Chapter 9

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A/N: Long ass author note (rant) at the end of the story read at your own risk.

Disclaimer: YOI doesn't belong to me.

Warning: Misspelled words and Grammar errors because I write, I edit, I post. So of you saw any mistake please tell me and I'll try to edit it

Without further ado, here's the update!!

Viktor was watching the scene being unfolded in front of him amusedly. The way Yuuri sighed fondly at Phichit who is currently sulking and pouting at his boyfriend's side, muttering how mean Yuuri was while his boyfriend just shook his head already used to his antics. Viktor take a mental note to follow him on his social media accounts and take a countless selfie with him as an apology for the misunderstanding and also a thank you for his help.

Then there's Luka, his cute little daughter who's looking at him with wide, shining eyes. He still can't believe that this child is his and Yuuri's daughter. That explain the reason when he first saw the little girl he felt something familiar because this kid is his own flesh and blood. He couldn't help but smile at her then warm, giddy feeling spread through his body when Luka smile adorably back at him. He can't wait to spoil his little girl.

"Ka-chan? Is Viktor going to eat with us?" His cute little daughter ask her mother before looking back at him with a wide grin then Viktor grins back and nodded his head making his little girl squealed happily at that moment Yuuri decided to tell their daughter the truth.

"Luka." Yuuri started. Both of hem looks at Yuuri, Luka with a tilt of her head and Viktor with a tensed expression as he become nervous when Yuuri speak.

"What is it, Ka-chan?" Luka asked with a frown. Viktor still his breathing as Yuuri took a deep breath before opening her mouth to speak.

"Viktor is your father." She said with a small voice. "I'm sorry fr not tell you earlier." She said as she closes her eyes. Viktor looks at Yuuri and reaches her hand to give a gentle squeeze to it before looking at Luka with a worried look when the girl didn't speak. But what they heard next make them look at Luka with wide, surprised eyes.

"I already know it, Ka-chan." Luka stated as she looks down. Yuuri ask how does she know with a stutter in his voice and Luka answered truthfully and when Yuuri heard Phichit's name form it she turn to look at Phichit with questioning look but Phichit told them that he doesn't do anything an knows nothing making Yuuri let out a long sigh. Viktor can't help but think how smart his daughter is at the young a she already understand what her register was.

"Then what is the question you want to ask Viktor?" At that his ear perks up, thinking back about their first encounter there's a question Luka want to ask him but she never had a chance to state it because Yuuri arrived with a worried look.

"I w..want to ask if I..I can him P..papa." Luka said in a shy, quiet voice. Viktor gasp at the question. Heart twinging as her daughter peeks up shyly at him through her eyebrows. Yuuri looks at him.

"So Viktor?" Yuuri asked with a soft smile.

"Of course you can." Viktor said happily as he smiled at her and gave him his heart-shaped smile. He could feel like crying. Luka got down on his seat in favor of crawling to Viktor's lap and crushed him in a big bear hug, giggling happily.

"Papa, Papa, Papa." She chanted happily as she wraps her lithe arms around Viktor tightly, nuzzling on his chest. Viktor feels warm as his little girl repeatedly call him Papa, he kisses the top of her head, lifting her to his lap. Yuuri on his side was giggling happily and Phichit was taking this opportunity to capture it with his phone, taking a mental note to ask for a copy for his own album while Seung-Gil were watching them amusedly.

Phichit was happily documenting the happy reunion of his best friend when he noticed something on her neck. It was a dark red mark that he was sure it was not there last night then he noticed how her friend was blooming and glowing. Putting it together he turn to his best friend with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Looks like you two enjoy your reunion last night, huh."Phichit said to his best friend teasingly, staring at the hickey. Seung-Gil scoffed at his side and Yuuri's right hand flew on her neck trying to hide the mark with a heavy blush on her face while Viktor coughs embarrassingly at the obvious teasing of his co-skater, a light dust of pink tinting his cheek and Luka was looking at them with a confuse expression, tilting her head questioningly.

"So fast Viktor, so fast." Phichit laugh at their embarrassment until he noticed a gleams on each others finger his amused laugh stop as his eyes widens in shock he stood up and clapped his hand. "Oh my god! Congratulations on your engagement." He exclaimed excitedly as he continue to clap his hand, staring at the gold band on their fingers. "Yuuri, I'm so happy for you." He said as he clasped his hand on Yuuri's hand, smiling widely as he caress the ring on her finger. Yuuri smile back at him, her face still red.

"Thanks to you." She said softly.

"So when's the wedding?" Phichit turn to interrogate Viktor who was smiling softly at them.

"Wedding?" Luka exclaimed, eyes shining with excitement and turn her head on her father. "You're going to marry Ka-chan?" And when Viktor nodded she squealed happily. "When?" She asked her father. Viktor place his point finger on top of his lip, thinking then he looks at Yuuri whose hand were still linked with Phichit but paid no mind. There's no need to feel jealous now that he knows nothing's going between them.

"When do you want to marry Yuuri?" He asked with a smile. "I don't mind if we marry today." At that Yuuri sputters in surprise.

"What? Isn't that too soon?" Yuuri questioned. Viktor deflated at that.

"You don't want to?" He asked with a small pout and a puppy eyes. Yuuri sigh.

"It's not that I don't want to. I want to get married to you as soon as possible too." at that Yuuri blush and Viktor's face split into a wide grin. "But Viktor there's still a exhibition and banquet tonight and you need to be there so I think marrying today is impossible." She explained but Viktor doesn't want any of that so he hummed and place his finger on his lips again, looking at them.

"Then I'll just call Yakov and tell him that I couldn't attend the gala and banquet. I'm sure he will understand." He said happily. Yuuri fights the urge to facepalm. She forgot how stubborn Viktor could be once he has an idea on his head and also the urge to strangle Phichit for giggling and agreeing to Viktor's ridiculous idea. Is she the only logical person here? She then turn to look at Seung-gil who shaking his head and took a sigh of relief to know that she's not the only one. Viktor fishes out his phone in his pocket and look at it with wide eyes.

"Wow 100 missed calls and 150 unread messages" He whispered in amazement. "I wonder why I haven't heard it ringing." He wonders then Yuuri peeks at his phone.

"You left it on silent mode." She said pointing at the crossed note at the top of the screen.

"No wonder." He said then tap the call icon to see who's been calling him. "Yakov?" He asked then go to his messaging app to look at his unread messages. Most of it are from Yakov then Yura and there's from Chris as well. Frowning in confusion he open Yakov's latest message and cringe at the capslocked letters Yakov used.





Viktor frowns wondering what happen as he tap the call button to make a call. "Excuse for a bit." He excused himself but didn't move on his place. At the first ring Yakov answer.

"Hi Ya-" but before he could finish his enthusiastic greeting Yakov cut him with a loud shout he swear his eardrum bursts.

"VITYA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU FOR HOW MANY HOURS. I SWEAR TO GOD" Yakov snarled on the phone. Viktor pulls out his phone from his ear to save his eardrum.

"Calm down Yakov." He said with a glee but that makes Yakov angrier.

"ME? CALM DOWN? NO! WHAT HAVE BEEN YOU DOING? YOU DAMN." There's a long sigh at the other side of the call before Yakov spoke again this time a little bit calm. "Have you check the news?" He asked Viktor.

"Not yet." Viktor asked with a frown. "Why?" Is there anything in the news that involves him. He turn to look at Yuuri and saw her looking at him worriedly. He gave her a comforting smile.

"Go check it" Yakov said tiredly. Viktor then turn to Phichit who gasped loudly as he scroll to his newsfeed.

"What is it, Phichit?" Yuuri asked her friend concernedly. Phichit looks at them slowly, his phone clutched tightly on his hand.

"Me and Viktor are on the headline . It's all about the incident last night." He said with a worried look, Viktor also gasped. No wonder Yakov is very angry. He was on the headline but not in a good way of publicity. No. What happen last night was considered as a scandal. Why you ask? Because  he, the sixth time gold medalist. Living Legend Viktor Nikiforov juts punched the Pride of Thailand, his Love and Life's best friend Phichit Chulanont and it seems someone posted a stolen picture of it on the internet or what worse is that there's a reporter inside the restaurant. Viktor let out a long suffering groan as he facepalm his self.

How can he supposed to marry his beloved, Katsuki Yuuri today?

A/N: So yeah. I just want to apologize for not updating for three weeks and also I want to tell you all that I will be on hiatus. I don't know when will I'll be back or how long I'll be gone. Because you see I kinda lost inspiration and enthusiasm in writing. I'm in a total slump. Writer's block. And to top it all my inferiority complex were started to attack me again. I'm sorry really I know for some people it's just an excuse but not for me. Me who have a very low self-confidence and self- esteem. You see my father totally dissed me out on how I need to take my study seriously and all and stop watching anime and all because I'm a graduating student but Pa, it's my way of relieving stress then there's my mother who started to compare me to my sister again. Like Ma I already know that my sister is smarter than me no need to rub it on my face daaannngggg!!! Her major screams "Smart" to me compare to mine. Yaaahhhhhh. Can't you see. I'm taking my study seriously it's just that I'm still undecided about what I'm going to do after graduation. Daaammnnn.

I'm sorry if I sound dramatic or like I'm asking pity. No nope. I don't like being pitied at. I just need to vent out. Please don't mind me. Just please, let me pull myself together and wait for me to come back okay? There's still more chapter of this and I decided not to end it yet there's still the wedding. I will come back really and I'm sorry for ranting. You all can still me lurking here.

That's all. Lia_Thal signing out.

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