Yurnero, the Juggernaut

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Yurnero, the Juggernaut

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I didn't think I'd ever finish this guide, but here it is. Juggernaut is one of the first heroes I played and has been my best and favorite hero for a very long time, but somehow I never got around to finishing this guide until now. I put a ridiculous amount of effort into writing this guide, testing builds and getting good replays, so hopefully it shows.

This guide is extremely long and comprehensive, but I think that all the information is necessary, and I gauruntee it's worth the effort to read. Whether you play Juggernaut religiously, or you're just trying him for the first time, I'm sure you can take something from this guide, and hopefully start to enjoy playing this hero as much as I do.


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Strength: 20 + 1.9 each level

Agility: 20 + 2.85 each level

Intelligence: 14 + 1.4 each level

Base HP: 473

Base Mana: 182

Base Damage: 44 - 48

Base Armor: 4

Base Move Speed: 295

Range: 100 (Melee)

Attack Speed: 1.42 (+ 20% IAS from base agility)


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Blade Fury

Level 1: Deals 80 damage per second.

Level 2: Deals 100 damage per second.

Level 3: Deals 120 damage per second.

Level 4: Deals 140 damage per second.

Mana Cost: 110

Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Juggernaut spins with his blade causing damage to all units near him. You become immune to magic while using this. Blade Fury is your primary hero killing skill early game and your escape mechanism throughout the game. Becoming proficient with this skill is essential to playing Juggernaut well.

See the Guide to Blade Fury later in the guide to learn more about how this skill works and how to use it.

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Blade Dance

Level 1: 10% chance for double damage

Level 2: 18% chance for double damage

Level 3: 26% chance for double damage

Level 4: 36% chance for double damage

Basically boosts your damage by 10, 18, 26, and then 36 percent. Blade Dance is very useful mid and late game but isn't too helpful early on because you'll be relying on your spells rather than your physical attack. Criticals from Blade Dance have a chance to trigger when additional slashes occur during Omnislash.

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Healing Ward

Level 1: Heals 1% of hit points per second.

Level 2: Heals 2% of hit points per second.

Level 3: Heals 3% of hit points per second.

Level 4: Heals 4% of hit points per second.

Mana Cost: 140

Cooldown: 75 seconds

Lasts: 25 seconds

Heals all allied units near the ward for a percent of their max HP every second. Great skill for pushing but easily destroyed. Healing ward can be moved by selecting the ward and moving it as you would move a hero.

See the Guide to Healing Ward later in the guide to learn more about how this skill works and how to use it.

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Level 1: Attacks 3 times.

Level 2: Attacks 5 times.

Level 3: Attacks 8 times.

Mana Cost: 200/275/350

Cooldown: 130/120/110 seconds

Juggernaut performs random blink attacks that deal 150-250 damage each. Absolutely amazing ultimate but somewhat hard to use. Additional slashes are possible between the set slashes if Juggernaut�s attack speed is high enough. These slashes are based on your normal attack damage rather than the 150-250 set damage from the other slashes. Omnislash deals physical damage.

See the Guide to Omnislash later in the guideto learn more about how this skill works and how to use it.

Skill Build

Blade Fury


Blade Fury


Blade Fury


Blade Fury





Blade Dance or Healing Ward

Blade Dance or Healing Ward

Blade Dance or Healing Ward

Blade Dance or Healing Ward


Healing Ward or Blade Dance

Healing Ward or Blade Dance

Healing Ward or Blade Dance

Healing Ward or Blade Dance






Why gets stats early?

Juggernaut relies almost solely on his spells to deal damage early game and taking points in stats allows him to use his spells much more effectively. Without extra stats, Juggernaut does not have enough mana to use both Blade Fury and Omnislash at level 6, making it nearly impossible to get kills. Stats also help Juggernaut in terms of survivability and boost his base damage a little for last hitting.

What do I take at levels 12-15?

In organized games, I suggest taking Healing Ward at levels 12-15 since that's when a lot of the pushing will happen. In low-level games, Blade Dance is more useful during mid game because the ganking and farming stage of the game tends to last a lot longer.

Any Exceptions?

Always. Although these are the typically the best skill builds for Juggernaut, there is always room for adjustment depending on how the game is going. In pubs and TDAs, for example, it�s perfectly fine to take only 2 or 3 levels of stats before getting Blade Dance. Blade Dance helps you go through neutral creeps much faster and amplifies Omnislash�s damage more than stats do, so if you can avoid dying, getting it a little earlier is fine. In organized games, it�s sometimes a good idea to take Healing Ward a level or two earlier if you�re against a team that pushes early, and so on.

Feel free to adjust the skill build to fit your own playstyle and the level of play you typically play at.

Item Build

Core Items

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1. Bottle

2. 3 Bracers or Wraith Bands

3. Boots of Travel


It took several patches for players to realize how good this item really is. It went from being considered useless, to being considered decent on heavy gankers like Night Stalker and Bounty Hunter, to being nerfed slightly because players used it on every hero from Sven to Zues. Bottle works well on Juggernaut because it allows him to gank extremely effectively by using runes, and gives him a cheap and effective way to replenish his mana and HP. Furthermore, since Juggernaut needs Boots of Travel early on, he will be able to refill Bottle even when runes aren�t readily available.

Bracers or Wraiths

In theory, Bracer fill out Juggernaut�s needs much better than Wraith Bands do, but in reality, both items work well. Bracers are always better if you�re having trouble and tend to be more useful in team fights, since you�ll mostly be relying on Blade Fury in large battles. Wraith Bands are cheaper, however, and tend to be more helpful for ganking and farming because they help with Omnislash, and amplify your base damage and attack speed.

As a rule of thumb, get Bracers if you�re going for Radiance or if you�re having trouble and need to go for Sange and Yasha. Get Wraith Bands if you�re going for Desolator.

Boots of Travel

With Power Treads being better than ever as of 6.49b, Juggernaut is one of the few strength or agility candidates for Boots of Travel. BoTs are particularly good on Juggernaut because of their synergy with Blade Fury. Not only do you need the speed bonus to chase heroes effectively, the the teleport ability because of the Blade Fury/TP trick, but Blade Fury is also an amazing farming ability. If Juggernaut can't jump around the map and farm, his power quickly trickles away by mid game and it's difficult for him to compete with other carry heroes later on. Notice how other carry heroes with amazing farming capabilities, such as Shadowfiend and Razor, still get Boots of Travel over Treads.

Power Treads are by no means bad on Juggernaut, and are actually a great alternative to Travels now. But I feel that Juggernaut is still one of the few heroes that benefits more from BoTs.

After the Core Build

After obtaining all the core items, you can go in several directions. I won�t tell you that any one is better than the others because every game is different, but I will tell you the pros and cons of each and what situations each item is best for.

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The Carry: Radiance

Radiance has been standard on Juggernaut for a long time. It has amazing synergy with both Blade Fury and Omnislash, and helps tremendously with farming, which is helpful if you plan to carry your team. Radiance�s only real drawbacks are that it is very hard to farm if you�re not doing well and it makes you a big target. Since Juggernaut is still relatively fragile during mid game, drawing enemy focus can get you killed. However, you�ll be able to farm other items more quickly when you have Radiance so you can boost your survivability pretty quickly.

Get Radiance if

* You�re doing well enough that farming relic isn�t a problem

* There isn�t another hero on your team getting it

* There are too many disables to rely on your physical attack

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The Omnislasher: Desolator

Desolator is the best DPS item for its cost on most heroes and works well on Juggernaut because the armor reduction amplifies the damage from the 3/5/8 set slashes in Omnislash. Since the set slashes make up most of Omnislash�s damage until super-late game, Desolator is the most cost efficient and effective item for increasing Omnislash�s damage.

The only problem with Desolator is that it tends to be less helpful in large team battles, since there are too many disables flying around to rely on your physical attack and too many units to use Omnislash.

Get Desolator if

* There aren�t many enemy heroes with skills that stop Omnislash from working well (Blink, Windwalk)

* One of your allies is already getting Radiance

* There are few enough disables that you can rely on your physical attack

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The Fallback: Sange and Yasha

Despite the fact that everyone seems to hate this item, Juggernaut is one of the best candidates for using it. In most cases, Desolator and Radiance are still stronger items, but SnY is an amazing item if you need something to fall back on.

If you�re not dominating, SnY is generally the best option for Juggernaut. It has a very easy build up, provides good survivability with the HP and move speed, and isn�t too bad in terms of DPS either. The best part about SnY, however, isn't that the build up is so easy, it's that the build up is so good. Most items come in large, relatively useless pieces like Demon Edge or Eaglehorn, but each little piece of SnY is useful and cost-effective. If you're having trouble, SnY is all but perfect on Juggernaut.

Get Sange and Yasha if

* You�re not farming well or getting a lot of kills

* You feel like you need the extra HP

* Another hero is getting Radiance and there are too many disables to use Desolator

After completing one of the items above, move on to one of these

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Heart, Dagger, The Butterfly, Assault Cuirass or Monkey King Bar

Heart - Heart is usually a good choice after Radiance, especially vs a lot of casters. It can work well after Desolator too in some cases. If you don't feel like you need more HP so soon, feel free to get Butterfly or Cuirass, then get Heart afterwards, but remember that you won't be able to use the damage you already have if you can't stay alive.

Dagger - Dagger works better with Desolator than with Radiance because you'll be relying more on Omnislash and Dagger helps a lot with positioning. The Desolator build is also meant to be used against teams with fewer disables, meaning you should be able to save yourself with Dagger, where as a team with tons of disables would kill you before you could blink.

MKB, Butterfly and Cuirass - Before I compare the rest of these items these items, I�d like to give you a brief overview of how damage per second (DPS) works, and how to go about increasing your DPS as efficiently as possible. Increasing your DPS is all about balancing attack speed and direct damage. Here is an example that illustrates this:


DPS Example

Hero A attacks once per second and deals 200 damage per hit. Hero B attacks twice per second and deals 100 damage per hit. Obviously, both heroes deal 200 damage per second.

If we add 100 direct damage to Hero A, he now deals 300 damage once a second (300 DPS). If we add 100 direct damage to Hero B, however, he deals 200 damage twice a second (400 DPS). The same amount of damage was added to both heroes, but Hero B�s DPS is ends up being higher because DPS relies on balancing direct damage and attack speed.

If you�re still confused, or would like to learn more about how DPS works, I suggest taking a look at this guide.

As you might have guessed, most heroes don�t start with balanced direct damage and attack speed. Most heroes start with very low base damage and decent attack speed, which is why items that add direct damage tend to be the best choice for a first item (Desolator, MKB, Radiance, etc). After getting your first damage item, the balance of direct damage and attack speed is shifted the other way, so items like The Butterfly and Assault Cuirass become good choices. MKB is generally used as a first damage item, but becomes a good second item if you had some reason for getting a more IAS oriented item first, like Sange and Yasha.

Butterfly vs Cuirass

Butterfly and Cuirass are two very similar items. The both provide around the same amount of attack speed and damage (although Cuirass� damage comes from the armor reduction), and Butterfly�s evasion provides about the same amount of damage reduction as the armor bonus from Cuirass.

In general, Butterfly is better on agility heroes and Cuirass is better on strength and intelligence heroes. Juggernaut, however, is an exception because Omnislash�s set 3/5/8 slashes are considered physical damage and therefore benefit from the armor reduction given by Cuirass. Butterfly adds more to your normal attack, but Cuirass adds more to Omnislash�s damage and helps your team out.

In a typical game, I suggest getting Cuirass second for both the Radiance and Desolator builds. Radiance gives 8% evasion, which means that you only get and extra 22% from Butterfly, which isn�t as helpful in terms of survivability as the 15 armor given by Cuirass. For the Desolator build, Cuirass is the item of choice because it reduces your opponents� armor even further. Armor reduction is the most effective when a hero�s armor is reduced to a point between 0 and -4, which is about what enemy heroes should be at when you reduce their armor by 11.

Cuirass also has a better build up than Butterfly, since Hyperstone is a much more cost-efficient source of damage than Eaglehorn is, and the bonuses for your teammates are helpful too.

Some other things to consider

Although Cuirass tends to be better with both builds in a typical game, there are several things that can make Butterfly a significantly better choice.

The main thing you�ll want to consider is proc spells. The most notable of these is Bash, which you can compete against with Butterfly, but will destroy you if you have Cuirass. Maim, Skadi�s slow, MKB�s ministun, and Maelstrom/Mjollnir�s lighting, and Entangle are some other proc-based spells and abilities that can be avoided with Butterfly�s evasion, but are unaffected by the armor given by Cuirass. Butterfly is better vs criticals as well, since a critical strike can be completely avoided with evasion, but is just reduced by armor.

Also, orbs like Silencer�s Glaives of Wisdom, Enchantress� Impetus and Obsidian Destroyer�s Arcane Orb are unaffected by armor, but can still miss. It�s a good idea to get Butterfly vs those three heroes and other similar heroes.

Finally, you should always get Butterfly if another player on your team is getting Cuirass. If you already have the aura, all you�re really getting is 40% attack speed and 10 armor. Make sure not to get Cuirass if anyone else on your team is planning on making it.

What about MKB?

If you got SnY as your first item, MKB is generally the best choice for a second item. Since SnY gives quite a bit of attack speed and not much damage, compared to other damage items, MKB will increase your DPS more than Butterfly or Cuirass. It�s also about 1000 gold cheaper and the ministun is always nice. If you�re up against a lot of physical damage, however, it�s better to get Butterfly or Cuirass for the survivability factor. Butterfly tends to work better in this case since there�s really no synergy between SnY and Cuirass.

If you got Desolator or Radiance first, MKB isn�t quite as good for increasing your DPS. (Remember: balance direct damage and attack speed). It�s still cost efficient in terms of DPS, but it doesn�t give you any survivability like Cuirass and Butterfly do.

There will be rare situations, however, where the mini-stun is extremely helpful and it�s worth getting over Butterfly or Cuirass. The mini-stun is the best way to stop heroes with BKB from channeling their ultimates. Namely CM and witch doctor.

Why not get Butterfly, Cuirass or MKB as a first item?

Desolator provides much better damage output for its cost than any of these items and has an easier build up. The only time you might want to consider getting MKB as a first item is if you�re set on getting Satanic later, but don�t want to go for Radiance. MKB is a good choice for first damage item on a lot of heroes, but on Juggernaut, it's outclassed by Desolator 99% of the time.

There�s really not much reason to get either Butterfly or Cuirass first over Desolator. They provide around the same DPS, for 2k more gold and are much harder to farm. Remember that DPS comes from balancing your direct damage and attack speed, and Juggernaut's base attack speed is much higher than his base damage, comparatively. For this reason, it's much better to start with a direct damage item like Desolator or Radiance. There's a reason why Sacred Relic costs 3800 and Hyperstone costs 2100.

Some people like getting Butterfly or Cuirass first for the survivability factor, but the first half of the game is dominated by spells, not physical damage. The armor and evasion will barely help you before late game, and they're both based on your HP, meaning they're far less effective while your HP is still low. If you�re looking for survivability, SnY is a better option for mid game and has a much better build up. It�s not too bad in terms of DPS either. Even just getting Desolator and three Bracers costs less than Butterfly or Cuirass and provides more damage and significantly more survivability during early and mid game.

Other Items

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Satanic � Great late-game survivability item if the other team doesn't have many disables. If you got Radiance or SnY as your first main item, Satanic can take the place of Heart as a survivability item, but you need to have two or three damage items before it really becomes useful.

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Black King Bar - Good late-game solution to disables. Using Blade Fury along with Radiance works better for the first half of the game, but eventually you'll need to rely on your physical attack, and that's where BKB comes in.

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Battlefury � Terrible first or second damage item for Juggernaut, despite being strangely popular, but pretty good as a late-game item. Radiance is simply a better item on Juggernaut for most of the game because it deals damage while you�re using Blade Fury and Omnislash, and Battlefury doesn�t. You can already clear creeps extremely quickly with Blade Fury, so the splash damage isn�t needed for most of the game. The only situation that warrants getting Battlefury on Juggernaut is if you've lost a barracks or two super-late game and you need something to keep the creeps back.

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Power Treads � With the buff to Treads in 6.49b, they're now a viable alternative to Boots of Travel on Juggernaut. Personally, I still favor BoTs, but feel free to experiment with both option. They both work fine.

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Hood of Defiance - Bracers and Heart are just better for their respective stages of the game. Juggernaut doesn�t need the regeneration because of Bottle and Boots of Travel, and proper use of Blade Fury helps you get around a lot of spell damage. Hood is also percentage based, and Juggernaut is pretty fragile, making Bracers and Heart better choices.

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Vangaurd - Not a bad item, but there are better choices. By getting Vangaurd, you pay a lot for the Ring of Health portion of the item, which is all but useless on Juggernaut since you'll already be getting Bottle early on, and Boots of Travel not long after that. Two or three Bracers and a Stout Shield will give you better bonuses than Vangaurd for less gold.

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Diffusal Blade - Good for ganking, especially since it can be used during Blade Fury, and great for countering Warlock on Omniknight. It really doesn�t add much damage though, and it�s very difficult to carry if you dish out 3000 gold for Diffusal. Still, it can be choice if you have an ally who can carry hard and you can play a more support and ganking-oriented role.

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Mask of Madness - MoM is a workable item on Juggernaut, but it wastes your orb effect and using it makes you extremely fragile. It isn't a bad item, but just like Hood is outclassed by Bracers or Heart on Juggernaut, MoM is outclassed by Radiance, Desolator and SnY.

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Skadi - Skadi's slow isn't particularly helpful on Juggernaut and takes up an orb effect that could be put to better use with Desolator or Satanic. Heart, Satanic and SnY are better survivability items for Juggernaut and the mana given by Skadi is put to waste, since Bottle takes care of all Juggernaut's mana problems. Like many other items in this section, Skadi isn't bad on Juggernaut, but it is overshadowed by a few other items.

This post has been edited by Chameleon12: Jan 14 2008, 03:25 PM


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post Oct 17 2007, 03:30 AM

Post #2



Group: Members

Joined: 9-August 06

Member No.: 405,227

Bnet Name: Nooblex

Bnet Realm: Azeroth


The strategy section of this guide will seprately cover the three possible playstyles for Juggernaut: Jungling, Laning, and Soloing. Each of these strategies is best suited for a certain level of play, which I'll cover at the beginning of each section, but ultimately, whether you jungle, solo or lane is up to you.

Early Game

1. Jungling

When to jungle � Juggernaut should almost always jungle in high level games because some lanes are just too much for him to handle. If done well, Juggernaut can jungle very quickly and get much more gold than would be possible in a lane. You should level about as fast as you would in a dual lane, but you get a lot more gold and let the other heroes on your team get more experience in their lanes. Jungling also works well in low-level games when you are unable to get a solo lane, since laning with someone who is incompetent will set you back.

Note � Good jungling with Juggernaut is quite complicated, so if you're a visual person, I suggest watching a few of the replays. The last replay is the best example, but that kind of jungling is pretty hard to pull off in a normal game, especially if you're new to jungling with Juggernaut.

Starting items: None, or two Branches


Neutral Creep Info

1. Neutral creeps spawn at the 2:00 minute mark in AP and AR modes, 4:00 in RD and 5:00 in LM. Most leagues play XL mode, but the picks are done before the game starts, so the actually game mode should usually be AP. RD is a popular mode in TDAs, relatively common in pubs and occasionally used in Inhouse games. LM is rarely used now, but was the standard game type for league games for a long time.

2. Creeps spawn every 1:00 minute, but will not spawn if you are too close to the camp, if you can see the camp, or if there are creeps or corpses near the camp.

3. Runes will spawn at the 2:00 minute mark, regardless of the game type, and will spawn again every 2:00 minutes if the previous rune is taken. Whether a rune spawns at the top or bottom of the river is completely random.

If you at all new to jungling, or if you really want to know how neutral creeps work, I strongly recommend reading this guide. Neutral creep stats, gold, experience and everything else you could possibly want to know about can be found here.

Creep difficulty

Camps that can be crept at level 1

* 3 Gnolls

* 3 Trolls

* 2 Trolls and a Kobold

* 5 Kobolds

* 3 Gnolls (double spawn)

Camps that should be crept at level 3 or higher

* 3 Wolves

* 2 Trolls and a Kobold (double spawn)

* 4 Satyrs

* 3 Gnolls (triple spawn)

Camps that should be crept at level 5 or higher

* 2 Centaurs

* 3 Satyrs

* 3 Ogres

* 2 trolls and a kobold (triple spawn)

Camps that should be crept at level 7 or higher

* 2 Furbolgs

* 2 Golems

* Most double and triple spawns



When the game starts, run off to your starting point in the woods. Remember, you have to be far enough from the first creep camp (3 Gnolls on the scourge side, 2 Trolls and a Kobold on the sentinel side) that you can't see it. If you can, the creeps won't spawn.

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This is the best place to start on the sentinel side because you can see the rune. It will spawn at exactly 2:00 minutes, which is the same time neutral creeps spawn.

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This is the best starting spot on the scourge side because you can check the rune before you start neutralling.

It's helpful to start in these places because getting runes is extremely important for jungling quickly and effectively, and it will only slow you down by a few seconds to check one of them at the start.


Wait at your starting spot until the neutral creeps spawn, then immediately run over to the first camp (3 Gnolls on the scourge side, 2 Trolls and a Kobold on the sentinel side). Kill the creeps with Blade Fury, then run back to the base to buy your Bottle. Use your bottle at the fountain to heal more quickly, then fill it up again. Do this whenever you take a fountain trip.

The easy camp you just crept should have respawned by the time you get back, so creep it again, then look for another easy camp. See the creep difficulty chart above to see what level Juggernaut should be at to creep each camp. Check runes while Blade Fury is cooling down.


Guide to Runes

Regeneration - Probably the most useful rune for Juggernaut. Just store it in your Bottle, then use it when your mana and HP both get low from neutralling. Regeneration will save you a lot of time since you won't have to go out of your way to find another rune if you need to heal, and you won't have to take a fountain trip if you miss a rune.

Haste - Great for ganking (remember that as soon as you use Blade Fury, the haste effect will disapear), and good if you need to take a fountain trip or get to a creep camp in time to create double spawns (see advanced tactics below). You can get almost anywhere on the map in 10 or 15 seconds with haste, so pay attention to any hero that gets low during the 2 minutes haste is stored in your Bottle.

Double Damage - Decent for ganking once you get Omnislash, but mostly useful for clearing hard creeps like Golems and Centaurs (sometimes several hard camps will spawn so you'll have to get them out of the way). Blade Fury dispells double damage too.

Invisibility - Like the other runes, invisibility will be dispelled by Blade Fury. It's still an amazing rune for ganking though. Probably the best. There's a trick with this rune and Bottle where you can click your Bottle to use the rune, then click it again and heal during the built-in fade time. So, if you use a charge of your Bottle within a second or so after you activate invisibility, it won't dispell the effect.

Illusion - Generally the least useful rune, but it definitely has its uses. The easiest use of an illusion is just to have it tank a creep camp for you. You can also use it to scout the next rune, or to see what creeps spawned at a certain camp. You can even use it to pull creeps for double spawns if you're good at doing two things at once.


Ganking is an extremely important part of jungling with Juggernaut. Assuming your allies are decent, you can get a kill any time your opponents are out of position (far enough from their tower that you can follow them for 5 seconds without running into it). One of the best parts about jungling is that you're always missing, so it's important to use that to your advantage. Gank whenever your allies ask you to, or whenever you see an opportunity. Once you have Omnislash, you should try for a kill whenever it's cooled down.


After level 6, you should mostly be farming whenever Omnislash is on cooldown down. Obviously you should continue jungling, but it's also very important to take over any lane that gets left open. Taking empty lanes will help you level quite a bit faster than sticking to the jungle. If you're good at last hitting, you can get an obscene amount of gold if you get left to free farm for several minutes. Try to avoid using Blade Fury on creeps, unless there's a big bunch of them nearing your tower or if Omnislash is almost cooled down and you want to go gank soon.

Advanced Tactics

Being Global

Because Blade Fury goes through creeps extremely quickly, but has a 30 second cooldown, Juggernaut is capable of using both sides of the map better than any other hero. Using both sides to jungle will make it much easier to find camps that can be crept easily before level 5 or so, and makes ganking a lot easier since you can come out of the woods on your opponents' side at any time.

Some of the replays illustrate this tactic better than I could ever explain it, so I suggest checking them out. Just make sure to check the rune spots every time you switch sides and pull double spawns as often as possible.

Pulling Double spawns

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In the image above, you can see that there are now two groups of creeps, which means more gold per Blade Fury. Try to pull creeps while Blade Fury is cooling down so you don't waste time.

In short, pulling double spawns means to aggravate a group of creeps several seconds before a new bunch would usually spawn, then getting the creeps to follow you far enough that the game engine thinks there are no creeps anymore, and spawns a second group.

The two small camps near the middle lane (3 Gnolls on the scourge side, 2 Trolls and a Kobold on the sentinel side) are the best camps for pulling double spawns because they will spawn the same creeps every time. Other spots have a chance to spawn Golems, which can't be damaged by Blade Fury or Centaurs, which are very hard to creep until level 5+, and even harder if you pulled double spawns.

To pull the small camps near the middle, simply wait until 52 or 53 seconds after the minute, hit one of the creeps, and run away. The creeps should follow you, and new creeps should spawn provided you timed it right and ran in the right direction.

Creep respawning is based on an invisible rectangle around each camp (again, see this guide for more information). To make new creeps spawn, you have to get the original creeps to follow you out of the rectangle.

For the creeps on the sentinel side, you'll have to run directly to the right of the camp as soon as you aggravate them. Go up the hill and continue in that direction until the creeps turn around. On the scourge side, pull the creeps diagonally upwards, above the tower and the group of trees, but below the hill to the left. I know this might sound confusing, but it should be pretty clear if you watch the replays.

Key Spots

Perfect jungling with Juggernaut requires that you never waste time looking for suitable creeps. After killing each camp, you have 20-25 seconds to find another camp that can be crept easily at your current level. These screenshots illustrate places where you can quickly check a creep camp without wasting any time.

Key spot #1

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1. You can check this camp any time without going around to the other side. Note that you don't have to be close to the treeline to see the creeps. You can just run by.

Key spot #2

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2. From here, you can see down the cliff and through the trees and check if the creep camp that spawned suites your current level.

Key spot #3

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3. As shown above, Juggernaut can see the camp well before turning the corner.

2. Laning with an ally

When to lane � The best kind of games to lane in are TDAs or low-level inhouse or scrim games. Dual-laning works best in mid-level games because your allies should be competent enough to pull off a combo with you, but your opponents shouldn�t have ridiculously strong lanes like Sven/Lina or NA/Leshrac. You should lane with a ranged slower or stunner. There�s no reason to be in a dual lane if you don�t have a lane partner that fits into that catagory.

Starting Items: Circlets, Branches and Flasks or Tangos


Heroes worth laning with

* Lich

* Viper

* CM

* Enigma

* Rhasta

* VS

* Dazzle


* Lion

* Drow

* Furion

* Qop

* Venomancer

* Chen

If you can�t lane with one of these heroes, it�s usually better to jungle or solo, although a few other heroes can work.

Lane Choice

Pick a partner from the list above and head to the top or bottom lane. It doesn�t really matter which one, regardless of whether you�re on the sentinel or scourge side. You want to avoid middle lane with Juggernaut because the towers are close together, making it hard to follow a hero for 5 seconds with Blade Fury. The middle lane is usually the designated solo lane in mid and high level games anyway.

When to try for a kill

Depending on your lane partner and your opponents, you should begin trying for a kill between levels 1 and 3. Communicate with your partner and tell him when you plan to go for a kill. If he�s good, he will notice you moving forward and use his spells, but many players need to be told exactly when to go. Try to be patient.

If your ally has a single nuke that works well as a slow or stun at level one, try for a kill as soon as creeps meet. Furion and VS are two heroes that fit into this category.

However, most of the best lane partner�s for Juggernaut have two nukes, stuns or slows. When laning with heroes like CM, Venomancer or Lion, it�s best to wait until level two so they can use both of their skills. Lich falls into this category because he should have gotten Dark Ritual at level one.

A few other heroes have slowing skills that are pretty weak at level one, so you�ll want to wait until level three. Viper, Dazzle and Chen are a few examples.

The killing process

Your role in a double lane is simple: follow the hero with Blade Fury until he dies. The hard part is coordinating with your ally. The combo should start by you running towards your enemy, and your ally should use his slow or disable right before you reach the hero. If your ally has a second disable, he should use it right after the first one finishes.

See the 3rd and 5th replays for examples of this.


Assuming you did well in your lane, it�s usually a good idea to periodically gank other lanes once you hit level 6. This works especially well if your original lane partner can handle the lane without you (Lich, Viper, etc).

Let your allies know that your ganking their lane by saying so and pinging on the map. If your allies don�t know you�re coming, your gank is likely to fail. Just like laning, try to get your allies to use their disables right before you reach the hero so you can easily follow with Blade Fury. Now that you have Omnislash, getting a kill should be pretty easy.


Assuming your original ally can handle the lane, you should mostly be roaming at this point. Farm neutrals with Blade Fury and temporarily take over empty lanes, then try to gank whenever Omnislash is cooled down. You don�t need Omnislash to gank, but it helps a lot, so focus on farming while Omnislash is on cooldown unless you see a good opportunity to get a kill.

3. Solo

When to solo � Juggernaut should solo in low-level games whenever possible. Soloing works great because Juggernaut is one of the best heroes for killing bad players in a lane. A good Juggernaut can easily draw first blood at level 2 or 3, and rack up several kills by level 7 or 8. A solo lane will allow you to level quickly so that you can easily one-shot heroes with Omnislash and you�ll have an easier time carrying your team. Don�t try to solo in anything above TDA level, however, because a good player with a ranged hero will shut you down completely.

Starting Items: Circlets, Branches and Flasks or Tangos


Heroes you can�t solo against

* Nerubian Assassin

* Nerubian Weaver

* Queen of Pain

* Anti-mage

These are heroes that you just flat out won�t be able to kill if your opponent is remotely competent. Try your best to avoid being in the same lane as these heroes, and try to get a lane change if they end up being in your lane anyway. It�s still possible to kill these heroes, but unless you are much, much better than your opponent, it�s probably not going to happen.

Other tough heroes

* Windwalkers (BH, Clinkz, PL).

* Heroes with Escapes (Potm, Morphling, Faceless Void).

* Illusion heroes and summoners (Dirge, Syllabear, Naga Siren).

These heroes can all be killed, but it will be much harder than killing regular heroes. See the mini guides to Blade Fury and Omnislash for explanations of how to deal with blinkers, windwalkers and illusion heroes.

Lane Choice

Like dual laning, you want to go top or bottom when soloing Juggernaut because the towers in the middle lane are too close together. Sentinel bottom and scourge top are preferred because the creeps meet closer to your tower which makes farming, surviving and chasing with Blade Fury easier. However, you may want to consider the top sentinel lane or bottom scourge lane since it�s more likely you�ll be matched up 1v1, rather than 1v2. It�s much easier to kill one hero in a lane than it is to kill two.


With the exception of the four heroes on the first list, you should be able to kill just about anyone you�re up against. If your up against someone who is too good for you to kill, you shouldn�t have solo�d (don't solo in mid-high level games). Fortunately, even skilled players can be killed if you play just right.

Knowing your opponent

The first thing you need to do in a solo lane is quickly figure out how good your opponent is. Blade Fury him at level 1. See what he does. If he stands still or runs in a straight line he is probably inexperienced and you can kill him at level 2 or 3. If he backs up early or jukes you by turning back or running in a circle, he probably knows what he�s doing.

Check his items. Inexperienced players will usually have Boots of Speed, a Ring of Basillius, a Bracer or a Wraith Band. Better players will usually have Flasks, Tangos or a Ring of Regeneration and cheap stat items.

How does he attack creeps? Does he wait patiently for a last hit or does he auto-attack? If he does last hit, is he good at it? Does he deny his own creeps? Does he try to harass you?

By level 2 or 3 you should have a pretty good idea of how good your opponent is and how easy it will be to kill him.


Especially in a 2v1 situation, it's likely that you won't have free reign over the creeps. Stand back behind the range creep and run in and out for last hits and denies. If your timing is good, you should only be next for the melee creeps for about a second. If you deny and avoid auto-attacking, the creeps should be near your tower most of the time, allowing you to get significantly most last hits.

Farming is just as essential for dominating with Juggernaut as getting kills is. You'll have trouble carrying your team if you don't get last hits, even if you're doing well kill/death wise.

Killing � levels 1-5

Now that you know how good your opponent is, try to figure out when you�ll be able to kill him. If your opponent is bad, you should be able to kill him at level 2 or 3. Simply walk up to him, press the F key (Blade Fury) and follow him by clicking directly in front of him. Do not click directly on him or your hero won�t go close enough for Blade Fury to hit him. If you don�t kill him, keep trying at levels 4 and 5 unless he�s good enough that you can tell he won�t die from Blade Fury alone. In that case, conserve mana and try to have 310 by level 6. Try to get a bottle at the secret shop if you can reach it safely, or use someone�s chicken to get it. Bottle helps a lot.

If your opponent is better, you�ll probably have to wait until level 6 to actually kill him. By all means, try earlier, but most experienced players can avoid dying to Blade Fury alone.

Killing � level 6+

The key to killing with Blade Fury and Omnislash is getting your opponent away from the creeps. Depending on how your opponent plays, you can initiate with either Blade Fury or Omnislash.

The Blade Fury + Omnislash Combo

If your opponent lets you get close enough to chase him with Blade Fury, you�ll usually want to initiate that way, then finish with Omnislash. Wait until a new wave of creeps come (so they don�t come during your combo), then chase the hero with Blade Fury. If your opponent runs directly away from the creeps, wait until Blade Fury finishes and use Omnislash. He should be die.

If he tries to run a circle around the creeps or double back on you to juke you, try to follow him as well as you can, then fight him. He should already be damaged from Blade Fury, so unless he has a very strong nuke or stun combo, you should be able to go head to head with him. As soon as he drops to around 150 HP, use Omnislash and he should die from the first hit. If there are no creeps around, use Omnislash sooner.

The Omnislash + Blade Fury Combo

If you�re up against someone who won�t let you get close enough to use Blade Fury, you�ll have to initiate with Omnislash. When a new wave of creeps meet, run towards your opponent. He should start to back away from the creeps. If he doesn�t, you should be initiating with Blade Fury. When he backs away, keep chasing him until he�s around 800 range from his own creeps (a little more than a tower�s range). Omnislash�s bounce range is only 600, but you want to make sure he doesn�t double back, causing you to hit creeps with some of the slashes.

As soon as you cast Omnislash, start taping the F key repeatedly. You want to be able to go into Blade Fury as soon as Omnislash finishes. Chase the hero with Blade Fury until he dies; he should be very low from Omnislash already.

Farming and Ganking

If you�re solo, try to stay in your lane until lanes break up (usually when towers go down) or when you get Boots of Travel. You can run around ganking and have someone cover for you, but if you can get kills in your lane, you might as well soak up the extra experience you get from having a solo lane.

If you�re having trouble in your lane, ask for a gank.

Mid Game

Regardless of whether you solo�d, jungled or laned early on, mid game is pretty much the same for Juggernaut. The only real difference is that you�ll be a few levels higher if you had a solo lane. Mid game starts around level 10 or 11, at which point lanes should break up and there should be more ganking and possibly pushing.


If neither team starts to push early, mid game will be all about ganking and farming. Assuming you're farming and leveling well, you should be able to kill most heroes by yourself, but try to gank with your allies whenever possible. Whenever Omnislash is cooled down, go looking for heroes. You can run off into your opponent's woods and look for stray heroes to Omnislash, or find someone who's pushing too far in the lane and go gank them. If you run into a bad situation, like 2 or 3 heroes together, use Blade Fury and TP out (see the "Tricks" section of the guide to Blade Fury).

If you don't have Omnislash up, only gank with your allies. You'll generally want to gank with heroes that have slows or stuns (like the heroes you should lane with, listed above), but you can get kills with any hero if you're good at following with Blade Fury. Here's an example of a good gank, for all you visual people:

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1. In the screenshot above, I use my invisibility rune to get into a good position, then call my allies for help.

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2. I use Blade Fury as soon as my allies arive.

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3. Things end badly for Rhasta


If Omnislash is on cooldown, you should usually be farming. Use your Boots of Travel to quickly teleport between lanes and farm the creeps as long as it�s safe to do so. It�s tempting to use Blade Fury to farm, but try to resist unless there�s a big group of creeps nearing your tower. Once the creeps start to push back the other way, it�s better to last hit the creeps instead of using Blade Fury. Last hitting the creeps will keep the lane from pushing out too quickly, but more importantly, you�ll have Blade Fury cooled down in the event that you get ganked.

A smart Juggernaut with Boots of Travel is very hard to gank because of the Blade Fury TP tactic (See the Mini Guide to Blade Fury). If you use Blade Fury to farm too often though, it won�t be cooled down when you get ganked and you will probably die. Many deaths can be avoided by saving Blade Fury for escaping. Don�t get lazy.

Remember to farm neutral camps too. You�ll pretty much need to use Blade Fury to creep neutral camps, but you�re less likely to be ganked when creeping neutrals, so you should be alright. Think of the neutral camps as a fourth lane � don�t let it go to waste.


In organized games, pushing can start as early as level 10 or 11, but it generally won�t happen until much later in pubs and TDAs. If pushes are starting earlier, make sure to get Healing Ward before Blade Dance so you can support your team.

The only really difficult thing about playing Juggernaut in team fights is dropping your Healing Ward in the right place at the right time. If you drop it too soon, it will go to waste and you won�t have it for the battle. If you drop it too late, the battle will already be decided. If you drop it in the wrong spot, it will get killed immediately.

You want to drop your ward the second that the battle gets initiated by a big AoE spell like Epicenter, Sonic Wave or Reign of Chaos. Try to drop it far enough back that it�s out of your opponents� attack range, but barely in range of you and your allies. Ideally, you want to drop it behind a tower or another obstruction so it�s hard to see or target, but that won�t always be possible. If you drop it at the right time, all the spells flying around should make it hard enough to see or target that it should last 10 or 15 seconds. See the Mini Guide to Healing Ward for more info on using it.

After dropping your ward, turn Blade Fury on and walk into a group of enemy heroes. If it looks like your team is losing bad, back up after 3-4 seconds of Blade Fury and get back to the tower. If not, stay in there.

As soon as an enemy hero gets low and start to run from the battle, finish them with Omnislash. Make sure they�re at least 600 range from allied heroes or creeps.

Late Game


With creeps spawning double at 45 minutes, huge groups of creeps will build up very quickly. Jump between lanes with Boots of Travel and use Blade Fury on the big groups. Don�t worry about last hitting anymore. Late game farming is about going though a lot of creeps quickly, not taking your time to get every single one.

Farm neutrals whenever the creeps get pushed too far from your base to farm without being ganked. You should be able to go through neutrals just as fast with your normal attack as you could with your spells, so just save Blade Fury in case you get ganked.


Similar to mid game, the most important part of pushing is to drop Healing Ward in the right place at the right time. In late game pushes, however, Blade Fury becomes all but useless for dealing damage and is mostly useful as an escape mechanism if you get focused.

Now that you have to rely on your physical attack more, it's important that you do whatever you can to avoid being chain-disabled. Wait for one of your teammates to initiate the battle and soak up a few of the stuns before you go in. When you do get disabled, just make sure your Healing Ward is close enough that you'll be healed. It's very hard to die when you're in range of your ward, especially if you have Heart, or at least Butterfly or Cuirass.

Focus on low-HP casters or carry heroes that aren't stacked yet. Try to leave tanks for last. Make sure to use Omnislash on any fleeing heroes that you can kill. If you have to, you can use Omnislash when you're getting focused to avoid dying, but Blade Fury is usually enough to allow you to escape. If you do get focused, get out however you can, then use up your Bottle and go back in if you can. Bottle really is useful throughout the game, so don't sell it until you absolutely have to.

Skill Guides

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Guide to Blade Fury


* Blade Fury makes Juggernaut immune to most spells

* Blade Fury does damage in an area of approximately 250 AoE around Juggernaut

* Blade Fury deals magically damage, meaning it is reduced by spell resistance (25%)

* Damage is dealt several times per second, even though the description says otherwise

* Many items, including Bottle and Boots of Travel, can be used during Blade Fury

* Juggernaut can attack mechanical units and buildings during Blade Fury

* Orb effects such as corruption and maim can be used on enemies during Blade Fury, as if you were attacking them

Notable spells that go through Blade Fury

1. Purge (Only Medusa�s, not Diffusal)*

2. Ensnare**

3. Entangle***

4. Overgrowth***

5. Fiend�s Grip**

6. Swap**

7. Omnislash**+

8. Landmines (Not Remote Mines)+

9. Wild Axes+

10. Toss**+

11. Counter Helix+

12. Overload*

13. Chronosphere**

14. Culling Blade**+

15. Earthbind**

16. Charge of Darkness**

17. Nether Strike**

18. Viper Strike*

19. Primal Roar**

20. Reverse Polarity**

21. Dismember**

22. Rot*

23. Pit of Malice***

24. Global Silence***

25. Meat Hook**

26. Plague*

27. Bash (Not from ranged heroes)**

28. Smoke Screen*

29. Doom***

30.Passive skills such as Degen Aura, Maim, and Poison Sting*


**Stuns or stops Juggernaut from teleporting

***Cancels Blade Fury altogether

+Deals damage

A completely list of these spells can be found here.


Blade Fury Teleport

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The Blade Fury TP is the easiest and most useful of the tricks. Simply press the F key, then quickly click your Boots of Travel and teleport out. This will render your immune to spells while you teleport, making it very hard for enemy heroes to kill you. You can survive almost any gank by using this tactic, provided your opponents don�t have any stuns that go through your spell immunity (See Mechanics section above).

Stopping Duration Spells

Another great trick with Blade Fury is using it to counter spells that do damage over time. If you get Ruptured by Bloodseeker, for example, you can turn on Blade Fury and run for 5 seconds without taking damage. The same applies to Venomancer�s Poison Nova, Netherdrake�s Viper Strike, Shadowstrike and any other skills that deal damage over time.

Blade Fury and Bottle

As you may have guessed, Bottle works during Blade Fury just like Boots of Travel do. In most cases, this is only mildly useful since a normal attack can still cancel Bottle�s healing during Blade Fury, but it does give you 5 seconds to heal without being nuked.

Where this tactic is EXTREMELY useful is vs spells that do damage over time. Say, for example, you have only 200 HP and you just got hit by Venomancer�s Shadowstrike and Poison Nova a few seconds ago. If you use Blade Fury, it will block the damage completely for 5 seconds, allowing you to use almost 2 charges of your Bottle without the heal being interrupted by the poison.

Dodging Nukes

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Many spells can be dodged with Blade Fury. This is one tactic that you absolutely need to use hotkeys for, since there�s no way you can move your cursor over to the Blade Fury icon and click it before a spell hits you. To dodge a spell, simply wait until a hero starts the animation and press F (Blade Fury). If you time it right, the spell should hit you, but not do anything. Nearly any spell can be dodged, but some are virtually impossible to dodge on purpose. Here are some spells that can be intentionally dodged relatively easily:

Some easy spells to dodge

* Storm Bolt

* Assassinate

* Death Pulse

* Magic Missle

* Chain Frost

Cancelling Disables

While there are quite a few disables that go through Blade Fury (See Mechanics), some of them can be canceled. If you start Blade Fury right after the disable hits you, the effect of some spells can be cancelled completely.

Some disables that can be cancelled this way

* Purge

* Entangle

* Overgrowth

* Frostbite

* Enchant

Some disables that can�t be cancelled

* Frost Nova

* Ensnare

* Shadow Strike

* Ignite

* Viscous Nasal Goo

Orb effects

As you might have seen if you read the though the mechanics, you can still afflict an enemy hero with an orb effect like Desolator's corruption, SnY's maim or even Maelstrom's lightning during Blade Fury. Simply click on the hero when you're close enough that you would be able to attack them and it functions like a normal attack would, but doesn't deal damage.

This is actually somewhat difficult to do since you have to click next to a hero, rather than directly on him to stay next to him with Blade Fury, but if you click fast, you can quickly click on a hero, then continue chasing as you would normally. The main purpose of doing this is to afflict a hero with -6 armor from Desolator before you use Omnislash, but it's not all that important. You can always just attack the hero once after Blade Fury is over, or just use Omnislash and corruption with trigger during the first extra slash.


Blade Fury ranks up there with Pudge's Hook and Potm's Arrow as one of the most difficult skills in DOTA to master. The basic concept is simple: click infront of the hero your chasing and follow him for 5 seconds, but chasing perfectly is extremely difficult vs good players.

The Basics

Basic use of Blade Fury is simple, but it will take you a few games to get used to if you don't play Juggernaut much. Run up to a hero, use the hotkey "F" to activate Blade Fury, then click in front of the hero your chasing as frequently as possible. If the hero changes direction, try to react as quickly as possible and continue clicking directly ahead of the hero.


If you're playing against good players who know exactly what you're capable of, chasing with Blade Fury can be very difficult. If your opponent turns in the right way at the right time, it's extremely hard to follow them with Blade Fury, especially if they're using a fast hero like Chaos Knight, Terror Blade or Luna. Sometimes the only thing you can do is anticipate their movement as well as possible.

Even very good players are somewhat predictable. If they turn in a certain way the first time you use Blade Fury, they're likely to do the same thing next time. If there's an easy escape route that could be used to juke you, they will probably take it. When facing skilled players, try to think as if you were the hero being chased. Where would you turn? When would you try to juke?

Obviously mastering this is nearly impossible, but it will become easier and easier the more you play. As always, practice makes perfect.

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Guide to Healing Ward


* Healing Ward heals for 1/2/3/4% of each hero's maximum HP, it is not reduced by Hood

* The ward can be moved by selecting it as you would select a hero and right clicking

* Unlike Pugna's ward, Healing Ward will die in one hit from just about anything

* Healing Ward's AoE is approximately 600

* The ward will continue to heal nearly allied units for a second or two after it dies

* Healing Ward extremely low on the AI's priority list for units to attack, so enemy creeps and towers won't focus it unless there's nothing else to attack

When to use

Healing Ward is helpful in nearly all situations, but because of it's 75 second cooldown, you'll generally want to save it for team battles and pushes. If it can be used to save an ally, get a kill or save yourself, don't hesitate to use it. Here are some good times to use Healing Ward:

* Right after the opposing team uses their initiation spells in a team battle (Epicenter, Sonic Wave, Reign of Chaos, etc)

* For killing Roshan, either by yourself or with allies

* Right after a team battle, to fully heal your team

* Right before you use Blade Fury and TP out

* To save an ally who is running back towards your base

* For neutral creeping, if you're sure you won't need it for a push for at least a minute

* To win a 1v1 that you couldn't win otherwise


The most important thing is that you place the Ward far enough back that you and your allies are barely in the range, so it's difficult for your opponents to reach. Although this isn't always possible, try to place Healing Ward so that it's hard to see. Ideally, you want to put it behind an allied tower or in/near a group of trees, but this won't always be possible. Here are some good places to drop your ward:

* Behind a tower

* In a group of trees

* On top of a hill

* Around a corner

* In a large group of creeps

* In a spell with a big animation like Black Hole

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Guide to Omnislash


* Omnislash has a casting range of 450 and can jump to other targes that are 575 range away or less

* All subsequent hits after the first select a target at random

* Extra slashes can occur between the set 3/5/8 slashes, based on your attack speed

* Omnislash deals physical damage

* The 3/5/8 set slashes cannot be evaded by things like Butterfly, Blur and Drunken Brawler, but can be stopped by skills like Dispersion and Gravekeeper's Cloak

You can find everything you need to know about Omnislash here. The skill was changed in version 6.46, but the concept and most of the basics remain the same.

The recent change - This is a graph of how Omnislash works in it's current state. The guide above should be updated with more information in the near future.

QUOTE(DonTomaso @ Aug 5 2007, 06:40 AM) *

It should be a bit stronger now, and much less random. The delay is increased to 0.4 seconds (as it was in 6.45), and with the attack order in place there is no random element left. Juggernaut begins to attack directly when he gets moved. This means that my previous "maximum attacks" graphs will be true now in all cases. This is level 3 Omnislash:

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Based on the graph, Omnislash is now stronger than ever and the damage dealt to a single target is far less random. Another great change is that Juggernaut is now coded to attack the unit between each slash. He still won't perform an additional slash in between if his attack speed isn't high enough, but now proc items like Maelstrom, Mjollnir and SnY have a chance to trigger during the extra slashes.


Despite being an extremely complex skill, the concept behind Omnislash is relatively simple: try to make all the slashes hit a single target, or sometimes two. If you use Omnislash when creeps are nearby, chances are that most of the slashes will hit the creeps and your ultimate will be wasted. Not only that, but there is a far greater chance that extra slashes will occur when you only target one hero. This is because there is a smaller window for Juggernaut to perform an extra attack when Omnislash has to jump between several different units.

Long story short, use Omnislash when your target is at least 575 from any other unit.

Timing the waves

Mastering the timing of the creeps waves is the single most important aspect of using Omnislash. Creeps spawn every 30 seconds, then take 30 seconds to reach the mid point on the outside lanes and around 20 second in the middle lane. Here are some tips for mastering the waves:

Look at the clock - By quickly glancing at the clock, you can get a pretty good idea of when the next wave will come. At each minute, and 30 seconds after each minute, the creeps will be reaching the spot where they originally clashed (20 seconds in the middle lane). Five seconds before that, they should be reaching the last tower, and so on. The exact timing takes a lot of getting used to though.

Look at your own wave on the minimap - Your own wave will be at exactly the same spot as the opposing wave will be on the the opposite side of the map. For example, if you look and see that your allied creeps are half way to your tower in the middle lane, the opposing creeps will be half way to the enemy tower. This method is very helpful, but can be confusing for the top and bottom lanes because the creeps meet closer to one tower than the other.

Wait for a new wave - This is the easiest method to use if you're somewhat new to using Juggernaut. Whenever a new wave of enemy creeps shows up, you'll always have 30 seconds before the next wave comes, meaning you have 30 seconds to kill your opponent. If you go for a kill within 10 or 15 seconds after a new waves come, you should always be able to get Blade Fury and Omnislash off before a new wave comes.

This post has been edited by Chameleon12: Nov 26 2007, 02:16 PM


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post Oct 17 2007, 03:41 AM

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Group: Members

Joined: 9-August 06

Member No.: 405,227

Bnet Name: Nooblex

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Best Allies

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Lane Partners

Ranged heroes with especially good disables combo well with Juggernaut in a lane. Their slows and stuns make it easy to follow a hero with Blade Fury for a full 5 seconds. Tons of heroes can lane well with Juggernaut, but the best lane partners are heroes with great lane control (Lich, Viper) and heroes with outstanding disables (CM, Enigma).

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Creep Clearing Heroes

These heroes can clear creep waves of any size in mere seconds so that Omnislash will only hit enemy heroes. Keep in mind that you should still try to hit a single hero with your ultimate; it won�t do too much vs four or five heroes.

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Armor Reducers

Sladar is, without a doubt, the best of these heroes since he can single-handedly skyrocket Omnislash�s damage, but anything that reduces armor helps you. Just something as simple as Gush can add hundreds of damage to your Omnislash if timed correctly. Heroes that are likely to get Cuirass or Desolator are good allies too.

Worst Enemies

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These heroes can easily avoid both Blade Fury and Omnislash. Heroes like Morphling and Faceless Void also fall into this category. Generally you�ll need help from your allies to kill these heroes, but if you can trick them into wasting their blink spell, they�ll die to Omnislash as easily as anyone else.

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These heroes can completely avoid Omnislash and usually can�t be killed with Blade Fury either. Weaver and NA earn a specially mention because they are nearly impossible for Juggernaut to kill in a lane. Buying wards is the easiest way to kill these heroes, but it�s quite possible to kill them without wards if you try for a kill when their windwalk spell is on cooldown.

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Illusion Heroes and Summoning heroes

Illusions and summons completely ruin Omnislash. These heroes can still be killed though, as long as you time your ultimate well. They�re usually not as bad as windwalkers or blinkers.

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Disables that go through Blade Fury

There are actually quite a few of these. Getting a blink dagger is really the only solution to things like Skadi, Maim, Poison Sting, etc. See the guide to Blade Fury for a complete list.

Frequently Asked Questions

I think X item is good. Why don't you get it?

I explain what I think about almost every plausible item in the guide, so read it if you want my opinion on something. If you think Battlefury is good as a first item on Juggernaut, I�m not going to write an essay to convince you that it�s not. If you play DOTA long enough, you�ll figure that out for yourself.

If I didn�t mention a certain item in the guide, it�s not because I haven�t tried it or thought of it, it�s because I don�t think it�s good enough to clutter up the guide with.

Is Juggernaut viable in competitive play?

Yes, but he�s certainly not a top pick. The scrim games in the replays are relatively high level, but vs the best teams in the world, no, probably not. However, since less than 1% of the people who come to this forum play at that level, you can probably use Juggernaut in any game you want.


I tried to cover the full spectrum of game types, item builds and strategies with these replays, so hopefully they�ll all be worth watching. They�re all very good and all relatively close games.

Game 1

Game Type: Clan Match

Strategy: Jungle

Items: Radiance

Score: 9-4

Good game where I play very well, despite my score. Includes good examples of early ganking and helping my allies handle their lanes.

Attached File Jug_Scrim_carry_9_4.w3g ( 945.05k ) Number of downloads: 339

Game 2

Game Type: Clan Match

Strategy: Double lane

Items: Wraith Bands/Desolator

Score: 13-4

Taking a break from jungling, I lane top with CM against NA/Leshrac � one of the strongest lanes possible in 6.43b. I almost die at the start and CM gives up first blood soon after, but fortunately we�re able to pick things up. I go 4-0 in the lane before dying, then pick up a few more kills soon after. Meanwhile, their Terrorblade out-farms our Bristleback mid and we�re forced to push before he gets too strong. Their Lina has to leave near the end, but it doesn�t change the outcome of the game too much.

Attached File 13_4_jug_scrim_carry.w3g ( 1.09mb ) Number of downloads: 203

Game 3

Game Type: TDA

Strategy: Jungle

Items: Maxed

Score: 26-2

Fun RDDU game where we end up with 3 Omniknights and the other team has two Juggernauts, who decide to lane together. I go MKB/Satanic because of of synergy with mass Repel, which works out really well. I end up with 40 armor, 30% evasion, a ton of damage and spell immunity. Probably the best part of this game was playing against two other Juggernauts and doing Blade Fury and Omnislash wars.

Attached File 26_2_Jugg_TDA.w3g ( 1.01mb ) Number of downloads: 226

Game 4

Game Type: TDA

Strategy: Solo

Items: Desolator/Cuirass

Score: 21-1

Somehow I get my team to let me solo in a TDA game. I lane top vs CM and Lina, but fortunately they don�t play their combo too well, and I�m able to handle it. I draw first blood and kill them several more times, giving me a strong start for a great game. I play well and use my level advantage to quickly rack up kills. I carry hard and end up facilitating about 30 kills.

Attached File 21_1_Jug_solo_TDA.w3g ( 766.51k ) Number of downloads: 342

Game 5

Game Type: Jungling Example

This replay shows the fastest jungling strategy I've found. I reach level 6 in 9 minutes; solo heroes usually take around 7 minutes, and heroes in double lanes usually take around 11. It's somewhat complicated, so you might not be able to pull it off in some games, but it should still give you a good idea of what good jungling with Juggernaut looks like.

Attached File 9_minutes_level_6.w3g ( 43.39k ) Number of downloads: 493


Well, that's it. Thanks for reading. Special thanks:

Clan Bus - For getting me into the competitive DOTA scene and letting me use Juggernaut in scrims

Sawubona - For all the screenshots.

Ironfirsto - For all the info on neutral creeps, pulling, etc.

DonTomaso - For the Omnislash info and the graphs

The DA mods - For keeping this forum alive

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