Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm back!! Sorry I'm just busy with conceptualizing story ya know student responsibility shit!!! Anyways I want to thank you all for giving this fic a good feedback I really appreciate it a lot. So about Viktor and Yuuri's love scene, I decided to write it but it will not be a full on smut. :))

Misspelled words and Grammar errors because I write, I edit, I post. So if you saw any mistake that I overlook please tell me and I'll try to edit it.

Disclaimer: Yuri on Ice is not mine except for the plot of this story the OC.


"Kaa-chan are you okay?" A worried voice snapped Yuuri from her train of thoughts she put down the picture frame she was staring and turn her head to the owner of the voice, her eyes kind of glossy. Seeing the framed picture of her and Viktor makes her remember the past, her choices and decisions to leave Viktor.

"Yes, Luka dear." Yuuri said to her daughter who is looking at her with a concerned pout.

"Really?" She asked frowning cutely. Yuiuri giggles at her daughter's antic, petting her hair.

"Yeah." She answered with a force smile. Luka looks at her with pointed look but let it go instead her face blooms into excited glee, her eyes shining in excitement and her cheeks reddening.

"Ka-chan, Ka-chan guess who is here??" She squealed excitedly. Yuuri raised an eyebrow at her daughter, the only times that her daughter become this excited is if her favorite uncle slash godfather is around which is impossible because Phichit were currently preparing for the upcoming Grand Prix Finals that will happen just one week away.

"Who?" Yuuri asked curiously. Luka's smile widened,

"It's Phichit-papi! Phichit-papi is here!" Luka squealed excitedly. Yuuri got taken a back at what her daughter said. That is impossible. Why would Phichit a qualified skater for the upcoming Grand Prix Finals wasting his time just to visit her in Hasetsu. Yuuri stood up from their bed and run to their dining inn, Luka following her happily to see a dark skinned male chowing down a katsudon.

"Phichit-kun? Why are you here?" She asked in pure shocked. The said man looks up from his bowl with a wide grin, rice stuck on his face.

"Why of course. Can't I visit my dear beloved best friend?" Phichit Chulanont a figure skater and her best friend asked with a playful pout.

Yuuri could still remember the first time they met, it was when Yuuri first came to Detroit. Celestino, his coach and Phichit were the one who fetch them from the airport. Celestino asked Minako sensei to teach Phichit ballet as one of his training regime and for that Phichit lives with them. At first Yuuri was reluctant to talk with Phichit because of her social anxiety and also because of her condition, she was afraid to be judged and looked at with disgust but later on the two bonded because of figure skating, whenever Phichit have practiced Yuuri will shyly asked if she could come as she misses the calming sound of blades against the ice which Phichit happily nodded. Sometimes Phichit asked her pointers in ballet when he learned that Yuuri is Minako-sensei's student and the two gradually become close and inseparable until Phichit finds out about Yuuri's condition. She could still remember what happened clearly.

"Hey, Yuuri french fries is not okay for dinner." Phichit had said to her. Yuuri looks up at him nonchalantly still munching the french fries.

"There's nothing wrong with french fries." Yuuri said as she took another fries to munch. Phichit looks at her with disbelief.

"Yes there's nothing wrong with french fries as I too eat that at dinner but french fries in rice that full of ketchup and honey? Oh my dear Yuuri, that's where I see the problem. Every dinner you only ate the same dish it's as if you're a pregnant woman who is having her cravings." Phichit said teasingly at Yuuri. Silence. Phichit stared at Yuuri with wide, surprised eyes as realization hit him so hard while Yuuri looks anywhere except at Phichit.

"W...wait Yuuri are you pregnant?" Phichit asked. Yuuri shuted her eyes as she nodded, afraid at her friend's reaction. Another silence filled the air until Phichit gasp softly.

"Wow. That's explain the random mood swings and weird food you were eating. I once saw it when my auntie was pregnant with her child." Phichit said amusedly. Yuuri's cheek burn in embarrassment. She thought that she was doing a good job of hiding it. Yuuri opened her eyes to look at Phichit and opened her mouth to speak but Phichit's next question caught her off guard.

"So who's the father?" Phichit asked with innocent curiosity. Phichit stared at her, blinking. Yuuri bit her lower lips to stop herself from crying as the image of a silver haired man with wide heart shaped smile flashes her mind. Phichit seems to notice it as he flails his arm worriedly. "Oh no Yuuri, please forget I asked that I didn't meant to pry. I'm sorry" Phichit apologized but Yuuri shooks her head.

"It's fine Phichit-kun." Yuuri said softly. "But the father of my child and me were not in a relationship anymore." She couldn't tell Phichit who's the father because as a skater Phichit may know who is Viktor Nikiforov after all her b..ex-boyfirend is making a name for himself now. Phichit only nodded in understanding. Another silence and it makes Yuuri's heart beat nervously, fidgeting at her place she finally broke the silence.

"Are we still friends?" Yuuri asked in nervousness. Phichit gasped at the question. "Why are you asking me that question?" Phichit asked in a mocked gasp. "of course we're not. We are best friend." Phichit declaired.

"B..Bu-" Yuuri stuttered but before she could finished her sentence Phichit placed his point finger at Yuuri's lip.

"Hep, no buts." Phichit said. "You're my best friend and all." Yuuri smiles and removed Phichit's finger at her lips.

"You're not disgusted at me? Because I got pregnant at such young age?" Yuuri asked with fear. Phichit got quiet which makes Yuuri scared at her friend's reaction.

"Yuuri. Don't ever think that I will judge you because of that. I'm not that kind of person and you are still Yuuri, my best friend who always help me whenever I need help. No matter what you did in the past what matter the most is today, okay. So stop crying you're making me cry too." Phichit said as his voice started to shook. Yuuri reaches to him to hug him.

"Thank you." Yuuri whispers as she continue to cry.

"Ne Yuuri, since I'm your best friend let me be your child's godfather and he or she will call me Phichit-papi." Phichit said with a laugh, hugging her back.

"Hmm.. Will see about that." Yuuri said teasingly earning a pout from Phichit.

"You're so mean." Phichit said with a pout before the t of them burst out laughing. "but kidding aside Yuuri, this time I will be the one will help you. I'll support you." Phichit said still hugging her. Yuuri nuzzle her head on Phichit's neck.

"Thank you." Yuuri said quietly. "Phichit-papi." Yuuri then added playfully the two started laughing again.

"Hey Yuuri are you listening? Phichit asked snapping Yuuri's train of thought.

"Yeah." Yuuri said. "But Phichit you can't just visit us out of nowhere."

"But why?? I missed you two. It's been five years since the last time I saw you two."Phichit whined.

"I miss you too Phichit-papi." Luka said attaching herself at Phichit's side. Phichit lifted Luka and place her on his lap.

"I miss you too Luka." Phichit said tickling Luka's side making Luka giggles adorably. Yuuri sighed at her best friend's antics.

"I know Phichit but you can't just visit us here when the Grand Prix Final is just a week away. What will Celestino say." Yuuri scolded her best friend but Phichit were already busy taking a selfie with Luka. Yuuri have this strong urge just to knock her head on the table. She forgot that Phichit was always like this with a defeated sigh Yuuri take a seat in front of Phichit.

"Phichit I miss you too." Yuuri said softly. Phichit's gaze snapped at her, putting down his phone Phichit grin widely. "So why are you here? You need to train for the upcoming GPF. You're a qualified skater there right?" Yuuri asked.

"Don't worry Yuuri I have Ciao-ciao's permission and about my training I'll think of it later." Phichit said enthusiastically. "But for now you should show me around. I found some Insta-worthy place." Phichit said excitedly Yuuri smiled.

"Sure." she answered.

"Ka-chan can I come?" Luka asked them.

"Of course you can come my dear little Luka and we're going to take a lot of selfie together I'm sure your Ka-chan will get jealous." Phichit declaired.

"Okay, okay. Come on Luka let's go change first." Yuuri said to her daughter. Luka nodded and run to her mother.

"I'll wait for you two here." Phichit waves.

Yuuri change her indoor clothes into some jeans and and simple shirt under a blue cardigan, her long hair pulled into a messy bun while Luka wore a purple long sleeve dress and a flat shoes, her shoulder length black hair were adoring some clips with hamster design given to her by Phichit, her face were glowing into exitement. Luka really looks like a carbon copy of herself except for her deep blue eyes, shining with glee. Yuuri watches her daughter lovingly, she cant help but see a huge resemblance with her father. That heart shaped smile of her it's as if a splitting image of her father, Viktor Nikiforov. She only got her feature and her love for ballet, the skating were introduced by Phichit but deep inside she knows ever since Luka took a step on the ice for the first she already realized that she was born to skate on the ice just like Viktor, but the attitude were just like her father. Every time she looks at Luka she can't help but remember the day when she and Viktor were still together. She admit that she still love the man but it's been 10 years since she left Viktor and not telling the reason why, She was sure that Viktor is mad at her and will not forgive her for breaking their promise. Her heart clenched painfully at the thought.

"Ka-chan, hurry. Phichit-papi is waiting for us." Luka said excitedly, tugging at her sleeves. Yuuri pinches her daughter's cheek making the young girl pouts.

"Okay, let's go down." Yuuri said, smiling at her daughter. She may no longer call Viktor as hers at least she have Luka, the fruit of their love and she promised to herself that she will give all the love she have for Luka.

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