Chapter 10

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A/N: A short filler chapter to let you all guys know that I'm back!! I'm already okay now. Thanks to those who show concern to this piece of trash and for patiently waiting for mw. Lol. A little fact about this chapter; one fourth of this chapter were written by a drunk shitty author and the remaining half were when she was having her first hangover. Guys don't be like that shitty author ne~ //heart emoticons

And now without further ado!!!

Same warning.
Disclaimer: I don't own YOI

Yuuri were looking at Viktor with worried face. She was anxiously biting his thumbnail as she watches Viktor talk to his coach on the phone and Phichit reacts in every post he could see on his timeline. She knew it. If she didn't went with Phichit here then all of this will not happen. She didn't just ruined Viktor's reputation even his best friend's reputation were ruined because f her. If it's not for her then no scandal will happen. It's all her fault. Everything was her fault. She ruined everything again.

"Yuuri! Breath! Come on, Yuuri!" She heard Phichit screamed to her worriedly. She blink and noticed that her eyes were wet, her chest were hurting because of lack of air and she was shaking violently. There she noticed that she was hyperventilating. "Come on Yuuri, breath with me." Phichit repeated worriedly and Yuuri obliged. She took a deep breath and hold it for three seconds before releasing it and doing it again until she calmed down. When Yuuri finally relaxes she take a look at her surrounding. Luka was now hugging her side as she frowned at her worriedly, Seung-gil may appeared emotionless but there's a noticeable creased in between his forehead indicating that him too was worried, Phichit was fanning her with the menu board and Viktor was rubbing her back and frowning worriedly, his phone call with Yakov were already done. Yuuri look down and bit her lower lips. She done it again she made them worried again. Why does all she did was to ruin everything?

"Hey Yuuri, look at me" Viktor snapped her out of her thought as he cupped her chin and makes her look at his eyes. "Please Yuuri stop blaming yourself." Viktor said with concerned making Yuuri speak incoherently.

"H..How?" Yuuri stuttered and she heard Viktor clicked his tongue.

"Yuuri it's clear on your face that your blaming yourself again. Yuuri, my love listen to me. This is not your fault. You did nothing wrong so please stop thinking that it is all your fault. It hurts me to see you blame yourself again in something you didn't do. This whole scandal was my fault. It was a misunderstanding on my part. It happens because of my blind jealousy." Viktor said in a gentle voice his thumb were wiping the tears that leaking from her eyes. "So please stop blaming yourself."

"But if I didn't went with Phichit-kun here then nothing like this would happen." Yuuri said in a weak voice. Viktor placed his finger on her lips and smile gently at her.

"And if you didn't come here with Phichit then I would not be by your and our daughter's side, that I will still be miserable." He said as he slide his hand to Yuuri's hand, bringing it to his lips to place a chaste kiss. Yuuri's worries melted at Viktor's words. They stare at each other eyes for a moment. What have she done to deserve someone like Viktor. She is very lucky to have him. "Yuuri, Do you trust me?" Viktor asked after a minute of silence and Yuuri nodded.

"Yes Viktor. I trust you." She answered, making Viktor smiled his signature heart shaped smile.

"I will fixed this all Yuuri so that you don't have to worry okay. I promise you. So please no running or hiding again. I don't think I can take it if you disappeared in my life again." He said to Yuuri with all the seriousness he have.

"I won't. I promised." Yuuri answered with a smile. Viktor smiled back and kissed Yuuri's forehead and patted Luka's head who was now sitting at the chair beside her mother.

"So what's your plan now?" Phichit suddenly asked. Viktor turned to Phichit and shrugged.

"None at the moment. I will talk to Yakov first then after that I will think something" He said and Phichit nodded.

"I see." Phichit said but inside his head he is already thinking of someway to help them.

"I need to go first Yakov wants to see me asap." Viktor said as he pocketed his phone and turned to her daughter who were watching them with worried and curious eyes. "Luka." The little girl looks at her father when she heard him call her.

"What is it, Papa?" Luka asked with curiosity glad that her father were now giving her attention. Viktor smiled at her daughter.

"Take care of your Ka-chan for me, Darling." He requested to his daughter. Luka gave him a toothy smile and nodded.

"Yes!" She answered enthusiastically. Viktor smiled back and patted her head.

"That's my little girl." He said as he patted Luka's head with a smile on his face. Then he turned to Phichit his face morphing into a serious frown.

"I leave everything to you. Please look at them for me." Viktor asked Phichit with all a seriousness as he stood up. Bending down he placed a kiss on Yuuri's lips and Luka's forehead. "I'm leaving now. Wait for me. I'll promise you that I will fix this and after all of this were going to have the most memorable wedding of the year." Vikotr said to Yuuri with all the seriousness he could muster and smiled back when Yuuri smiled at him gently while Luka glomped him on a hug.

"I'll be waiting for you." Yuuri said with a soft smile and Luka nuzzle his head on his stomach.

"Please come back, Papa. We'll be waiting for you." Luka said cutely, melting Voktor on the spot on how cute Luka is.

"I will, my sweet darling." Viktor said to his daughter and hug him tightly. "I promise you." After a whole minute of hugging and reassuring Viktor were now ready to go but there's still the reluctance to leave his family. "I'm going now." Viktor waved halfheartedly at them.

"Take care! Just tell me if there's something we could do to help you okay!" Phichit shouted to Viktor as the silver haired walks away. When Viktor's form could not be seen
anymore Phichit turn his head to Seung-gil.

"Ne, Seung-gil." He called to his raven haired lover. Seung-gil hums at him. "Is it okay to you that we came out to everyone?" Phichit asked all of a sudden. Yuuri sputtered at her seat.

"What Phichit?! Are you sure?" Yuuri asked in shocked. Phichit then turn his attention to his best friend with a bright smile.

"Of course if it's okay with Seung-gil." Phichit said. "So what do you think Seung-gil" His lover grunted.

"I don't mind. It's just a matter of time till the public learns about us. Also it will fend off all the girls hitting on me." The last sentence was said with a disgusted shiver. It is a well known fact that Seung-Gil doesn't like being touched and ogled by girls and all of their whims tire him out but Yuuri and Luka is an exception. Because they're Phichit's special someone and Yuuri is a tolerable woman who knows the concept of personal space and Luka, being a sweet girl she is charmed Seung-Gil. Yuuri let out a low whine.

"But Phichit what would your fans will think. There are still some people who don't accept homosexual relationship." Yuuri explained with a flail of her arms.

"Ka-chan what's a relayship" Luka asked with a tilt of her head, stuttering at the new word. Yuuri let out a sigh and Phichit giggles.

"Luka deary, Homosexual relationship is where a boy and boy or a girl and girl falls in love with each other." Phichit explained with a gentle voice. Luka's head still tilted at the side curiously.

"Is it bad?" She asked her Papi.

"No it's not. It's just there still some people who are close minded and doesn't give a chance to understand us." Phichit explained. Luka listened to him intently. "Remember this okay. It doesn't matter if you fell in love with the same gender as yours. Love knows no boundaries. Don't mind other people that will judge you. Just be who you are. " Phichit explained.

"Yes." Luka answered with a smile completely understanding what her Papi was telling her. Phichit reach across the table to rustle her head affectionately.

"What a smart girl you are." He said patting Luka's head then looks at Yuuri again. "Anyway Yuuri like I said I don't care what will my fans will think. This is my decision if they start hating me for coming out so be it and also I'm doing this help you and Viktor " Yuuri grimaced at Phichit's stubbornness but deep inside her she was very thankful to have a friend like Phichit. Really. What have she done to deserve all of this people in her life?

"Thank you, Phichit-kun."

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