ONE , i got a bad idea

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I got a bad idea.
(Not proofread)


"He was super cute Blake"

I let out a short laugh as I sat across from Sam at the lunch table. "Sam, maybe you should limit the crushes to like 5 a week—or maybe just 1 a day"

Sam rolled her eyes "at least I haven't had the same crush for over 10 years"

I glared up at the girl across from me.

Sam ignored me and shrugged "Boys are so slow"

While Sam continue to ramble on, I looked down at my French fries, randomly organizing them.

She was talking about some boy she had met in science, which was her second class. Which meant she had only met the boy this morning.

She's always had this weird habit where she crushed on maybe three boys a day. I never thought there was anything wrong with it, I just hated hearing about it.

"Sam" I cut off the girls rambling "didn't you meet him like an hour ago?"

Sam looked up, glaring at me "that's besides the point"

"Hmm, sure" I hummed.

Sam held her glare "I thought you agreed to be less judgy"

I scoffed before shrugging "I guess I lied"

Before Sam could respond there was a sudden bang from beside us, making us both jump. "Holt shit" I muttered as the bright yellow faded from my eyes.

"Sorry I got held up in English" the boy said dropping his bag on the ground "Derek isn't gonna make it, his uncle wanted to speak with him" the blond boy said quickly digging into his food.

I looked up a little confused. "Peter?" I asked looking back up. What was peter doing here?

"does he have any other uncles" the boy asked furrowing his eyebrows.

My eyes traveled to the empty air beside me as I thought for a second "I'm not actually sure" I said looking down at my French fries as if the answers were hidden between them.

It was weird. I knew Derek since we were children yet somehow the only family members I could remeber were his mom, his uncle, his sisters, and his dad.

And that wasn't even half the family he actually had.

It's not because I haven't met them because I have, I just have bad memory when It's things I don't really care about.

"Why did Mrs she-devil keep you in English" Sam said, finally speaking up.

"to talk about the amount of times I go to the bathroom in her class, like it's not my fault I have to pee a lot" the boy groaned as Sam and I began to laugh.

Then a hand was placed on the table as Derek appeared out of literally no where "hey ladies" the boy said.

"about time you join the party" James mumbled.

The Hale boy completely ignored the boys comment as he sat down beside me.

"What did peter want" I asked taking a bite out of one of my fries.

"To find new ways to bug me." Derek said leaning over and grabbing one of my French fries, glancing up at Paige who sat on the other side of the cafeteria.

I didn't fail to notice his glance. Furrowing my eyebrows as I glanced between the two in confusion.

Had they gotten in a fight.

He smelled annoyed, angry, and salty. The salty part was probably because on my French fries though.

"We have basketball practice tonight, right" James cut in leaning across the table towards Derek.

Derek looked away from my plate and towards James "yes, James. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday"

James slightly nodded "and today is?"

Sam let out a laugh so hard she could have launched a French fry to Kentucky out of her nose "it's Thursday, you idiot"

Then the bell went off, earning a loud chorus of groans from the group.

"Great. Now I have to go deal with the consequences of your actions" Sam stood up glaring at James.

"Hey, don't blame me. Mr. Harris is an asshole" James said following after her.

"Yeah, well Mr Harris can suck my dick" was the last thing I heard Sam say before she walked through the hallway doors.

Derek went to stand up only for me to pull him back down.

Derek turned to me, clearly confused. "What"

I stared at the doorway for another second to make sure the twins were actually gone before I turned back to the boy "what did Peter really want"

Derek tensed "what do you mean"

I rolled my eyes "I'm just as much werewolf as you dumbass, I know he said something that is bothering you"

Derek groaned looking towards the hallway doors as if he was going to make a run for it, before looking back at me "he said I should turn Paige"

My hand dropped. "That's a terrible idea"

Derek stood up "is it really though? I mean she would never get sick—"

Before he could continue I stood up and cut him off "it could kill her" I practically yelled.

"Would it? I mean she's strong"

I stopped him again "Derek, it would ruin her life"

Derek paused looking down at me.

That had always been something we disagreed on. Derek had always loved being a werewolf. He loved being good at everything, being able to hear anything, better sight then anyone else.

I hated it though. I hated hearing too much, seeing things I shouldn't have. I loved running fast, but the only time it was necessary was when I was running from hunters and trying not to die.

Most people saw the good in it, but I only saw the worst.

"That's your opinion" Then he stormed off.

It was quiet for a moment before a voice spoke up behind me "What was that about"

I gasped spinning towards the girl behind me "what the hell Sam" I said placing a hand on my heart.

"What was that about" Sam repeated as if she were in some kind of daze.

"nothing why" I shook of the sudden chill

"just wondering" sam mumbled before walking off.

I watched the girl, confused, as she disappeared down the hallway. "That was weird" I mumbled grabbing my bag off of the ground. "Why is everyone being so weird"

The moment I walked into my next class the 2nd bell rung and class began.

After school Sam and I met at my house—like usual and after grabbing some snacks from my kitchen and getting my sweater from my closet in my room we quickly left the house, heading straight to Derek's.

Sam and I followed the path through the woods, the wind swirling around us and the late afternoon sky getting darker with each minute that passed.

"So, you gonna tell me what you and Derek were talking about after lunch" Sam asked looking over at me, walking beside her.

"why do you wanna know" I asked stepping around a tree.

"because whatever he said got you acting really weird" Sam said.

"I have not been acting weird" I said, pretending to find that offensive.

"really, you didn't stop tapping your stupid pencil for the entirety of English class" Sam said raising her eyebrows.

I clicked my tongue "What's wrong with my pencil" I asked, slightly taken aback.

We went silent as Sam lightly bit her lower lip clearly trying to think about the things that Derek and I could have been talking about.

"Wait!" Sam practically yelled "Did he tell you he liked you" Sam asked already getting excited.

"what—no"—I shook my head—"he is madly in love with Paige alright he basically forgot we existed" I said the two going quiet once again.

Suddenly, I felt as if something big was running up behind us. I spun around, expecting to see something, but there was nothing. Which was weird.

"did you feel that" I asked glancing over at the red head who had just turned to look at me confused.

"feel what" the girl asked furrowing her eyebrows.

I sucked in a breath before looking at the girl again "uh nothing" i shook my head looking back to the path behind me. It definitely wasn't nothing, but I didn't want to freak Sam out.

The woods had gotten very dark within the past 10 minutes, which made me very worried about hunters. Although I was only 16 and the hunters code said that children are off limits, I also knew that there were still some hunters out there that didn't care.

After a minute I turned back towards Sam—who had already began to walk again, hoping to hide my paranoia as I ran to catch up with the other girl.

We continued our way down the path, the walk felt longer then usual but it was probably because I kept looking back, the feeling that someone was watching me itching the back of my mind constantly.

"Did we take a wrong turn or something" Sam asked looking down the pathway then back towards me.

"no" I said "it just feels longer because we are walking slower" I continued, turning towards the red head "it's just right up there" I said pointing up the path.

The area we were in was covered in the hale's sent, which at the moment bothered me because I couldn't smell anything else.

"jeez by the time we get there we're gonna have to go home" Sam laughed "what time is it" sam asked as we began to walk again.

"I don't know, when we left it was like 6:30 so it's probably like almost 7" I said as I looked through the trees for any sign of the house.

Something felt wrong, I knew we were going in the right direction. Although the worry of the fact that they were lost in the woods in the dark of night still didn't rise above the fact that I could feel someone watching us.

When Sam and I arrived at the hales porch, a sigh unwillingly slipped through my lips before I glanced across the tree line once again, a cold shiver running down my back.

Sam banged her fist against the door causing me to jump back into reality. We waited for any sigh someone was coming to the door, but not a sound was heard.

I furrowed my eyebrows trying to listen for a heartbeat or even just breathing, but nothing "I don't think anyone is home" I said glancing around once again.

"You okay" Sam asked, noticing my constant worried glances at the path behind us.

I turned back to the red head who honestly looked concerned "yeah, fine why" I questioned focusing back on the girl.

"you just seem, away" Sam said tracing her eyes along my face.

"Sorry. I'm just bored" I said sending the girl a short smile.

As we stood at the door a sudden crack sounded through the trees causing both of us to snap our heads in the direction.

Sam rolled her eyes, ignoring the sound before she descended down the stairs "where are you going" I quickly asked, causing the girl to stop.

"home" Sam said like it was obvious.

"Maybe we should just wait for them to be back" I said anxiously fiddling with my fingers. I found it extremely weird that not a single person was in that house.

Never in my life had I heard of the Hale house being empty.

"wait?" Sam repeated confused "they could be hours away Blake, I don't feel like waiting" Sam said, beginning to walk off again.

I stood in my spot for a minute watching the girl walk away before I ultimately decided to follow her "wait up" I yelled as she chased after the girl.

We walked through the door of my house maybe 20 minutes later. The kitchen light was lighting up the entry way "hey girls I thought you went to the hales" My mom said, sitting on the couch in the living room.

"we did, but no one was there" I said as I took off my shoes.

"really?" Mom questioned sitting up slightly "do you know where they went" the older woman continued, both, sam and I, shaking our heads.

I turned to walk up the stairs, quickly stopping as I heard a ding come from my pocket. I reached in my pocket pulling out my phone, the screen lit up showing me the message.

SCHOOL NOW - derek

I read the message, worry quickly flooding through my features. Sam seemed to notice automatically "who is it" she asked walking towards me.

"no one" I said quickly shoving my phone back in my pocket before Sam could see "I'm gonna take a walk" I smiled quickly, putting my shoes back on and walking out the door.

"We just took a walk" sam yelled as I ran out the door.


I turned towards Blake's mom who still sat on the couch, her eyes locked on the wall "that was weird" I mumbled turning back to the door before my eyes landed on the random spot of light on the floor.

It was Blake's phone. I knelt down grabbing the object, the light of the screen suddenly flooding my eyes. I couldn't help but look at the message that still remained on the screen.

What the hell was Derek doing at school?

Before y'all yell at me again just a reminder that this takes place in the mid 2000s so phones were a thing. Last time I wrote this when I mentioned a phone I got screamed at because apparently some people think Derek was born in the 1700s.

I've been in my Percy Jackson era lately which is why I've had like no motivation to write this. I have 2 fanfics for Percy Jackson (and the Olympians) so if you wanna read them it's consumed (a Percy fanfic) and gods and monsters (a Percy Jackson and the Olympians fanfic (it's a fem oc x fem oc))

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