Chapter 9

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Yuya's POV

I looked down at Yuto, he was laying on the couch in Yuki and Yugo's hospital room. Yuri told me that he was looking pretty pale and fainted all the sudden. I couldn't blame him it's been a eventful day. "So what do we do now" Yugo asked impatiently, "well mom said that we could stay here and watch over Yuki" I answered. Yugo looked down and put his hands over his face "this is all my fault" Yuri rolled his eyes "will you stop ok it wasn't your fault accidents happen so stop blaming yourself" "he's right" I added on. "It's getting late I'm going to bed" I sat down next to Yuyo and fell asleep.

Yuki's POV

"Say Yuki" I looked over at Yuto "have you ever wonder how we got separated" I shrugged my shoulders. "No not really I was told that Yuya and I were dumped of at some orphanage when we're younger, of course I don't remember it" I looked up "it doesn't really matter now because we're back together" he smiled "that we are". We kept going with smiles on our faces.

Yuya's POV
I opened my eyes to to see I had fallen asleep on Yuri's shoulder. "What time" I looked at my duel disk to check the time, it was passed midnight. "Well I don't think I'll fall asleep any time soon might as well take alittle walk" I stood carefully so that I would wake up Yuri. I looked back to see he was still asleep, I sighed in relief and walked out of the room.

Yuto's POV

I looked up at the sky to see that the sun was setting and the air was becoming colder. I sighed and grabbed my sister's shoulder "Yuki I think we should make camp for the night" "we can't if we fall asleep then we'll go back to the real world" I frowned "we might as well, I'm sure that the others are worried sick about us" Yuki gave me a confused look. "What do you mean" I pondered for a moment "well what if we go to the real world for alittle bit and then at night we can come back to the spirit world" Yuki sighed "fine" "alright let's go back".

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