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This was another super short story.  I think it will stay as a short story, because I honestly don't know what else I would type up for next chapters.

Well, I could think of a few things, but a lot of that would be a bit of spoilers for some of you, so I don't know if I want to go into that.

So, I'll just leave it at that, unless I change my mind later on.  Maybe I will, not sure when though.

Anyways, thank you for reading this and I really hope that you all liked it.  I really enjoyed typing this up.  Not only because it was funny, but because it was short, and I didn't have to struggle so much with it.  And I was able to finish typing it all in one day too!  Yay for short stories.

Someday, within these coming days maybe, I'll be publishing a new JJK story.  Though that one will be a bit longer than this one and the previous one I published.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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