And So It Begins

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Tasha Pov

I silently waited for my younger sister, Christna to finish getting ready. "CHRISTNA HURRY UP" I yelled impatiently, "we're going to be late" I folded my arms and huffed out an annoyed face. I was really fed up on how she was always late. Finally I hear the door open, "about time" I turned around to see Christna with her red hair that shone like a rose. She reminded my of what our father looked like, but he's been missing for years. Now I live with alone with my sister, working my butt off to feed us and keep a roof over our heads. The only thing that my father gave me was a Duel runner, but at the time I wasn't old enough to ride it. I'm now 14 and am able to duel when ever I like. "Tasha are you listening" I snapped my attention to Christna, "what was that now" I said with a nervous smile. "Tasha your hopeless some times" I rubbed the back of my head, "ok let's go".

I revved up my Duel runner and speeded out of the parking lot. "Feels nice get out once and awhile" I thought to myself "TASHA YOUR GOING TO FAST FOR ME" I rolled my eyes "you big baby" I yelled. Christna tightened her grip on my waist, all the sudden my duel runner began to glow. "This is new" I whispered, then my Duel runner started to speed up, like really really fast. A light swirl began to form around us "Tasha what's happening" Christna yelled "I don't know" I yelled back and then everything went blank. I don't remember much about what happened, all I remember was fear. Fear about what would happen next.

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