Chapter 15

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Yuki's POV
I sat on my bed doing some drawing to help clear my mind. "What cha doing" I looked up to see Yuri "oh hey" I smiled "so what is this supposed to be" Yuri asked. I paused to think "oh it's a drawing of a duel monster, my favorite monster Blizzard Ice XYZ Dragon" I answered. "So your an XYZ user" Yuri asked "I'm kind of an all around duelist I mostly use Pendulum and XYZ (for those of you who get this)" I looked back down "so what about Fusion" Yuri asked "ummmm not as much, it's hard for me to fusion summon" "well let's fix that". I dropped my pencil "say wha" "I'll teach you fusion" I laughed "ok but let me tell you know I fail at Fusion" "we can fix that too" Yuri smiled "we can start tomorrow" he got up and walked out "ok" I yelled. Yuya walked in "what was that about" he asked "oh Yuri is gonna teach me fusion summoning" Yuya's mouth dropped open "WHAT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Spirit world

Yuto's POV
"YOUR GONNA DO WHAT" I yelled "I know I know" Yuki said "please calm down" I shot her one of my glares. "Fusion" I said "from YURI" I couldn't believe I I just I can't even!!!!!!
FUSION, MY SISTER, YURI! Something is really wrong with the world very wrong, I must be dreaming gonna wake up an FUSION?!?!?! "Yuto calm down" "how how can I be calm it's FUSION" I yelled "it's just one lesson" "but Fusion" I said. "I know how you feel about fusion users but just just keep an open mind about it" I took a deep breath "do it for me" "fine don't say I didn't warn you" Yuki smiled "I'll be fine".

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