Ice Skating in Magic Class

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The signs were walking to the lunchroom, expecting no one to be there. "Why would he tell us to go to the lunchroom, it's not a school day so no one will be working." Virgo said following the others.

"Maybe Mr.U made us lunch." Pisces said, walking next to her. Virgo just sighed and stayed silent.

When they got there, they were all surprised to see all the fourth years, some of the third years, and a few scattered second years all eating lunch.

"Woah, that's alot of people." Cancer said surprised.

They found seats at a table near a few small third years and two fourth years. They went up to the lunch line, which was at the back of the room, and got their lunches. It was much better quality food than when served on a school day.

"This super weird. I blame this on the aliens." Aquarius said biting her neatly made turkey sandwich.

"For the last time, aliens have never been to our planet!" Capricorn said to Aquarius from across the table. Over the summer they had gotten into an argument over aliens and it never completely faded away.

"Then how do you explain new year's? Or that weird thing during the lock down?" Aquarius asked with confidence.

"It was the government! They're the ones secretly controlling us!" Sagittarius randomly said, joining the conspiracy. The three got in an argument, with Aquarius blaming aliens, Sagittarius blaming the government, and Capricorn trying to find a reasonable explanation for everything. The others ignored them though and ate mostly quietly.

"Scorpio! I've heard about your party disaster, mind giving clear details." Pluto said coming up behind Scorpio and surprising him, causing him to nearly choke on his drink.

"Pluto you have chosen the most inconvenient time to show up." Scorpio said grumpily.

"Who is this? Oh wait, you're the Pluto girl aren't you, the one from the Christmas festival." Cancer said, suddenly sounding very detached.

"Yup, the one and only Pluto Dwarf. So Scorpio, my question is still unanswered." Pluto said giving a fake smile.

"Yeah, there a lot of bad stuff, but I got drunk and only remember being thrown out a window." Scorpio said trying not to sound annoyed with the questions, but was angrily eating his egg salad.

"Pfft, you could never handle your alcohol. I remember in middle school you accidentally drank a some iced mixed with vodka and threw up in a bush." Pluto said, making Scorpio go red in the face.

"Thanks for the reminder." He mumbled, even more moody than before.

"Can I just add something here? In my cup, since it was originally mine, was actually tequila." Libra said poking her way into the conversation.

"You drank one a half full cups though!" Cancer said shocked.

Libra just shrugged and Cancer started lecturing Libra about health and safety. She made sure to not leave out Scorpio and Pluto either. By the time she was done, everyone was finished eating.

"Yeah, Cancers right! Be more careful Libra!" Pisces agreed with his friend.

"It's not like I do it every day." Libra mumbled standing up.

They had gone about their business that day and when they returned to the Zodiac room, it was in fact different. It looked exactly like Mr.Universe had described it. The day ended, and the next one began.


It was morning for the zodiacs and that meant school. After the holidays were over it was finally time to go back.

"Waking up is such a chore I hate it, someone please kill me now." Aries complained walking out to the living room of the zodiac room.

"What size knife? Chef knife, butter knife, or paring knife?" Sagittarius asked from the kitchen area. She was trying to cool a recipe with Cancer and Taurus. They had decided to be the cooking group of the signs and started a recipe list. No one really knew why Taurus joined though, since he hated work.

"School sucks but you do now we have to leave in ten minutes." Aries said pointing to a clock, grabbing a cup of coffee that was prepared already.

"Aries I hope you're not forgetting about the fact that we live in the school now and that we can walk to our classes within three minutes." Virgo said walking out in pajamas with a cup of tea.

"At least I'm more dressed than you." Aries mumbled sitting on the couch.

The rest of the signs came out and they all went to their first two classes, though it was questionable if some of them were even awake. Next was magic, the most bizarre class.

"I wonder what weird things we'll learn about today." Gemini said sarcastically.

"It's not that weird. I mean we both have powers so clearly it's true." Libra said.

Gemini just shrugged though as Mr.Riclon came in. He was carrying a bag of things and was dressed in his winter gear.

"We're going ice skating!" He announced happily to everyone.

"But sir we weren't notified of this and plus won't that cut into our other classes?" Virgo said immediately.

"Well Virgo I've built an ice rink with some help of older kids and I've already got gear for you. This won't cut into any classes anyways so don't worry." He said and the class went outside.

Everyone got geared up and got on the ice. Only a few of the kids had ever ice skated before though.

"I love ice skating! Hey watch me do this epic jump!" Leo said gliding around gracefully. He jumped up and twirled a bit. "I took classes when I was little kid!"

"What a show off. I bet I could easily do that." Scorpio said wobbling onto the ice. Scorpio was not that graceful of a skater though. He, Cancer, and Pisces were all wobbling around. Eventually Cancer figured it out and could glide around with ease. Pisces got the hang of this next. Scorpio was only struggling with turning, which Cancer helped him out on.

"Look everyone! Scorpio is finally doing it!" Cancer said and Libra and Gemini cheered. They too were struggling though.

"This is just like Zuri on Ice!" Aquarius said gliding up to Gemini and Libra.

"How are you so good?! You've never even skated in your life!" Libra complained.

"Well I watched a bunch of videos on how to skate and I guess I just absorbed the information." Aquarius said skating away, although she fell face first onto the ice seconds later.

"Have you seen that one girl over there! Along with that boy!" Taurus said to Capricorn, who was hugging the wall with wobbling legs.

"No I haven't because I can barely stand on these things." She said falling.

"I can stand and walk but not skate. By the way you're wearing mens skates. Look they just did some weird jump something, and... snow was made along with it?" Taurus said looking at the two.

After they jumped a little cloud of ice and snow appeared near one of them. The kid panicked and fell backwards, knocking the cloud and sending it flying straight at Megrez, which showered him in snow.

"Looks like we've found what we were looking for. Congrats young sir on your ice powers. Mostly helpful in winter." Me.Riclon said skating over to the kid. He ended the skate and everyone went back inside. He told everyone they could skate whenever they felt like it and dismissed them as the bell rung.

The rest of the day dragged on but finally it ended.

"Hey does anyone wanna go out skating?" Aquarius asked happily, holding her pair of skates several hours after the school day ended.

"No. You've gotta be crazy to wanna skate in weather like this." Sagittarius said from the couch.

"I second that motion." Aries agreed, sitting on the opposite end of the couch.

"Same." Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces all said at the same time.

"Fine then I'll go alone!" She said walking away.

"Aqua wait for me! I'm going skating too." Leo said bursting out of his room.

"Why wait for no one? I said I guess I'll go alone and so I will." She said not giving a second for him to get ready. He bolted out of the door after her.

He had reached the rink and found that Aquarius was the only one out there, since it was much colder than usual.

"Meanie! You didn't wait for me!" Leo pouted.

"Oh well. What does it matter if I did or didn't? You still ended up in the same place." Aquarius said without tone.

She was skating around quickly, and even attempted a jump.

"No, no, no, it's like this!" Leo said doing a proper jump.

"Fine, I can do that easy!" Aquarius said, failing another jump. She did this for several minutes before Leo intervened.

They continued skating for awhile before Leo's phone started going off.

"Gotta go. I'm late for a date. Hey that rhymed." He said leaving Aquarius alone on the ice.

She let out a deep sigh, and searched for the breath hidden in the snow starting to come done.

"Weird." She said looking puzzled before continuing to skate until dark.

By the time she went in several of the signs were in bed and the others all relaxing, except Leo who was not to be seen, until the next morning during school.

*Semi Important A/N*

Alright everyone if you didn't know I'm going on a trip to Canada for a bit so my activity will drastically decrease for awhile, so don't be sad if don't reply to a comment or stuff like that. Also I've decided I will do the art contest, but I'm gonna wait until February, a specific day in February though.(it won't be a long wait).

I'll try to update more often, but I've been really busy currently so it's just a hope. I hope you've all had a great start to 2018 because I sure have had a good one! Oh whale, just have a good rest of day or night for now.

Sincerely Zodi.

(Pic above is the Zodiac room)

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