sometimes.

"Gojo-sensei, what's your type?" Yuuji asked as he peered up at Gojo with curiosity.

Fushiguro didn't care, and Kugisaki was interested to know.  Gojo folded his arms and looked at them in silence.

He then smirked, "Well .... my type is ...." He slowly said keeping the two interested first years on edge waiting for his response, "A secret." He pointed a finger at them and laughed.

He laughed even more at seeing the expressions on Yuuji and Kugisaki, "But I like you guys.  I like all of my students.  Aren't I a great teacher?"

Fushiguro scratched his cheek and turned away from Gojo, already expecting an answer like that from him.  From being near him for many years, he pretty much expected the strangest things to be said by their teacher.

Gojo sat on the ground next to them wanting to hear more of their 'gossip' and said in a whispered voice barely enough for them to hear, "I've always believed .... love manifests the most distorted curses."* 


From there Yuuji and Kugisaki made it their mission to ask everyone on campus the same question, "What is your type?"

Gojo following along for the fun of it to see how it turns out, since there was no way he wanted to miss something so fun.  And Fushiguro who was pulled into this unwillingly, but he was curious as well.

When Maki was asked, before she could answer, Panda muttered, "Someone like Yuta." And held back a laugh, while Maki hit him as hard as she could.**

Maki didn't really have a preference much like Fushiguro.  Though she would prefer someone who wasn't like those from the Zen'in family.

Panda .... they didn't really want to hear what he had to say.  Especially Maki, since it would be weird if a panda had a preference in someone.  Unless it was for another panda, according to her.

But to their surprise, Panda did in fact have a type.  Someone who would like to sit out in the sun with him when he aired himself out.  And that was nice as well.

Inumaki, he would like someone who would understand him and be patient with him and not judge him for his cursed speech.  And also have a really nice personality and cute.

"If only Yuta was here." Panda lamented, "Though I already have an idea of what he would say." He sighed.

"What would he say?" Both Yuuji and Kugisaki asked.

Panda looked at them for a few seconds, "Rika." And that was it.  Only those knowing what he meant really understood, "She's ....  a childhood friend of his."


I found it kind of interesting in typing up this chapter.  When typing this up, when I started typing about Gojo's type, I remember seeing something mentioned in the manga, in Jujutsu Kaisen 0.  So, I started reading it.  FINALLY! I've had the manga since December and had yet to read it, but now I just finished it.

THIS IS A MINOR SPOILER FOR JUJUTSU KAISEN 0.  But really won't change much if you know since these parts really have nothing to do with the main series.

* In Jujutsu Kaisen 0 manga, Gojo says to Yuta that he believes that love manifests the most distorted of curses.   This was on page 56 in the manga if you're curious, if you want to read it.

To explain what he meant by that, when in love or have affection feelings for someone, your emotions are strong.  And depending on it, your love/affection can turn into a morbid one that can turn into a curse.  For example, Gojo, if he ever really did fall in love with someone, and his emotions got out of control somehow either because something happened to that person, or he did something.  And him being the six eyes user and being the strongest with an immense amount of cursed energy.  His abilities may go out of control and cause some problems.  Or maybe end up cursing someone.  Not sure, but yeah.

AND in page 30 of volume 1 of Jujutsu Kaisen, in the short introduction sections of the characters, for Gojo it says.  1. "He started eating sweets as a way to stimulate his brain but ended up with a sweet tooth" (so basically a way to help with technique or concentrate.) 

2. "He can do anything he tries, so he tries not to get too involved with anything.  According to him, this is all for the sake of the next generation." (It either means that he doesn't want to get so involved in things and end up attached and getting out of control, or he doesn't want to get involved because he wants his students to grow and get stronger without depending on him.)

** Panda saying "someone like Yuta" it refers to something in JJK 0 as well, in page 70 in the manga, Panda asks Yuta about his preference, NOT in what type of women, BUT, in what size of breasts he likes.  Small or big.  And Yuta being all serious, says he didn't have a preference, but he would go with medium sized.

And panda thinking that Maki liked Yuta, gave a sign to her saying that she still had a chance with him.

As for Rika, she was indeed a childhood friend of his.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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