Chapter 2

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A/N: Warning: Grammatical errors and Spelling errors.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yuri on Ice.

"Yuuri, explain to us what is this." Yuuri's mother asked her while pointing at the PT that were currently lying innocently on the table. Yuuri runs to the table almost slipping along the way to grab her PT and clutches it near her chest.

"" She asked, stuttering and her voiced laced with nervousness and fear not looking at their eyes.

"I saw it on your drawer when I'm looking for a scissor." Mari said guiltily. Yuuri eyes snap at her with a frown. Of course it was bound to be found she was an idiot for thinking that she can hide it.

"Nee-san why did you rummage through my things without asking me." Yuuri whines but her mother cut her.

"Yuuri." Yuuri stop and looks down ashamedly.

"I'm sorry Kaa-san." She said on a whisper. "I didn't mean to hide it from you." She said with a sniffle as she slumps on her place, the tears started rolling down her face, her pregnancy test clutched protectively in her hands. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she repeatedly said. She can feel the warmth of her mother enveloping her.

"I'm sorry, Kaa-san." she said as her mother hug her tightly.

"Sshh, there there Yuuri." her mother soothes her back as she calms her.

"Yuuri, is Viktor the father of your child?" Her father finally asked as her eyes snapped open.

"Tou-san please don't tell Viktor." Yuuri pleaded. Her family looks at her with a frown. "Please no."

"Why not Yuuri? He deserves to know." Her mother told her but Yuuri shook her head.

"No please Kaa-san. I don't want to ruin his future." She said to her mother.

"How about your future?" Her father asked with a raised voice. Yuuri flinches.

"I don't care. I don't care about it anymore all I want is for Viktor to reach his dreams. I will not be the one who will ruin it for him." She said stubbornly.

"Yuuri!" Her father finally shouted.

"Toshiya dear calm down." Hiroko looks at her husbad woth a frown. Toshiya clucked his tongue

"I'm sorry, Tou-san." Yuuri said.

"So what will you do about it. Are you going to keep it or not." Toshiya asked her daughter a little bit calm now. Yuuri gasped as she wraps her hand around her stomach protectively.

"Of course I'll keep it. It's my child. I won't abort it." Yuuri said determinely. It's her child. Viktor's child. His father sighed heavily.

"Yuuri please think about it." Her mother pleaded.

"Kaa-san please understand me. I want to keep it. This is my child and your soon to be grandchild." Yuuri explained to her mother with tear filled eyes. Hiroko smiled at Yuuri.

"Don't worry Yuuri we'll support you." Hiroko said as she wipes the tears from her beloved daughter's eyes then looks at Toshiya pointedly. "Right Toshiya dear" Toshiya sighed as he stood up from his place and pat her daughter's head.

"Yes Yuuri." Yuuri sniffle.

"Really?" She in disbelief. "Youre not mad at me? For deciding to not tell this to Viktor and for keeping it?" Yuuri asked in a low tone, biting her lower lips. Toshiya smiles gently at her daughter.

"We're not mad. Just upset because you decided to hide it that you are pregnant." Toshiya explained, Hiroko nodding at that.

"I'm sorry." Yuuri apologized again.

"Yuuri stop apologizing okay. You did nothing wrong and there's nothing to apologize." Hiroko caresses Yuuri's cheek then the tears started to roll from her eyes again when he heard what her mother said. "We'll support you."

"Thank you." Yuuri cried harder as her parents including her big sister hug her.

Yuuuurriiii why you not answering my texts and calls?

are u okay?? :(

I miss you :(

please talk to me :(

Yuuri turns off her phone. It's been a month since since Yuuri learns that she is pregnant and it's been a month since she started avoiding Viktor. Yuuri knows that she's being selfish but she's doing this for his sake. She felt guilty for ignoring Viktor but she must do it. She bites her lower lips as she rubs her stomach Vicchan at her side, nuzzling to Yuuri's side as if sensing his owner's distress. Vicchan her toy poodle is a gift from Viktor when they started dating so that there's someone at her side if Viktor is not there he said. Yuuri grabs Vicchan and hugs him tightly to her chest remembering the time when she was with Viktor. Those happy days when they are on date, those gentle kisses she recieves from Viktor. She misses Viktor so bad.

"Yuuri?" There' a knock from her door before it opens completely, revealing her mother with a gentle smile. "I've already talked to Minako-senpai." Yuuri looks up at her mother. "She said she's willing to take you in Detroit with her."

"Really?" Yuuri asked hopefully. Okukawa Minako a family friend amd Yuuri's ballet teacher. Minako was like a mother to Yuuri she teaches her ballet for free amd never asked anything in return she's also the one who help Yuuri gains a little bit of confidence in her self and express herself freely through ballet. Hiroko smiled.

"Yes. I already explained to her your situation and she agreed to help you." Yuuri nodded with a frown. Hiroko notices it. "What's wrong Yu-chan?" she asked her daughter.

"I'm scared, Kaa-san." Yuuri said in distress, hiding her face on Vicchan's curly fur. "I don't know what to do." Hiroko sighed as she pulled her daughter to hug her.

"Don't be Yu-chan. We already said that we will going to support you right." Her mother told her gently. Yuuri nodded quietly looking at her mother without saying anything. After a seconds of silence Yuuri asked the thing that weighing her mind ever since she got pregnant.

"Am I a disappointed in the family?" Yuuri asked her voice quivering. Hiroko's eyes widened at her daugther's question.

"Why are you asking? Of course you're not" Hiroko said gently.

"Because I got pregnant at a young age. I feel like I'd only bring you shame and then I choose to hide this to Viktor." Yuuri said in a low voice. Hiroko combs her finger on Yuuri's shoulder-lenght hair.

"Yuuri dont think that way not once did we ever thought of that. You didnt bring any shame in this family and were not dissapointed at you instead we're very proud of you. At such a young age you've already made that hard decision of keeping your child, our grand-child. You've grown stronger Yu-chan. It may become hard along the way but always remember we, your family is always here to support you and your decisions" Hiroko said with a gentle voice. "So stop crying now. You're making me cry too." Hiroko joked as she wipes her daugthers eyes, her glasses going askew. Yuuri laughs her anxiety easing off at her mothers kind words. She was glad to have them as her family.

"Thank you mom." Yuuri hugged her mother tightly, the two crying at each other's shoulder while Vicchan were nuzzled inbetween them.

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