Chapter 4: Paradox Plan?!

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Domino City! A Few Minutes Later!

Aira used a bit of her power to make Moonlight Magician Girl attack real; she destroyed the stage making people run for cover to get away.

"Way to go Magician Girl." Aira told her as she continued to blast her attack, "Everyone please move to a safe location and don't look back!" She shouted at the people who are running away.

"I hope this scares off Pegasus that way he won't be crushed by that tall building." Yugi stated.

"Right." Yusei agreed, "Then he and the future of Duel Monsters are safe."

Aira crystal bells jingled for a few moments, "Yusei, Uncle Yugi!" She called out to them as the jingles got quicker, "We've got an unwanted guest. He's coming." Aira faced to were the masked duelist was coming from, "Over there!" She shouted pointed to an area.

"I think not." A voice said from the direction that Aira pointed out.

They looked at her how did she know where would he appear and face back to the masked duelist who appear out of nowhere a white Duel Runner appeared and landed in front of them to revival that the voice belongs to.

"You listen here!" Yugi shouted, "We know what you're up to and we're not going to let it happen! GOT IT! So why don't you make it easier on yourself and go back to wherever it is you came from."

"Where I come from is the reason I am here." The guy told them, "Perhaps it's time we got acquainted." He took off his mask to revival a pair of golden coloured eyes. "The name's Paradox!"

"Paradox?" Yusei asked.

'Great a name that effect time, Paradox. Ha!' Aira thought and giggled a bit to her own joke?

"I doubt you've heard of me." Paradox said, "In fact I'm very much certain you haven't." He looked at all of them, "After all I don't come from any eras of your time. I come from the future."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yusei asked as Aira continued to stay quiet and observer him.

"I wonder? Never mind," Aira told him, "Yusei forget him, he's trying to get in your head."

"We don't care about her back story," Yugi told him, "we just care about keeping out world safe."

"Oh is that so?" Paradox asked, "*laughs* Too bad. Nobody thought to keep me safe or those I loved. Now I'll finally get my revenge."

"Paradox!" Aira called out making everyone look at her, "Revenge is never an answer to everything. It will only lead to more revenge. Revenge is never ending cycle that will never stop till it kills you."

"Say's the Slifer Queen." Paradox stated, "Haven't you thought of those that gave you and your friends pain, suffering in Shadow Duels and Games!"

"I have but that has nothing to do what you're about to do." Aira answered making Yugi and a transcended Spirit appeared next to him and it looks like him but only older and has more spikes in it, looked at her when he mention 'Shadow Duels and Games'. "You're doing all of this for YOUR own selfish needs. If you did this will cause people to be happy? Getting rid of Duel Monsters forever!"

"*laughs* You are smart just like the rumours says but still... " Paradox went on, "I will rid the world of what caused all my pain and suffering, that's why I am here. Because I realized something, yes Luna you are right, something about this you love, this Duel Monsters. The world would be far better place without it. The Monsters, the spells, what good has come from it? True you all saved the world many times before with your precious cards, but against aviaries who were using the same cards to destroy it."

"So that's why you're doing this to rid the world of Duel Monster?" Yusei asked.

"That is correct, just like the Queen said," Paradox answered, "once and for all."

"Not on our watch you don't." Yusei told him.

"YOU SENSELESS DOLTS!" Paradox yelled at them, "DON'T YOU SEE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO STOP ME, YOU THREE SHOULD BE TRYING YOUR BEST TO HELP ME! I'VE TOLD YOU!" He looked off to the side. "Where I come from is the reason I am here. Where I come from is a doomed future."

"No," Yusei told him, "our future is a bright one."

"It's not," Parados stated, "it is a decalescent place. So decalescent I could no longer see it through my own eyes. To wear a mask. And was through this filter that I finally began to see. To see why things have ended this way. And the answer was Duel Monsters. So what is better way to destroy this virus than to travel back to the beginning and not letting it spread. Time travel is no easy feat, where I'm from if there is a will then there is a way. And there was a way."

"But don't you realize?" Yusei asked, "You're not just wiping out Duel Monsters but the people too. Your destroying everything and everyone that ever touched by the game."

"Of course, I've realized that," Paradox stated, "as a matter-of-fact that's what I'm looking forward to the most."

"You are one sick evil villain," Aira told him, "your low as Viper the snake guy I duelled." They all looked at her, then back at Paradox.

"Maybe the games not perfect, but it created more good things than bad." The King added.

"Yep," the Slifer duellist added more in, "the game has even brought people together from all over the world together."

"And another thing, the future isn't written yet." The Future Star continued, "There's still time for things to change."

"Well, then it seems we've got our different opinion," Paradox stated, "and our past. Perhaps we should seek to settle another way then."

"If you're saying you want to duel then bring it on Paradox." Yusei told him.

"Fine then," Paradox agreed, "I think it's fitting to destroy you four with the very cards you're trying to save."

They all watched as Paradox pushed a button before his runner started to change form and soon enough he was hovering in the air over then.

His arm glowed showing his dragon mark, "Your twisted time quashed stops here." Yusei told him, "Let's Rev it up!" As Crimson Dragon appeared behind him.

Aira eyes began to glow aqua green and golden, "Let me tell you Paradox." She stated as Paradox looked at her, "The Future is undecided by them, so there is still hope for you. But you're clouded by your future judgement of the world." As Aira said and her seven dragons started to appear behind her, "So Paradox, Get Your Game On!" She finished and her dragons let out a mighty roar.

"Yugi, out all of our duels this maybe the toughest one." A voice in inside of him stated.

"Then let's rise to the challenge." Yugi answered back just before the puzzle and Horus eyes appeared on his head. "YU-GI-OH!"

Aira looked next to her out in the corner of her eyes to see the Pharaoh standing in the same place that Yugi had been just minutes before with a determined glare.

"I have just one thing to say to you Paradox." Yami said, "It's Time to Duel!"


The Duel is Next Folks!

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