Chapter 2: Better Than You

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This is the last chapter, I think.  Well, that's what I intend for it to be anyways.

I've been having idea after idea of JJK fanfics, and I just can't concentrate on my other work at all!!  So, I just might as well get it all out and done with.  I'm just going to hurry up and finish this up, and I hope that I don't get any more ideas so soon after this.  Which will be an impossible hope.  Because I know that I'll be getting another idea off of some random thing I see on t.v or read.

Anyways, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.



Changing into his pajamas, which were just shorts and a plain t-shirt, he laid in bed trying to relax his tired body from the day.

He fixed his pillow to a position he liked and then picked up his phone.

Scrolling through the various posts and pictures on his phone he read and saw each on carefully.

He was upset for a while when he found out the Jennifer Lawrance had married, but now he's glad that she's with someone she likes.

But that sure didn't stop Yuuji from hoping to meet her one day and telling her how much he liked her.

If only though.

"You'll never be able to get her attention."

Sukuna's voice came from Yuuji's cheek which in turn made Yuuji drop his phone smacking him right in the nose.

"Sukuna!  What the heck is wrong with you!?" He exclaimed in surprise as he picked up his phone.

"That woman in that screen, you'll never be able to get her attention." He said again.

Yuuji sighed as he set the phone beside him and sat up, "Like you're one to talk.  She wouldn't like you either.  Who would want a crazy, bloodlust filed curse." He remarked.

He could almost hear a scoff in his mind as he heard Sukuna speak again, "In my reigning era, I had women at my feet!"

Yuuji argued back, "Yeah, because they were probably sent to you against their will by their families as some sacrifice to save themselves!"

"You wouldn't know how great, powerful and amazing I was."

In truth Sukuna did kill man women and children, but he did have a lot of women for his own at some point, but only for a short while.  And all of them had been given to him as an appeasement offering.  But there were some insane women who would go to him of their own free will.

Yuuji rubbed at his hair and sighed.  He picked up his phone once again and flashed the photo of Jennifer at Sukuna, "Do you think that a beauty like this, would want to be at your feet?  And anyways what would you even be able to offer her, something that wasn't death, blood and torture?"

Sukuna was quiet for a few seconds, "Of course I have power.  And besides I'm better than you."

Yuuji nearly bit on his own tongue, "Better than me?  Hello excuse me, you're a curse, stuck in MY body, and she's a human being."

"You have to admit that when I take over, this body suits me much better and looks better as well." Sukuna countered back.

It was something that he didn't want to accept, but it was slightly true.  It was true, that Sukuna's voice had a certain tone that some would find attractive, and that maybe just maybe Yuuji's body did seem to fit perfectly well with Sukuna.*

"Let's just drop this okay." He sighed, then he thought about something from the other day, "Hey, what's your type?"

Sukuna knew what he meant by asking that.  Sukuna had heard everything that everyone else was saying about their type of person they liked.

"Why should I tell you what type I like?"

"Well, you already know the type I like."

No answer.  Yuuji thought that Sukuna had left and wouldn't even answer him at all.  But he was wrong.

"I don't have a type.  But I'd prefer someone who isn't weak and breaks easily, anything else and they're not worth living and breathing the same air as me."

Yuuji got up from his bed and walked over to his mirror and stared at Sukuna's eye on his cheek, "You need help."

He walked back to his bed after turning off the lights, "It's too late for this, I'm going to sleep now."


Fushiguro was walking back to his room when he heard talking from Yuuji's room.  He figured that he was either talking on the phone or someone was in there with him.

But at hearing an all too familiar voice, he stopped mid step in the hall.

'Is Itadori talking to Sukuna?' Fushiguro thought as he continued to listen beginning to worry.

Would Sukuna take over his body and try to do something?  He took out his phone ready to call Gojo just in case, but he wasn't expecting what he heard next.

"Hey, what's your type?"

"Why should I tell you what type I like?"

Fushiguro sighed and felt like an idiot worrying about Yuuji.  He walked back to his room.

"Idiot." He muttered as he opened his door and walked in making a mental note to walk by ignoring Yuuji's room the next time he walks by.


Chapter two done.

*Me, I'm one of those who fell in love with his voice.  His voice is just something different, and I won't deny that he really does look handsome when he takes over in Yuuji's body.  Please tell me I'm not the only one????

I'm currently reading JJK manga again, but in the physical book, not online.  And I'm having a good laugh at all the character introduction sections in the manga.  Yuuji's made me laugh.

One part of it says: "He isn't picky with food (After all, he ate a finger!)"

I wish I had bought the next volumes just so I can read those character introduction sections, they're cute and funny.

Anyways, what did you all think about this?  I personally liked it.

SO, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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